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NASA Spotted The Sun Smiling

Nasa satellite captured an image of what appeared to be a happy face pattern on the sun earlier

this week prompting the U.S space agency to say that the sun was seen smiling the agency released the
image on Wednesday on Twitter writing today NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory caught the smiling

seen in ultraviolet light these dark patches on the sun are known as coronal holes and are regions where
fast solar wind gushes out into space according to New York Post the coronal holes or dark spots on the
sun visible in the ultraviolet light are caused by temperature differences the regions are also where the
sun's rapid solar wind bursts out into the space perfectly placed to catch the sun's Grill the sun is made
of plasma of very hot ionized gas according to NASA the magnetic forces produced by the churning
plasma Propel the planet's surface and atmosphere to undergo continuous changes according to NASA
they study the sun to learn more about how it's constantly changing circumstances can affect the Earth
other planets and space itself since its release NASA's photo has prompted a slew of responses online
with many comparing the image to a carved Halloween pumpkin a lion and the sun featured in the
children's show Teletubbies one user replied is that the face of a step of Marshmallow Man from
Ghostbusters another compared the sun to bee and Mini Chocolate biscuits that also feature The
Smiling Faces despite its friendly look experts warn that the sun's coronal holes May mean a solar storm
hitting the Earth on Saturday solar storms are a variety of eruptions of mass and energy from the solar
surface that in turn deforms the Earth's magnetic field result these storms increase the visibility of the
Polar lights also known as auroras in the Northern and the southern

hemispheres many other pictures have been captured by the space agency of the Earth and the moon
earlier in India netizens noticed a straight line of sparkling

name-ayush sharma class–9th

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