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ROLL NO: 23020920-069
Setting goals

◦ Defination :
Goals are desired outcomes or target.
A goal is an idea of the future that a person or a
group of people envision, plan, and commit to
Setting goals

◦ Concept of SMART approach

◦ The SMART approach is particularly useful for setting personal, professional,
and organizational goals. It ensures that goals are realistic and provide a clear
pathway to achieving them.
◦ By systematically applying the smart criteria to goal setting, you create a
structured and efficient framework that can significantly enhance the likelihood
of achieving your objectives.
Setting goals

◦ Types of goal
Goals are desired outcomes or target. Plan are outlines to meet goals. Goals
are classified into two types:
Stated Goals
Official statement of what an organization says and what it want it’s various
shareholders or stockholders to believe its goal are.
Real Goal
Goals that an organization actually follow as defined by the action of it’s
Types of plan

◦ Strategic plan:
Plans that apply to the entire organization and establish the organization
overall goals.

◦ Operational plans:
Plans that encompass a particular operational areas of the organization.
◦ Long term Plans:
Plans with a time frame beyond three years.
◦ Short term Plans :
Plans covering one year or less.
Approaches to set Goals
Goals can be set through process of traditional goal setting or by using MBO.

◦ Traditional Goal Setting:

In traditional goal setting, goals set by top manager, flow down through
organization and become sub- goals for each organizational area.
Traditional perspective assumes that top managers know what is best because
they see the big picture.
Approaches to set Goals

◦ Management by objective (MBO)

Many organization use management by objectives, a process of setting mutually agreed goals
and using those goals to evaluate employees performance.
◦ MBO program have for elements
1. Goal specificity
2. Participative decision making
3. Explicit time period
4. Performance feedback
Approaches to set Goals

Steps in Management by objective (MBO)

1. The organization overall objectives and strategies are formulated.
2. Major objectives are allocated among divisional and department units.
3. Units managers collaboratively set specific objectives for the unit with their managers.
4. Specific objectives are collaboratively set with all department.
5. Action plan, defining how objectives are to be achieved, agreed upon by managers and

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