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IELTS Scores Matter. General Reading Word Rating (6.


Частота использования убывает сверху вниз и слева направо.

Номер в первой колонке показывает рейтинг слова.
Глаголы в тестах могут приобретать окончания s/es/ed/ing.
Формы неправильных глаголов не отражены.
Существительные в тестах могу приобретать окончания множественного числа.
Артикли для удобства восприятия опущены.
Антонимы снабжены условным not.

Word Matches

possible, possibility, whether, might, in case,

1 if
unless, some, likely, potential, depend on
2 work job, career, operate, occupation,
every, everything, any, anyone, complete, full,
3 all
only, always
4 provide give, send, offer, get, available
require, requirement, make sure, ensure,
5 must
obligatory, responsible, need
may, possible, bit, amount, could, if, chance,
6 some
a few
display, view, inspection, look, demonstration,
7 see(n)
8 price(d) cost, purchase, expensive, sell, charge, money

9 show display, evidence, exhibition, exhibit, verify

10 such as (for) example, like, e.g., or other

not long, not difficult, simple, not problem,
11 easy
not hard
12 job work, position, post

13 prevent avoid, stop, safe, eliminate

must, necessary, compulsory, need, should,
14 require
15 buy purchase, sale, invest in

16 purchase buy, price

IELTS Scores Matter. General Reading Word Rating (6.0)

17 likely opportunity, if, possible, may

18 information details, data

19 first initial, entry, open, begin, start

20 complete(d) fill in, fill out, all, over, open

21 appropriate suit, suitable

22 possible if, may, some, likely

23 (for) example such as, e.g., like, or other

24 improve better, raise (quality), develop, increase

25 need have to, depend on, require, must

26 financial money, bank, pay, fundraising, sponsorship

27 part section, division, member, contain

28 view see, look, overlook, visual

concert, performance, occur, ceremony,
29 event
30 ask request, question

31 look (at) show, view, see, observe, examine

32 may possible, possibility, some, occasionally, likely

33 charge battery, payment, pay, price, cost


34 long nor easy, not short, last, length

35 different new, vary, another, not common

36 free not pay, not fee, included, not cost

37 increase boost, build, risen, improve, foster

38 pay not free, charge, financial, salary

IELTS Scores Matter. General Reading Word Rating (6.0)

39 area local, nearby, space

40 make sure ensure, vital, check, must

41 particular special, especially, specific, certain, individual

42 responsible require, cause, control, must

43 local area, region, district

44 cost price, charge, money

45 know aware, recognize, find out

46 money financial, cost, price

47 every all, each

48 make sure must, check, ensure, vital

49 give provide, receive

50 request ask

51 meal eat(ing), feast, cooking

52 without unless, no, not, lack

53 extra additional, also, added, subsidiary

54 water wet, not dry, soaking, rain

55 details information

56 place apartment, space(d), venue

57 aware know, inform, sensitive

58 should advice, recommended, ought, required


59 tell inform, give information, notify, contact

60 over additional, completed, more than

IELTS Scores Matter. General Reading Word Rating (6.0)

61 full anyone, all, plenty, no reduction

62 good fair, clear, excellent, tempting

63 talk discuss, consult

64 reduce minimize, lower, fall

65 start from, set up, get off the ground, first

66 depend on consider, if, influence, need

67 payment donation, charge, salary, allowance

68 called known as, referred to as, “…”(кавычки)

69 stop prevent, switch

70 proof evidence, not worry

71 opportunity likely, time

72 evidence proof, showing

73 company organization, business, firm

74 benefit best, entitlement, perk, advantage

75 wear clothes, shoe, footgear

76 check determine, ensure, make sure

77 short limited, brevity, not long

78 have to need

79 like for example, love, such as

80 get to reach, travel, access

81 help support

82 more outperform, not less, over

83 between medium, share

IELTS Scores Matter. General Reading Word Rating (6.0)

84 latest today, new, up-to-date

85 able can

86 can able

87 send provide, receive

88 and in addition, apart from

89 (in) addition and, over


90 suitable appropriate

91 support help

92 inform tell, report, aware

93 ability skill, talent

94 regular(ly) once a week, annually, every year

95 suit appropriate

96 want intend, willing, would like

97 new different, latest

98 career work, role

99 lack without, no, gap

100 idea concept, thought, point

101 might if, could, perhaps

102 level degree, height, standard

potential danger, near missed accident,
103 hazard
potential injury
104 operate work, use

105 avoid prevent, not expose

IELTS Scores Matter. General Reading Word Rating (6.0)

106 colleagues other employees, staff, fellow employees

107 affect make, implication

108 additional extra, further, over

109 last long, remain, ago

110 procedure action, dealing

111 way method, style, how

112 discuss talk

113 access have, available, get

114 where located, location, venue

115 consider think, choose, depend on

116 welcome arrive, check in, encourage

117 clear not confused, good, well-defined

118 items clothes, property, possessions

119 begin open, first, induction

120 useful powerful, helpful, valuable

121 available access, provide, affordable

122 course lessons, study, training

123 possibility may, chance, if

124 required necessary, compulsory, should

125 receive give, distribute, send


126 large considerable, not small, ample

127 share between, divide

IELTS Scores Matter. General Reading Word Rating (6.0)

128 documents materials, paperwork, reading matter

129 success champion, record, achievement

130 family children, relative, personal

131 could might, some, would

132 ensure check, make sure, must

133 best advantage, benefit, strength

134 car vehicle

135 organization company, business

136 salary pay, payment, remuneration

137 chance possibility, some, likelihood

138 period time, century

139 observe look, see, television

140 business corporate, organization, company

141 old back in time, ancient, historic

142 involve go with, not stay out, participate

143 route road, travelling

144 paid funding, crowdfunding, budget

145 initial(ly) first, original

146 prepare work in advance, ready, not unexpected

147 personal individual, family

148 risk wrong, badly

149 member part, belong

150 injury harm, hurt

IELTS Scores Matter. General Reading Word Rating (6.0)

151 week seven days

152 health fit, not ill

153 most almost all, mainly

154 home domestic, housing

155 less smaller, not more

156 build create, increase

157 expensive invest much, priced

158 invest expensive, buy

159 simple easy, easily

160 match go with, align

161 academic students, education

162 performance production, event

163 website digital, publish

164 inside interior, internal

165 related relevant, caused

166 difficulty problem, confused

167 problem difficulty, not easy

168 reason result, thanks to

169 outdoors open air, garden

170 visual map, view

171 story tale

172 skill ability


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