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Beam no 1
Conc. Grade, fck 30 Mpa
Steel Grade, fy 550 Mpa
Modulus of elasticity of steel, Es 200000 Mpa
Width, b 1000 mm
Overall Depth, D 300 mm
Eff cover of comp reinf, d' 50 mm
Applied factored moment, Mu 821 kN-m

Eff depth, d 260 mm
Xumax/d 0.44
Limiting moment of resistance factor,Qlim 3.90 Mpa

Limiting percentage of tension reinf, Ptlim 1.001

Limiting area of tension reinf, Astlim 2602 mm2
Min percentage of tension reinf, Ptmin 0.154545
Min area of tension reinf, Astmin 402 mm2
Max percentage of tension reinf, Ptmax 4
Max area of tension reinf, Astmax 10400 mm2
Max percentage of compression reinf, Pcmax 4
Max area of compression reinf, Ascmax 10400 mm2
Limiting moment of resistance, Mulim 263 kN-m
Moment of resistance factor, Mu/bd2 12.14 N/mm2
Comment Mu>Mulim

Percentage of tension reinf for singly reinf beam,Pt --

Area of reinf for singly reinf section,Ast -- mm2

Depth of balanced neutral axis, Xumax 115.30 mm

Strain in compression reinf, esc 0.001982

Straight depth of stress block of balanced section, x1 49.41

Concrete stress at the level of compression steel, fcc 0

Strain in steel at the level of compression reinf

For fy<=250 e --
For fy>250 e1 0.001913
e2 0.002133
e3 0.002452
e4 0.002972
e5 0.003332
e6 0.004391
Stress in compression reinf, fsc





Stress in compression reinf, fsc 390.14 Mpa

Additional moment Mu2 557.54 kN-m

Additional tension steel, Ast2 5548 mm2

Required compression steel, Ascreq 6805 mm2

Pcreq 2.617
Required tension steel, Astreq
Astreq = Ast (when Mu<=Mulim) -- mm2

Astreq = Astlim + Ast2 (when Mu>Mulim) 8151 mm2

Ptreq 3.135


Shear Reinf

fck 30
fy 500
fy, shear 415
b 300
d 540
Ast 942
100As/bd 0.581
One-way shear
100As/bd tc, N/mm
0.00 0.29
0.15 0.29
0.25 0.37
0.50 0.5
0.75 0.59
1.00 0.66
0.5 0.5
0.75 0.59
tc = 0.529
V uc = 85.7
Vu = 80.25

V us = -5.45
# 10
Leg 2
A sv = 157
sv = -5616
sv for min = 472

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