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Docker Terminology

 Docker demon: This is the heart of the docker ,it is responsible to take care about
the docker images docker containers, volumes.
 Docker client: In docker client if we want to perform any action to create the image
or container we can use the docker cmds and write a file and submit to docker
 Docker desktop : it’s a app similar to docker where we can perform all docker
operations using User interface in this case we don’t need to install any docker
software as we done using ubuntu.
 Docker registry : it’s a kind of data base where we can store the images and use the
images to create the containers, volumes etc. it’s a kind of central repo a GitHub.
 Docker file : it contains the docker commands to create the image.
 Docker image: after building the docker file the package of (minimal OS, a min run
time to run the app, app related info) are created this we can consider it as docker
image, if we run this image it will create the container.

Docker Architecture:

1 is to use the docker file submitted to docker demon and docker demon create the
image if we run the image docker container has been created.

2 is to use the docker file submitted to docker demon ,docker demon will call the
registry and pull the image from the registry and create the container.
Docker Installation:

For docker installation you should required one system ready im my case I crated the
VM in azure to install the docker and to perform the docker tasks

i) Update the system and install the docker

Cmd : sudo apt update
sudo apt install -y

ii) Start and the check the status of docker using below
Cmd: sudo systemctl start docker
sudo systemctl status docker

iii) Grant access to the user to perform the docker cmds

In my case my user is azureuser
Cmd: sudo usermod -aG docker azureuser

iv) Check the docker version using below cmd


Folder structure of Docker

 /bin : binary executables such as cp,mv,cd,ls etc

 /sbin: system binary executables such as init,shutdown,restart
 /lib: contains library fileas
 /etc: containers conf related files
 /usr: user related info
 /root: related to root user

These are the folders which host has shared to containers when it created initially

 Files/folders which are not shared and should not shared are
 N/w related files
 Host system files

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