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1. What are the advantages of having a school publication?

Having a school publication like a newspaper or yearbook can have positive impact on our school

community. It also comes with a several benefits to students, faculty, and the whole school in general. It has the

significance or a potential of helping students to acquire notable skills in writing, editing, interviewing, editing, and

social media management skills.

Moreover, one literary review that can support this claim is Parker (2022)’s notion that working on a

school publication can improve students’ communication skills such as skills in writing, editing, and design.

Students develop critical thinking skills and learn to plan out and write about given topics. Additionally, they may

also work on groups and learn to communicate and cooperate with other individuals in offering certain tasks. The

school publications are a platform for the students to voice out their opinions also. I believe that they offer students

a chance to disseminate their creativity and innovations beyond classroom limits. Hence, this can be through

writing content, narratives or poems or photographically or through the design, it may be done traditionally, digital,

or mixed by two methods. Some students find it beneficial as an engaging learning resource, while others feel that

it makes them feel more appreciated, motivates them, or they just find it fun.

In conclusion, having school publications is a great advantage in building the institution’s name and

pride. They can feature the successes of students, teachers, and other personnel, disseminate information about

the flaws inside the institution, as well as offer information about certain events at the school, or announce some

activities coming up. This can spark a sense of community and school culture among students, faculty, and

parents. They train students on how to be social by providing them with up-to-date news about what has

happened recently, providing a platform for students' experiences, and improving the institution’s prestige.

2. If you are a school head, would you allow to organize a school publication in your school? Why?

If I were the school head, I would allow to organize a school publication because it has many

positive sides that are not just meant for students but also for the faculty, staffs, and the institution in general with

being involved in this kind of activity. Also, one of the most positive impacts in organizing a school publication is

that it enables these students to have a voice. They can also ask questions, share their thoughts and views on it

as well as give their creative suggestions concerning various issues that concern them. It can also help to

increase the writing skills of the students, boost their awareness of events and creates an perfect platform for peer

collaboration and building connections. Being able to organize it can be beneficial for them to develop their self

esteem and to become critically ready in their research and writing about these subjects (6 Reasons to Start a

School Newspaper, 2022).

Therefore, the school publications is not only a form of students’ freedom of expression but also way

to communicate and collaborate with peers. Contributing towards a common cause like a publication brings the

element of team work as well. Finally, school publication is allowed then students’ can learn a lot of things

concerning communication as they interview the school fellow classmates, teachers and even some people from

the community in general. They can reflect to the persons they are interviewing, learn from them and apply

solutions. The paper itself can be used as a way to educate fellow students on the activities going on in the school

as well as a chance to increase the school’s pride. Thus, I think that being able to organize a school publication is

an opportunity for students to show their skills in journalism, hone their prior skills that they can use on their future



Parker, S. (2022). Benefits of school newspapers for students. Oxford Summer School 2024 | Oxford Scholastica


6 reasons to start a school newspaper. (2022). PRESSTO.


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