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This is a questionnaire designed to gather data on the challenges of establishing

an integrated transport system in Dhaka. This questionnaire is being distributed

to a variety of stakeholders, including residents, transportation experts, and


### Questionnaire: Challenges of Establishing an Integrated Transport System in


#### Section A: Demographic Information

1. **Age:**
- ☐ 18-25

- ☐ 26-35

- ☐ 36-45

- ☐ 46-55

- ☐ 56 and above

2. **Gender:**
- ☐ Male

- ☐ Female

- ☐ Other

3. **Occupation:**
- ☐ Student

- ☐ Employed

- ☐ Self-employed

- ☐ Unemployed

- ☐ Retired

4. **Residential Area:**
- ☐ Urban

- ☐ Suburban

- ☐ Rural

Question: {What type of stakeholder are you ?

- ☐ Resident
-transportation expert

5. **Frequency of Using Public Transport:**

- ☐ Daily

- ☐ Weekly

- ☐ Monthly

- ☐ Rarely

- ☐ Never
#### Section B: Infrastructural Challenges

6. How would you rate the current state of transportation infrastructure in

- ☐ Very Poor

- ☐ Poor

- ☐ Average

- ☐ Good

- ☐ Very Good

7. What are the major infrastructural barriers to establishing an integrated

transport system in Dhaka?
- ☐ Insufficient road capacity

- ☐ Poor road conditions

- ☐ Lack of public transport facilities

- ☐ Traffic congestion

- ☐ Limited land availability

- ☐ Other (please specify): ____________

#### Section C: Socio-Economic Factors

8. How do you perceive the cost of public transportation in Dhaka?

- ☐ Very Expensive
- ☐ Expensive

- ☐ Affordable

- ☐ Cheap

- ☐ Very Cheap

9. Do socio-economic factors such as income disparity and population density

affect the use of public transport in Dhaka?
- ☐ Strongly Agree

- ☐ Agree

- ☐ Neutral

- ☐ Disagree

- ☐ Strongly Disagree

10. What socio-economic factors do you believe are the most significant barriers
to an integrated transport system in Dhaka? (Select all that apply)
- ☐ Income disparity

- ☐ High population density

- ☐ Public perception of safety

- ☐ Cultural preferences for private vehicles

- ☐ Other (please specify): ____________

#### Section D: Policy and Governance

11. How effective are current government policies in addressing transport issues
in Dhaka?
- ☐ Very Ineffective

- ☐ Ineffective

- ☐ Neutral

- ☐ Effective

- ☐ Very Effective

12. What are the main policy and governance challenges in implementing an
integrated transport system in Dhaka? (Select all that apply)
- ☐ Lack of coordination between agencies

- ☐ Inadequate funding

- ☐ Corruption

- ☐ Bureaucratic inefficiency

- ☐ Other (please specify): ____________

13. How important is political will in the establishment of an integrated transport

- ☐ Very Important

- ☐ Important

- ☐ Neutral

- ☐ Unimportant
- ☐ Very Unimportant

14. “There is lack of inter-departmental integration in Dhaka City Masterplan”- Do

you agree?
- ☐ Strongly Agree

- ☐ Agree

- ☐ Neutral

- ☐ Disagree

- ☐ Strongly Disagree

#### Section E: Environmental and Sustainability Concerns

15. How significant are environmental concerns in planning transport systems in

- ☐ Very Significant

- ☐ Significant

- ☐ Neutral

- ☐ Insignificant

- ☐ Very Insignificant

16. What environmental challenges need to be addressed to develop a

sustainable transport system in Dhaka? (Select all that apply)
- ☐ Air pollution
- ☐ Noise pollution

- ☐ Carbon emissions

- ☐ Loss of green spaces

- ☐ Other (please specify): ____________

17. How important is the integration of sustainable practices in the development

of Dhaka's transport system?
- ☐ Very Important

- ☐ Important

- ☐ Neutral

- ☐ Unimportant

- ☐ Very Unimportant

#### Section F: General Comments

18. In your opinion, what are the top three challenges to establishing an
integrated transport system in Dhaka?
- 1. _______________
- 2. _______________
- 3. _______________

19. Do you have any additional comments or suggestions on how to overcome

these challenges?
- _______________
- _______________
- _______________


Thank you for your participation!


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