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Bug Submission Form

Note: Please submit multiple bugs using this same form!

Email Address

This helps us contact you if we don't fully understand how to fix the bug!

Email Address

What Happened?

Example: I walked into the barber shop in the village, and noticed the graphics for the chairs were flickering in
and out!

Allow players to write a full paragraph, explaining what happened.


Example: In order to replicate the bug, go to the forest, take a dump on your friend Gomboyssa, and shove a
stick up his butt. You will notice he will explode.

Allow players to write a full paragraph, explaining how to replicate the exact steps for the bug!

Build Version

Please let me know what your build version is! You will see it at the bottom right hand corner of the main menu!

Version Number

Please let me know where this occurred? [Creating a drop down menu containing various locations in your game
could be quite helpful. It’s really up to you!]

❏ VIllage
❏ Forest
❏ Field
❏ Marsh
❏ Sewer
❏ Mansion
❏ Etc.




[Allow users on AirTable to upload their screenshot]

Output Log

If you’d like, please upload the Output.log file found here:

● Linux ~/.config/unity3d/CompanyName/ProductName/Player.log
● macOS ~/Library/Logs/Company Name/Product Name/Player.log
● Windows C:\Users\username\AppData\LocalLow\CompanyName\ProductName\Player.log

[Allow users on AirTable to upload their Output.log file]


Opinions Form

Note: Please submit only one form! Thank you!

Email Address

This helps us contact you if we don't fully understand your thoughts!


Email Address

Controller Type

❏ Keyboard or Mouse
❏ Xbox
❏ Xbox One
❏ PS4
❏ Nintendo Wii
❏ Nintendo Switch
❏ PC Gamepad
❏ Other




❏ Male
❏ Female
❏ I’d rather not say

❏ PC
❏ Mac
❏ Linux

Price Preference

❏ $5
❏ $10
❏ $15
❏ $20
❏ $25
❏ $30

Build Version

Please let me know what your build version is! You will see it at the bottom right hand corner of the main menu!

Version Number

Steam Rating

Example: 10/10

Steam Rating

Mock Steam Review

Please write a review as if you were writing one for Steam!

Allow users to write a full paragraph or two if they like!


(Example: It was frustrating to try and hit the spider enemy and then he would immediately jump on my face. I
recommend you change this by simply making it easier to bla bla bla)

Allow users to write a full paragraph or two if they like!

Play Time To Beat

(Example: 2.5)


Plot Synopsis

In your opinion, what was the story of this game, who were the characters, what was the setting, and how did
the conflict ultimately resolve?

Allow users to write a full paragraph or two if they like!


In your opinion, would you be interested in a premium DLC which includes [what does your DLC include]?

Allow users to write a full paragraph or two if they like!

Any other comments?

Feel free to write whatever you want here, as long as you want!

Allow users to write a full paragraph or two if they like!

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