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Sub: English Language
A.Fill in the blanks with proper verb forms:

Once upon a time, in a small village, there **(live)** a young girl named Maria. Every morning,
she **(wake)** up early and **(go)** to the nearby forest to collect firewood. One day, while she
**(gather)** wood, she **(see)** a beautiful bird caught in a net. She **(decide)** to free the
bird, which then **(thank)** her and **(promise)** to help her whenever she **(need)** it.

Days **(pass)**, and Maria **(forget)** about the bird. However, one evening, as she
**(return)** home, she **(find)** her path blocked by a large snake. Frightened, she
**(remember)** the bird's promise and **(call)** for help. Immediately, the bird **(appear)**
and **(chase)** the snake away. Grateful, Maria **(realize)** the importance of kindness and
**(vow)** to help others in need.

B.Fill in the blanks with appropriate words:

1. She is interested __ learning new languages.

2. The cat is hiding __ the table.

3. We are meeting __ 3 PM.

4. He is good __ playing the guitar.

5. They arrived __ the airport early.

6. I will call you __ the evening.

7. The book is __ the shelf.

8. She walked __ the store to buy groceries.

9. The concert starts __ 8 o'clock.

10. He is worried __ his exams.

11. The painting __ the wall is beautiful.

12. She looked __ her friend for help.

13. They are traveling __ car.

14. I am responsible __ the project.

15. The kids are playing __ the park.

16. She is famous __ her cooking skills.

17. He sat __ the chair and read a book.

18. We will leave __ the weekend.

19. He jumped __ the fence.

20. They talked __ the movie for hours.

C.Read the passage and answer the following questiions:

Once upon a time, in a small village nestled in the mountains, there lived an old man named Mr.
Thomas. Mr. Thomas was known for his kindness and wisdom. Every morning, he would take a
walk through the village, greeting everyone he met with a warm smile and a kind word. His
cheerful demeanor was contagious, and people often found themselves in better spirits after talking
to him.

One cold winter day, as Mr. Thomas was returning from his walk, he noticed a young boy sitting
alone on a bench, shivering in the cold. The boy was new to the village and had recently lost his
parents. Feeling a surge of compassion, Mr. Thomas approached the boy and wrapped his own
scarf around him.

"Why are you sitting out here in the cold?" Mr. Thomas asked gently.

"I have nowhere else to go," the boy replied, tears welling up in his eyes.

Moved by the boy's plight, Mr. Thomas took him to his home, gave him warm clothes, and a hot
meal. Over the next few weeks, Mr. Thomas helped the boy settle into the village, introducing him
to the other villagers and enrolling him in the local school.
The villagers were touched by Mr. Thomas's generosity and soon came together to support the boy.
They provided him with clothes, books, and other necessities. The boy, once lonely and desolate,
now had a new family and a place to call home.

Years passed, and the boy grew up to be a fine young man, inspired by Mr. Thomas's example. He
dedicated his life to helping others, spreading the same kindness and compassion that had changed
his life.

1. What was Mr. Thomas known for in the village?
2. Describe the incident that happened on the cold winter day.

3. How did Mr. Thomas help the young boy?

4. What was the reaction of the villagers to Mr. Thomas's actions?

5. What did the boy grow up to do, and why?

D.Your school is organizing a charity event to raise funds for a local orphanage. Write a notice
informing students about the event, including details such as date, time, venue, and how they can

E. Write an email to the school librarian requesting an extension on the deadline for returning a
borrowed book. Include a polite request for the extension, a reason for needing it, and any
arrangements for returning the book later.

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