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ASSIGNMENT General Physics 1 ’ PHYS 101 Department of Natural Science (Physics) . School of Science _ ‘Kathmandu University Dhulikhel, Nepal September, 2018 e CamScanner MECHANICS ad CamScanner 2. ASSIGNMENT 1. TE |AMICS OF iM 0) 14 45.36-4g block of ide ddes down an incline 1.5% m long and 0.9144 m high. man pushes up on the ice parallel to the incline so that it slides dowh at constant speed: The coefficient of friction between the ice and the incline is 0:1. Find (a) the force exerted by the man, (0) the work done by the man on the block, E (©) the work done by the gravity on the block, (2) _ the work done by the surface of the incline on the block, : the work done by the resultant force on the block, and }). the change in kinetic energy of the block. a . a = (Ans: (a) 231.15N, (b) -352.56 J (c) +406.8 J (A) -64:24 J (e) zero (f) zero] \ ‘A-man pushes a 27.216-kg block 9.144 m along a level floor at constant speed with the force diretted 43° below the horjzontal. If coefficient of kinetic friction is 0.2, how much, ‘work does the man do on the block? fAns: 609 J] [A block of mass m = 3.57k9 is drawn at a constant speed a distance d = 4.06 meters ‘along a horizontal floor by rope exerting a constant force of magnitude F = 7.68’ making aan angle 6= 15° with the horizontal. Compute (a) _ the total work done on the block, (b) the work done by the rope on the block, (©) _ the work done by the friction on the block, (4) the coofficient of kinetic friction between the block and floo. [Ans: (a) Zero, (b) 30.1 J (c) 30.1 J, (290.225) i ‘A small object of mass m is suspended from a string of length L. The object is pulled sideways by a force F that is always horizontal, until the string finally makes an angle dm with the ver- tical as shown in figure, ‘The displacement is ‘accomplished at a small constant speed. Find the work done by all the forces that act on the object. Ans: Wp = mgL(1 — €060m) , Wy = mgh , Wr = 0) ‘The force acting on a particle varies as shown _ in Figure. Find the work done by the force on the particle as it moves ‘ (0) from z=0to2=8.00m, (0) from z= 8.00m to z= 10.0m , and (c) from z=0 tox = 100m. [Ans: (a)24.07 , -3.0J , 2.0) e CamScanner % "A fore acting on @ particle moving they] p18 plane is given by F = (yi +4) fy and y are in meters. The particle moves from (0,00, 6.00) m the origin tina position having coordinates = 500m and y = 500 m asshown in Figure Calculate the work done by F on the particle . ‘as it moves along (a) OAC, (b) OBC,~and (c) OC (d) Is F conservative or nonconservative? ‘Explain. a * [Ans{(a) Woac = 1281 (b) Won = 80.07 (e) Woe = 06.1 (¢)F is sonconserative} ‘The potential energy function for the force between two aioms in a diatomic molecule can + | be expressed approximately as follows: — Z where a and b are positive constants and z is the distance between atoms. (a)- At what values of x is U(2) equal to zero? At what values of zis U(z) a mini (b) Determine the force between the atoms, (©) What is the dissoci -S0& Find the center of mass of a homogeneous semi circle. ‘A small block of mass m slides along the fie: tionless loop-the-loop track shown in Figure. (a). it starts from rest at P, what is the re- sultant force acting on it at Q? (b) At what height above the bottom of the loop should the block be released so that the force it exerts against the track at the top of the loop is equal to its weight? [Ans: (a) VB5mg (b) 3] a CamScanner 10. _ An ideal spring 'S can be compressed 1.0 me- ter by @ force of 100 N. This same spring is Placed at the bottom of a frictionless inclined zs lane which makes an angle of @ = 30° with _ = horizontal as shown in figure. A 10 kg mass M. is released form rest at the top ofthe incline and 's brought to rest momentarily after compress- ing the spring 2.0 meters. (2) ‘Through hat distance does the mas side ‘before coniing to rest? (©) What is the speed of the mass just before it reaches the spring ? A.1.0-kg block collides with a horizontal weight- . less sprig of force constant 2.0 N/m as shown in Figure. The block compresses-the spring 4.0 me- ters from the rest position. Assuming that the, ocficient of kinctic frietion between the block ‘and horizontal surface is 0.25, what was that ‘speed of the block at the instant, of eallision? {Ans:7.2m/s] A vessel at rest explodes, breaking into three pieces. Two piece, having equal mass, fly - ‘off perpendicular to one another with thé same speed of 30 m/s. The third piece has three times the mass of each other piece. What is the direction and magnitude of its velocity immediately after the explosion’? 12. (Ans: 1073 m/s, 195° trom either 13. A projectile is fred form a angle of 45° with the horizontal and with a muzzle speed of 457.2 m/s. At the highest point in its fight the projectile explodes into tow fragments of equal mass. One fragment, whose initial speed is zero, falls vertically. How far from the gun does the other fragment land, assuming a level terrain? (Ans: 1.1 10° 4] 14. A 6000-kg rocket is set for a vertical firing. Ifthe exhaust speed is 1000 m/s, how much ‘gas must be ejected per second to supply the thrust néeded: (8) toovercome the weight ofthe rocket, () to give the rocket an initial upward acceleration of 19.6 m/s#? (Ans: (a) 58.8 kg/s, (b) 176.4 kg/s] 15. A rocket moving in free space has a speed of 3.0 x 10° m/s relative to earth. Its engines are turned on, and fuel is ejected'in a direction opposite the rocket’s motion at a speed of 5.0 x 10° m/s relative to rocket. (a) What is the speed of the rocket relative to the eafth once the rocket’s mass is reduced to one-half its mass before ignition? (b) What is the thrust of he rocket if it burns at the rate of 50 Kg/s? [Ans: (a) 65> 10° m/s (b) 2.5% 10° NY} , + al e CamScanner 16. 18. 19. 20. A bullet of mass 10 gm strike’ a ballistic pendulum of mass 2.0 kg. The center of mass of the pendulum rises a vertical distance of 12 em. Assuming the bullet remains embedded- in the pendulum, calculate its intial speed. . : n [Ans: 308.3 m/s} A steel ball weighing 453.59 gm fastened to cord 68.6 cm. long and is released when the cord is horizontal. At the bottom ofits path the bal strikes a 2.268 kg steel block - initially at rest on a frictionless surface as shown in figure below. ‘The collision is elastic. Find the speed of the ball and the speed of the block intially at just after colision. [Ans: (a) 2.54 m/s, 1.22 m/s) AA block of mass my = 2.0kg slides along a fric- tionless table with a speed of 10 tn/s. Dinéctly in front of it, and moving in the same direc: tion, is a block of mass my = 5.0kg moving at 3 m/s. A massless spring with a spring con- stant of k = 1120N/mt is attached to backside fof mg as shown in figure. When the blocks cal- lide, what is the maximum compression of the spring? Assume that the spring does not bend {and always obeys Hook's law. [Ans:0.25m} ‘Two vehicles A and B are traveling west and south, respectively, toward the same inter- section where they collide and lock together. Before the collision A (total weight, 408.233 kg) is moving with the speed of 17.88 m/s, and B (total weight, 544.310 kg) has a speed of 26,82 m/s. Find the magnitude and direction ofthe velocity ofthe (interlocked) vehicles immediately after collision. {Ans: 17.14 m/s, 63.44%] ‘A gas molecule having a speed of 300 meters/sec collides elastically with another molecule of the same mass which i initially at rest. After collision the frst molecule moves at an angle of 30° to its intial direction. Find the speed of each molecule after collision and. the angle made with the incident direction by the recoiling target molecule. [Ans: 260 m/s, 150 m/s, 60°) CamScanner 21. A star rotates with a period of 30 days about an axis through its center. After the ‘star undergoes a supernova explosion, the stellar core, which had a radius 1.0 x 10* km, collapses into a neutyon star of radius 8.0 km. Determine the period of rotation of the neutron star. - - 7 aa - (Ans: Ty = 023se4) 22, A horizontal platform in the shape of a circular disk rotates in a horizontal plane about a frictionless vertical axle. The platform has a mass M = 100 kg and a radius R = 2.0" : m. A student whose masé is m = 60 kg walks slowly form the rim of the disk toward its center. Ifthe angular speed of the system is 2.0 rad/s when the student is at the rim, 2 what is the angillar speed when he has reached. point r= 0.50 m from the center. [Wins: w =.4.1 rad/s] 23. Calculate the reduved mass of Hydrogen atom. . {Ans: 4 me{mass of electron) | = : | CamScanner 3 - ASSIGNMENT.2 ‘A conical pendulum consists of « bob of mass m in mo- tion in a circular path in e.horizontal plane as shown in figure. During the motion, the supporting wire of length {maintains the constant angle @ with the vertical. Show that the magnitude of the angular-momentum of the bob ‘about the circle's is : r= (ae a" : al Consider an oxygen molecule(0,) rotating in the xy plane about z axis. The axis passes through the centre of the molecule, perpendicular. its length. The mass ofeach oxygen atom is 2.66 « 10-%kg end at room temperature the average separation between the to ‘atoms is d= 1.21 x 10-!?m (the atoms are treated as point masses) (0). Calculate the moment of inertial of the molecule about the z axis. (b) Ifthe angular speed of the molecule about the axis is 4.60 x 10-"?rad/s, what-is its rotational kinetic energy? [Ans: 1 =1.95 x 10-#kg.m?, Ka = 2.06 x 10-?"J] ‘Two masses ‘M’ and ‘m' are connected by a i rod of length Land of aap mas, ti shown in fgre, Fan ars pases perpen Siar tothe od show tat the mem has the nimum momento eta wen thea pune throurh the cere of mass Show that Tho moment of inet mit) ps (wn) ” ‘Two identical solid spheres of mass M and Ra- dius R are joined together, and the combination js rotated about an axis tangent to one sphere and perpendicular to:the line connecting them. ‘What is the rotational inertia of the combina- tion? 108MRY CamScanner ASSIGNMENT 3 . a Consider a physical pendulum as shown in figure bélow. Representig its moment of inertia about an axis passing through its centre of mass and ough its centre of mass and parallel to the axis passing through its pivot point as lay. Show that its period is Ten + ml mod |. 2s In an engine, a piston oscillates with simple harmonic motion so that its position varies tccoring to the expression anon) (21+ 2) Wheres in etter and is in soon AL = 0, ud (0) the potion ofthe price, (b). its vefocity, and (0) ts aeration (@)_ the pecind ad amplitude of te motion 17.3cm/s? (d) 00cm, T = 3.248) {Ans: (a) x = 4.33em (b) v = —5.00em/s (c) ‘A 0.500-kg cart connected to a light spring for which the force constant is 20.0N/m ‘oscillates on horizontal, frictionless air track, (2) - Calculate the total energy of the system and the maximum speed of the-cart ifthe amplitude of the motion is 3.00 cm. (©) What isthe total velocity of the cart when the positon is 2.00 em? (€) Compute the kinetic and potential energies of the system when the postion is 2.00 190m/s, (b) v = #0.141m/s, {Ans: (8) B= 9.00 x 10°°J; tae 00x 107%) (e)K = 5.00 x 10-9), 4 CamScanner 4._— "A 106-kg object oscillatesat the end ofa vertical spring bas a spring constant of 2.05 x 10'N/m: The effect of air resistance'is represented by the damping coefficient b = 3.00 ; __ Ns/m. Calculate the frequency of the damped oscillation. a =7.00H 2] (Ans: ~ 5. A 200g object attached to a spring moves without friction and is driven by an exter- nal force givn by. F = (3.00N)sin(2rt). The force-constant of the spring is 20.0 N/m. Determine - : (2) the petiod and BS c (©) the amplitude of the motion, : “+ Ans: (a) T=1.006 (b) 5.09 emp e CamScanner 10 ASSIGNMENT 4 CHAPTER 5: ELASTICITY 1, Awire of length L, Young's modulus ¥, and cross-sectional area Ais ststched elastically. = ‘by an amouint AL. By Hooke's law, the restoring force is -kAL Show that: F YA 7 : @ a t4 ; : 2 (0) the work done in atetchng th wire by an amount Ais W = 3Y AZ 7 2. A 2004 lind is hung on a wire of length 4.00 m, cross sectional area 0.200 x 10-4”, : and Young's modulus 800 x 1O10N/m#. What is its increase in lng? | - <7 [Ans = 490mm) 2] . [Assume Young's modulus for bone i 1.50 x 10!°N/m?. The bone breaks if stress greater * j than 1.50 x 108N/m? is imposed on it. [y . __ (8) What is the maximum force that can bé exerted on the femur bone in the leg has « wininsumn effective diameter of 2.50 cin? (0) If this much force is applied compressively, by how much does the 25.0 em long bone shorten? [Ans: (a) F = 73.6kN (b) AL = 250mm] 44. A solid brass sphere is intially surrounded by air and the air pressure exerted on it is 1.0 x 10°.V/m? (normal atmospheric pressure). The sphere is Jowered into the ocean to ‘8 depth where the pressure is 2.0 x 10°N/m?. The volume of the sphere in air is. 0.50m?, By how mich does this volume change once the sphere is submerged? 6x 10-¢m4] CamScanner ° . u . ASSIGNMENT 5. : HAPTER 5: V1 1, Castoreil, which has a density of 0.96 x 10°ig/m! at room temperature, is forced through” a pipe of circular cross section by pump that maintains’a gauge pressure of 950 pa. The ‘pipe as a dlameter of 2.6 cm and a'length of 65 cm. The castor oil emerging from the free end of the pipe and at atmospherié pressure is collected. After 90 s, a total of 1.23 kx has been collected. What is the coeficient of viscosity of castor oil at this temperature? (Ans: 9 = LISNs/mi] A ange storage tank, open at the top and filed with water, develops a small hole in its side at a point 16.0 m below thé water level. The rate of flow from the leak: is 2.50 x 10-8 min. Determine: : : (2) _ the speed at which the water leaves the hole. (©) the diameter of the hole. Ana: (a) v2=17.7 m/s, (b) d=1.73 mm] ‘3. In ideal flow, aliquid of density 850 kg/m®-moves from a horizontal tube of radius 1.00, cm into a second horizontal tube of radius 0.500 cm. A pressure difference AP exists between the tubes (a) Find the volume flow rate as a function of AP. (6) Evaluate the voiuine ow rate for AP = 6.008Pa. (c) State how the volime fow rate depends on AP Ans: (a) (3.98 x 10-*VBP)rn3/s where AP is in pascal, (b) 0.305 L/s, (c) Volume flow rate x VAP) > Atop rns sin mn avg my of me aston es ‘below. The barrel of the syringe has a cross-sectional area A =.2.50 x 10-5m?, and the needle has cross-sectional area a= 1,00 x 10-%m®, In the absence of a force on the plunger, the presure everywire i 1 atm. A force F of magnitude 200 N acts on the samen maldog medicine squirt horieontaly form the needle. Determine the speed of the ‘medicine as it leaves the:needle's tip. 4 CamScanner OPTICS e CamScanner B ASSIGNMENT 6 CHAPTER 1: INTERFERENCE 7 2 - : > Intensity Distribution F 1. Two coherent sources of intensity ratio 6 interfere, Prove that in interference pattern, - Imaz~ Inn _ 2VB. + Tmaz + Imin 1+B 7 AM, Show that "0 waves with wave functions £y = 6.00 sin(100nt) and. Ea = 8.00 sin(a00nt 3) ddd to give a wavefunction Er sin(100nt +9). Find the required valves oo for Ex and. : . ‘ 3 {Ex = 100 ; ¢ = 0.927] | : ‘Young’s Double Slit Experiment : “The distatice between two coherent sources in Young's double slit experiment is 0.2 mm ‘and the interference pattern is observed on a screen 80 cm from the sources. If the wavelength used is 6000A, then (i) How far is socond bright fringe from the central bright fringe? (ii) How far is the second dark fringe from central bright fringe? . {() 0.48 em ; (i) 0.38 erm] nuns st ogi, his pd 3 nd (5x 10-4 Hz] Interference in Thin Film ‘5. Calculate the minimum thickness of a soap-bubble film that results in constructive erence in the reflected light ifthe flm is illuminated with light whose wavelength in-free space is A = 600 nm. The index of refraction of the soap film is 1.83. What if the fm ‘ice as thick? Does this situation produce constructive interference? (113 nm} {OA thin fn of it (a = 1.25 is located on smth, wet peveinent. When viewed perpen- ‘dicular to the pavement, the fli reflects most strongly red light at 640 mn and reflects 1io green light at §12 um. How thick is the oi! fn? (512 nm} es _Epsinh 5= 6.00 tunB= €25 E22 too Esr Ez cos be iy = Qxint2 pexeoe =i 7 a> JEEP 26 cas ae fo. = (Gre Drapes, = 4 3 = Vaccaro 2 = te CamScanner Newton's Ring 19¢* dark ring changes form 1.40 to 1.27 7. Ina Newton's rings experiment, the diameter of 1 S chicl bo Gelculate the refractive a em as a liquid is introduced between the lens and a plate. index of the liquid. ao - a ue DRT. sO 235 , © ipetepeminennmocens — - “ff t Hearne aatebonreasrt ‘em is placed on a flat plate as shown in figure. When light of wavelength 4 = 650 nm is in. estes be tp eee ‘with the last one precisely on the edge.of the me | (2) “What isthe radius of curvature ofthe convex lens? ‘What is the focal length of the lens? 0) {(e) 706 m, (2) 136 m) QAY Diameter of 42%h dork ting in air (Pa? >4:40em Diameter of 42th dark rg iy weeds liquid CDQ) = 4:2tem Refraohve jrder of liquid = dy = cae a = 402 lb CamScanner ~ ASSIGNMENT 7 . HAPTER 2: AC Monochromatic ight from helim-ncon laser (A, = 682.800) i inident on difration : grating containing 6000 grooves per enetimeter. Find the angles at which the first and : second order maxima are observed. What if you looked for the you find it? . third maximum? Would - - (22.910; 49.41; No} 2. . A helium-nepii laser (A = 632.8nm) is used to clilbrate a diffraction grating. Hthe = « steonder maximum occurs at 2.5, what is the spacing betwen adjacent grooves in the : grating? ae -[.81 pm] 3. A plane transmission grating has 6000 lines/em. It is us from sodiuin lamp in second order. Calculate the angular separatir lines 5890A and 58964. wed to obtaiy a spectrum of light n between two sodium (4 min} kA Blown sting, nel. 01 pont ada tims ts x = BO, = SD ae a 4500A of the next higher order. Ifthe angle of ‘order superimposed on anot! fines are ther in a ‘em’ in the grating ? diffraction is 30°, how many Ii [2778 lines/em] ‘chosen as 4300A and 68004. ible spectrum are arbitrarily angular range of ‘Assume that limits of the visi the first order spectrum through am Design a grating that will sprea 2007 [27700 lines/inch} ae > CamScanner ASSIGNMENT 8 HAPTER 9: POLARIZ, , part of the with each cidence of 53.0" Light travel é ight traveling in water strikes a glass plate ai an angle of in ‘an angle of 90.0% beam is reflected, Ifthe reflected and refracted portions rake ‘other, what is the index of refraction of the glass? (1.76) 7 2 Unpoarze ight traveling ina quid with efeactive index incident om the Se is the liquid, above which there is air. If the light incident on the surfae at an arigle of 31. - ae with respect to the normal, the light reflected back into the liquid is completely polarized. (a) What is dthe refractive index of the liquid? (b) What angle does the refractive light : ‘traveling in air make with the normal to the surface? : : [(a)1.65; (8)58.89) ered on a common axis. The veertical direction are shoND ‘of polarization parallel fiat disk with intensity when, = 20.07, 2 = 3. Three polariing platés whose planes-are parallel are cen directions of the transmission axes relative to the commos in figure below. A linearly polarized beam of light with the plane to the vertical reference direction is incdetn from the lft om the 1h = 100units(abira) Calculate the transmitted intensity I 40.0, 65 5 [6.89 units} tion ifthe plane of polarization is turned through 264°, travers: 4. Calculate the specific rotat ing 20cm length 20% sugar solution. [66 deg(dm)~tg~temn* CamScanner HEAT e CamScanner I 8 ASSIGNMENT 9 APTER 1: HE, ~ Te slabs of thickness Land La and hernal conduct ‘i nd therinal conduct Seiat at hohe sown nue Te temper ot oer Ses «Than Ttepectvely and Z, > Determine the temperate at he inerfag andthe "By transfer by conduction through the slabs in steady condition. KyLaTe+ kabsTa g _ Akuka(Ta 2) Tilat kok, "9 ila t hala Calculate the average energy € ofan oscillator of frequency 0.60 x 10" sec"! at tempera- ture T = 1800 K treating it as (i) Classical oscillator. (ji) Planck’s oscillator. [Boltamann 1.38 x 10-Joule/K and Planck's constant(h)=6.6 x 10° Js )] {[i) 2484 10-® joule (i) 1.01 > 10-% joule] When the temperature of a black body increases, it'is observed that the wavelength corresponding to maximum energy changes ffom.0.264m to 0.184m. Caleualte the ratio of emissive power of the body at the réspective temperature. (116) ‘The radiation emitted by a stat is 10,000 times more than that of the sun. Ifthe surface temperature of the sun and the star 1s 6000 K and 2000.K respectively. Calculate the ratio of the radii of the star and the sun. [90:1] ‘THE END CamScanner és ky aod ky themal

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