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A Review of Antimicrobial Fabric Containing Nanostructures

Metal-Based Compound

Lee-Yae Tan,1 Lee Tin Sin ,1 Soo-Tueen Bee ,1 Chantara T. Ratnam,2 Kwan-Kit Woo,1
Tiam-Ting Tee,1 Abdul Razak Rahmat3
Department of Chemical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering and Science, Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman,
Jalan Sungai Long, Bandar Sungai Long Cheras, Kajang 43000, Selangor, Malaysia
Radiation Processing Technology Division, Malaysian Nuclear Agency, Bangi, Kajang 43000, Selangor,
Department of Polymer Engineering, Faculty of Chemical Engineering, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, 81310
UTM Skudai, Johor, Malaysia

Textile can be a potential microorganism’s propagation pathogenic microorganisms, particularly Escherichia coli,
site because it contacts with human skin endows opti- Staphylococcus aureus, and Klebstella pneumoniae should
mal conditions combination of nutrient sources, tem-
perature, and moisture which provides conducive
be controlled as the proliferation of microorganisms on
environment for microorganism growth. Thus, the textile could lead to dramatic effects such as deterioration
development of antibacterial textile is crucial to inhibit of textile strength, defacement, and odors which can con-
the growth of microorganisms for protection the health taminate the textile as well as endanger the wearer [2].
and safety of wearer. This review article focuses on Generally, the impacts of microorganism on textile
several metal-based nanoparticles possess biocidal
feature namely, Ag, ZnO, Cu based, TiO2, and other material could be performed by two main approaches,
minor metals based such as iron based, CeO2, Au, namely assimilation and degradation. In fact, their metab-
SiO2, Ni, and Pt. The phenomenology of metal nano- olites revealed in occurrence of spots on textile surface,
particles associated to the antibacterial effects and formation of bubbles on colored surface of textile materi-
possible mechanisms of action against bacteria have als, induction of bond breaks in fibrous materials, pene-
been highlighted. This review also discussed the syn-
thesis techniques and effects of incorporation additive tration into cavity of natural fiber, and adverse effect on
materials of those metal-based nanoparticles to inhibit mechanical strength, mass loss, alteration of chemical
the growth
microorganisms.J. VINYL ADDIT.
ADDIT. TECH- properties, and other properties [3].
NOL., 2019. ©2017.
00:000–000, 2017 V
C of Plastics
2017 Society Engineers
of Plastics Engineers Owing to the improvement of healthcare concern
related with the infection of diseases by various microor-
ganisms, multifunctional textile has been developed in
INTRODUCTION order to prohibit the growth of bacteria onto the textile
Textile has been widely used for clothing application where it will lead to adverse hygiene effect on wearer.
since thousand years ago. Among these are wool (WO), Nowadays, scientists are concerned about incorporation of
silk, cotton, nylon, etc. However, the vulnerability of nanotechnology to produce multifunctional fabrics. Gener-
microorganisms attacking on textile could be a serious ally, nanotechnology is gaining interest to be used on
problem. The optimal moisture affinity and natural feature coating nanoparticles (NPs) on textile to avoid degrada-
of those textiles could be favorable for microorganism’s tion and discoloration by microorganisms while prevent-
hostility especially those used in hospitals, infant wear, ing propagation of bacteria. Over the past few contracts,
underwear, and sportswear which have high chances of metal-based NPs whose structures endowed novel func-
contacting bacteria [1]. The infection caused by tionality and ability to improve pristine textile in term of
physical, chemical, and biological have been studied as
Correspondence to: L.T. Sin; e-mail: and S.-T. one of the most promising route to produce antibacterial
Bee; e-mail: textile. Up-to-date, the common metallic based NPs used
Contract grant sponsor: Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovations in development of antibacterial textile are Ag, ZnO, Cu
(MOSTI) of The Federal Government of Malaysia under ScienceFund; based, and TiO2. Also, there were researches on other
contract grant number: 03-02-11-SF0206.
DOI 10.1002/vnl.21606
metal-based NPs namely, iron based, CeO2, Au, SiO2, Ni,
Published online in Wiley Online Library ( and Pt which have been investigated to be applied on bio-
C 2017 Society of Plastics Engineers
V cidal textile field. These metallic based materials have

their own unique properties beside antibacterial feature exhibits high water absorbency which able to absorb up
which further improve the textile finishing. to 30%–38% of its original weight. It is proposed that
Based on tremendous increase in the number of inves- these reasons result the high affinity of NP’s adsorption
tigations and developments on the properties of suitable on WO fabric. Hence, it generates excellent antimicrobial
metal-based NPs and their efficiencies on antibacterial efficiency of WO fabric in the long run. According to
property, this review mainly focus on comprehensive Heliopoulos et al., the usage of alginate increases the cop-
compilation of published metal-based NPs used to synthe- per sorbing capacity due to its structure comprised of
size antibacterial textile finishing and the proposed syn- abundant carboxylic groups (ACOOH) that forms bonds
thesis techniques. Moreover, it also concerned with the with mercapto groups, carboxylic or sulfonic groups of
mechanisms of action against bacterial cell death as well WO keratin, thus offering excellent antibacterial effect
as the factors influence the efficiency of antibacterial [12]. The CMC lipid layer inside cortical cell of WO
performance. fiber making the surface of WO hydrophobic, results the
difficulties in process of dyeing and finishing of fabric.
TYPE OF TEXTILE Nevertheless, the embedment of silica NPs not only pro-
motes the uptake of NPs on WO, it also alters the wetta-
Textile can be categorized into three main sources bility of WO gives the WO to be super-hydrophilic [5, 8].
namely, animal-based, plant-based, and synthetic-based
textile. Each of them has its own unique characteristics Silk. The raw silk consists of two main components
which are applied on different textile fields such as medi- called fibroin and sericin. However, the raw silk is not
cal textile, sportswear, children’s wear, furniture’s uphol- suitable to be used as textile application directly. This is
stery, and etc. probably due to once the presence of sericin inside the
human body, it is detected as an antigenic factor by T
Animal-Based Textile cells and triggers immulogic reaction. Thus, extraction of
sericin is necessary before further processing and the pro-
Animal-based textiles to be discussed are originated cess is known as degumming process. Upon degumming
from WO and silk. WO widely used on textile applica- silk or silk fibroin, it appears shiny and feels soft to touch
tions are the one made from goat, sheep, camel, and rab- and is highly demand in textile industry [17]. Silk fibroin
bit which possessed high extent of warmth [3]. Whereas, produced from the cocoon Bombyx mori, in particular, is
silk is an animal fiber produced from cocoon with its widely used in medical wound dressing due to its inher-
softness in fame. ently biocompatibility, proper strength, morphologic flexi-
bility, biodegradability, and permeability [17, 18]. Despite
Wool. WO is a natural animal fiber which mainly con- of the advantages, the natural protein fiber of silk serves
stitutes of fibrous protein substance, called keratin which as a carbon and nitrogen sources for microorganism’s
contains more sulfur content compared to other types of growth [19]. Adherence of microorganism adversely dete-
protein. These filaments of keratin are aligned in continu- riorates the strength by deformation the surface and also
ous fiber axis in cortical cell, bounded by a lipid mem- alters the original color by means of microbial secretions
brane called cell membrane complex (CMC). The keratin or spores [20]. Thus, the development of multifunctional
fibers with disulfide crosslinks between individual poly- silk textile particularly on antibacterial aspect by using
peptide chains have improved fabric’s strength and ther- nanostructure metal-based materials have been studied
mal stability. Although the advantages of excellent in such as CeO2 [19], Ag [21, 22], TiO2 [22], and Au [23].
chemical resistance and other mechanical strength, the
presence of cysteine bonds are susceptible to sunlight,
caused the fabric weakened by prolonged exposure to Plant-Based Textile
sunlight [3]. Moreover, the WO fabric is subjected to Cotton and bamboo pulp are two main sources for
microorganism’s damage. The keratin is a major compo- plant-derived textiles. They are widely used on clothing
nent of WO, acts as a nutrition and energy source for due to its abundance, comfortability, soft, and breathable
microbes and bacteria growth. Hence, the microorgan- natural fiber. Moreover, there are semisynthetic textile
ism’s propagation on WO fabric induced health problems which is derived from natural sources, known as viscose
such as skin irritating [4]. There are several researches or rayon [3].
that studied the antibacterial activity of WO fabric func-
tionalized with different potential NPs such as Ag [5–11], Cotton. Cotton, composes of celluloses and hemicellu-
Cu [12, 13], TiO2 [14, 15], and SiO2 [16]. The features loses, is the most abundant natural polymer on the Earth.
of WO facilitate the bonding formation with NPs which It is linked with a range from as low as 15 or less to as
are favorable to a long-term antibacterial performance. high as 7,000–10,000 of linear, straight chain of D-glucose
Based on the literature [5], amino acids and sulfurs in the units which condense through b (1!4)-glycosidic bonds.
WO fibers provide binding sites for silver to form stable As cellulose is one of the renewable carbon source, cotton
silver mercaptides. Moreover, the nonkeratinous cell is susceptible for microbial degradation. Different degra-
membrane cortex region which is light crosslinked dation mechanisms could be resulted for different types

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of microorganisms involved. The attack of fungi can be based materials on viscose fabric namely, Ag [36–41],
initiated from the cracks on the cotton fiber surface or at TiO2 [41], Cu-based material [32, 36, 42], Zn [42], Ni
the ends of fiber causing the degradation occurs from the [42], and SiO2 [43].
inner to outer layer of the fibers. Whereas, it is opposed
from the cotton degradation by bacteria where the process
Synthetic-Based Textile
starts from fiber surface extends throughout to the inner
layers of fibers. In general, the depolymerization of cellu- Synthetic textiles are textiles made from man-made
lose is the main cause for deterioration of cotton in terms such as polyester, nylon, and acrylic, which are made up
of weight and strength [24]. Biodegradation of cotton by joining monomers into long polymer chains. These
causes discoloration, foul smelling, appearance disfigura- textiles endow different features that some might not
tion, and hygiene issue in the products [25]. In order to inherited by that produced from natural sources such as
suppress the negative impacts of microorganism’s adher- waterproof, elasticity, wrinkle-free, flame resistant, etc.
ence on cotton fabric, there are numerous of studies on [44].
metal-based NPs coated on cotton fabric for aiming anti-
bacterial purpose such as Ag [26, 27], ZnO [28], Cu [29], Polyester. Polyester fabric is a man-made fabric consti-
and Fe3O4 [30]. tutes of poly(ethylene terephthalate) (PET) that made up
almost 50% of all fiber materials with considerable
Bamboo. Bamboo-based textile has been commonly strength and chemical resistance with dimensional stabil-
used due to its wicking property, excellent water absorp- ity [45, 46]. The outstanding characteristics of PET such
tion, and permeability. The natural hollowness in the hori- as better elasticity, wrinkle and shrinkage resistance, pleat
zontal cross sections, making bamboo has numerous retention, good easy care properties, not undermined by
micro-holes and micro-gaps to absorb and evaporate the sunlight and weather making polyester extensively used
moisture of human skin readily. This special feature cre- as children’s wear, lingerie, raincoat, pants, shirts, sport-
ates superb ventilation and thus inhibits the growth of wears, separates, jackets, blouses, and dress. Also, by
bacteria. As comparison with cotton, bamboo has been blending polyester with WO, the composite endowed fea-
discovered more eco-friendly in terms of land use, irriga- tures to eliminate crushing and reduce fading, which it
tion, and pesticide adoption. The propagation rate of bam- has widely employed on furniture’s upholstery and fiber-
boo is considered as one of the fastest growing plants, fill in pillows [44]. However, the hydrophobicity of PET
which at 3 to 4 years growth rate. Moreover, bamboo leads to poor adhesion of the coating and shorten the
fiber requires less amount of dye and thus less waste pro- durability of finishing treatment. This is due to the pres-
duced to the environment [31]. Bamboo is a natural bio- ence of benzene rings and ACH2CH2A groups in PET
polymer made up of lignocellulose, which is categorized that endow nonpolar characteristic causes it not capable
as the grass family Poacease [32]. It has been found that to form hydrogen bonds with other molecules [47]. More-
bamboo fiber has excellent antibacterial and bacteriostatic over, the lack of hydrophilic property brings the fabric
bio-agent due to the presence of bambocane substance in susceptible to generate and accumulate static electric
the fiber [3, 33]. However, due to the process of hydroly- charge, hard to clean during laundering, and prone to
sis alkalization and multiphase bleaching in the refining pick up dirt which might deteriorate the hygiene and
process, the intrinsic antibacterial feature disappeared health of wearer [46]. According to recent studies, the
[33]. Thus, imparted ZnO [34], Ag [35], and Au [35] on authors are focused on modification of polyester into
bamboo pulp fabric have been studied and the results more hydrophilic at the same time endowed antibacterial
have revealed that the modified fabrics possessed antibac- property. Among the modification agents are Ag [48] and
terial activity. Pt [49]. Blending both natural and synthetic fibers is an
important treatment to produce wide variety of yarns with
Viscose/Rayon. Viscose or rayon is regenerated fiber desirable attributes and at the mean time covers up nega-
derived from natural resource such as WO pulp or bam- tive characteristics of both fibers. Blending polyester with
boo pulp. It is classified as semisynthetic fiber which cotton synthesizes fabric inherits merits of polyester and
comprises of cellulose macromolecules made up of gluco- cotton such as wear and easy care property and high
pyranose rings link with b-1,4-glycoside bond and each moisture absorbency, respectively. Meanwhile, it reduces
of glucopyranose ring is composed of three hydroxyl the features such as poor moisture absorption and static
alcohols. This is conducive for hydrogen bonding forma- dissipation from polyester and poor crease retention and
tion between hydroxyl group of viscose and water, mak- wrinkle recovery from cotton [44]. Rastgoo et al. have
ing viscose hydrophilic, breathable, and cool [36]. The studied to produce blended polyester/cotton fabric with
versatility of bamboo viscose fiber is widely employed in antibacterial, magnetic, photoactive, and sonocatalytic
the production of sanitary, apparel, geotextile, hygiene, properties via sonosynthesis of magnetite iron oxide NPs
composites, and filtration fabrics. Similar to cotton, the [30]. Hanh et al. have immobilized Ag NPs on peco bed
cellulosic components serve as a nutrient for microbial sheets (65% polyester, 35% cotton) for antibacterial per-
growth and cause the viscose fabric’s degradation [33]. formance evaluation [50]. The results proved that the
Several studies have been reported on coating metal- modified peco bed sheet successfully inhibited the growth

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of the clinical breed such as S. aureus, K. pneumoniae, higher microorganism’s hostility resistance compared
Acinetobacter spp., E. coli, Enterobacter spp., Proteus, with that those Zn- and Ni-coated fabrics [42]. The ele-
Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Provindencia spp., Streptococ- vated metal ions uptake by acrylic fabric is due to the
cus pneumoniaea, and Staphylococcus epidermidis. presence of tactical isotactic structure, which has the abil-
Kleme n cıc et al. have compared the antibacterial perform- ity for coordinate bond formation with the pendant acry-
ances of Ag based on three different types of coated fab- lonitrile groups of acrylic polymer chain as well as via
ric namely, WO, polyester (PET), and polyester blended ionic bonding with the carboxylic groups of acrylic
WO (PET/WO) [5]. The results showed that all the modi- molecules.
fied fabrics facilitate the bacterial reduction to a lesser or
greater extent, which strongly depend not only on the TYPE OF METAL-BASED ANTIBACTERIAL
concentration of Ag adherence on fabric but also the fea- AGENTS ON TEXTILE
ture of fabric itself. According to the results, PET has the
Metal-based NPs on textile on the basis of containing
lowest concentration of adsorbed Ag, followed by PET/
excellent antibacterial property have been studied. Among
WO and WO fabric. However, their antibacterial perfor-
mance exhibited in opposite trend. This could be due to those are Ag, ZnO, Cu-based, TiO2, and other minor met-
the bonding between Ag and WO. The high affinity of als namely iron based, CeO2, Au, SiO2, Ni, and Pt. They
Ag to sulfur in the cuticles of the WO fiber tends to form are functionalized on textile either in dispersed form or
stable silver mercaptide, thus making it harder to release incorporation with polymer matrix to enhance its antibac-
silver cations. Conversely, the high antibacterial activity terial activity.
on PET fabric is attributed to the weak physical bonding
with Ag, whereby the silver cations are more readily to Silver NPs (Ag NPs)
be leached into surrounding. Moreover, PET possesses
structure with more aromatic, higher crystalline, and Ag NPs is one of the most promising metal-based bac-
hydrophobic than WO fabric, caused it is more resistant tericidal and therapeutic agents that have been widely
to microbial adherence and it is inherited on blended used in numerous industry fields. It is reported that silver
PET/WO as well where the wettability decreases which is very versatile to inhibit approximate 650 species of
impairs the microbial growth. bacteria. The manufacturing of Ag grafted textiles has
been developed for domestic, medical, and other func-
Polyamide/Nylon. Polyamide, also known as nylon is tions. In medical application, it is applied to bandages,
made up of monomers with one molecules having acid wounds dressings, and surgical thread. While for domestic
group (COOH) attached to its end with another molecules clothing, it is used for sportswear, underwear, and mili-
containing amine group (NH2). Generally, there are two tary uniform [58]. Its antibacterial effectiveness is superb
main compounds that have found widespread use in tex- compared to other metal-based materials such as Cu-
tile industry which are polyamide 6,6 and polyamide 6. based, ZnO, and TiO2. Ren et al. have reported that the
Due to high stretchability and elasticity recovery proper- minimum bactericidal concentration of a range of micro-
ties, it is widely used in women’s lingerie and hosiery. Its organism strains needed for CuO, Cu, Cu2O, and ZnO are
abrasion resistance and low absorbency favor the use in higher compared to Ag [59]. Silver endows high antibac-
produce sport-wear, raincoats, ski and snow apparel, and terial action even with small dose usage and it is not
so on [44]. There are several researches on synthesis of harmful to human being. According to Lee and Jeong,
multifunctional nylon fabric coated with metal NPs (Ag colloidal silvers with nanosized (2–3 nm and 30 nm) par-
[51–54] and Cu [55]) having electroconductivity, UV pro- ticles on textile fabric have ability to kill 99% of S.
tection, antibacterial properties, etc. Blending nylon with aureus and K. pneumoniae and are proven skin-innoxious
cotton has found to have high abrasion resistance and when come into contact with human skin [60]. To manu-
comfortability and it is used in labor cloth, uniform, and facture effective antimicrobial-functionalized fabric, the
dressing [56]. Accordingly, Meftahi et al. [56] have mechanisms of action against bacteria must be well
employed ZnO/TiO2 nanocomposite on nylon/cotton and understood. However, the published literatures are varied
have found there is considerable improvement in light, with conditions where physical and chemical modification
washing fastness, and antibacterial properties against E. can be resulted and altered the interaction with bacteria
coli and S. Aureus. of interest. The method of synthesis of the material, addi-
tive or capping agent involved, bacteria strain used,
Acrylic. Acrylic fabric as one of the synthetic fabrics is nature of test to assess it, and so on could lead to differ-
typically used in textile field due to its WO-like feel, ent outcomes. However, most researchers have intuitively
resilient, and resistant to outdoor exposure and chemical attributed the inhibition growth of bacterial cell by Ag is
substances [57]. Mekewi et al. have introduced Cu, Zn, due to presence of Ag1 ions and Ag NPs. According to
and Ni chelated on acrylic and viscose fabrics with ali- Quay and Stellacci [61], Ag NPs agglomerate around the
phatic and aromatic amines as binding agents and have bacterial membrane and cause diminution bacterial mem-
found that acrylic fabric has more favor to metal uptake brane integrity and as a result leading to cellular death.
and copper chelated amine coated for both fabrics have This physical mode of antibacterial action relies on the

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size of Ag NPs to facilitate the penetration of these par- nanospheres [8]. However, when the particle size decreases
ticles through the cell membrane to the intracellular the electronic band structure starts showing quantum size
matrix and trigger cytotoxic mechanism. Moreover, sev- effects below the critical size of that material. Particle size
eral studies revealed that Ag NPs induce generation of decreases to 1–2 nm, the discrete energy levels tend to
reactive oxygen species (ROS) which accumulate to cre- match to the molecular energy level. At this level, Ag will
ate very high oxidative stress inside the cell and inacti- not behave as metal and there is no more metallic band
vate the cell. The role of Ag1 ions on inhibition structure available to show surface plasmon effects and it
microorganism growth relies on high affinities for organic loses its characteristic color. The existence of silica on Ag
phosphates, amines, and specially thiols. Those chemical NPs-coated fabric could enhance the color of modified fab-
compound can be found mainly on DNA, peptides (com- ric as well as prevent the Ag NPs from agglomeration [82].
ponent of membrane-bound or intracellular component),
and cofactor. Silver is categorized as oligo-dynamic metal Synthesis Method. There are varieties of application
and acts as a bridging agent to form bonds with several techniques have been developed on coating Ag NPs onto
thiols cause the irreversible aggregation of thiol-bearing textile materials. Among these included: pad-dry-cure
molecules and subsequently inactivate the biological sys- method [4, 5, 38, 41, 53, 54, 60, 65, 68, 70–74, 76, 79,
tem of bacterial cell. Compared to other antibiotic agent, 83, 84], dip and dry [62], ex situ immersion [8, 78], direct
Ag1 ions can bind nonspecifically to broad range of tar- sorption [7, 10, 11, 26, 39, 52, 63, 64, 85, 86], spray coat-
gets, disturbing the cellular metabolism and leading to ing [77], thermal reduction [80], hydrothermal [67],
cell death [61]. Incorporation of other constituents inside microwave [40, 69], g-irradiation [50, 66], sonochemical
the NPs system could also enhance to the antibacterial [27, 48, 51], electroless plating [6, 21], plasma treatment
property on modified fabric. Among these additives are [36, 81, 87], and self-assembly [75]. Table 1 shows the
TiO2/SiO2/alginate [4], silica [5, 8], trisodium citrate [7], summary of Ag NPs-coated textile and its antibacterial
sodium bisulfite, and sodium dithionite [10], tris(2-car- effects.
boxyethyl) phosphine [6, 21], lecithin [11], glucose [26], The ex situ synthesis of Ag grafted textile via pad-dry-
butyl arylate [27], chitosan/polyvinyl alcohol [38], ethylene cure method has been widely used in many researches.
glycol (EG)/polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP) [40, 62], tinosan/ Figure 1 illustrates steps of coating Ag NPs onto fabric
dimethylol dihydroxyethylene urea/PVP [41], TiO2/Fe3O4 via pad-dry-cure process. Ag NPs are first prepared either
[48], ammonia complex [51], Tollens’ agent [52], Tollens’ via wet chemical [60, 65, 68, 70–74, 76, 79] or biomass
agent/PVP [53], 1,2,3,4-butanetetracarboxylic acid (BTCA)/ filtrate [83, 84] before padding the textile into Ag NPs
sodium hypophosphite (SHP) [54], hexadecyltrimethoxysi- colloidal solution, drying, and finally curing. However,
lane [63], polypyrrole [64], carboxymethylcellulose [65], due to weak interaction on fabric surface itself without
chitosan [66], starch [67, 68], sodium alginate [69], alginate any penetration into yarn level causes it not permanent
[70], chitosan-O-methoxy polyhydroxy ethylene glycol [71], against washing. Thus, impregnation of capping agent
monochlorotriazinyl-b-cyclodextrin, and b-cyclodextrin (b- either synthetic polymer [41, 53, 54, 60, 72, 73] or natu-
CD) [72], poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG) [73], xanthan gum ral biological agent [70, 74, 76] facilitates the stability of
[74], poly(diallyldimethylammonium chloride) (PDADMAC) Ag NPs on textile.
[75], Tragacanth gum/CA/SHP [76], AgBr-TiO2/DMDMS/ The incorporation of Ag NPs onto textile through in
TEOS [77], amino-terminated hyperbranched polymer situ immersion is generally carried out in two steps
(HBP-NH2) [78] and sulfated b-cyclodextrin [79], mercapto- namely, preactivation and sorption. The purpose of pr-
propyltriethoxysilane [80], ciprofloxacin, and cefobid [81]. activation is to swell the fiber matrix inside the textile to
According to Tang et al. [8], Ag endows localized sur- facilitate the diffusion of Ag NPs into fibers. The alkali
face plasmon resonance which leads to obtain different col- based material or reducing agent used in preactivation
ors with different morphologies through photo-induction step is to fully dissociate COOH in cellulose and thus
method. The mixture of nanoprisms and nanospheres tend increases the affinity of Ag NPs adherence on textile. The
to synthesize green color of Ag NPs. Blue color of Ag NPs advantages of this method are facile, cheap, and can be
are obtained from solution with almost all nanoprisms struc- carried out at mild reaction conditions [85]. The reducing
ture of Ag while red and yellow color are obtained with agents used in preactivation step that have been studied
nanodisks structure. This phenomenon could be explained are trisodium citrate [7] and sulfur-based materials [10],
due to the anisotropic property of Ag. Different shapes pos- potassium hydroxide [63], and sodium hydroxide [85].
sess different plasmon resonance modes. From Tang et al. The combination of preoxidation of textile before carry
experimental result, the bands at long wavelength of silver out in situ synthesis Ag NPs onto fabric has been studied
nanoplates (610–710 nm for nanoprism and 440–500 nm for as well. Montazer and Nia have reported to use potassium
nanodisk) were attributed to the in-plane dipole plasmon res- permanganate to oxidize polyamide chains which lead to
onance mode. The bands at 330–340 nm of the silver nano- increased functional groups that served as active sites for
plates were ascribed to the out-of-plane quadrupole plasmon loading more Ag NPs on fabric surface. Incorporation of
resonance mode of silver NPs. The band centred at 401 nm ultrasound bath shortens the processing time and energy
of the green silver NP solution was suggested to be assigned consumption in coating process [52]. Emam et al. have
to the in-plane dipole plasmon resonance mode of silver made comparison with both solventless sorption and

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TABLE 1. Summary of Ag NPs-coated textile and its antibacterial effects.

Innoculus Incubation time/ Antibacterial

Additive matrix Synthesis method Type of textile NP size (nm) Microorganism (CFU/mL) contact time assay Effects Refs.

TiO2/SiO2/alginate Pad-dry-cure Wool 20 E. coli 108 — Count colony The maximum bacterial reduction was [4]
forming units found on fabric with combination
of TiO2/SiO2/Ag nanocomposites
followed by Ag alone.
Silica Pad-dry-cure Wool (WO), 30–200 E. coli, S. 105 24 h Count of colony The antibacterial performance on PET [5]
polyester (PET), aureus, A. niger forming units has highest efficiency, followed by
polyester/wool PET/WO and WO.
Chitosan/PVA Pad-dry-cure Viscose, viscose/ 6–10 E. coli, S. aureus — — Disc diffusion All the treated sample revealed anti- [38]
polyester bacterial activity.
Tinosan/DMDHEU/PVP Pad-dry-cure Viscose 10 E. coli, S. aureus — — Disc diffusion Inhibition zone of S. aureus is larger [41]
than E. coli
Tollen’s agent/PVP Pad-dry-cure Polyamide 91.4 E. coli, S. aureus 2 3 103 for S. aureus. 24 h Count of colony 99% of both bacterial reduction. [53]
2 3 1023 for E. coli. forming units
BTCA/SHP Pad-dry-cure Nylon 34 E. coli, S. aureus 2 3 103 for S. aureus. 24 h Count of colony A bacterium growth decrease above [54]
2 3 1023 for E. coli forming units 96% achieved with 200 ppm nano-
— Pad-dry-cure Polyester 2–3 E. coli, S. aureus, 105, 106, 107, 108 5, 15, 30 min Count of colony 99% reduction of all bacteria. [60]
and cotton K. pneumoniae forming units
Carboxymethylcellulose Pad-dry-cure Cotton — S. aureus, K. 1–2 3 105 24 h Count colony 99.9% reduction for both S. aureus [65]
pneumoniae forming units and K. pneumoniae
Starch Pad-dry-cure Cotton 2–30 E. coli, S. aureus 108 24–48 h Disc diffusion and All the treated sample revealed splen- [68]
count colony did antibacterial activity.
forming units
Alginate Pad-dry-cure Cotton 1–4 E. coli, S. aureus, 108 24–48 h Disc diffusion and Inhibition zone of S. aureus is larger [70]
P. aeruginosa count colony compared to others and exhibit
forming units 95% reduction of S. aureus number
under presence of binder
CTS-O-MPEG Pad-dry-cure Cotton 18 6 2 E. coli, S. aureus — 24 h Disc diffusion Inhibition zone of E. coli is larger [71]
than S. aureus.
b-cyclodextrin Pad-dry-cure Cotton — E. coli, S. aureus — — Disc diffusion Inhibition zone of S. aureus is larger [72]
than E. coli.
PEG Pad-dry-cure Cotton 12–16 E. coli, S. aureus — — Disc diffusion Inhibition zone of E. coli is larger [73]
than S. aureus.
Xanthan gum Pad-dry-cure Cotton 9.1 6 4.8 S. aureus 1.5 3 108 24 h Count of colony Exhibit 98.0 6 1.0% reduction of S. [74]
forming units aureus number.
Tragacanth gum/CA/SHP Pad-dry-cure Cotton 77.55 E. coli, S. aureus — 18 h Count of colony 98.01% and 99.69% reduction of E. [76]
forming units coli and S. aureus numbers,
Sulfated b-cyclodextrin Pad-dry-cure Cotton 20–500 E. coli, S. aureus 12 3 105 for S. aureus; — Count colony The bacterial reduction for S. aureus [79]
6 3 105 for E. coli forming units and E. coli were found maximum
at 30 min with 92% and 99%,
— Pad-dry-cure Cotton 8–15 E. coli, S. aureus 1.6 3 103 24 h Count of colony 97% and 91% reduction of S. aureus [83]
forming units and E. coli, respectively.
— Pad-dry-cure Cotton 8–20 — 24 h Disc diffusion [84]
TABLE 1. Continued
Innoculus Incubation time/ Antibacterial
Additive matrix Synthesis method Type of textile NP size (nm) Microorganism (CFU/mL) contact time assay Effects Refs.

B. subtilis, S. aureus, The maximum inhibition zone was

E. coli, P. aeruginosa, found on B. subtilis strain followed
K. pneumoniae, MRSA by S. aureus, P. aeruginosa, K.
pneumoniae, E. coli, and MRSA.
EG/PVP Dip and dry Cotton 46.4 6 4.5 E. coli, S. aureus 1 3 1023 24 h Colony forming 100% reduction of E. coli and S. [62]
units aureus growth.
Silica Ex situ immersion Wool 34.6 6 2.8 E. coli 108 18 h Count colony The reduction of CFU was 66% and [8]
forming units 71% for wool/Ag and wool/SiO2/
HBP-NH2 Ex situ immersion Cotton 10.8 E. coli, S. aureus 3–4 3105 24–48 h Shake flask and 99.43% and 99.45% bacterial reduc- [78]
count colony tion for S. aureus and E. coli,
forming units respectively were obtained.
Trisodium citrate Direct sorption Cotton 20–90 for E. coli 1.5 3 108 24 h Count colony Both type of treated fabrics exhibit [7]
and wool cotton. forming units antibacterial reduction with 95%.
for wool
Sodium bisulfite and Direct sorption Wool 34–58 E. coli, S. aureus — — Count colony Both type of treated fabrics exhibit [10]
sodium dithionite forming units antibacterial reduction.
Lecithin Direct sorption Wool — E. coli, S. aureus 107 0, 0.5, 1, 2, Disc diffusion and Significant inhibition zone and with [11]
4, 6 min count colony 95% bacterial reduction were
forming units observed for both bacterial strains.
Glucose Direct sorption Denim 45 and 55 in E. coli, S. aureus — — Colony forming Presence of glucose reduces the anti- [26]
presence units bacterial ability.
and absence
of glucose
— Direct sorption Viscose 0–50 E. coli 1.5 3 108 24 h Colony forming 98% of bacterial reduction was [39]
units observed after 24 contact time.
Tollen’s agent Direct immersion Nylon 78 S. aureus — 24 h Disc diffusion The treated fabric exhibited significant [52]
bacterial reduction.
Hexadecyltrimetho Direct sorption Cotton 53 E. coli, S. aureus — 18–24 h Disc diffusion Significant inhibition zone was [63]
xysilane observed for both bacterial strains
Polypyrrole Direct sorption Cotton 20 E. coli, S. aureus 10 24 h Disc diffusion and Diameter of zone inhibition obtained [64]
count colony for the higher concentration of
forming units composites is about 11.2 and
9.8 mm against E. coli and S.
aureus, respectively.
— Direct sorption Cotton <80 E. coli, S. aureus 108 24–48 h Disc diffusion The coated fabric showed significant [85]
antibacterial activity.
— Direct sorption Cotton 14.9 E. coli, S. aureus 106–107 24 h Disc diffusion The treated fabric exhibit significant [86]
and padding antibacterial performance.
AgBr-TiO2/DMDMS/ Spray coating Cotton 400–600 E. coli 106 18 h Count colony The treated fabric showed higher bac- [77]
TEOS forming units terial reduction under presence of
light with 99.87% compared with
81.43% under dark condition.
Mercaptopropyltrietho Thermal reduction Cotton 20–100 E. coli, S. aureus 6 3 108 24 h Count colony The bacterial reduction increased [80]
xysilane forming units when concentration of silver carba-
mate precursor increased
TABLE 1. Continued
Innoculus Incubation time/ Antibacterial
Additive matrix Synthesis method Type of textile NP size (nm) Microorganism (CFU/mL) contact time assay Effects Refs.

Starch Hydrothermal Cotton 20 E. coli, S. aureus — — Disc diffusion The treated fabric exhibit significant [67]
antibacterial performance.
PVP Microwave Viscose 10–35 E. coli — — Count colony The treated fabric exhibit significant [40]
forming units antibacterial performance.
Sodium alginate Microwave Cotton 30–60 E. coli, S. aureus, 1.5 3 108 24 h Disc diffusion and The MIC values against S. aureus [69]
P. aeruginosa minimum inhibi- were lower compared to those
tory concentra- against P. aeruginosa and E. coli.
tion (MIC)
— g-Irradiation Peco 11 S. aureus, K. — 48 h Count colony 99% reduction for both S. aureus [50]
pneumoniae forming units (Sa) and K. pneumoniae
Chitosan g-Irradiation Cotton 12 E. coli, S. aureus 1–2 3 107 48 h Count colony 99% reduction for both S. aureus [66]
forming units and E. coli.
Butyl acrylate Sonochemical Cotton 25–30 E. coli, S. aureus 108 24 h Disc diffusion and 99% reduction for both S. aureus [27]
count colony and E. coli.
forming units
TiO2/Fe3O4 Sonochemical Polyester 40 E. coli, S. aureus — 24 h Count colony 100% bacterial reduction was [48]
forming units observed.
Ammonia complex Sonochemical Polyamide 20–150 E. coli, S. aureus 1.5–2 3 103 24 h Count colony The treated fabric exhibited significant [51]
forming units bacterial reduction.
TCEP Electroless plating Wool — E. coli, A. niger — — Count colony The treated fabric exhibited significant [6]
forming units bacterial reduction.
TCEP Electroless plating Silk — E. coli, S. aureus — 24 h — The antibacterial efficacy was 99.98% [21]
against E. coli and 99.83% against
S. aureus, respectively.
— Plasma treatment Viscose — E. coli, S. aureus, — 24 h Disc diffusion The treated fabric exhibited significant [36]
C. albians bacterial reduction.
Ciprofloxacin Plasma treatment Cotton, linen, 10–17 E. coli, S. aureus — — Disc diffusion The improvement of antibacterial per- [81]
and Cefobid viscose and formance decreasing order as lyo-
lyocell cell > viscose > cotton > linen.
— Plasma treatment Polyester — E. coli, S. aureus 106 24 h Count colony The antibacterial activity is more [87]
forming units effective on E. coli than S. aureus.
PDADMAC Self-assembly Nylon and silk 100 S. aureus — 24 h Count colony Resulted in 80% bacteria reduction for [75]
forming units the silk and 50% for the nylon.
FIG. 1. Steps of coating Ag NPs onto fabric via pad-dry-cure method [60]. [Color figure can be viewed at]

padding methods on deposition of Ag NPs on cotton fab- high conductivity, electric resistance, and antibacterial perfor-
ric. Based on the result, sorption method has higher effi- mance against E. coli and S. aureus [80]. Hydrothermal tech-
ciency on loading Ag NPs on textile compared to padding nique is also extensively used in synthesis nanostructure of
method by 10 times. This could be due to the reduction Ag on textile application. Raza et al. have studied the
reaction preceded in the solution offering high concentra- impregnation of Ag NPs on enzymatic starch pretreated cot-
tion of Ag1 ion to Ag compared to that performed in ton fabric under autoclave conditions of 103.42 kPa, 1218C
oven in case of using padding technique [86]. for 15 min. Figure 3 shows the impregnation mechanism of
Thermal reduction of silver carbamate complex in organic Ag Ns on cotton fabric under pressurized heating treatment.
solvent has been studied to synthesize Ag NPs. The advan- At this condition, the aldehyde terminal of starch able to
tage of this method is able to produce stable Ag NPs without reduce silver ions which bound to the anionic oxygen site of
creating inorganic ions except amine and carbon dioxide by cotton fabric to silver atom and stabilized the NPs on fabric
reducing silver carbamate at low temperature. In Kwak surface. The obtained surface of treated cotton fabric
et al.’s study, Ag NPs have assembled on cotton fabric by revealed multifunctions of antibacterial activity, hydrophobic-
using 3-mercaptopropyltriethoxysilane and transparent alco- ity, tensile strength, and is rougher than pristine cotton fabric
holic solution of organometallic silver 2-ethylhexylcarbamate [67]. The microwave heating synthesis is advantageous over
under thermal heating at low temperature 1308. Figure 2 conventional heating due to its rapid nucleation sites genera-
illustrates the 3-mercaptopropyltriethoxysilane reacts with tion and thus enhances the reaction rates. Energy is supplied
hydroxyl groups of cotton to create a ASH groups mono- by an electromagnetic field directly to the material results
layer followed by decomposition silver carbamate complex fast heating. Su et al. have synthesized sodium alginate-
to silver metal through thermolysis. The synthesized Ag NPs grafted Ag NPs on cotton fabric through microwave
conveyed a homogeneous and continuous layer of silver irradiation under various conditions by manipulated sodium
metal on fabric with average size of 20 to 100 nm exhibited alginate concentration (0.5%–2%), volume of reducing agent

FIG. 2. Preparation of Ag NPs coated by thermolysis using silver carbamate complex [80]. [Color figure can be viewed at]


FIG. 3. Impregnation of Ag NPs on cotton fabric by hydrothermal [67]. [Color figure can be viewed at]

aniline (50,100, 150 lL) and duration of heat treatment (30– dispersion before treated fabric subjected to g-irradiation
240 s) in order to investigate the effects on antibacterial per- and thermal curing [27].
formance [69]. Moreover, Rehan et al. used combination of Chemical electroless plating is another method
microwave heating and polyol method to synthesize Ag NPs employed for coating Ag NPs onto textile surface. Yu
on viscose fabric with incorporation of PEG as reducing et al. have metalized silk and WO fabrics by using tris(2-
agent and PVP as stabilizing agent. The microwave power carboxyethyl) phosphine as reducer to create thiol groups
has increased from 50 to 90 W increased the kinetics of and ASH groups on corresponding fabrics for serving cat-
reaction and generation of localized heat at reaction sites, alytic seeds to form complexes ions between fabrics and
thereby increased the reaction rate. Hence, the reduction rate silver ions [6, 21]. The whole coating process is illus-
of silver ions accelerated thus enhanced the antibacterial per- trated in Fig. 4. The chemical interaction of catalytic
formance [40]. seeds with silk fibers can lead to better bonding and
In addition, the usage of g-irradiation to produce adhesion between fiber and metal layer. However, this
hydrated electrons and radicals of hydrogen to transform method has limitations associated with the use of expen-
the silver ions into silvers and immobilize it on the fabric sive materials and difficulty to create reactive groups on
has been studied also [50]. The effects of absorbed dose the fiber’s surface.
and concentration of AgNO3 solution on impregnation of Plasma treatment coating involves interaction of high
Ag NPs on fabric with chitosan as additive has been energy with quasineutral gas such as electrons, ions, and
investigated by Hanh et al. [50, 66]. The absorbed dose excited molecules atoms under the presence of electric or
plays an important role in formation and growth of Ag both electric and magnetic fields. These particles can be
NPs. Based on the results, NPs did not form in low dose used to alter the textile surface chemically and physically.
but appeared at high dose. Whereas, increased concentra- Generally, there are two common plasma techniques that
tion of AgNO3 from 0.5 to 5 mM enhanced the Ag con- are used to modify the textile namely, atmospheric pres-
tent on cotton fabric and thus improved the inhibition of sure plasma and dielectric-barrier discharge (DBD). For
bacterial growth. atmospheric pressure plasma technique, its discharge
Sonosynthesis has been proven as effective approach to employs high flow rate of inert carrier gas [88]. Deng
synthesize NPs at mild operation condition due to its unique et al. have impregnated Ag NPs on PET fabric through
capability of generation energy by acoustic cavitation mean. double layer of plasma deposited organosilicon thin film
Harifi and Montazer have used sonosynthetic method to which served as a reservation layer for silver immobilization
deposit TiO2/Fe3O4/Ag nanocomposites on polyester fabric and controlled the adherence of silver on fabric. The silver
to impart magnetic, enhanced antibacterial, and self-cleaning concentration in double layer coatings has successfully
features with considerable hydrophilicity/hydrophobicity at reduced the growth of E. coli and S. aureus at 100% reduc-
mild temperature. The formation, growth, and implosive col- tion at Ag NPs content at 7% [87]. Ibrahim et al. have pre-
lapse of bubbles, microturbulence, shock waves, and pres- surface modified different types of fabric namely, cotton,
ence of localized hot zones induced smaller size NPs and linen, viscose, and lyocell to create active sites (ANH2
intensified mass transfer onto the textile lead to strong phys- groups) for loading Ag NPs onto fabric surface by using N2
ical adsorption [48]. Montazer et al. have applied ultrasound plasma with the DBD as plasma source. The evaluation of
to synthesize silver complex [Ag(NH3)2]1 before cross- antibacterial performance of modified fabric arranged in
linked with polyamide chain found that the synthesized Ag decreasing order: lyocell > viscose > cotton > linen [81]. On
NPs homogenous deposited on polyamide fabric surface the other hand, the coating principle of DBD is through
with the particle sizes range of 20 to 150 nm, exhibited anti- bombardment of fabric surface with high speed electrons by
bacterial properties against E. coli and S. aureus [51]. Ibra- applying a pulsed voltage over an electrode pair of which at
him and Hassan have synthesized Ag NPs-coated cotton least one is covered by a dielectric material. The dielectric
fabric using fungus Alternaria alternate to synthesize Ag limits the flow of current and distributes over the whole fab-
NPs, after that applied ultrasound to ensure homogeneous ric, improves the uniformity during the treatment [88].

TECHNOLOGY—2019 DOI 10.1002/vnl
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FIG. 4. The process of silver fiber electroless plating [21]. [Color figure can be viewed at]

Kramar et al. have studied the aging effect of using DBD Furthermore, ZnO possesses high optical absorption and
with different exposure times (1, 7, 14, 21 days) on wetta- catalytic activities which favor its use in UV absorbers,
bility and sorption ability of bactericidal ions, Ag1 and antireflection coatings, photocatalysis, and catalyst. ZnO
Cu21 ions on viscose fabric. Obtained results showed that also can be utilized in ointments, lotions, and sunscreens
both types of ion possessed different sorption capabilities to protect skin from UV illumination due to it serves as
and antibacterial performances at different postplasma treat- the broadest spectrum UVA (315–400 nm) and UVB
ment durations [36]. (280–315 nm) reflector [47, 89]. Recently, there are
Polyelectrolyte multilayers (PEM) formed by layer-by- numerous studies investigating the use of ZnO NPs as anti-
layer self-assembly on coating NPs onto textile applica- bacterial agent on diverse fields such as food [90], textile
tion has gained interest due to its simplicity for develop-
[79, 91–106], and biomedical applications [107]. Devanand
ment of nanoscale structure with high stability. This
Venkatasubbu et al. have applied ZnO on food pathogens
process is carried out by successive dipping alternative
namely, Salmonella typhi, Klebsiella pneumoniae, and Shi-
polycations and polyanions followed by rinsing in water.
The coating replies on the electrostatic and hydrophobic gella flexneri for investigating its antibacterial performance
interactions and results in a film which thickness and [90]. Liedtke and Vahjen have shown the antibacterial effect
properties can be finely tuned. Dubas et al. [75] have of ZnO NPs against 75 intestinal bacteria. According to the
implemented Ag NPs-coated nylon and silk fabrics by literature, ZnO NP is an amphoteric molecule and has dis-
using layer-by-layer deposition approach on investigation played higher solubility in acidic environment. The results
their antibacterial activity. The use of anionic poly(metha- showed that the intestinal bacteria’s resistance against ZnO
crylic acid) capped Ag NPs on silk and nylon fibers with NPs is species specific and cannot be assigned based on
cationic PDADMAC formed 20 layers between them their taxonomic origin [108]. Premanathan et al. have stud-
have obtained. Based on the results, the affinity for PEM ied the toxicity of ZnO NPs against the inhibition growth of
on the nylon was lower compared with silk fabric due to prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells. The authors have used
their different fiber structures. The silk endows carboxylic human myeloblastic leukemia cells (HL60) and normal
functional groups inside the natural protein fiber, facili- peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) to evaluate the
tates the adhesion of PDADMAC and the growth of film cytotoxicity of ZnO NPs and at the same time, antibacterial
layers. Whereas, nylon has lower surface charge which activity of ZnO NPs against Gram-negative bacteria E. coli
nonconducive for deposition of PEM, thus leading to and P. aeruginosa, as well as the Gram-positive bacteria S.
slower and lesser amount of immobilized NPs. Hence, the
aureus have been tested. The results showed that ZnO pos-
deposition of 20 PDADMAC/PMA-coated Ag layers onto
sessed abilities to kill cancerous HL60 cells and those
the fibers resulted in 80% bacteria reduction for the silk
fiber and 50% for the nylon [75]. Gram-negative and positive bacteria through two mecha-
nisms namely, generation of ROS and induction of apoptosis
[109]. However, up-to-date, the cytotoxicity of ZnO on
Zinc Oxide NPs (ZnO NPs) mammalian cells is scarce and need more significant and
ZnO is II-VI semiconductor group and owns three clear published literature before translating into medical use.
forms namely, hexagonal wurtzite, cubic zincblende, and The synthesis of ZnO NPs-coated materials is usually done
rarely observed cubic rocksalt. As compared with zinc- by addition of additive or supporting matrix to stabilize and
blende form, wurtzite structure is more thermodynami- increase durability of ZnO. ZnO is susceptible to agglomer-
cally stable in room temperature. The metastable ate in water due to high polarity of water leading to deposi-
zincblende can be stabilized through growth techniques tion [108]. Thus, ZnO has been incorporated with many
[47]. Due to its unique lattice structure, it exhibits piezo- capping agents on synthesis of ZnO nanocomposite coated
electric property and has widely used in piezoelectric on textile such as multiamide compound [34], sulfated b-
devices, sensors, and elctroacoustic transducers. ZnO is a cyclodextrin [79], hexamethyltriethyylene tetramine [91],
n-type semiconductor, endows relatively wide direct band chitosan [92, 95], acacia [93], PVP [94], silica [97], Traga-
gap (3.3 eV) with high excitonic binding energy (60 canth gum [98], cellulose [28], polymer diallyl dimethyl
meV) at ambient environment and results it potentially ammonium chloride-allyl glycidyl ether-methacrylic [102],
applied on electronic field such as solar cells, gas sensors, polystyrene-block-poly(acrylic acid) [101], hydrogel [104],
varistor, photodiodes, and UV-light emitting devices. and sodium alginate [110].

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FIG. 5. Different possible mechanisms of ZnO NPs antibacterial activity, including ROS formation, Zn21 release, internalization of ZnO-NPs into
bacteria, and electrostatic interaction [47]. [Color figure can be viewed at]

There are several proposed ZnO antibacterial mecha- typical radiation spectrum though it is varied by geo-
nisms namely, direct physical contact with cell walls and graphical conditions, atmospheric variability, weather
destruction of cell membrane’s integrity, dissolution of conditions, and so on. However, it is estimated around
ZnO NPs, and ROS formation. Figure 5 illustrates the dif- 8%–9% of solar energy falls in the UV electromagnetic
ferent possible mechanisms of ZnO NPs antibacterial region which is sufficient to activate ZnO to generate
activity. The ROS such as superoxide anion (O2–), hydro- ROS and can eventually causes lipid peroxidation and
gen peroxide (H2O2), and hydroxide (OH–) involve the leads to cell death. Whereas, the source of AALL is typi-
destruction of cellular components such as lipids, DNA, cal “white cool” fluorescent lamp which possesses negli-
and proteins, thus trigger cell death. The released Zn21 gible amount of UV (less than 400 nm) illumination that
induces active transport inhibition and amino acid metab- cause deficient to excite the ZnO to create hydroxyl radi-
olism as well as enzyme system disruption. Those are the als and superoxide ions. It is found that the UV exposure
effects responsible for the inhibition of growth of bacte- under fluorescent lamps for 8 h is corresponding to 1 min
rial cell. The mechanisms are dependent on the presence of sunlight exposure. Moreover, based on the data
of UV illumination and morphology of ZnO [47]. Based obtained, the dissolution of ZnO is estimated to be
on the Joe et al.’s report, the toxicity mechanisms of ZnO 5.6 mg/L as Zn is seemed not to be the cause for mortal-
against S. aureus and K. pneumoniae under absence of ity of bacteria. Thus, the possible mechanism for increas-
light condition has revealed that the inhibition of bacteria ing lipid peroxidation and mortality of C. elegans under
is due to the physical attachment of ZnO on cell wall and AALL for 24 h exposure could be due to the oxidative
increasing release of Zn21 ions in bacterial cytoplasm stress occurred within the bacterial cell. The precise
[111]. However, Ma et al. [112] presented their studies mechanisms of ZnO antibacterial activity in the absence
on comparison of phototoxicity and antibacterial perfor- of light are highly debate and need further understand.
mance of ZnO under natural sunlight (NSL) and ambient On the other hand, the particle size plays a major role in
artificial laboratory light (AALL) illumination with differ- influencing the degree of toxicity for ZnO. The results
ent ZnO particle sizes. As regarding the phototoxicity, showed the nanosized ZnO (60 6 25 mm) has greater meth-
both nano-ZnO and bulk ZnO under NSL has higher ylene blue degradation percentage compared with bulk ZnO
methylene blue degradation which occurred as fast as 2 h (550 6 256 nm) [112]. This is good agreement with Cepin 
than those samples under AALL exposure which was et al. studies that have found the antibacterial activity of E.
observed only after 24 h. The extent of toxicity under 2 h coli is clearly particle-size dependent [113].
NSL was higher than under 24 h exposure of AALL.
Both conditions seemed to be mediated with different Synthesis Method. There are several ZnO NPs coating
antibacterial mechanisms against Caenorhabditis elegans techniques studied such as pad-dry-cure [79, 91, 94, 97,
growth as no significant methylene blue degradation 101], spraying and dipping [103] hydrothermal [34, 92,
under AALL indicated bare or none generation of ROS 93], sonochemical [28, 98, 100, 110], plasma treatment
such as O2– and OH–. It should be noted that no photo- [95], and pulse laser ablation [96]. Table 2 shows the
toxicity of ZnO under AALL but NSL. The spectrum of summary of ZnO NPs-coated textile and its antibacterial
sunlight used in the study is assumed to be treated as effects. Shaheen et al. have developed amine-based

TECHNOLOGY—2019 DOI 10.1002/vnl
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TABLE 2. Summary of ZnO NPs-coated textile and its antibacterial effects.

Incubation time/
Additive matrix Synthesis method Type of textile NP size (nm) Microorganism Innoculus (CFU/mL) contact time Antibacterial assay Effects Refs.

Sulfated b-cyclodextrin Pad-dry-cure Cotton 40–200 E. coli, S. aureus 12 3 105 for S. aureus; 10, 15, 20, Count colony Both bacterial reduction for S. aureus [79]
6 3 105 for E. coli 30 min forming units and E. coli were found maximum at
30 min with 100%.
HMTETA Pad-dry-cure Cotton 198.5–2,520 E. coli, S. aureus — 24 h Count colony The reduction of S. aureus is higher [91]
forming units than E. coli at all concentration of
ZnO NPs.
PVP Pad-dry-cure Cotton — E. coli, S. aureus — 30, 60, 90 min Count colony The PVP/ZnO NPs-coated fabric [94]
forming units exhibited better antibacterial activity
than PVP modified fabric.
Silica Pad-dry-cure Cotton — E. coli, S. aureus. — — Disc diffusion The inhibition zone for S. aureus is [97]
larger than E. coli.
Polystyrene-block-poly Pad-dry-cure Cotton 21–31 E. coli, S. aureus — 12 h Disc diffusion The coated textile samples exhibited [101]
(acrylic acid) antibacterial activity against both
copolymer bacteria.
— Spraying and Cotton 100–500 S. aureus, K. — 24 h Count colony The treated fabric exhibited >98% [103]
dipping pneumoniae forming units bacterial reduction against both
Multiamide Hydrothermal Bamboo pulp — — — — — — [34]
compound (HSDA)
Chitosan Hydrothermal Cotton 20.5–23 E. coli, S. aureus, — 48 h Disc diffusion The treated fabric exhibited bacterial [92]
Streptococcus pyogenes, reduction against all bacteria.
Klebsiella aeroenes.
Chalcone Hydrothermal Cotton 80–150 in width E. coli, S. aureus, 1 3 107 24 h Count colony The reductions were 99.58%, 99.99%, [93]
and 500 in length P. aeruginosa forming units and 99.89% for S. aureus, E. coli,
and P. aeroginosa, respectively.
Tragacanth gum Sonochemical Cotton 55–70 E. coli, S. aureus, 1 6 0.3 3 105 for count 18 h Disc diffusion and The treated cotton fabric using colony [98]
C. albicans colony forming unit; count colony count method indicated 100% reduc-
1.5 3 108 for disc forming units tion for all bacteria.
Cellulase Sonochemical Cotton 30–160 E. coli, S. aureus. 0.5 3 105 24 h Count colony The bacterial reduction of S. aureus [28]
forming units and E. coli, respectively, with 67%
and 100%.
— Sonochemical Cotton 30 E. coli 106 1h Count colony >97% of bacterial reduction for less [100]
forming units than an hour.
Sodium alginate Sonochemical Cotton 25 6 5 E. coli — 48 h Disc diffusion The antibacterial efficacy of E. coli [110]
inhibition zone for all the fibers was
found to be in between 2.1 and
3.6 mm.
— Plasma Cotton 30–200 S. aureus, K. — 18 h Count colony The treated fabric exhibited significant [95]
treatment pneumoniae forming units antibacterial properties.
Carboxymethyl Pulse laser Cotton 10–150 E. coli, S. aureus, 3.0 3 105 for 24 h Count colony The treated fabric exhibited significant [96]
chitosan ablation B. subtilis count colony forming forming units antibacterial properties.
units. 105 for disc
material with hexamethyltriethylene tetramine as precur- antibacterial activity against E. coli and S. aureus com-
sor which provided alkaline condition for formation of pared to that 30 and 60 min. The reason behind the
ZnO NPs on cotton fabric through pad-dry-cure method, increased antibacterial activity with prolonged treatment
found imparted antibacterial characteristics and UV pro- may be due to greater crystal growth of ZnO NPs [106].
tection [91]. Selvam and Sundrarajan have functionalized Combination of enzymatic preactivation of cotton fiber
poly-N-vinyl-2-pyrrolidone on cotton fiber surface exhib- and sonochemical coating of ZnO NPs on fabric has been
ited improved reactive dying and antibacterial activity via investigated by Petkova et al. The ultrasound is employed
pad-dry-cure approach [94]. Barani [97] has applied Zn to boost the rate of enzymatic hydrolysis and create the
NPs on cotton fabric by embedding them into silica cotton surface more reducing sugars which act as an
matrix via two different ways of procedure and compared anchoring points with ZnO NPs to increase the durability
its effects on morphological, structural, thermal, and anti- of antibacterial effect. The controlled ultrasound ampli-
bacterial properties. First method, the fabric was tude accelerates the mass transfer from the processing
immersed into the sol solution, dried, and cured the solution towards cotton fiber without damaging the fiber,
treated fabric before immersed into zinc nitrate solution, thus results in better uniformity of enzymatic treatment
finally treated with sodium hydroxide solution and dried over a shorter period of time [28]. Application of natural
it. The second method was adding the zinc nitrate into polymer as stabilizing agent on synthesis ZnO nanocom-
solution before immersed fabric into solution, after that posite onto the cotton fabric through sonochemical
dried and cured the treated fabric. The treated fabric was approach has been studied. Ghayempour and Montazer
then mixed with sodium hydroxide and dried it. The used Tragacanth gum, a natural polysaccharide as reduc-
results showed that the agglomeration of NPs occurred on ing, stabilizing and binding agent for in situ synthesis of
first method compared to that second method which pro- ZnO NPs on cotton fabric via ultrasound irradiation. Fig-
duced spherical NPs. Thus, the antibacterial properties ure 6 proposed the mechanism of in situ synthesis of ZnO
against S. aureus and E. coli showed higher for fabric NPs on the fabric itself. Sodium hydroxide reduces the
treated by second method compared with first method hydroxyl groups and carboxylic groups of Tragacanth
due to its higher surface area exposure [97]. Cakır et al. gum to AO– and ACOO– and ionizes cellulose to cellulo-
have used reverse micelle cores of PS-b-PAA to synthe- sate with negative charge. The Zn ions from zinc nitrate
size ZnO NPs by atom transfer radical polymerization solution bond with hydroxyl groups and carboxyl groups
and dip-coated on cotton fabric for giving long-term self- from Tragacanth gum and cotton before sonicate to form
cleaning, UV-protective, and antibacterial properties ZnO NPs. The analysis showed that the star-like ZnO
[101]. Besides that, Prasad et al. have made comparison NPs with average particle size of 62 nm with antibacterial
in effectiveness of adhesion of ZnO on cotton fabric properties against S. aureus, E. coli, and C. albicans were
between spraying and dipping approaches. As a result, the observed [98]. Varaprasad et al. has successfully fabri-
spraying process resulted three times more deposition of cated sodium alginate-ZnO NPs grafted cotton fabric by
ZnO NPs than spraying process while exhibited consider- sonochemical mean. The synthesized ZnO NPs revealed a
ably similar antibacterial reduction [103]. rod-like shape alignment with average grain size of 25 6
In situ synthesis of ZnO NPs on bamboo pulp fabric 5 nm with good inhibition microbial growth of E. coli
with incorporation of multiamide compound which served [110]. Perelshtein et al. have conducted scale-up sono-
as a template to entrap ZnO NPs through hydrothermal chemical coating of medical textile with ZnO NPs as anti-
impregnation method for rendering UV protective and bacterial agent. The clinical comparisons have made with
antibacterial properties have been presented by Zhang two different conditions where 21 patients used ZnO
et al. [34]. Sivakumar et al. have synthesized ZnO NPs-coated medical textile while another 16 patients used
flower-like nanorods coated on cotton fabric with the normal medical textile. The results demonstrated that the
additives chaconne and acacia as antibacterial agent and patients using modified textiles were less contaminated
binder, respectively through hydrothermal synthesis fol- with nosomonial pathagens and the textiles did not show
lowed by direct immersion approach [93]. Dhandapani toxicity compared to that uncoated NPs textile [100].
et al. have synthesized ZnO NPs grafted cotton fabric Plasma pretreatment for coating ZnO NPs on textile to
using ureolytic bacteria, Serratia ureilytica to produce impart antibacterial property has been investigated by
biogenic ammonia as the base materials for ZnO NPs Wang et al. The cotton was pretreated by cold oxygen
synthesis on cotton fabric at temperature 50 C for differ- plasma and the ZnO/chitosan nanocomposite was coated
ent durations (30, 60, 90 min). The results showed that on treated cotton via facile pad-dry-cure method. There
the ZnO morphologies changed upon varied heat treat- was a significant enhancement of UV resistance and anti-
ment duration times. From treatment time 30 to 60 min, bacterial activity of the modified cotton fabric [95]. Svet-
the spherical ZnO with particle sizes changed from 170– lichnyi et al. have proposed to apply pulsed laser ablation
250 nm to 300–600 nm with evident agglomeration was for synthesis ZnO NPs in the stable dispersion form under
observed. Further heat treatment of fabric to 90 min two different types of system namely, water and ethanol.
resulted in progressive growth of ZnO NPs with grain In the case of water system, there were mixture of crys-
sizes of 185–360 nm nanoflower-shaped NPs. The cotton talline forms with different grain sizes and tend to
fabric with treatment for 90 min exhibited greater agglomerate. They appeared in spherical, hexagons and

TECHNOLOGY—2019 DOI 10.1002/vnl
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FIG. 6. The suggested mechanism of in situ synthesis of ZnO nanoparticles on the cotton fabric [98]. [Color figure can be viewed at wileyonlineli-]

rod-like shaped in corresponding particle sizes of 150 nm, antibacterial property namely; copper oxide (CuO) and
50 to 80 nm, and 10 to 30 nm in width and up to 70 nm copper (II) oxide or cupric oxide (Cu2O). They are cate-
in length, respectively. Whereas, the ZnO NPs synthe- gorized as semiconducting material with monoclinic in
sized from ethanol system is mostly consisted of flat structure [59]. However, CuO appears to be more attrac-
square plates from 10 to 60 nm. Thus, the composites tive compared to Cu2O due to its simplicity and stability.
obtained from ethanol dispersions revealed larger inhibi- The valence state of CuO (12) is more stable than
tion zones than those obtained from water dispersion sys- valence state of Cu2O (11) making CuO able to with-
tem [96]. stand high temperature above 1,020 C [114]. Owing to its
excellent superconductivity and serves as a critical p-type
semiconductor, CuO has been favorably applied on
Copper (Cu)-Based NPs
diverse fields such as catalysis, gas sensors, batteries,
Copper is an excellent electrical and thermal conduc- solar energy conversion, field emission emitters, and high
tivity due to its electronic structure, thus it is widely used temperature conductors. Moreover, CuO endows narrow
in electrical equipment. It is found that copper and its band gap making it having photovoltaic and photoconduc-
derivatives such as copper oxide have antibacterial fea- tive functionalities [59]. Recent studies have proven CuO
tures and are applied on diverse fields. Basically, there in nanosized possesses antibacterial activity either in sus-
are two forms of copper oxide that found to have pended or incorporated into matrices [32, 36, 59, 114]. In

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order to sustain its antibacterial performance efficiency crosslink to the nucleic acid strands, caused disorder heli-
and durability, it is more preferable to be coated with cal structure and as a consequence lead to protein and
supporting polymer matrix. This could be explained by nucleic acid denaturation and cell unable to replicate and
two main principles: (1) polymer facilitates the release of died. Moreover, the overwhelmed of ROS could poten-
ions in a long term by capping NPs on the material; (2) tially resulted outbreak of oxidative stress, and burst
polymer enhances the exposure of NPs to the outside within the bacterial cell [115, 125]. Release of copper
environment by increased the surface area, thus creates NPs mechanism depends on its particle size and surface
high probability of reaching and inhibiting the surround- charge. For particle between the ranges of 10 to 100 nm,
ing bacteria [115]. Currently, there are different polymers the copper particle attaches to cell membrane by endocy-
have been studied as matrix for immobilization of CuO tosis while particle less than 10 nm, its hydrophobicity or
NPs for antibacterial hostility resistance namely: bamboo- hydrophilicity on surface plays an important factor for the
rayon [32], nylon [55], agar [116], bovine-serum albumin interaction with cell membrane (lipid bilayer). Penetration
[117], carboxymethyl cellulose hydrogel [118], cellulose of copper into membrane releases copper ions and trig-
[119], chitosan [120], cotton [121], epoxy resin [122], gers copper ions mechanism. Biofilm formation is where
high-density polyethylene [123], hydrogel based on acryl- the active outer layer of copper particles reduces signifi-
amide and acrylic acid [124]. According to Ananth et al., cantly the cell surface hydrophobicity and extracellular
the antimicrobial performance is dependent on numerous polymeric substances causes the attachment of copper
factors such as surface area and morphology of structure. particles around the cell membrane, consequently it
Selection of suitable synthesis methods and conditions results similar copper NP mechanism on inhibition of
could directly result differences in size and shape and bacteria growth [115].
thus, influence the antibacterial performance. As men-
tioned above, the literature has reported the synthesis of Synthesis Method. There are various methods to syn-
CuO using wet chemical and hydrothermal methods with thesize Cu-based NPs either Cu NPs or CuO NPs-coated
copper(II) nitrate trihydrate as source of copper and PEG fabric have been developed such as chemical reduction
as surfactant with different conditions. In wet chemical [12, 29, 32, 55], ultrasound irradiation [13, 99, 121, 126],
approach, the temperature of the solution was varied at and metal chelation technique [42]. Table 3 shows the
75 C and 100 C and the samples were denoted as CuO summary of Cu-based NPs-coated textile and its antibac-
75 and CuO 100. Whereas, in hydrothermal method, the terial effects.
sample was synthesized at 1508C and denoted as HYD Komeily-Nia et al. have in situ synthesized Cu NPs on
150. The effect of incorporation of PEG on particle struc- nylon fabric with incorporation of ascorbic acid as
ture was determined via FESEM and its impact on inhibi- reducer and cetyltrimethylammoniumbromide (CTAB) as
tion growth of four bacterial strains namely E. coli, capping agent through facile chemical reduction tech-
Streptococcus iniae, Streptococcus parauberis, and Vibrio nique. The results showed that most of the synthesized
anguillarum through disc diffusion method have been car- Cu NPs were spherical, with minor presence of nano-
ried out. All the CuO samples without PEG tend to be wired shaped that owned grain size less than 100 nm.
aggregated compared with the samples with PEG as adhe- The inherited property of surface plasmon absorbance
sion agent appeared in fine dispersion. This could be showed colorant effect on fabric. CTAB as cationic sur-
explained by the fact that PEG facilitates the reduction of factant has affected the particle size which resulted
Gibb’s free energy while samples without surfactant smaller particles with improved antibacterial properties
prone to aggregation to reduce Gibb’s free energy. For [55]. Heliopoulos et al. have prepared alginate-Cu NPs-
morphology aspect, HYD 150 has plate-like particle, coated WO fabric via chemical reduction, exhibited good
while CuO 75 and CuO 100 exhibited rice-grain-like and bacterial reduction against E. coli. There is a difference
needle-like particle, respectively. However, particle size, in copper loading between WO/copper fabric and WO/
morphology, and extend of aggregation changed when alginate/copper as the presence of alginate has the ability
PEG concentration varied. In comparison in terms of to hold up more than 170.0 mg/g of copper ions [12].
shape-dependent antibacterial performance, nanoplate-like Moreover, Teli and Sheikh have studied the antibacterial
CuO synthesized by hydrothermal method has discovered characteristic of acrylamide-Cu NPs grafted bamboo
to have larger zone of inhibitory zone compared to CuO rayon fabric by chemical reduction synthesis. Addition of
75 and CuO 100. This could be due to the morphology- acrylamide on coating served as a binding site for attach-
dependent interaction with bacterial cell wall, thus easily ment of Cu NPs on the fabric surface and thus enhanced
damages the bacteria and inhibits the growth [114]. Gen- the bacterial reduction [32]. Yang et al. have impregnated
erally, there are three mechanisms associated with anti- Cu NPs on cotton fabric with the use of polydopamine as
bacterial activities by CuO nanocomposites namely, reductant and binder found exhibited durable sticky super-
release of copper ions, copper NPs, and biofilm inhibi- hydrophobicity and considerable antibacterial activity.
tion. Inhibited growth of bacteria by copper ions mainly According to the analysis, it has been found that they
resulted from generation of ROS, caused increase in cell mainly consisted of metallic state of Cu with the minor
permeability for copper ions diffuse into bacterial intra- presence of CuO on the cotton surface. The strong adhe-
cellular matrix. The copper ions bind to the DNA and sive property between Cu NPs and polydopamine enable

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TABLE 3. Summary of Cu-based NPs-coated textile and its antibacterial effects.

Innoculus Incubation time/

Additive matrix Synthesis method Type of textile NP size (nm) Microorganism (CFU/mL) contact time Antibacterial assay Effects Refs.

Sodium alginate Chemical reduction Wool — E. coli 1–5 3 108 for 18–24 h Disc diffusion and 100% bacterial reduction of [12]
disc diffusion. count colony E. coli after 24 h contact
1–2 3 105 for forming units time.
count colony
forming unit
Dopamine Chemical reduction Cotton 400–500 E. coli 106 18 h Count colony 99.9% bacterial reduction was [29]
forming units. achieved.
Acrylamide Chemical reduction Bamboo rayon <100 E. coli, S. aureus — — Count colony 100% bacterial reduction was [32]
forming units. achieved at 0.5% of
Ascorbic acid/CTAB Chemical reduction Nylon 85 S. aureus — 24 h Disc diffusion The treated fabric exhibited [55]
significant antibacterial
— Ultrasound irradiation Nylon and 17–20 B. subtilis — 24 h Disc diffusion The antibacterial effect is [13]
wool increased by increasing the
dye concentration from
0.1% to 0.5% in both wool
and nylon fibers.
— Ultrasound irradiation Cotton 10–20 E. coli — 0, 30, 60, 120 min Count colony The CuO–cotton bandage [99]
forming units containing 0.65 and 1.50
wt% CuO demonstrated

activity for killing E. coli.

— Ultrasound irradiation Cotton 10–15 E. coli, S. aureus 107 1 and 3 h Count colony 100% bacterial reduction was [121]
forming units observed for both bacterial

— Ultrasound irradiation Cotton 200–400 E. coli, S. aureus, — — — The treated fabric exhibited [126]
Klebsiella and MRSA significant antibacterial

Epichlorohydrin (EP) Metal chelation Viscose and — E. coli, S. aureus — — Count colony 100% bacterial reduction of [42]
and benzedine (Bz) acrylic forming units both bacterial strains was
found on acrylic fabric.

modified fabric still able to inhibit growth of bacteria benzedine treated fabric has more prominent microorgan-
even it has washed 30 and 50 cycles with 95.5% and ism’s hostility resistance [42].
88.5% reduction of initial E. coli presented [29].
Perelshtein et al. have prepared CuO NPs-coated cot-
ton fabric via in situ one-step ultrasound method and Titanium Oxide NPs (TiO2 NPs)
found that the process resulted in a homogeneous disper-
sion of CuO NPs with 15 nm in size, owned significant TiO2 exists in three famous crystalline structures
bactericidal effect against E. coli and S. aureus [121]. known as anatase, rutile, and brookite. Compared to ana-
The synthesis of CuO NPs is through the reaction with tase and brookite, rutile is the most thermally stable due
Cu ions with ammonia to form deep blue solution of to its more compact structure. When anatase and rutile
ammonium complex ions accompanied by hydrolysis and heated under high temperature, crystal growth induced
sonochemical mirojets. The chemical reaction pathways and altered the phase stability and ultimately caused ana-
to form CuO NPs are depicted as following: tase and brookite are irreversibly transformed to the
rutile. Rutile has excellent characteristics such as greater
 21 chemical stability, higher refraction index, and higher
Cu21 ðaqÞ 1 4NH3 H2 OðaqÞ ! CuðNH3 Þ4 ðaqÞ 1 4H2 O
specific gravity compared to anatase and brookite, making
(1) it mostly used in pigments industry. Anatase in nanosize-
CuðNH3 Þ4 ðaqÞ 1 2OH2 ðaqÞ 1 4H2 O structure is metastable at ambient room temperature while
! CuðOHÞ2ðsÞ 1 4NH3 H2 OðaqÞ (2) rutile phase is stable at room temperature in particle size
beyond 14 nm. Thus, thermodynamic stability is particle
CuðOHÞ2ðsÞ ƒ!CuOðsÞ (3) size dependent and it is important in determination perfor-
mance of TiO2 in different applications. Due to its stabil-
According to Abramova et al., antibacterial CuO NPs ity at nanostructure, anatase is favorably used in
coated into textile using ultrasonic cavitation has synthe- photocatalysis due to its high surface area. Its high photo-
sized ellipsoidal shape and particle sizes range from 200 to catalytic property able to generate electrons and electric
400 nm with good antibacterial activity against E. coli, K. hole pairs by absorption of UV illumination. The created
pneumoniae, S. aureus, and methicillin-resistant S. aureus electrons and holes react with oxygen and water to form
(MRSA) [126]. Shariatinia et al. have used two nanosized O–2 and hydroxyl radicals. This ROS generation is postu-
copper(II) complexes including phosphoric triamide ligands lated could be the agent to kill the bacteria cell under
with formula Cu(NO3)2L2 and Cu(CH3COO)2L2 where L presence of light [127]. Wu et al. have been successfully
represents 4-NO2C6H4NHP(O)(NC4H8O)2 coated on nylon deposited TiO2 in anatase with particle size 3–5 nm on
and WO fabrics, endowed yellow and green color, respec- cotton fabrics, possessed distinct self-cleaning and bacte-
tively, with spherical morphology in average grain sizes of ricidal activity under the fluorescent light. It suggests that
17–20 nm. The complexes were synthesized through sono- the antibacterial activity is due to the photocatalytic effect
chemical approach and the yielded fabrics possessed excel- of TiO2 coated fabric, leading to destruction of cell wall
lent wash fastness and antibacterial activity against and membrane by ROS [128]. However, due to its wide
Bacillus subtilis while poor in lightfastness [13]. The pilot energy band gap between conduction and valence bands
scale sonochemical coating of CuO NPs onto cotton fabric which is approximately 3.2 eV, it requires high energy to
produced biocidal property has been studied by Abramov create electrons and electric hole pairs. Thus, researchers
et al. According to the results, it revealed that the coating have been added noble metal and additive material to
is homogeneous with particle sizes range from 10 to extend the light absorption range of TiO2 from UV to vis-
20 nm. It is found that the homogeneity of metal deposi- ible light, which resulted in high generation of ROS.
tion on fabric depends on the concentration of precursor These include silver/polysiloxane (XPs) [129], chitosan
and the velocity of bandage passing between the sonicated [130], chitosan/AgCl [131, 132], and sericin/polycarbox-
plates [99]. ylic acid [133]. Notably, Ag-TiO2 coated cotton fabrics
Mekewi et al. have presented antibacterial synthetic have been studied due to the shifting of UV-vis absorp-
viscose and acrylic fabrics by using metal chelation Cu tion spectrum to long wavelength (>400 nm), thus enable
NPs to enhance antibacterial activities against E. coli and the enhancement of antibacterial activity under fluores-
S. aureus. The fabric has undergone amination with dif- cent light. Ag serves as an electron traps aiding electron-
ferent types of chemical namely, ethylenediamine and hole separation by creating a local electric field which
benzedine and the effect on its affinity to metal chelation facilitates the excitation of electron from valence band to
of Cu which indirectly influence the antibacterial activity conduction band [89]. According to Daoud et al. litera-
has been studied. The results showed that benzedine ture, it suggested that the cytotoxicity of TiO2 not only
treated fabric are more favorable for Cu metal uptake occurred under the presence of light but the reduction of
than those fabric treated with ethylenediamine due to ben- bacteria cells under dark condition have been observed
zedine molecules binding affinity to translation metal ions due to the nonsustenance nature of TiO2 by serving as a
through the nitrogen lone pairs. As a consequence, protecting shield against formation of biofilm [134].

TECHNOLOGY—2019 DOI 10.1002/vnl
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TABLE 4. Summary of TiO2 NPs-coated NPs textile and its antibacterial effects.

Incubation time/
Additive matrix Synthesis method Type of textile NP size (nm) Microorganism Innoculus (CFU/mL) contact time Antibacterial assay Effects Refs.

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Ag Pad-dry-cure Silk 20 S. aureus, E. coli, — 24 h Disc diffusion The treated fabric exhibited [22]
P. aeruginosa significant antibacterial
ZnO Pad-dry-cure Nylon/cotton — E. coli, S. aureus — — ASTM 100 method The highest antibacterial [56]
property against E. Coli
and S. aureus which was
appeared at 60 ppm of
Sulfated b-cyclodextrin Pad-dry-cure Cotton 20–200 E. coli, S. aureus. 12 3 105 for S. aureus. 10, 15, 20, Count colony The bacterial reduction for S. [79]
6 3 105 for E. coli 30 min forming units aureus and E. coli were
found maximum at 30 min
with 90% and 85%,
— Pad-dry-cure Cotton 3–5 — — 30 min Turbidity assessment The treated fabric exhibited [128]
significant antibacterial
Ag/polysiloxane Pad-dry-cure Polyester 25–30 S. aureus, E. coli 2 3 104 18 h Count colony Exhibit antibacterial property [129]
forming units
BTCA, SHP, Pad-dry-cure Cotton <25 S. aureus, E. coli, — — Disc diffusion The treated fabric exhibited [130]
chitosan phosphate A. flavus, C. albicans significant antibacterial
Chitosan/AgCl Pad-dry-cure Cotton — S. aureus, E. coli — 24 h Count colony 100% bacterial reduction [131]
forming units against S. aureus and E.
coli obtained with chitosan/
AgCl–TiO2 colloid at con-
centrations of 4 and 10 g/L,
Sericin/polycarboxylic Pad-dry-cure Cotton 20–30 S. aureus, E. coli 104 for E. coli. 105 3h Count of colony Higher NTO concentration, [133]

acid for S. aureus forming units 50 g/L exhibited higher

antibacterial properties.
— Pad-dry-cure Cotton 10 S. aureus 1.5–3 3 105 24 h Count of colony The antibacterial property of [134]

forming units TiO2 was found less effi-
cient in dark condition than
in presence of UV

— Sonochemical Wool 24–27 S. aureus, E. coli, — — Count of colony The antibacterial and antifun- [15]
C. albicans forming units gal activities of the sono-
treated samples with
TTIB13 were higher than
Chitosan/PVA/PEG Sonochemical Cotton 187–664 S. aureus — — Count colony The TiO2 fabric treated with [132]
forming units 0.1% HW CS solution
exhibited highest antibacte-

rial property compared to


FIG. 7. Proposed stability mechanism for TiO2 NPs dispersions in the presence of polymers [132]. [Color figure can be viewed at wileyonlinelibrary.

Synthesis Method. There are several techniques in surrounded by nanosized Ag with grain size approxi-
preparation of TiO2-coated fabric namely, pad dry cure mately 5 nm which enhanced photocatalysis and thereby
method [22, 56, 79, 128–131, 133, 134] and sonosynthe- increased the antibacterial activity against E. coli, S.
sis [15, 132] in which all of these methods are carried out aureus, and P. aeruginosa [22]. Wu et al. have used tetra-
at low temperature. Table 4 shows the summary of TiO2 butyl titanate as precursor for TiO2 production via pad-
NPs-coated textile and its antibacterial effects. dry-cure technique. The synthesized TiO2 possessed dom-
For pad dry cure method, Dastjerdi et al. have synthe- inant anatase crystalline morphology with almost uniform
sized polysiloxane/silver on the TiO2 polyester fabric to in size 3–5 nm dispersing on cotton fabric surface. The
test the effect on antibacterial activity against S. aureus coated fabric showed self-cleaning ability in photocata-
and E. coli [129]. Arain et al. have studied the effect of lytic decolor of dyes and antibacterial activity [128].
different blend ratios of chitosan to AgCl/TiO2 coated Daoud et al. have used titanium isopropoxide (TTIP) as
onto fabric on antibacterial activity against S. aureus and source for TiO2 via pad-dry-cure method. The TiO2 char-
E. coli via pad dry cure method. Increasing concentration acterized semispherical morphology with particle size
of chitosan not only showed better antibacterial activity around 10 nm in diameter on cotton surface. The authors
but has advantages on tensile strength, fabric stiffness, have compared the antibacterial assessment under UV
and wrinkle recovery angle [131]. Doakhan et al. have radiation and dark conditions and found that both condi-
prepared sericin/TiO2 grafted cotton fabric with polycar- tions possessed reduction of bacteria but with coated fab-
boxylic acid as crosslinking agent via pad dry cure ric under UV irradiation has higher cytotoxicity compared
method. The presence of sericin acted as a glue to bind with that under absence of light [134].
the TiO2 on cotton and at the same time facilitated anti- Immobilization TiO2 onto textile material can be
bacterial activity against S. aureus and E. coli. Its polyca- through in situ sonosynthesis approach. This method not
tionic feature which has ability to interact with negatively only able to reduce surface of textile, but also enhance
charged bacterial cell membrane, reduce cell membrane the washing fast ability by trapping the NPs inside the
integrity and ultimately leading to cell death [133]. El- textile matrix. The simplicity of this method also provides
Shafei et al. have applied TiO2 (0%–9%) on cotton fabric the formation of TiO2 on textile in one single step and
with the presence of different amounts of BTCA (0%– without involving of annealing process. Goyal et al. have
8%), SHP (0%–8%), and chitosan (0%–10%) through studied the role of chitosan with different molecular
pad-dry-cure approach, exhibited flame retardant and anti- weights, low molecular weight, and high molecular
bacterial properties [130]. Li et al. have designed nano- weight of chitosan (LMW-CS and HMW-CS) on coating
sized TiO2 and Ag/TiO2 functionalized silk textile with TiO2 onto cotton fabric via sonosynthesis method. Figure
the aid of 3-(3,4-dyhydroxyphenyl) propionic acid, 7 depicts the stabilization mechanism of adding HMW-
BTCA, dimethylol dihydroxyethylene urea, and SHP, CS, LMW-CS, and ionic polymers which are polyvinyl
which served as enhancing antiviral property, bridge alcohol and PEG on TiO2 NPs. Incorporation of CS
crosslink, color property, and catalyst, respectively, enhances the chemical bonding by formation of hydrogen
through pad-dry-cure method. It is observed that TiO2 has bonds between polar groups of CS and hydroxyl groups
a diameter around 20 nm with irregular structure and was of TiO2 NPs. The cationic behavior of CS due to the

TECHNOLOGY—2019 DOI 10.1002/vnl
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presence of ANH1 3 on molecules increase the n potential Au. Tang et al. [35] have functionalized Au NPs-coated
and stabilize the TiO2 dispersions on cotton. Also, the bamboo pulp fabric through facile chemical reduction
role of steric hindrance by using a nonionic polymer acts method without any stabilizing agent used. The results
as stabilizing agent on TiO2/CS dispersion on cotton. indicated that the morphology of Au NPs depend on the
Both LMW-CS and HMW-CS coated with TiO2 on cotton concentration HAuCl4 solution, which induced different
has self-cleaning, UV-protection, and antibacterial activ- colorant effect due to their localized surface plasmon res-
ity. However, with HMW-CS samples, there was an onance property. The imparted fabric showed good fast-
increase in TiO2 particle size and dispersion stability due ness to light, UV protection, and antibacterial activity
to its high molecular weight able to create a thicker layer [35]. Tang et al. also have presented another literature
around the TiO2 before the repulsion suppressed the depo- based on the in situ of Au NPs-coated silk fabric by using
sition of further chains [132]. Behzadnia et al. have used same method. The Au NPs-coated silk fabric possessed
sonochemical method at 608C–65 C to produce TiO2- remarkable antibacterial activity, UV protective, and ther-
coated WO fabric by using two different precursors mal conductivity [23]. Moreover, there are researches on
namely TTIP and titanium butoxide. The synthesized synthesis of Au NPs-coated textile with additional reduc-
TiO2 resulted the formation of both anatase and rutile ing agent either synthetic or natural. Ganesan and Guru-
phases with self-cleaning, antibacterial, and hydrophilicity mallesh Prabu have synthesized antibacterial Au NPs-
properties. The samples with titanium butoxide have coated cotton fabric with HAuCl4 as precursor and extract
found to have higher photocatalytic activity compared to of Acorus calamus rhizome as green reducer via pad-dry-
samples with TTIP. This could be due to the longer cure method. The results revealed that the size of Au NPs
hydrocarbon chain changes the band gap of TiO2 but per- depend on the concentration of precursor. At low concen-
suades several localized occupied states in the gap [15]. tration, NPs showed homogenous in size with spherical
morphology at particle size in below 100 nm, whereas at
Other Metal-Based NPs high concentration of precursor, the synthesized NPs
showed bigger size in spherical structure at grain sizes
There are also embedment of other metal-based anti-
between 100 and 500 nm. The treated fabric showed
bacterial agents such as iron based [30], CeO2 [19, 135],
improved antibacterial activity and UV blocking property
Au [23, 35, 136, 137], Ni [42], SiO2 [16, 43], and Pt
compared to that untreated fabric [136]. Velmurugan
[49]. Table 5 shows the summary of other metal-based
et al. have compared three different modes of synthesis
NPs-coated textile and its antibacterial effects. For iron
Au NPs on cotton, silk, and leather namely, green, chemi-
based NPs, Rastgoo et al. have prepared Fe3O4 on
cal, and a composite of green and chemical synthesis. For
blended cotton/polyester fabric via ultrasound mediation
green synthesis, natural leaf powder extract, Ginkgo
exhibited magnetic, photocatalytic, sonocatalytic, and
biloba Linn is used as reducer while for chemical synthe-
antibacterial characteristics [30].
CeO2 is one of the most abundant rare earth metal sis, KBH4 is used as reducing agent. For composite syn-
oxides, which categorized in lanthanide series with two thesis, G. biloba extract and KBH4 are used to color and
stable oxidation forms trivalent state (13) and tetravalent embed AuNPs in the fabrics. Based on the observation, it
state (14). The ability in reversible switching between is found that composite synthesis has more dead bacterial
two oxidation states along with the oxygen vacancies by cells than in green and chemical synthesis. The treated
surface defects making it possesses antioxidative ability leather is less affinity to take up Au NPs than silk and
which is widely applied on biomedical field by regenerat- cotton due to its collagen bundles interconnected with
ing free-radical scavengers. Moreover, its relatively large elastic fibers. Moreover, the incorporation of G.
smaller band gap compared to ZnO and TiO2, leading it biloba leaf extract is responsible for enhancing high anti-
as alternative UV absorbent for sunscreen, photocatalyst, bacterial activity [137].
textile fiber coating, and so on [19]. The toxicity of CeO2 Application of monodisperse silicon on development
on microorganisms has been studied by Rajan et al. of multifunctional textile has been studied by El-Gabry
[135], and Lu et al. [19]. Lu et al. have immobilized et al. [43] and Wang et al. [16]. El-Gabry et al. have
CeO2 NPs on silk fabric via simple dip-coating approach, incorporated acrylate based copolymer as binder on coat-
found endowed UV-shielding ability and antibacterial ing nanosized silica on viscose and polyester fabrics
activity. The synthesized CeO2 NPs tend to agglomerate through conventional pad-dry-cure method. It is found
and lead to larger particle sizes ranging from 20 to 30 nm that percentage of reduction E. coli bacteria before and
which might affect the efficiency of antibacterial perfor- after 10 laundering cycles is higher for acrylate/silica
mance. In order to enhance microbicidal effect of CeO2 treated fabric compared to pristine and solely silica
on treated fabric, Rajan et al. [135] have incorporated coated fabrics, indicated the conducive trapping effect on
allicin on coating via wet chemical method found to have the treated fabric. Wang et al. have prepared nano-silica
more effective on inhibition growth of E. coli and S. with additional loading of Ag via plasma irradiation treat-
aureus. ment found to have spherical particles with average grain
Most of the studies regarding the synthesis of Au NPs- size of 60 nm, exhibited high effective in killing bacteria
coated textile use chloroauric acid (HAuCl4) as source of and excellent water resisting property.

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TABLE 5. Summary of other metal-based NPs-coated textile and its antibacterial effects.

Metal-based Synthesis Innoculus Incubation time/
NPs Additive matrix method Type of textile NP size (nm) Microorganism (CFU/mL) contact time (h) Antibacterial assay Effects Refs.

CTAB Sonochemical Cotton/polyester 46 S. aureus, C. 106 18 Count colony The treated fabric exhibited [30]

albicans forming unit 95% and 99% growth
reduction of S. aureus and

C. albicans, respectively.
CeO2 — Dip coating Silk 20–30 E. coli, S. aureus, 2 3 103 — Count colony The results found that E. coli [19]
P. aeruginosa, forming unit is least resistance to CeO2
B. subtilis followed by S. aureus, B.

subtilis, and P. aeruginosa.
CeO2 Allicin Wet chemical — 5–10 E. coli, S. aureus — 24 Disc diffusion The treated fabric exhibited [135]
significant antibacterial
Au — Wet chemical Silk 213 6 3.4 E. coli 30–300 18 Disc diffusion The treated fabric exhibited [23]
significant antibacterial

Au — Wet chemical Bamboo pulp — E. coli 30–300 18 Disc diffusion The treated fabric exhibited [35]
significant antibacterial
Au Acorus calamus Pad-dry-cure Cotton 10 E. coli, S. — 24 and 48 Count colony The percentage inhibition was [136]
rhizome aureus forming unit found to increase signifi-
cantly after 48 h compared
to 24 h.
Au Ginkgo biloba Wet chemical Silk and cotton 10–75 B. linens — — Live/dead BacLight Green and composite synthe- [137]
Linn and KBH4 sis is more effective than
chemical synthesis in anti-
bacterial performance.
Ni Epichlorohydrin (EP) Metal chelation Viscose and — E. coli, S. — — Count colony Benzidine treated fabric is [42]
and benzedine (Bz) acrylic aureus forming unit more preferable on antimi-
crobial function than
SiO2 Ag Wet chemical Wool 60 E. coli, S. 1–2 3 104 22 Count colony Increase concentration of [16]
aureus forming unit SiO2 and contact time
increases antibacterial per-
formance of treated fabric.
SiO2 Acrylate based Sol gel Viscose and <21 E. coli, S. 22,800 CFU/mL — Count colony The treated fabric in the pres- [43]
copolymer polyester aureus (for E. coli forming unit ence of binder exhibited
bacteria) and 100% antimicrobial
17,440 CFU/mL reduction.
(for S. aureus
Pt — DC magnetron Polyester — S. aureus 1 3 108 24 Count colony The existence of platinum [49]
sputtering forming unit itself, without any deriva-

tives of antibacterial agents,
does not show any antibac-
terial activity on the treated

DOI 10.1002/vnl
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