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12 Marathon Schedule

1. Alphabetical Series
2. Row + Uncertain Row
3. Category + Post
4. Flat- Floor / Floor / Box
5. Month/ Day / Year
6. Blood Relation
7. Order – Ranking


12 Marathon Schedule
8. Variable Puzzle
9. Circle/ Square/ Triangle/ Three Variable /
Product Purchase
10. Direction & Distance
11. Puzzle & Seating
12. Miscellaneous Questions


4 Inequality Test
4 Syllogism Test
4 Series & Coding- Decoding
4 Direction Test
4 Blood Relation Test
4 Order –Ranking Test



Post + Variable
Month (3*3)
Uncertain Row
Row + Variable
Product Purchase (10)
Flat- Floor+ Variable
Category (9)
Box (10)
Circle (8)
Double row (7)

Post + Variable
Month (3*3)
Uncertain Row
Row + Variable
Product Purchase (10)
Flat- Floor+ Variable
Category (9)
Box (10)
Circle (8)
Double row (7)
जैसे हर रास्ते पर कुछ न कुछ परे शानी होती है
वैसे ही हर परे शानी का कोई न कोई रास्ता होता है .....
जैसे हर रास्ते पर कुछ न कुछ परे शानी होती है
वैसे ही हर परे शानी का कोई न कोई रास्ता होता है .....
जैसे हर रास्ते पर कुछ न कुछ परे शानी होती है
वैसे ही हर परे शानी का कोई न कोई रास्ता होता है .....
Daily Class PDF
सफल होने के ललए क्या करना होता है ????
सफल होने के ललए पड़ना पड़ता और पररस्स्िततयों
से लड़ना पड़ता है .........

Flat-Floor (3*3)
Month (3*2 + Variable)
Double Row (14)
Box (11)
Post (9)
Category (10)
Single Row (north/South 8)
Day + variable
Uncertain Row
Mont + variable (Home Work)
10 बजे 10 PUZZLE RRB CLERK/PO 2024
Six persons M, N, O, P, Q, and R are going for a vacation on either 5th or 10th of the following months i.e.
January, April, and July but not necessary in the same order. Only one person goes on one date. They
are like different colour- Red, Green, Blue, Black, Pink and yellow.
One person has gone between P and N who likes Pink colour. In a same month O goes just after M. M
likes black colour. Q goes after R. There are more than two person between O and Q. Q likes Blue
colour. R does not like Green colour. P does not like yellow colour. The one who like Pink colour has
gone near to the one who like green colour.
छह व्यक्ति M, N, O, P, Q, और R महीने की 5 या 10 तारीख को छु ट्टी के लिए जा रहे हैं यानी जनवरी, अप्रैि,
और जुिाई िेलकन जरूरी नही ीं लक एक ही क्रम में हो। एक तारीख को एक ही व्यक्ति जाता है । वे अलग-अलग
रं ग पसंद करते हैं- लाल, हरा, नीला, काला, गुलाबी और पीला।
P और N के बीच एक व्यक्ति जाता है । N, गुलाबी रं ग पसंद करता है | एक ही महीने में O, M के ठीक बाद जाता
है । M, काला रं ग पसंद करता है | Q, R के बाद जाता है । O और Q के बीच दो से अलिक व्यक्ति हैं | Q, नीला रं ग
पसंद करता है | R, हरा रं ग पसंद नहीं करता है | P को पीला रं ग पसंद नहीं है । गल
ु ाबी रं ग पसंद करने वाला व्यस्क्त
हरा रं ग पसंद करने वाले व्यस्क्त के तनकट गया है ।


10 बजे 10 PUZZLE RRB CLERK/PO 2024
Six persons M, N, O, P, Q, and R are going for a
vacation on either 5th or 10th of the following
months i.e. January, April, and July but not
necessary in the same order. Only one person
goes on one date. They are like different
colour- Red, Green, Blue, Black, Pink and
One person has gone between P and N who
likes Pink colour. In a same month O goes just
after M. M likes black colour. Q goes after R.
There are more than two person between O
and Q. Q likes Blue colour. R does not like
Green colour. P does not like yellow colour.
The one who like Pink colour has gone near to
the one who like green colour.


10 बजे 10 PUZZLE RRB CLERK/PO 2024

Month Date Person Colour

January 5 M Black
10 O Green
April 5 N Pink
10 R Yellow
July 5 P Red
10 Q Blue


10 बजे 10 PUZZLE RRB CLERK/PO 2024
9 persons P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W and X are live in their flats in a building having three floors such that
lowermost floor is numbered 1 and topmost floor is numbered 3. Each of the floor consist of 3 flats
as flat-1, flat-2 and flat-3. Flat-3 is in east of flat-2 and flat-1 is in west of flat-2.
P lives above Q. R lives just below V. P and V lives on different floor and different flat number. X
lives north west of T who lives above S. T’s flat just above U’s flat. X and P live on different floor. Q
and T does not live in consecutive flat number. R lives south east of W.
9 व्यस्क्त P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W और X तीन मंस्जलों वाली एक इमारत में अपने फ्लैट में इस प्रकार
रहते हैं कक सबसे तनचली मंस्जल की संख्या 1 है और सबसे ऊपरी मंस्जल की संख्या 3 है । प्रत्येक
मंस्जल में फ्लैट-1, फ्लैट-2 और फ्लैट-3 शालमल हैं। फ्लैट-3, फ्लैट-2 के पूवव में है और फ्लैट-1, फ्लैट-
2 के पस्चचम में है ।
P, Q के ऊपर रहता है । R, V के ठीक नीचे रहता है । P और V अलग-अलग मंस्जल और अलग-अलग
फ्लैट नंबर पर रहते हैं। X, T के उत्तर-पस्चचम में रहता है T जो S के ऊपर रहता है । T का फ्लैट, U के
फ्लैट के ठीक ऊपर है । X और P अलग-अलग मंस्जल पर रहते हैं। Q और T लगातार फ्लैट नंबर में नहीं
रहते हैं। R, W के दक्षिण-पूवव में रहता है ।


10 बजे 10 PUZZLE RRB CLERK/PO 2024
9 persons P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W and X are live
in their flats in a building having three floors
such that lowermost floor is numbered 1 and
topmost floor is numbered 3. Each of the
floor consist of 3 flats as flat-1, flat-2 and flat-
3. Flat-3 is in east of flat-2 and flat-1 is in
west of flat-2.
P lives above Q. R lives just below V. P and V
lives on different floor and different flat
number. X lives north west of T who lives
above S. T’s flat just above U’s flat. X and P
live on different floor. Q and T does not live
in consecutive flat number. R lives south
east of W.


10 बजे 10 PUZZLE RRB CLERK/PO 2024
Floor Flat-I Flat-II Flat-III
3 W X V
2 P R T
1 Q S U


10 बजे 10 PUZZLE RRB CLERK/PO 2024
Nine persons A to I work in bank on different post- CEO, Director, COO, HOD, Manager,
Assistant Manager, SO, PO and Clerk. CEO is senior most post, Director is 2nd senior most post
and so on.
The number of persons senior to A is twice of the number of person junior to F. The number of
post between A and H as same as number of post senior to A. G is senior to B. Only three post
between G and E. C is senior to E but not immediate senior. D is junior to I who is not HOD.
नौ व्यस्क्त A से I बैंक में ववलिन्न पदों पर कायव करते हैं- CEO, तनदे शक, COO, HOD, प्रबंधक,
सहायक प्रबंधक, SO, PO और क्लकव। सीईओ सबसे वररष्ठ पद है , तनदे शक दस ू रा सबसे वररष्ठ
पद है और इसी तरह आगे िी।
A से वररष्ठ व्यस्क्तयों की संख्या, F से कतनष्ठ व्यस्क्तयों की संख्या से दोगन
ु ी है । A और H के
बीच पदों की संख्या, A से वररष्ठ पदों की संख्या के समान है । G, B से वररष्ठ है । G और E के
बीच केवल तीन पद हैं। C, E से वररष्ठ है लेककन तत्काल वररष्ठ नहीं है । D, I से कतनष्ठ है जो
HOD नहीं है ।


10 बजे 10 PUZZLE RRB CLERK/PO 2024
Nine persons A to I work in bank on different post- CEO, Director, COO, HOD, Manager,
Assistant Manager, SO, PO and Clerk. CEO is senior most post, Director is 2nd senior most post
and so on.
The number of persons senior to A is twice of the number of person junior to F. The number of
post between A and H as same as number of post senior to A. G is senior to B. Only three post
between G and E. C is senior to E but not immediate senior. D is junior to I who is not HOD.


10 बजे 10 PUZZLE RRB CLERK/PO 2024

CEO > Director > COO > HOD > Manager > AM > SO > PO > Clerk


10 बजे 10 PUZZLE RRB CLERK/PO 2024
Eight persons P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, and W are sitting in a straight line but not necessarily in the same order. Some of
them are facing the north and some are facing the south direction. The persons sit end of the row facing
opposite direction to each other. Q sits second from the right end. Three people are sitting between S and Q. R
sits second to the right of S. Three people are sitting between R and W, who is facing the north. At least two
people are sitting between W and Q. U is not an immediate neighbour of R and S. S and P are facing opposite
directions. Q and T are not immediate neighbours. Q and V are facing the opposite direction that U is facing. W
and T are facing opposite directions. Immediate neighbours of P are facing opposite directions. P sits fourth to
the right of U.
आठ व्यस्क्त अिावत ् P, Q, R, S, T, U, V और W एक सीधी पंस्क्त में बैठे हैं लेककन आवचयक नहीं है कक इसी क्रम में
हो। उनमें से कुछ का मख ु उत्तर ददशा की ओर और कुछ का मख ु दक्षिण ददशा की ओर है । पंस्क्त के अंत में बैठे
व्यस्क्त एक दसू रे के ववपरीत ददशा की ओर मुख करके बैठे हैं। Q दादहने छोर से दस ू रे स्िान पर बैठता है । S और
Q के बीच तीन व्यस्क्त बैठे हैं। R, S की दाईं ओर से दस
ू रे स्िान पर बैठता है । R और W स्जसका मुख उत्तर की
ओर है के बीच तीन व्यस्क्त बैठे हैं। W और Q के बीच कम से कम दो व्यस्क्त बैठे हैं। U, R और S का एक
तनकटतम पड़ोसी नहीं है । S और P का मख ु ववपरीत ददशाओं में हैं। Q और T तनकटतम पड़ोसी नहीं हैं। Q और V के
मुख U के मुख की ववपरीत ददशाओं में हैं। W तिा T का मुख ववपरीत ददशाओं में हैं। P के तनकटतम पड़ोलसयों के
मुख ववपरीत ददशाओं में हैं। P, U की दाईं ओर से चौिे स्िान पर बैठता है ।


10 बजे 10 PUZZLE RRB CLERK/PO 2024
Eight persons P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, and W are sitting in a straight line but not necessarily in the same order.
Some of them are facing the north and some are facing the south direction. The persons sit end of the row
facing opposite direction to each other. Q sits second from the right end. Three people are sitting between S
and Q. R sits second to the right of S. Three people are sitting between R and W, who is facing the north. At
least two people are sitting between W and Q. U is not an immediate neighbour of R and S. S and P are
facing opposite directions. Q and T are not immediate neighbours. Q and V are facing the opposite direction
that U is facing. W and T are facing opposite directions. Immediate neighbours of P are facing opposite
directions. P sits fourth to the right of U.


10 बजे 10 PUZZLE RRB CLERK/PO 2024


10 बजे 10 PUZZLE RRB CLERK/PO 2024
14 person are sitting in two parallel rows such that in row 1 A-G are sitting and facing north and in
row 2 P-V are sitting and facing south. In the given seating arrangement, each member seated in a
row faces another member of the other row.
Three person sit between E and A. Two person sit between C and D. A sits right of D. The persons
facing A sits 3rd to right of V. P sits right of R. U is not facing C. U is not neighbour of Q. The person
facing F is two places away from R. Two person are sitting between P and Q. B sits right of F and
diagonally opposite to T.
14 व्यस्क्त दो समानांतर पंस्क्तयों में इस प्रकार बैठे हैं कक पंस्क्त 1 में A-G उत्तर की ओर मुख करके
बैठे हैं और पंस्क्त 2 में P-V दक्षिण की ओर मख ु करके बैठे हैं। दी गई बैठक व्यवस्िा में , एक पंस्क्त
में बैठा प्रत्येक सदस्य दस ू री पंस्क्त के दसू रे सदस्य के सम्मख ु है ।
E और A के बीच तीन व्यस्क्त बैठे हैं। C और D के बीच दो व्यस्क्त बैठे हैं। A, D के दाएँ बैठता है । A
की ओर मख ु करने वाला व्यस्क्त V के दाएँ से तीसरे स्िान पर बैठता है । P, R के दाएँ बैठता है ।U, C
का सामना नहीं कर रहा है । U, Q का पड़ोसी नहीं है । F का सामना करने वाला व्यस्क्त R से दो स्िान
दरू है । P और Q के बीच दो व्यस्क्त बैठे हैं। B, F के दाएँ और T के ववकणवतः ववपरीत बैठा है ।


10 बजे 10 PUZZLE RRB CLERK/PO 2024
14 person are sitting in two parallel rows such that in row 1 A-G are sitting and facing north and in
row 2 P-V are sitting and facing south. In the given seating arrangement, each member seated in a
row faces another member of the other row.
Three person sit between E and A. Two person sit between C and D. A sits right of D. The persons
facing A sits 3rd to right of V. P sits right of R. U is not facing C. U is not neighbour of Q. The person
facing F is two places away from R. Two person are sitting between P and Q. B sits right of F and
diagonally opposite to T.


10 बजे 10 PUZZLE RRB CLERK/PO 2024



10 बजे 10 PUZZLE RRB CLERK/PO 2024
Eleven boxes M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, and W are placed one above the other.
Box W is placed immediately below box M. Box Q is placed immediately above box O. Box
S is placed above box R, which is not placed above box P. More than five boxes are placed
between box T and box O and none of them is placed at the top or bottom. Box P is placed
immediately above box U. Three boxes are kept between box Q and box V. Box N is placed
above box M. Four boxes are placed between box N and box M. Box V and O placed below
N. Box Q does not place near to box W.
ग्यारह बॉक्स M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, और W एक के ऊपर एक करके रखे हैं|
बॉक्स W, बॉक्स M के ठीक नीचे रखा है | बॉक्स Q, बॉक्स O के ठीक ऊपर रखा है | बॉक्स S,
बॉक्स R के ऊपर रखा है , जो बॉक्स P के ऊपर नहीं रखा है | बॉक्स T और बॉक्स O के मध्य
पांच से अधधक बॉक्स रखे हैं एवं उनमें से कोई िी शीर्व या सबसे नीचे में नहीं रखा है |
बॉक्स P, बॉक्स U के ठीक ऊपर रखा है | बॉक्स Q और बॉक्स V के मध्य तीन बॉक्स रखे हैं|
बॉक्स N, बॉक्स M के ऊपर रखा है | बॉक्स N और बॉक्स M के मध्य चार बॉक्स रखे हैं| बॉक्स
V और O को N के नीचे रखा गया है । बॉक्स Q को बॉक्स W के पास नहीं रखा गया है ।


10 बजे 10 PUZZLE RRB CLERK/PO 2024
Eleven boxes M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, and
W are placed one above the other.
Box W is placed immediately below box M.
Box Q is placed immediately above box O.
Box S is placed above box R, which is not
placed above box P. More than five boxes are
placed between box T and box O and none of
them is placed at the top or bottom. Box P is
placed immediately above box U. Three
boxes are kept between box Q and box V.
Box N is placed above box M. Four boxes are
placed between box N and box M. Box V and
O placed below N. Box Q does not place
near to box W.


10 बजे 10 PUZZLE RRB CLERK/PO 2024


10 बजे 10 PUZZLE RRB CLERK/PO 2024
Six persons A, B, C, F, H and J have gone to home on 6th, 10th and 17th of the following months i.e.
February and July. All of them likes different colour like- Red, Green, Blue, Black, White and Pink. Only
one person has gone on one date.
H has gone before C who does not like white colour. B does not like blue colour. J who likes green
colour has gone home just before B in same month. The one who like white has gone just before J.
Three persons have gone between J and A who likes black colour. Not more than one person has gone
between A and F who like pink colour. Maximum one person has gone between J and F.
6 व्यस्क्त A, B, C, F, H और J तनम्नललखखत महीनों में यानी फरवरी, जुलाई की 6,10 और 17 तारीख को अपने
घर गए। इन सिी को अलग-अलग रं ग पसंद हैं जैसे- लाल, हरा, नीला, काला, सफेद और गुलाबी। एक
तारीख को केवल एक ही व्यस्क्त गया।
H, C से पहले गया है स्जसे सफेद रं ग पसंद नहीं है । B को नीला रं ग पसंद नहीं है । J स्जसको हरा रं ग पसंद
है B के ठीक पहले समान माह में अपने घर गया। वह स्जसे सफेद रं ग पसंद है J से ठीक पहले जाता है | J
और A स्जसको काला रं ग पसंद है के बीच तीन व्यस्क्त गए। A और F जो गुलाबी रं ग पसंद करता है के
बीच एक से अधधक व्यस्क्त नहीं जाते हैं| J और F के बीच अधधकतम एक व्यस्क्त गया।


10 बजे 10 PUZZLE RRB CLERK/PO 2024
Six persons A, B, C, F, H and J have gone to
home on 6th, 10th and 17th of the following
months i.e. February and July. All of them
likes different colour like- Red, Green, Blue,
Black, White and Pink. Only one person has
gone on one date.
H has gone before C who does not like white
colour. B does not like blue colour. J who
likes green colour has gone home just before
B in same month. The one who like white has
gone just before J. Three persons have gone
between J and A who likes black colour. Not
more than one person has gone between A
and F who like pink colour. Maximum one
person has gone between J and F.


10 बजे 10 PUZZLE RRB CLERK/PO 2024

Month Date Colour

February H White
February J Green
February B Red
July F Pink
July C Blue
July A Black


10 बजे 10 PUZZLE RRB CLERK/PO 2024
10 players I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q and R are play for three different State Cricket Team- UP, MP
and Bihar. Number of players in each team is different. Not more than one team has prime
number of players.
L and K are play for different team but not for UP. Q do not play for UP. M neither play with L
nor play with K. Q and N are play for same team but not for MP. P and K are play for same
team. J and O are play in same team. R and I are play for same team. J and L play for different
team. M and I play for different team. R and Q play for different team. J is not play for Bihar.
10 खखलाड़ी I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q और R तीन अलग-अलग राज्य कक्रकेट टीम- यूपी, एमपी और
बबहार के ललए खेलते हैं। प्रत्येक टीम में खखलाडड़यों की संख्या लिन्न है । एक से अधधक टीम में
खखलाडड़यों की अिाज्य संख्या नहीं है । L और K अलग-अलग टीम के ललए खेलते हैं लेककन यूपी
के ललए नहीं। Q यप ू ी के ललए नहीं खेलता है । M न तो L के साि खेलता है और न ही K के साि
खेलता है । Q और N एक ही टीम के ललए खेलते हैं लेककन एमपी के ललए नहीं। P और K एक ही
टीम के ललए खेलते हैं। J और O एक ही टीम के ललए खेलते हैं। R और I एक ही टीम के ललए
खेलते हैं। J और L अलग-अलग टीम के ललए खेलते हैं। M और I अलग-अलग टीम के ललए खेलते
हैं। R और Q अलग-अलग टीम के ललए खेलते हैं। J, बबहार के ललए नहीं खेलता है ।


10 बजे 10 PUZZLE RRB CLERK/PO 2024
10 players I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q and R
are play for three different State Cricket
Team- UP, MP and Bihar. Number of
players in each team is different. Not
more than one team has prime number
of players.
L and K are play for different team but
not for UP. Q do not play for UP. M
neither play with L nor play with K. Q and
N are play for same team but not for MP.
P and K are play for same team. J and O
are play in same team. R and I are play
for same team. J and L play for different
team. M and I play for different team. R
and Q play for different team. J is not
play for Bihar.


10 बजे 10 PUZZLE RRB CLERK/PO 2024

MP K, P, J, O, I, R
Bihar Q, N, L


10 बजे 10 PUZZLE RRB CLERK/PO 2024
Seven persons P, Q, R, S, T, U and V have flights from Delhi to different cities among Raipur, Lucknow,
Kanpur, Mumbai, Bhopal, Jaipur and Ranchi but not necessarily in same order. Each of them has flight on
different days of the week from Monday to Sunday.
R does not have flight to Raipur and Ranchi. Person flying to Raipur has flight just before the one, who is
flying to Ranchi. S’s flight for Lucknow is just before P’s flight. Person flying to Jaipur has flight just before Q’s
flight but not on Saturday. U’s flight for Mumbai is on Friday. Three persons have flight between the flights
of Q and T, who has a flight for Raipur. Q does not have flight of Bhopal.
सात व्यस्क्त P, Q, R, S, T, U और V की फ्लाइट Delhi से अलग-अलग शहरों के ललए है अिावत Raipur, Lucknow,
Kanpur, Mumbai, Bhopal, Jaipur और Ranchi पर जरुरी नहीं कक इसी क्रम में हों| इनमे से प्रत्येक की फ्लाइट
एक सप्ताह में Monday से Sunday तक अलग-अलग ददन है |
R की फ्लाइट Raipur और Ranchi के ललए नहीं है | Raipur जाने वाले व्यस्क्त की फ्लाइट Ranchi जाने वाले
व्यस्क्त के फ्लाइट के तत्काल पहले है | S के फ्लाइट Lucknow के ललए P की फ्लाइट के तत्काल पहले है |Jaipur
जाने वाले व्यस्क्त की फ्लाइट, Q की फ्लाइट के तत्काल पहले है पर Saturday को नहीं| U की फ्लाइट Friday
को Mumbai के ललए है | तीन व्यस्क्त की फ्लाइट Q और T के बीच है और T की फ्लाइट Raipur के ललए है |Q
की फ्लाइट Bhopal के ललए नहीं है |


10 बजे 10 PUZZLE RRB CLERK/PO 2024
Seven persons P, Q, R, S, T, U and V have
flights from Delhi to different cities among
Raipur, Lucknow, Kanpur, Mumbai, Bhopal,
Jaipur and Ranchi but not necessarily in
same order. Each of them has flight on
different days of the week from Monday to
R does not have flight to Raipur and Ranchi.
Person flying to Raipur has flight just before
the one, who is flying to Ranchi. S’s flight for
Lucknow is just before P’s flight. Person
flying to Jaipur has flight just before Q’s flight
but not on Saturday. U’s flight for Mumbai is
on Friday. Three persons have flight between
the flights of Q and T, who has a flight for
Raipur. Q does not have flight of Bhopal.


10 बजे 10 PUZZLE RRB CLERK/PO 2024

Day Persons Cities

Monday R Jaipur
Tuesday Q Kanpur
Wednesday S Lucknow
Thursday P Bhopal
Friday U Mumbai
Saturday T Raipur
Sunday V Ranchi


10 बजे 10 PUZZLE RRB CLERK/PO 2024
A certain number of persons sit in a straight row and facing North direction. Not more than three
persons are sit adjacent. Less than 20 persons but in an even number of persons sit in the row. Q
sits 5th to the right of R. J sits 3rd to the left of U and sits adjacent to Q. P sits exactly between Q
and U. The number of persons sit between R and M as same as the number of persons sit
between B and R. Number of persons sit between M and B is same as sit between B and F. Only six
persons sit between P and L who sits at extreme end of the row. M sits right of B. Number of
persons sit towards the right of G is same as number of persons sits towards the left of M.
एक तनस्चचत संख्या में व्यस्क्त एक सीधी पंस्क्त में उत्तर ददशा की ओर उन्मुख होकर बैठते हैं। तीन
से अधधक व्यस्क्त एक साि नहीं बैठे है । 20 से कम लेककन सम संख्या में व्यस्क्त पंस्क्त में बैठते
हैं। Q, R के दायें से 5वें स्िान पर है । J, U के बायें से तीसरे स्िान पर बैठा है और Q के
आसन्न बैठा है । P, Q और U के ठीक बीच में बैठा है । R और M के बीच बैठे व्यस्क्तयों की
संख्या B और R के बीच बैठे व्यस्क्तयों की संख्या के समान है । M और B, B और F के बीच
समान संख्या में व्यस्क्त बैठे हैं। P और L के बीच केवल छह व्यस्क्त बैठे हैं, L जो पंस्क्त के
अंततम छोर पर बैठा है । M, B के दायें बैठा है । G के दायीं ओर बैठे व्यस्क्तयों की संख्या उतनी ही
है स्जतनी M के बायीं ओर बैठे व्यस्क्तयों की संख्या।


10 बजे 10 PUZZLE RRB CLERK/PO 2024
A certain number of persons sit in a straight row and facing North direction. Not more than three
persons are sit adjacent. Less than 20 persons but in an even number of persons sit in the row. Q
sits 5th to the right of R. J sits 3rd to the left of U and sits adjacent to Q. P sits exactly between Q
and U. The number of persons sit between R and M as same as the number of persons sit
between B and R. Number of persons sit between M and B is same as sit between B and F. Only six
persons sit between P and L who sits at extreme end of the row. M sits right of B. Number of
persons sit towards the right of G is same as number of persons sits towards the left of M.


10 बजे 10 PUZZLE RRB CLERK/PO 2024


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