Final Report EXE101 - Group 5

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Lecturer: Doan Thi Thanh Huong

Class: SE1726_NET
Course: EXE101
Name: Group 5


Phan Viet Anh HE176182

Nguyen Thi Mi Tam HS176020
Bach Ngoc Ha HS173378
Trinh Ngoc Thai HE176087
Trieu Tien Duc HE172090

I. INTRODUCTION.........................................................................................3
1. Foundation of ideas......................................................................................3
2. Project name explanation............................................................................ 3
3. Vision, Mission, Core values....................................................................... 3
II. MARKET OVERVIEW............................................................................... 4
III. PRODUCT................................................................................................ 9
1. Core values................................................................................................... 9
2. Actual Product.............................................................................................. 9
3. Augmented Product..................................................................................... 9
IV. CUSTOMER PERSONA.........................................................................10
1. Survey.......................................................................................................... 10
2. Customer Persona...................................................................................... 21
V. COMPETITORS.......................................................................................22
1. Competitors: 4Ps........................................................................................ 22
2. Competitors: Advantages/Disadvantages (SWOT)................................. 24
VI. CUSTOMER JOURNEY MAP................................................................26
VII. MARKET/FIT......................................................................................... 28
VIII. BUSINESS MODEL CANVAS............................................................. 30
1. Key Partners................................................................................................30
2. Key Activities.............................................................................................. 31
3. Key Resources............................................................................................ 31
4. Value Propositions..................................................................................... 32
5. Customer Relationships............................................................................ 32
6. Channels......................................................................................................32
7. Customer Segments................................................................................... 32
8. Cost Structure............................................................................................. 33
9. Revenue Stream..........................................................................................33
IX. FINANCIAL ANALYSIS..........................................................................34
1. Sales and Marketing Plan in the first month............................................ 34
2. Sales and Marketing Plan in the first year................................................40
3. Break-even Point........................................................................................ 46
X. RISK MANAGEMENT............................................................................. 52
XI. SOLUTION............................................................................................. 53
XII. PROJECT EVALUATION...................................................................... 53


1. Foundation of ideas
The foundation of our brand, STEMBots, is built upon several core ideas:
● Accessibility and Inclusivity: Our mission is to make STEM education accessible to
all children, regardless of their background. By offering affordable robotics kits and
comprehensive learning programs, we ensure that every child has the opportunity to
explore and excel in technology and robotics.
● Inspiration and Engagement: We aim to inspire and engage children with the
wonders of robotics and technology. By integrating hands-on learning with fun and
interactive tools, we foster a deep-rooted curiosity and love for STEM subjects.
● Holistic Learning Approach: We believe in a holistic approach to education that
combines practical skills with theoretical knowledge. Our programs are designed to
develop critical thinking, problem-solving abilities, creativity, and teamwork, preparing
students for the future workforce.
● Community and Support: We create a supportive community for students, educators,
and parents. Through continuous support, training, and resources, we empower
teachers to effectively deliver STEM education and encourage parents to engage in
their children's learning journey.

2. Project name explanation

The name STEMBots encapsulates our vision of blending STEM education with hands-on
robotics to create a dynamic and impactful learning experience. It highlights our
commitment to nurturing future innovators and problem-solvers through a unique and
engaging approach to education.

● STEM: The acronym STEM stands for Science, Technology, Engineering, and
Mathematics. These are the key disciplines we focus on, aiming to equip students with
the knowledge and skills needed to thrive in the modern world.
● BOTS: "BOTS" refers to robots, symbolizing the core element of our educational kits.
Robots are engaging, interactive tools that captivate students' interest and make
learning fun and memorable.

3. Vision, Mission, Core values

● Vision: Our vision is to revolutionize children's education by making robotics a

cornerstone of STEM learning. We believe that by sparking curiosity and fostering
creativity through interactive robots, we can empower the next generation of
problem solvers and inventors. We dream of a world where children are not just
consumers of technology, but active participants in building its future.
● Mission: Our mission is to make robotics education accessible and engaging for
all children. We achieve this by developing innovative learning tools, fostering a
supportive community, and empowering educators and parents to nurture the next
generation of inventors and problem-solvers.
● Core values: There are 8 core values our team has set to achieve throughout our
activities and products
○ Innovation: We are committed to continuously innovating and improving
our educational tools and programs. We provide students with cutting-edge
learning experiences that foster creativity and critical thinking.
○ Accessibility: Ensuring that STEM education is available to all children,
regardless of their background or socioeconomic status, is at the heart of
our mission. We strive to offer affordable robotics kits and learning
programs to bridge the gap and promote inclusivity in education.
○ Quality Education: We prioritize the quality of our educational content and
tools. Our programs are meticulously designed to be comprehensive,
engaging, and effective, providing students with a strong foundation in
STEM subjects.
○ Empowerment: We believe in empowering students, educators, and
parents. By providing the necessary resources, training, and support, we
enable teachers to deliver impactful STEM education and encourage
students to take charge of their learning journey.
○ Collaboration: Collaboration is key to our success. We work closely with
schools, educational centers, and communities to create a supportive
ecosystem for STEM education. By fostering a collaborative environment,
we enhance learning outcomes and drive collective growth.
○ Curiosity and Passion: We aim to ignite curiosity and passion for STEM
subjects in every student. Through engaging and interactive learning
experiences, we inspire students to explore, ask questions, and develop a
lifelong love for learning and discovery.
○ Sustainability: We are dedicated to promoting sustainable practices
through our products and programs. By incorporating green technologies
and encouraging environmental awareness, we contribute to a more
sustainable future.
○ Integrity: We conduct our business with the highest standards of integrity
and ethics. Trust and transparency are fundamental to our relationships
with students, educators, parents, and partners.


1. PESTLE analysis
● Political

The Vietnamese government is actively supporting STEM education

through policies and initiatives such as the "National Innovation Center" and
the "Industry 4.0" strategy. Education reforms by the Ministry of Education
and Training (MOET) aim to modernize the curriculum, integrating more
STEM subjects to meet the requirements of the new era. This commitment
from the government creates favorable conditions for the development of
STEM robotics education programs.

● Economic (Economic)

Vietnam's rapid economic growth provides more resources for investment in

education, including cutting-edge STEM programs. The increase in
disposable income allows more families to invest in high-quality education
for their children. Additionally, strong investment from both the public and
private sectors in technology and education facilitates the implementation of

STEM robotics programs, although equipment costs remain a factor to

● Social

Education is highly valued in Vietnamese culture, especially science and

technology subjects. This strongly supports the acceptance and success of
STEM robotics programs. Awareness campaigns and STEM competitions
also play an important role in promoting student interest and engagement.
Demographic trends with a younger population and increased urbanization
also increase the need for modern and relevant educational programs.

● Technology

Rapid technological advances make it easier to integrate robotics into the

curriculum. The growth of affordable robotics kits and online resources
supports this. Digital infrastructure and improved internet connectivity in
Vietnam also help support STEM education through online learning
platforms and digital resources, enabling students to access quality
educational programs. High.

● Legal

Intellectual property rights regulations ensure that educational materials and

technologies are protected, encouraging innovation and resource sharing in
STEM education. Compliance with national and international education
standards is necessary for a STEM program to be recognized and
reputable. Regulations on recruiting foreign teachers and experts may also
affect the availability of qualified instructors for STEM robotics programs.

● Environmental

There is a growing emphasis on integrating sustainability elements into

STEM education. Educational programs on environmental robotics and
sustainable technology are becoming increasingly important. The
availability of resources such as computer labs and robotics kits greatly
affects the effectiveness of STEM programs. From there, we can change
children's thinking and at the same time apply it to environmental protection
- a difficult problem in the world today.

2. Michael Porter Forces Analysis

● . Competitive Rivalry

The STEM robotics education industry in Vietnam is witnessing a rapid

increase in the number of educational centers and schools offering this
program. Many international organizations and large technology enterprises
are entering the market, creating strong competition. Centers such as
iTrainKids Vietnam, Nguyen Hoang Education Group and Vietnam Australia
International School are all investing heavily in STEM education. This
competition motivates centers to continuously improve the quality of their
programs and invest in facilities.

● Threat of Substitutes (Threat of Substitutes)

The threat of substitute products in the field of STEM robotics education is

relatively low. Traditional science and technology degree programs, while
still popular, cannot provide the hands-on skills and visual learning
experiences that STEM robotics does. However, online courses on
programming and technology, such as or Coursera, can serve as
a potential alternative.

● Threat of New Entrants (Threat of New Entrants)

The barrier to entry in the STEM robotics education industry is quite high
due to the requirement for large initial investments in facilities, equipment
and highly qualified human resources. However, with the rapid development
of technology and decreasing costs of robotics equipment, the possibility of
new educational institutions entering the industry still exists. Entering the
industry requires extensive expertise and the ability to develop a quality

● Bargaining Power of Suppliers (Bargaining Power of Suppliers)

Suppliers of robotics equipment and educational technology have relatively

high bargaining power. Companies like LEGO Education, VEX Robotics
and educational software providers have the ability to control product prices
and quality. This dependence on suppliers can affect the cost and quality of
STEM robotics education programs.

● Bargaining Power of Customers

Customers of STEM robotics programs include students, parents, and

educational institutions. They have high bargaining power due to the variety
of options available and can easily switch to other educational programs if
not satisfied. Parents and students are increasingly demanding high quality
education and learning experiences, so centers must continuously improve
to meet this need.

3. Market analysis
● Market overview

The STEM education market in Vietnam is on a strong growth trajectory,

characterized by growing interest, expanding service offerings and
significant support from both the government and international
organizations. The field of robotics, in particular, offers promising
opportunities for students aged 6 to 15, helping to equip them with
important skills for future careers. Addressing current challenges and
capitalizing on current trends can further improve the quality and
accessibility of STEM education nationwide.

● Market trends

Consumer trends in the education sector in Vietnam, especially the demand

for STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) education
centers, are increasing sharply. Some highlights include:

○ Growth of STEM education centers: Vietnam is witnessing an

increase in the number of STEM education centers, emphasizing the
development of technical skills and creative thinking for students. As
○ Number of STEM education centers: By 2024, Vietnam will have
about 200 STEM education centers across the country, including
private centers and state pilot programs.
○ Number of participating students: In 2023, there will be more than
100,000 students studying at STEM centers, an increase of 20%
compared to 2022.
○ Growth rate: The growth rate of STEM education centers in Vietnam
is about 15-20% per year in the period from 2020 to 2024.
○ Revenue: Revenue of the STEM education industry in Vietnam has
increased sharply, reaching about 50 million USD in 2023, an
increase of 25% compared to 2022.

→ Reference source: (BMI Global Ed)​.

This development is driven by government initiatives, support from

international organizations and growing interest from parents and students.
This helps improve the quality of education and prepares the young
generation to face the challenges of the global economy.

Parent and student concerns: Parents are increasingly aware of the

importance of STEM in preparing their children with the skills needed in the
21st century. This is driving demand for programs High quality STEM
education programs.

○ According to a report from the Ministry of Education and Training, as

of the 2019-2020 school year, there are about 190,000 Vietnamese
students studying abroad, many of them studying STEM fields. This
trend highlights the domestic demand for high-quality STEM
education, leading many families to seek opportunities outside of
Vietnam to ensure their children receive the best education possible.
○ STEM subjects continue to attract a significant portion of Vietnamese
students studying in the United States, with approximately 47.6% of
Vietnamese students taking STEM courses in the 2022-2023 school
○ In addition, currently in many primary and secondary schools there
are also STEM Clubs, or STEM-related events organized on a large
scale. A typical example can be mentioned as the "STEM Festival"
event, which is an initiative of the STEM Alliance jointly organized
under the auspices of the Ministry of Science and Technology. The
first STEM festival was held in Hanoi in 2015 at Hanoi University of
Science and Technology. Up to now, the STEM Festival is
maintained every year around May 18 every year to celebrate
Vietnam Science and Technology Day. The event was also
enthusiastically welcomed by countless young people who love
technology and science.

→ (Data taken from (​)

● Support from governments and international organizations:

○ The Vietnamese government has been proactive in promoting STEM
education since 2017, piloting programs in many provinces and
cities. These initiatives, which include interdisciplinary exercises and
competitions in secondary schools, have had a significant impact on
teaching and learning methods nationwide.
○ Prominent examples include the use of VEX VR virtual robot
technology to train teachers in Tuyen Quang province, then
spreading to other localities such as Yen Bai, Lao Cai,...
○ Additionally, organizations such as the British Council have partnered
with Vietnam's Ministry of Education and Training to enhance STEM
education through training sessions and study tours. These efforts
have helped teachers apply modern, interdisciplinary teaching
methods, making STEM more accessible and attractive to students​
(British Council Vietnam)​.
○ Kenan Foundation Asia has also focused on increasing the
participation of women and girls in STEM fields by developing
proposals to enhance skills and gender awareness for female STEM
teachers, starting with pilot programs in provinces such as Bac Ninh​
(Kenan Foundation Asia)​.
● Difficulties and challenges
○ Lack of qualified and experienced teachers teaching STEM:The
number of teachers with STEM teaching skills and experience is
limited because this field is still new and has not been included in
official teacher training programs.
○ Lack of suitable facilities and equipment: To effectively implement
STEM education, appropriate facilities and equipment are needed.
However, many schools in Vietnam still do not have enough facilities
and equipment.
○ The curriculum is overloaded and lacks time: The current educational
program is overloaded, there is not enough time for STEM
implementation. This makes it difficult for teachers to prepare lesson
plans and for students to learn and practice STEM.
○ Lack of understanding and support from parents: Many parents do
not clearly understand STEM education and do not support the
implementation of STEM in schools. They are concerned that STEM
will cause their children to waste time on core subjects and not
achieve high results on exams.
● Other challenges
○ There is no specific support policy for STEM education.
○ Lack of close coordination between relevant parties.
○ There is no system to evaluate the quality of STEM education.

→ These challenges are major barriers to the development of STEM education in

Vietnam. To solve it, joint efforts are needed from the Ministry of Education and
Training, schools, teachers, parents and students. Despite these difficulties, the
STEM education market in Vietnam is experiencing positive developments with
increased interest from society and an increase in the number of education


1. Core values
● Accessibility: Ensuring that high-quality robotics education is affordable and
accessible to all students, regardless of their background or location.
● Innovation: Encouraging creativity and problem-solving through hands-on,
interactive learning experiences that inspire students to explore and innovate in the
field of robotics and STEM.
● Support: Providing comprehensive support to educators and learning centers with
well-designed programs, resources, and training, ensuring effective and enjoyable
teaching and learning experiences.

2. Actual Product
● Robotics Kits: Physical kits containing all necessary components to build and
program robots. These kits include sensors, motors, microcontrollers, and other
● Learning Programs: Structured lesson plans designed to teach students STEM
concepts through hands-on activities with the robotics kits.
● Educational Materials: Manuals, guides, and activity sheets that accompany the
kits and programs, providing step-by-step instructions and educational content.

3. Augmented Product
● Training for Educators: Professional development and training sessions for
teachers to help them effectively implement the robotics programs in their
● Customer Support: Ongoing technical support and customer service to assist
educators and learning centers with any issues or questions they may have.
● Community and Collaboration: Access to an online community of educators,
students, and experts where users can share experiences, resources, and advice.

● Software and Digital Resources: Interactive software, apps, and online platforms
that enhance the learning experience, offering additional content, tutorials, and
project ideas.
● Warranty and Maintenance: Assurance of product quality through warranties and
maintenance services to ensure the robotics kits remain functional and up-to-date.
● Events and Competitions: Opportunities for students to participate in robotics
competitions and events, fostering a sense of community and providing a platform
to showcase their skills.


1. Survey

- The questions asked help capture information about the center's scale
- Most of the centers during the survey had about 300-500 students
(accounting for 25.3%); Next is from 100-300 students (accounting for
- Centers with less than 100 students are not very common, this is a new and
small center

- Most centers have 2-5 campuses, with a majority of 300-500 students.

- Centers with 1 facility account for 28.9% (these centers are tending to open
other teaching facilities in Hanoi inner city)

- Most centers are located in big cities, mainly Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City.
HCM. Also present in other provinces such as Thai Nguyen, Bac Ninh, …

- The main teaching subjects are mainly primary and secondary school
students, this is a major resource contributing to the center. Primary school
students 73.5%; Middle school students 59%
→ Primary and secondary school students are in the learning process, with
the ability to easily absorb and adapt to many new modern teaching
→ A potential environment to deploy courses related to STEM teaching
methods Robotics

- All centers integrate online and offline teaching to best support students.
- 69.9% of centers apply both methods, only 7.2% of centers teach offline
because they do not have the facilities to apply online teaching.
→ Seeing that in addition to offline learning methods, centers are also
deploying online learning methods for the convenience of remote

- According to the survey, the courses the center is offering are mainly
Foreign Languages ​(73.5%) and General Education (36.1%). Foreign
languages ​are increasingly developing and are a trend in society. Most
centers prioritize implementing foreign language-related courses.
- In addition, some integrated centers teach both life skills (24.1%) and arts

- Most centers evaluate their teaching programs well, after careful selection
and research with competitors to offer the best program for students
- A small number of centers underestimate their curriculum (3.6%) These
centers need more support and advice on curriculum to improve quality.

- Most urban centers have been learning about the integrated STEM
Robotics curriculum. A small number of centers in small provinces have not
yet been exposed to this new curriculum. They all learn or hear about
STEM. However, this model has not been applied in teaching

After everyone completes the survey, there will be two questions: "Yes" and
"No". From there, we will direct the questions to each respondent.

- For those who answer that they do not know about the STEM Robotics
program, in this section there will be a small introduction to everyone
that this is the program.

Then we will continue to ask the survey subjects:

- Most people choose not to because most of these centers have not had
much access to the STEM Robotics curriculum and do not have enough
facilities or funding to meet it.

For respondents who do not want to learn more about the Robotics
program, continue navigating the question:

- According to the chart, the main reasons why people are not interested in
the STEM Robotics program include: insufficient facilities (60%), not finding
it suitable for students' needs (40%), not have qualified teachers (40%), not
enough budget (40%), and do not like it (20%)

For respondents who want to learn more about the Robotics program,
the following survey questions will be asked:

- 100% of survey participants answered yes and wanted to receive more

information about the STEM Robotics program, proving that this program is
highly attractive to survey participants and has the potential to attract
widespread interest in Cobble.

For subjects who already know about the STEM Robotics program
and answer yes, they will be redirected to the following question:

- This set of questions helps the team understand the centers' behavior.
Where do they learn and know about STEM Robotics?
- With the development of technology, most centers learn through the Internet
and Social Networks (71.8%)
- In addition, information from seminars, conferences, training courses and
workshops is also deployed
- Learn from direct competitors, recommendations from educational centers
and advice from experts and partners
- A large part is information from advertising and marketing of suppliers
- A few parents who have a need for this new teaching model have given
feedback and suggestions to the center to consider applying it to the
- It can be seen that the level of interest of centers in STEM Robotics
teaching methods is very high (73.1%) → Stimulating the need to learn and
use new teaching models in education.

- Most centers have implemented courses or activities related to STEM and
Robotics, but they may not have achieved the expected effectiveness and
have had to stop operating this course model. The center organizes
workshops for students to experience simple robot assembly, teaching
basic programming, not yet deep and thorough.
- 33.35 centers have never deployed STEM Robotics in the teaching process

- Nearly all centers are interested and have a need to expand the curriculum
with additional courses such as STEM Robotics. Realizing the potential
gained from the new teaching method, they have been gradually learning
about STem Robotics.

There are many important criteria that most centers need when applying the
Stem Robotics curriculum:
- The first thing to mention is the diversity of the curriculum, whether the
program is diverse or not, and whether it is attractive and attracts students
when implemented or not.
- Next is a team of professional instructors. Only qualified instructors can
convey all the lesson content and answer students' questions
- In addition, there are supporting facilities and equipment. Most of these are
technology-based, so support for facilities is needed for the centers
- Courses also need modern and effective teaching methods to attract
students and understand the lessons
- Next is the ability to develop practical skills and creative thinking. With the
traditional method, students do not have the opportunity to express their
creativity. With this new curriculum, expectations and requirements are to
maximize students' thinking ability.
- Finally, the cost of the study program is another important criterion. The
cost must be consistent with other courses, not too high

STEM and Robotics courses bring many benefits to students:

- Develop logical and creative thinking
- Students can work together in groups, contribute ideas, and support each
other to get the best final results.

- Enhance problem-solving ability, with the Stem program stimulating
students' thinking, it will force students to think and pose problems to solve.
- Create opportunities to access modern technology. Different from traditional
things, students can access many new and modern technologies → attract
- In addition, learning outcomes in science and mathematics can be
improved thanks to the development of logical and creative thinking.

- Besides the benefits, there are some main challenges and difficulties when
implementing STEM AND Robotics courses:
- Mainly due to lack of professional knowledge of teachers and difficulty in
designing appropriate programs for students
- Besides, there is a lack of facilities and equipment, some centers do not
have enough financial capacity to equip facilities.
- Another equally important criterion is the lack of interest from parents and

- The question asked asked what support centers needed when
implementing this new model
- Suppliers and marketers need to train and educate teachers. At the same
time, provide teaching materials and textbooks
- Support the center to set up facilities and equipment, organize seminars
and work with the center to introduce new programs for students and
parents to grasp.
→ It can be seen that there are quite a few issues that the center wants to
receive from suppliers

- Popular and suitable costs for a course can range from 1-2 million VND
- This is a reasonable number, slightly higher than traditional courses (access
to modern technology).

- In order for the center to grow stronger and attract more students to
participate, most centers are willing to invest in supplementary courses
such as STEM robotics.

2. Customer Persona

● Type of Center: Language center, general education subjects

● Location: Hanoi
● Center Size: Over 300-500 students
● Number of Facilities: 1-3 facilities
● Student Demographics: Primary and secondary school students
● Teaching Methods: Offline + Online


● Interest in Expanding Curriculum: Focus on incorporating STEM Robotics

teaching methods
● Diversity of Curriculum: Aiming for a varied program offering
● Modern and Effective Teaching Methods: Seeking advanced and efficient
instructional methods
● Infrastructure and Equipment: Need for supportive facilities and equipment
● Desired Learning Outcomes: Looking for a program that can develop logical
thinking, creativity, teamwork skills, and provide exposure to modern

Shopping Behavior (Choosing a Program):

● Current Actions: Actively researching STEM Robotics programs

● Research Approach: Considering multiple sources of information before
selecting a program to implement
● Information Sources: Primarily through the internet, social media, and
marketing advertisements from program providers
● Cost Consideration: Reasonable cost for a STEM Robotics course: 1-2
million VND


● Lack of Infrastructure and Equipment: Center lacks adequate facilities and

● Teacher Expertise: Teachers lack specialized knowledge
● Curriculum Design Challenges: Difficulty in designing an appropriate

1. Competitors: 4Ps



Businesses are present in major city centers in Vietnam
1. Product - Diverse products - Diverse curriculum - The product is not - Maker Space
with Robotics for all ages with diverse for all ages, (Innovation Space):
learning kits, online coding methods, the product Creative
courses, training programming books, includes 26 environment
programs and models, robotic different types of designed according
diverse documents devices... bricks and 30 types to Stanford
with textbooks... - There are more than of sensors. standards, helping
- There are more 100 products - The company students practice
than 170 products of including robot provides software technology and
AI and IoT learning components, STEM and mobile engineering skills
kits, science lab equipment, applications with an through real-life
experiment kits, STEM/STEAM online learning projects.
Yolo:Bit computers, educational robots platform for children - Electronic STEM
Robotics, preschool and professional robot to create, innovate education system:
STEM, sensors,... models and and code anytime, Digital lesson plans
There are also services... anywhere. for grades 1 to 12,
books, textbooks, supporting schools
and courses Free in developing STEM
online, manuals as education programs.
well as software on - Online Tech
phones,... Academy: Clear
installation, design,
robotics and
automation courses.
- Course for
teachers: Training
and coaching to
improve teachers'
capacity on STEM
teaching methods.
- DigiSTEM digital
learning materials: A
set of digital
learning materials
that help
personalize learning
and integrate STEM
into the school

2. Price Products range from Products range from - Products range in - Online courses
5,500 - 2,300,000 136,000 - over price from 990,000 and educational

VND 13,000,000 VND VND materials:
- 5,500 - 220,000 - 136,000 - 300,000 Competitively priced
VND for functional VND for textbooks to reach more
modules - 140,000 - students and
- 7,000 - 220,000 13,000,000 VND for schools, helping to
VND for additional educational robot strengthen STEM
accessories models education in
- 275,000 - - Over 13,000,000 Vietnam.
1,650,000 VND for VND for professional Consulting and
programming kits robot models and training services for
- 385,000 - services teachers: These
2,300,000 VND for - 14,000 - 13,000,000 training programs
robot models VND for STEM lab have prices suitable
equipment for schools'
- 299,000 - 4,000,000 budgets, while
VND for robot ensuring teaching
components quality.
- Specific prices are
not public

3. Place There is the Ohstem NV1.40, housing area There is the 121 Hoang Hoa
app for learning for officers of GaraSTEM app for Tham, Ward 6, Binh
42B Ho Ba Phan, Departments B42, learning Thanh, Ho Chi Minh
Phuoc Long A, City. B57, General Office of Youth City​
Thu Duc, Ho Chi Department V of the Science and 16A Nguyen Cong
Minh City Ministry of Public Technology Tru, Hai Ba Trung
Security, Tan Trieu Development District, Hanoi
Commune, Thanh Tri Center (197 Ton 53 Duy Tan, Hung
District, Hanoi City, That Thuyet, Ward Dung Ward, City.
Vietnam 3, District 4) Vinh, Nghe An
No. 25 Le Thanh
Nghi Street, Hong
Ha Ward, City. Ha
Long, Quang Ninh

4. -Providing books -Provides summer - Providing books - Organize events

Promotion and textbooks, camp model and textbooks, and competitions
online courses and experience and free along with about robotics and
instructional short-term courses Garablock software creativity to attract
materials completely designed based on the interest of
free of charge a drop-in platform, students and
- Promotion 15 - providing courses teachers
25% on weekends and textbooks KDI Education uses
or holidays its official website
and social media
channels to promote
products and
services, provide
the latest
information and
updates on
programs and

Evaluate Each STEM education brand in Vietnam has its own strategy to reach and serve
- Oh Stem and Robot Steam focus on providing a variety of products from kits to teaching
materials at prices ranging from medium to high-end.
- Gara Stem specializes in providing online learning software and equipment with high
starting prices, aiming at creativity and flexibility in learning.
- KDI Education stands out with its makerspace, teacher training services and organization
of STEM events, helping to improve the quality of education and promote the interest of
students and teachers.
→ Each brand has its own advantages, suitable for the needs and budgets of different
audiences from students, teachers to educational organizations, aiming to support STEM
education through high quality products and services.

2. Competitors: Advantages/Disadvantages (SWOT)



OH STEM - Offers a variety of - Dependent on - The demand for -Many different

STEM courses for technology: Easily STEM education is STEM education
a variety of ages interrupted if there increasing, organizations
and levels, are technical opening up great compete in the
including problems. development same field.
programming, - High tuition fees opportunities. - Unstable
robotics, 3D can limit the - Opportunity to economic
design, computer number of cooperate with situations can
science, and more. students. international affect parents'
- Lecturers are - Difficult to educational ability to pay.
experienced and maintain and organizations to -Must continuously
passionate about continuously improve quality update and
STEM education, update teaching and expand scale. maintain
always ready to resources. - Apply advanced educational
support and inspire educational technology to avoid
students. technologies to becoming
- Equipped with improve teaching outdated.
complete and effectiveness.
modern facilities,
creating optimal
conditions for
learning and
- Provide many
different class time
frames to fit


ROBOT STEAM - Established a - Focuses only on - The rapid - Robot technology

long time ago and robotics, limiting development of changes rapidly,
has a solid foothold access to other robotics requiring constant
in the market. STEM fields. technology creates updates.
- Provide STEM - High cost: Robot many learning and - Difficulty in
programs built by training and research maintaining and
leading educational equipment are opportunities. maintaining robotic
experts. expensive. - Cooperate with equipment,
- Instructors are - Technical technology requiring high
well-trained and barriers: Complex companies and technology.
have extensive equipment schools to expand - It is necessary to
experience maintenance and scale and improve have a team of
teaching STEM. updates. quality. experienced
- Equipped with - Organize or teachers with
modern facilities participate in robot extensive
and full amenities. tournaments and knowledge of
- Providing many competitions to robotics.
STEM programs attract students
for many ages and and enhance
levels. reputation.

GARA STEM Clear mission: - Difficult to - Large education - Face many other
Inspire the young maintain market with high educational
generation to consistent quality learning demand. organizations with
explore the world when expanding. - Opportunities to the same goals.
through STEAM - Expanding too apply new - Difficulty in
education. quickly may lack educational maintaining
Good core values: resources. technologies to consistent quality
Passion, creativity, - The quality of improve the when expanding
cooperation, teaching depends curriculum. scale.
professionalism. largely on the - Develop new, - Educational legal
- Provide many lecturer. diverse courses in and regulatory
high quality STEM fields to requirements may
STEAM products attract more change and affect
and services. students. operations.
- Achieved many
prestigious awards
and achievements
in the field of
STEAM education.
Active community:
Build an online
STEAM community
to connect
teachers, students
and parents.

KDI EDUCATION - Established a - Investment in - Expand online - It is necessary to
long time ago and programs and training programs continuously
has a solid foothold equipment is to reach more update and
in the education expensive. students. upgrade the
market. - Need highly - Cooperate with curriculum
- Instructors are qualified lecturers. technology according to the
well-trained and - Must constantly businesses to development of
have a lot of update and provide practical technology.
teaching upgrade programs training programs. - Competition from
experience. and equipment. - Enhance international
- Equipped with reputation and educational
modern facilities brand through institutions can
and full amenities. awards and quality affect market
- Provide many certifications. share.
high quality - Difficulties in
educational recruiting and
programs for many retaining high
ages and levels. quality lecturers.
- Experience in
cooperating with


6.1. Awareness
● Touch points: Online advertising, social networks, word of mouth, school
● Customer actions: Explore the program, visit the website, read reviews.
● Difficulty points: Lack of information, unclear benefits, too many options.
● Solution: The website is clear and provides complete information, testimonials, and
engaging social media content.
● Customer experience: Positive
→ Customers access information about the STEM Robotics program through online
advertising, social networks, and word of mouth. They learn about the program through
the official website and reviews from trusted sources. Centers need to provide clear
information, testimonials and engaging content to attract interest.

6.2. Interest (Interest)

● Touch points: Content introducing the program on social networks, websites,
● Customer actions: View introductory information, view product catalogs, read
related articles, follow updated information and posts on social networks
● Difficult points: Information is not convincing enough, lack of attractive content,
difficult to compare with stakeholders, fear of spam
● Solution: Create content that is engaging and relevant to customer needs, using
videos and specific illustrations
● Customer Experience: Curious
→ Interpretation: Customers express interest by viewing introductory information, viewing
product catalogs, reading related articles, and following updated information and posts on
social networks. Centers should create engaging and relevant content, using videos and
specific illustrations to increase persuasion. At the same time, it is necessary to provide
clear comparison information with other programs and ensure email marketing brings real
value to avoid causing the feeling of spam for customers.

6.3. Consideration
Touch points: Review and compare with lecture modules from other parties, experience
trial classes.
Customer actions: Compare programs, evaluate trial sessions, get people's opinions.
Difficulty points: Cost concerns, information overload from stakeholders.
Solution: Provide transparent pricing, detailed curriculum descriptions, success stories,
free trial options.
Customer Experience: Understanding
→ Customers compare study programs and participate in deeper learning activities such
as trial classes and advice from experts. Centers should provide transparent pricing,
detailed program descriptions, and success stories to help customers make decisions.

6.4. Decision
● Touchpoints: Registration form, payment gateway, confirmation email.
● Customer action: Sign up for the program, pay.
● Difficult points: Complicated registration process, payment security concerns.
● Solution: Discuss more deeply with the business owner, pay when satisfied,
ensure safe transactions.
● Customer experience: Believe

→ This stage takes place when customers register for the program through the online
form and electronic payment portal. Centers need to ensure the registration process is
simple, user-friendly and secure of personal information.

6.5. Convert
● Touchpoint: Turn potential customers into actual customers
● Customer actions: Receive welcome emails and incentives for next purchases,
feedback for businesses to improve products, word of mouth, referrals to
● Pain points: Product issues, technical issues, difficulty understanding content
● Solution: Support in all aspects is reliable, caring and listens to feedback.
● Customer experience: Happy
→ In this stage, the business's goal is to convert potential customers into actual
customers. To do this, they provide a good customer experience by sending welcome
emails and offers for their next purchase, while also encouraging word of mouth and
referrals. There may be difficulties such as product or technical issues or difficulty
understanding the content. Businesses need to provide comprehensive and reliable
support to customers, while regularly listening and taking care of their feedback.

6.6. Retention
● Touch points: Maintain relationships with customers, provide post-purchase care,
and encourage loyalty
● Customer actions: Receive emails about new products, encouraging continued
product use
● Difficulty point: Competition from competitors in the same industry
● Solution: Provide good post-purchase support, create attractive promotions and
rewards programs, listen to feedback and make improvements.
● Customer Experience: Satisfied
→ During the maintenance phase, businesses send emails with information about new
products and encourage customers to continue using them. However, there will be many
competitors in the same industry. To overcome, it is necessary to provide good
post-purchase service, organize attractive promotions and listen to feedback from
customers to improve.



Characteristics Alternative Choices

● Parents care about quality ● Current study programs.

education. ● Traditional study materials.
● Students love technology, ● Existing learning support
science,... equipment.
● Schools seek to improve the quality
of education.
● The education center wants to
provide quality STEM courses.

● Teachers want to find new teaching

Problems and Needs Key Features

● Modern and practical curriculum.
● Rich documentation and
● The quality of STEM education is technology integration.
limited and not really popular in ● Creative and logical teaching
Vietnam. methods, bringing new learning
● Lack of modern documents and experiences to students.
equipment. ● Set of specialized learning
● Teaching methods are not equipment.
effective. ● Equipment support and trainer
● Education centers have difficulty training for centers.
finding quality programs and


● The curriculum is easy to access

and easy to train.
● Abundant learning materials and
● Advanced teaching methods.
● There is a source of teaching
materials with reasonable prices
and quality.
● Get material support, teacher

Sales Channels Value Brought to Channel:

● Reach customers easily, quickly
● Website
and more conveniently.
● Social networks: Facebook,...
● Build a reputable brand image.
● Fairs and events related to
● Convenient purchasing for
● Cooperate with schools.
● Support, consulting, and customer
● Partner with educational centers.
care before and after purchase.

User Experience Key Metrics

● Fast and convenient shopping ● Number of students registered for

experience. the course.
● Prestigious and quality products. ● Comments and feedback from
● Support and care before and after students and parents.
purchase. ● Course completion rate.
● Number of schools and cooperative
education centers.
● Number of programs and
equipment sets sold.
● Reach metrics.
● Page/website likes/followers.
● Comment metrics.
● Order conversion rate.
● Sales/Profit.


1. Key Partners
Professional support experts:
● Cooperate to organize seminars, training and professional consulting, as
well as events to promote products to customers. (If possible)
Components and materials supplier: (ROBOCLOUD)
● Cooperate with suppliers to ensure a stable and quality supply of kits.
● Negotiate long-term contracts to reduce costs and optimize the supply

Educational centers and schools:
● Build partnerships with educational centers, schools and educational
organizations to implement STEM Robotics programs. (Schools and
centers for English, soft skills,... with students aged 6-14 years old)
● Collaborate to conduct extracurricular sessions and receive feedback from
teachers and students.
Logistics transport parties:
● Shipping brands nationwide: Viettel Post, VNPost, GHN, ...

2. Key Activities
Product censorship:
● Check the quality of imported products before distributing them to the
Marketing and sales:
● Develop and deploy marketing campaigns to promote STEM education
products and programs to customers.
● Develop and manage distribution channels, including online sales and
through distribution partners.
Training and customer support:
● Organize training sessions and workshops for teachers and education
centers on how to use the kits and curriculum.
● Provide technical support and consulting services to customers.
Supply chain management and logistics:
● Collaborate with suppliers and shipping partners to optimize supply

3. Key Resources
Intellectual property:
● Production technology and copyright of STEM kits and curriculum.
Instructions, lesson plans, training programs and other learning materials.
Professional human resources:
● Mentor supports during project implementation.
● Technical support and customer care team.
● Financial analysis, market, and marketing planning team.
Partner network:
● Linkage and cooperation with suppliers of components and materials for
● Associate with other educational centers, schools and educational
organizations to expand your customer network.
● Investment capital to import products and expand markets.
● Reserve fund to deal with market fluctuations and unexpected costs.

4. Value Propositions
● Quality curriculum: Courses are designed by experts in the fields of STEM
and Robotics, helping students develop practical skills.
● Learn by doing: Use real-life projects and interactive exercises so students
can apply knowledge immediately.
● Career development potential: Equip yourself with necessary skills for
future careers related to technology and Robotics.

5. Customer Relationships
We will provide customer care services to make the customer's experience before,
during and after purchase more comfortable.

Direct support:
● Provides technical support, Q&A, consultation and guidance via phone,
email or online chat. To help make the customer's experience before, during
and after purchase better.
● Organize direct consultation and support sessions at educational centers if
the centers need it.
Online community:
● We want to create a forum or group on social networking platforms such as
Facebook so that teachers and education centers can share experiences,
ask and answer questions and solve problems surrounding the product. .
● At the same time, use those forums or groups to provide video tutorials and
online learning materials.
Loyalty program:
● We hope to establish a loyalty program to provide incentives to continuing
education centers that regularly purchase our products. This is a form of
gratitude to customers who have supported and encouraged customers to
use more products. By providing special discounts and additional services,
free support to educational centers participating in the program.

6. Channels
● Online: Website
● Directly: At training centers and cooperative schools.
● Social Media: Promote through Facebook.
● Events: Organize events, competitions, workshops to attract the attention
of students and parents.

7. Customer Segments
● Students: Especially elementary and middle school students who are
interested in technology and Robotics.
● Parents: People who want their children to have the opportunity to access
modern education and develop logical and creative thinking skills.
● Schools and educational organizations (with elementary and middle
school students): Schools want to add the STEM Robotics program to
their curriculum.
→ Target customers will focus on schools and educational institutions. They are
potential customers because they include students and parents.

8. Cost Structure
Project costs include:
Fixed Cost:
● Management costs (Communication costs, personnel costs, utilities and
services, marketing costs,...)
Variable Cost:
● Cost of importing products:
○ Cost of materials and components for kits, courses and lectures.
● Marketing and sales costs:
○ Costs for marketing campaigns, advertising and product promotion
○ Cost of managing distribution channels and sales activities.
● Logistics and shipping costs:
○ Cost of shipping products to customers.
○ Cost of collaborating with transportation and supply chain
management partners.
● Cooperation and partner costs:
○ Costs for contracts and partnerships with vendors, educational
centers, and other partners.
○ Costs for organizing events and cooperative activities with strategic
partners (centers, schools,...).
● Risk management costs:
○ This cost is in case problems occur during project development.

→ Main resource/activity that consumes the most: Marketing and advertising


9. Revenue Stream
Selling STEM kits and curriculum:
● Revenue comes from selling teaching programs to centers, including
instructional materials, lesson plans, kits for the STEM learning process and
accompanying teacher training services.

1. Sales and Marketing Plan in the first month

The project start date is July 2024. In the first month, STEMBots' goal is to successfully
launch the brand and sell 30 products. Below is the detailed Marketing & Sales plan for
the first month of STEMBots.


1 2 3 4
sible t


1. Determine goals and make a plan
- Promote the brand on social networks
(FB ads)
--> 10,000 approaches, 500 interactions
Increase brand CMO +
(likes, comments, shares), x x x x
awareness CEO
- Posts about Robotics content
-->9 blog posts, 3 videos, 1000 views per

- SEO and Keywords related to STEM

Develop Increase website --> Increase 20% traffic from natural CMO +
x x x x
communicati traffic search results CEO
on goals - Run Google Ads Advertisements
--> 1,000 visits from advertising

- Useful content (create instructional

videos, articles sharing knowledge about
Increase the number Robotics)
of followers on social --> Increase 300 followers on Facebook x x x x
1 networks - Promotions and small contests
--> 50 contest entries, 100 more

- Promotional Program (Example: first 20

people get 10-15% off)
--> KPI: Sell 30 robotics kits
KPI sells 30 robotics - Email Marketing (Customers who want CEO +
x x x x
kits to receive more information will leave COO
their email)
--> KPI: 500 emails sent, 10% email
open rate, 5% email conversion rate

- Trial lessons or experiential workshops
--> 50 people sign up for trial, 20%
Increase conversion
conversion rate into customers
rate of potential CEO +
- Use chatbots on website + FB to x x x x
customers into COO
support potential customers
--> 200 conversations, 10% conversation
conversion rate

- After-purchase customer care

(Providing detailed instructions for use,
technical support)
Build long-term
--> 100% of customers receive CEO +
relationships with x x x x
post-purchase guidance and support COO
- Collect customer feedback
--> 50 customer feedback, 80% positive
- Facebook ads
- Google ads
- Content production (videos,
Marketing budget x x x x CMO +
images, articles)
- Email marketing
Plan the use - Promotions and contests
of budget
- Product import costs CEO +
2 and 10,000,0
Production budget - Packaging products x x CPO +
00 đ
- Brand and instructions for use CFO
Operating budget - Employee salary x CHRO +
00 đ
CEO + 1,000,00
Contingency budget - Expenses incurred x
CFO 0đ

2. Building brand channels:

Brand name: STEMBot x

Complete x
the brand's
identity and
1 on elements
identify main

- Trust and Reliability: Brings a feeling of
peace of mind and confidence in the
- Professionalism: Demonstrates
Main color: Navy seriousness and precision in STEM CEO +
blue education. CMO
- Creativity and Innovation: Encourage
creativity and innovation.
- Aspiration and Vision: Evokes foresight
and desire for development.
- Encourage Creativity: Motivate
students to think of new ideas.
- Collaboration and Innovation:
Slogan: "Create Emphasize collaboration to achieve
together, innovate innovation. x
together" - Future Orientation: Equipping skills and
knowledge for the future.
- Inspiration: Motivate and inspire
product users.
Our vision is to revolutionize children's
education by making robotics the
foundation of STEAM learning. We
believe that by sparking curiosity and
fostering creativity through interactive
Vision robotics, we can empower the next x
generation of problem solvers and
inventors. We dream of a world where
children are not just consumers of
technology but active participants in
building its future.
Our mission is to make robotics
education accessible and engaging for
all children. We achieve this by
developing innovative learning tools, CEO +
Mission x
cultivating a supportive community, and CMO
empowering educators and parents to
nurture a generation of inventors and
problem solvers next.
Complete the page's information x CMO
Build a specific posting schedule
Create a page (Images, videos,...)
Respond to customer messages quickly x CMO
presence on Run Facebook ads x CMO
2 Facebook
Website design and development
platform and
(interface design, basic homepage x CMO
on own
Website Create a website
Post brand content and product
SEO Optimization x CMO

Post visual content (photos, articles, long videos, short clips) about products
3 and knowledge about STEM robotics to develop the brand's social channels x x x x CMO
and reach customers.

II. MARKETING ONLINE (Facebook Ads + Google Ads)

- Use data from
current customers
Deploy and market research
targeted to identify target - Use advertising tools of each platform
advertising audiences to deploy campaigns (Google Ads +
campaigns - Create attractive Google Ads)
1 x x x x CMO +
on platforms ads with images, - Continuously monitor advertising
where the videos and content effectiveness and optimize to achieve
brand is suitable for target the best results
present audiences on
Facebook and the
brand's website
Create a Create a series of
series of posts counting down - Determine posting schedule (daily,
posts hinting to a product launch weekly) before launch date
2 at brand or special event, - Produce content (images, videos, x CMO
appearances including teasers, articles) suitable for each stage of the
(countdown, images, demo post series
demo...) videos
Create and
build series
- Determine weekly or monthly posting
of posts The content of the
related to post must be
3 - Produce diverse content (articles, x x x CMO
products and seamlessly related
images, videos) related to products and
brands on to the brand 5,000,00
Facebook 0đ
and Website
Build a
series of
- Contact customers
who have purchased
the product to ask
feedback - Regularly post review content on
for feedback and
from Facebook and Website CMO +
4 reviews x x
customers - Promote reviews to reach more CLO
- Create articles,
who have customers
images or videos
from customer
the product
on Facebook
and Website
- Search for groups
on social networks
and post - Link with admins and join these groups,
related to robotics
brand posts complying with the group's regulations
5 - Create articles x x x x CMO
on regional - Post scheduled articles and interact
introducing the
business with group members
brand's products and

- Respond to
questions, and
Interact with feedback from
- Monitor customer posts related to
customer customers on posts
6 posts about related to your x x x CMO
- Like, comment and share customer
the brand's products
products - Actively interact to
build good
relationships with


advertising - Meet and negotiate with centers and
campaigns Search for centers organizations to establish cooperative
through and make offers for relationships. CMO + 5,000,00
1 x
events and cooperation or event - Organize or participate in events, CLO 0đ
workshops in sponsorship present products and answer customer
cooperation questions
with centers
- Collect lists of
potential customers
- Training staff on products and
Call directly from sources such
telephone consulting skills
to consult as events, websites,
- Contact potential customers, introduce
customers and register for CMO + 500,000
2 products and close deals x x
and close workshops CLO đ
- Monitor call results and provide
product - Prepare consulting
necessary support to customers after
deals scripts and product
closing the deal
offerings suitable to
customer needs.
- Design attractive
flyers, providing
information about - Print large quantities of leaflets at a
the product and how reasonable cost
to contact - Organize a group of employees or hire
flyers at
- Choose places with a third party to distribute flyers at CMO + 500,000
3 community x x x
community events or selected locations CLO đ
broadcast right at - Track the number of leaflets distributed
the place where the and feedback from customers to
workshop or event is evaluate effectiveness.
held to promote the


Create a good buying and product usage experience by creating promotions, CEO + 2,000,00
1 x x x
increasing customer interaction, and customer care CHRO 0đ


through trial 10-20% discount if Collaborate with relevant parties to CFO +
1 lessons, you register to study organize extracurricular sessions or trial x x x x COO +

experiential right at the event lessons CMO

customer Apply promotion
attraction by program to the first CFO +
Advise customers about courses and 1,000,00
2 offering 50 customers who x x x x COO +
offer shocking discount programs 0đ
discounts on contact via CMO
online Facebook


1. Report
1 Summary report on business results (revenue, costs) x CFO
Report summarizing results and communication effectiveness (Indicators of
2 x CCO
advertising campaigns, conversion rates, purchases...)
3 Collect customer feedback and reviews x x x

2. Analyze and evaluate

Analyze, compare and evaluate the actual situation compared to the business
1 x CMO
goals set by the enterprise
2 Analyze the communication effectiveness of each post x CMO
3 Analyze media metrics x CMO
4 Analyze purchases and orders x CMO
5 Analyze customer reviews and feedback to evaluate and improve products x CMO

3. Maintain
1 Optimize promotional campaigns. x CFO
Devise a content production strategy for the brand through analyzing and CCO +
2 x
evaluating posts with the highest engagement CMO
3 Optimize business budget through analyzing communication indicators x
4 Boost production on specific products after analyzing purchases and orders. x CPO
Evaluate and improve products after analyzing customer reviews and CMO +
5 x
feedback. CLO
00 đ
9.1 Sales & Marketing plan in the first month

The first stage is the preparation of the marketing and business plan. First of all, we will
determine our goals and make a plan. Here our communication goals will have 3 items: to
increase brand awareness, promote the brand on social networks (FB ads) and upload
posts about Robotics content. Increase website traffic with SEO and keywords related to
STEM Robotics, run Google Ads. And finally, increase the number of followers on social
networks through content, promotions, and small contests. Next is about building business
goals with KPIs set to sell 30 products in the first month, while increasing the conversion
rate of potential customers into real customers through workshops and chatbots on the
website. and facebook... Finally, build long-term relationships with customers. Regarding
budget, we have 3 types of budget including marketing budget, production budget,
operations budget and contingency budget.
Regarding Branding, the first week we will have to complete the brand's identity and
communication elements (logo, identify main colors, story...) and establish the brand's
presence on the market. Facebook platform and on its own website. At the same time,
throughout the month we will post visual content (photos, articles, long videos, short clips)
about products and knowledge about STEM robotics to develop the brand's social
channels and reach customers. .

During the implementation phase, we will run online marketing, direct marketing, word of
mouth marketing and attractive promotions throughout the month. Deploy advertising
campaigns, build series of posts and interact with customers to build better brand
recognition through Facebook Ads and Google Ads with an expected cost of 5,000,000
VND. In addition, we will also conduct workshops, trial lessons, distribute flyers at events
and make direct phone consultations with customers with a total expected cost of
6,000,000 VND. And finally, there are online and in-person promotions with a total value of
3,000,000 VND.

In general, the first month is an important foundation to build a brand smoothly. All
activities aim to attract brand awareness and initially reach customers.

2. Sales and Marketing Plan in the first year

The planning period is within the first year, from July 2024 to July 2025. The goal of the
campaign is to build brand awareness, and in 1 year reach brand awareness of 10,000
potential customers and sell 1187 kits.
The plan is divided into 7 main tasks, the first is Market Research, the second is Branding,
followed by Online Marketing, Word of Mouth Marketing, Direct Marketing, Promotion and
finally campaign evaluation activities.
The following is STEMBots' detailed Sales & Marketing Plan for the first year (July 2024 -
July 2025)


Time: First 1 year (July 2024 - June 2025)
Goal: Build brand awareness, reach 10,000 potential customers in 1 year and sell 1,187 kits.
NO. CONTENT 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
12 Respon Sup Budget
7/20 8/20 9/20 10/2 11/20 12/2 1/20 2/20 3/20 4/20 5/20 6/20
sible port
24 24 24 024 24 024 25 25 25 25 25 25
- Increase - Announce the
customer brand and - Attract customers
awareness attract - Promote purchasing motivation,
about STEM customers spread and affirm the brand
Objective products applied - Increase brand - Organize workshops, trial ALL ALL
in education recognition lessons, and trial experiences so
- Prepare - Connect, that customers can visit and know
communication organize more about STEM.
channels: workshops,

Facebook, run bring products to
ads to advertise. customers
- Advertise
online on
platforms, post
- Offer attractive
programs, give
away product
- Use social
KITs, give away
media to
trial courses to
increase initial
customers who
participate in the
workshop, and
- Develop a
discount - Organize and utilize customer
coupons if they databases to attract them to
register to buy participate in workshops, create
- Building online
the course and opportunities to organize trial
sales channels:
KIT. teaching sessions at centers, and
- Promote offline connect with centers.
and online - Promote products by creating
Plan - Increase ALL ALL
promotion to challenges.
seeding on
centers and - Collect data through workshops,
groups to
customers. customer interactions on online
promote the
- Actively channels, and small competitions
interact with organized for students.
- Run ads to
customers via - Promoting communication about
promote the
social networks, CSR.
update the latest
- Deploy content
and plans for
suitable for
social channels.
- Plan to open a
- Launch
about STEM
Robotics for
students to
promote the
brand, with
prizes and gifts.
- Promote - Pr articles (if
- Promote through groups on
Supporting through groups possible).
social media platforms ALL ALL
activities on social media - Community
- Community seeding
platforms. seeding.
- PR

- Promote
through groups
on social media
- 3500 - 5000
approaches approaches
- >10,000 visits
- Product - Product
KPIS - Product purchase conversion ALL ALL
purchase purchase
rate: >50%
conversion rate: conversion rate:
<15% 35%
2 x CMO
insight and
on of
insight and
4 segmentati x x CMO CPO
on of real
Build brand
1 x x x CMO +CF
Design and
create new
2 channels x x x CMO
on social
3 brand x x x CMO CEO

1 Facebook x CMO
2 Constructio x COO CLO
3 x x x x x x x x x x x x CMO
4 on x x x x x x x x x x CMO CFO

Advertising 20,000,00
5 x x x x x x x x x x CMO CFO
on Website 0đ

program for
friends 10,000,00
1 x x x x x CMO +
(referral 0đ

campaigns 25,000,00
1 x x x x x CMO +
through 0đ
Search and CLO
2 contact x x x x x x x CMO +
customers CEO

1 campaigns x x x x x x x CMO +

on media CEO
Direct CLO
2 promotional x x x x x x x CMO +
campaigns CEO
1 t of project x x CMO
Track and
2 interactions x x x x x x x x x x x x CMO
on social
Monitor and
3 sales x x x x x x x x x x x x CMO
00 đ
9.2 Sales & Marketing plan in the first year

The first stage is Market Research, this is the preparation stage to bring the brand to
market. Information that needs to be researched includes market analysis, STEMBots
competitors, customer insight and segmentation. About Real customer insight and
segmentation research, evaluated every quarter to have the best updates on customer
trends and enjoyment needs. This will help us grasp and accurately meet customer needs.
These tasks are in charge of the CMO, and may be supported by other members.
Therefore, during this period there will be no costs for research activities.

The Branding stage is an important step to build a brand image consistent with the
positioning and goals of STEMBots, in addition to being the first step to impress and
attract customers. The activities of this phase are Building brand identity, Designing and
creating new brand channels on social media platforms, Building brand image. During this
stage, the CMO needs to agree with the CEO and team members to ensure the brand
identity is in line with the direction STEMBot wants to show, and create sympathy with
customers. Activities during this period also do not incur additional costs.

Regarding online marketing, the task in the first month is to build channels on Facebook
and Website platforms built by the COO. After building the channel, the CMO will be in
charge of deploying posts on channels in the following months. Our business will run ads
on two platforms Facebook Ads and Google Ads in the months of July, August,
September, October, November, December 2024 and January, March, May, June 2025.
For the period of May, June, July, August is the time when students have summer
vacation and have time to do their favorite activities, so we will promote advertising to
attract students. He came to this Stem Robotics course. Next, September, October,
November, December is a time with many festivals, so this time is suitable to run
advertising and increase the level of recognition with customers. And finally, the period
January and March is the period before and after Tet. At this time, many Tet promotion
programs will run that not only attract students but also parents who want their children to
experience new subjects outside of classwork. This work will be undertaken by the CMO
with help from company members. Our expected cost for online advertising in the first
year is 50,000,000 VND.

Next is word of mouth marketing, we will have programs to encourage referrals to friends
(referral codes, discount vouchers,...). If customers return or refer to others, they will
receive our promotional vouchers. This phase will run in parallel with organizing
workshops or events at a cost of 10,000,000 VND.

Regarding direct marketing, we have two forms: implementing direct promotional

campaigns through events, workshops,... and searching and contacting customers. After
each event, we will collect data and information from customers, and contact them to
introduce more product lines and create purchasing needs for them.

Finally, for promotion, we have promotional campaigns on media platforms and direct
promotional campaigns. With the media platform, we will upload attractive articles about
promotions to tap into customer psychology and promote purchases. With direct
promotions, we will have promotions when registering to buy or register to learn directly at
the event or workshop (Register now will receive a 10-20% discount). We will focus on
running in July, August, September, December, January, May, and June with a total cost of
21,000,000 VND.

And the final stage is performance evaluation. The work includes project overview,
tracking and evaluation on media platforms, performance and evaluation of the entire
plan. In particular, an overall assessment of the project's effectiveness is carried out at the
end of each quarter, to be able to grasp the actual situation of the project and make
reasonable and timely adjustments for the next plans.

3. Break-even Point

● Initial Cost of New Assets (CAPEX) - initial cost to purchase new assets for
a project or business. Because we do not have a stable income, we chose
to borrow money from our family with a total value of 300 million VND. We
have no intention of opening a physical store because it will cost a lot of
operating costs, so we will focus on importing products and running online
and direct marketing,...

● Next is the personnel salary including the departments of Chief Executive

Officer (CEO), Chief Business Officer (COO), Chief Financial Officer (CFO),
Chief Human Resources Officer (CHRO), Marketing Director (CMO), Chief
Logistics Officer (CLO) and Chief Production Officer (CPO).
● The CEO has the highest salary of 8 million VND, CMO and CFO have a
salary of 4 million VND, COO and CPO have a salary of 3.5 million VND
and finally CLO has a salary of 3 million VND. This is a fixed annual salary
for positions in the company, while the commission bonus will be 10% of
revenue for each department.

● Our fixed costs including staff salaries, website operating costs and
customer contact costs for 1 year will be 291,000,000 VND.

● Currently, our fixed costs and variable costs are calculated in the first year.
Here variable costs will include product import costs, marketing and
cooperation costs, contingency costs, packaging costs, shipping costs and
leaflets. In the first year, it is estimated to amount to 497,261,052 VND.

● Total operating expenses (cash outflow) in the first year will be 788,261,052

● In the first year we plan to sell 1187 products with a monthly growth rate of
20%. In the first month, because we do not have good brand recognition,
we expect to sell 30 products. The following months will gradually grow by
20% of the previous month.

● In the first year, on average, we sold 99 products per month with revenue of
819,316,396 VND.

● This is our total cash inflow and outflow for the first year with monthly
revenue growth coming from the kits. The first cash flow of the first month
was 300 million VND because we borrowed from our family. In the first
month, we sold 30 products and the revenue was 20 million 700 thousand
VND, minus staff salary costs, product cost prices, shipping costs,
advertising costs,... the line The ending cash flow of the first month is
269,608,000 VND and it will be the opening cash flow of the second month
and will continue in the following months.

● Assumptions about our expected sales growth rate in the next year will
increase by 10% compared to the first year because awareness has
reached quite a few customers and will increase by 5% in the following
years. according to. Projected net sales in the first year is calculated as the
first year multiplied by the expected percentage of revenue in the following
year. Total annual operating costs account for 8% of total revenue or total
operating costs in the first year of the business, used to maintain daily
business operations (Marketing fees, employee salaries,... ). Expected
gross profit margin assumption - This is the expected gross profit level,
expressed as a percentage of gross revenue. This is an important index to
evaluate business performance. This index will be equal to Projected net
sales - Operating expense. According to my understanding, Vietnam's
domestic corporate tax rate is 20%. And the gross profit margin after tax will
evaluate the profitability of a business over a specific period of time.

● This table depicts projected cash flows over five years based on revenue,
operating expenses, and other financial factors. The initial investment of the
project is 300 million VND with first year revenue of 819,316,396 VND and
gradually increasing to 1,554,652,862 VND in the fifth year. Because we
have no plans to open a store and focus on online sales, our business will
not have depreciation, so our EBITDA and EBIT will be equal. According to
my understanding, Vietnam's domestic corporate tax rate is 20%. And
NOPAT (Profit after tax from core business activities) is calculated by
subtracting the tax rate from EBIT. CF from Operations is equal to NOPAT
because there is no depreciation, other deductible expenses or changes in
working capital in question. Capital Expenditure (CAPEX) is not available.
Additional working capital or the amount of money needed to maintain daily
operations that is not available. Our cash flow at the end of the period will
be equal to cash flow from operating activities + CAPEX. The after-tax
salvage value of fixed assets is not available. In the end, the NCF - total net
cash flow of our project is Terminal cash flow + additional working capital -
after-tax salvage value in 5 years is 1,907,577,448 VND.

● From the NCF table above, we can calculate the discounted cash flow and
cumulative net cash flow over the years with a discount rate of 10%.
Discounted NCF evaluates the real value of future cash flows compared to
the current value with the formula of first year NCF divided by (1+discount
rate)^1/current year. An Accumulative NCF is the cumulative sum of NCF
values ​over time periods that will be calculated as Accumulated NCF in the
previous year - Discounted NCF in the current year. The DPP is calculated
as 4.15 years which means it takes about 4 years and 56 days to recoup
the initial investment from discounted cash flows. In other words, after 4.15
years, the present value of the cash flows generated by the project will be
enough to recoup the initial investment, taking into account the time value
of money. PI means that the total present value of the expected cash flows
from the project is 2.48 times greater than the initial investment. The larger
the PI, the more profitable the project is. And our break-even point is
2.125064894, which means 337 days to break even.

● Finally, there is NPV (net present value) and IRR (internal rate of return).
Discount rate adjusts the value of future cash flows to the present, to be
able to compare their value (Risk or return we want), here our discount rate
is 10%. . Here, the calculated NPV is 184,065,682 VND, showing that our
project has an increased current value compared to the initial investment
cost, meaning the project has the ability to make a profit. In fact, IRR is the
rate at which the cash flow from a project is equal to the cash flow invested
in that project. Here, IRR is 25%, showing that the project has great

● Defective imported products: This is a big risk as it can lead to return
costs or even lost customers if the delivered kits do not work as expected.
This could have a negative impact on our brand reputation and increase
operating costs if prompt remedial measures need to be put in place.
● Product damaged during transportation: Shipping a product such as a
STEM Robotics kit may result in the risk of the product being damaged,
dented, or losing small internal components. This can result in not only
customer service contact costs and replacement return costs, but also lost
business opportunities due to additional waiting time.
● Financial risks such as exchange rate changes or financial market
declines: Your business may face risks from exchange rate fluctuations or
a downturn in the global financial market. This can increase import costs
and affect the product's profit or final selling price.

● Market risks and competition are growing stronger: The STEM
education market is growing and competing fiercely. Other companies are
also working to provide similar or even better solutions and products that
can reduce the competitive advantage of our products. This is especially
important when it comes to identifying and developing effective marketing
and sales strategies to maintain and expand market share.

● Check product quality and quickly return: Ensure that each imported
product is thoroughly checked for quality before distributing to customers.
Set up a flexible and quick return policy if the product has problems, to
minimize inconvenience to customers and maintain brand reputation.
● Secure packaging and transportation: Pay special attention to the
method of packaging and protecting the product during transportation to
minimize the risk of product damage. (Thorough shockproof wrapping)
Choosing partners Reputable and experienced transportation to ensure
products reach customers safely.
● Financial risk management: To minimize the impact of exchange rate and
financial market fluctuations, we can apply strategies such as using mutual
contracts (hedging), negotiating prices in advance, and maintaining a
financial reserve to deal with these fluctuations.
● Marketing strategy and market development: To cope with competition,
we will promote the development of marketing strategies, strengthen
customer relationships and enhance product value. Focus on product
differentiation and competitive advantages such as price, exclusivity and
innovation. At the same time, we will develop an after-sales support service.


Our STEMBots project provides robotic kits and comprehensive STEM curriculum,
meeting the growing demand for STEM education. With its main products being
robot kits and carefully designed curriculum, the project aims to provide
high-quality STEM education to all children, regardless of background. The
combination of practical and theoretical learning helps students develop critical
thinking, problem-solving skills, and ignite a passion for STEM subjects. At the
same time, strategic partnerships with educational centers, schools, and support
experts, the project's products bring high value and receive trust from customers.
In addition, comprehensive support and a strong online community help the project
create a positive and effective learning environment.

However, our project also faces big challenges such as high initial investment
needs and dependence on supply quality from suppliers. Large marketing and
advertising costs along with fierce competition in the STEM education market are
factors that need to be managed effectively. Maintaining product and service
quality, as well as ensuring financial sustainability, requires continuous efforts from
the project implementation team.
The expanding STEM education market brings many development opportunities
for the STEMBots project. By taking advantage of new technologies and modern
educational trends, the project has strong development potential. To achieve this,
STEMBots needs to focus on improving metrics such as market penetration,
financial performance, and product quality. At the same time, maintaining positive
interactions with customers and partners is also key to ensuring long-term


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