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1 Introduction of Travel Route 2019.10.10/2019.6.13 亚太/2017.1.14/2014.3.8/2012.7.12/2009.7.4/2008.7.5

1 moderate 2 12.5 3 fish 4 beach 5 waterfall 6 cafe、seafood 7 279
8 5:30p.m. 9 bridge 10 map

2 Art Activity 2018.11.3 亚太/2017.9.21 亚太/2010.9.25/2009.3.21/2008.2.14

11 classroom tour 12 video 13-14 music mathematics 15 tea coffee
16 chess club 17 report 18 January 19 Academic 20 $650

3 Nursery School Enrollment 2020.7.11/2019.6.29/2016.7.9/2015.8.13/2012.12.6/2011.10.29

1 $37.50 2 20 3 playground 4 primary school 5 report 6 September
7 apron 8 family photo 9 certificate 10 Callione

4 Refrigerator Repairing 2019.1.19/2018.7.7 亚太/2017.4.29/2016.5.7/2013.9.7

1 top 2 silver 3 12th January 4 alarm 5 10 6 station 7 Sandwich
8 180 9 manager 10 door

5 Hotel Booklet 2019.1.17/2018.11.10/2017.9.9/2014.7.10/2011.4.30

1 Central 2 address 3 pool 4 reception 5 views 6 price 7 Spanish
8 July 9 Cliffton 10 903036602

6 Holiday Hotel Booking 2018.9.8/2017.11.2/2014.1.11/2013.12.12/2010.6.5

1 surfing 2 breakfast 3 gym 4 360 5 share 6 75 7 basic 8 47.5
9 taxi 10 cheque

7 Leaving Party at Rose Restaurant 2018.8.25/2015.2.28/2012.4.28/2009.1.15/2007.5.12/2006.2.18

1 green room 2 40 3 3 long tables 4 flowers 5 Smith Brothers 6 S132RT
7 Collins 8 01142531468 9 drinks and snacks 10 28th June

8 House Purchase Consulting 2019.2.14 亚太/2018.7.19/2017.1.12/2010.11.4/2007.7.21

1 Franklyn 2 TH17OS 3 01658867 4 traditional 5 central heating
6 garage 7 village 8 $120,000 9 Park Square 10 collect

9 Visitors Survey 2019.4.6/2011.2.17/2009.1.17/2007.7.14

13 2 weather 3 Town Hall 4 variety 5 plane 6 over 40 7 mid-range
8 tourism 9 computer programmer 10 good value

10 Talking about Fire Prevention 2016.11.3/2015.9.26/2014.1.25/2009.5.16

11 soft 12 close 13 10-15 meters 14 gaps 15 rubbish 16 gas
17 family members 18 October 19 radio 20 training

11 Membership in Health and Fitness Centre 2019.7.18/2018.9.29 亚太/2015.5.30/2014.10.2

1 285 2 parking 3 September 4 glass 5 orientation 6 TV 7 judo
8 yoga 9 intermediate 10 8:30pm

12 Brown`s Health and Fitness Club 2020.9.27 亚太/2017.10.28 亚太/2016.10.8/2010.5.29/2009.1.20

1 women 2 health check 3 program 4 6 weeks 5 yoga 6 cafe 7 massage

13 House Moving Enquiring 2019.2.23/2018.8.2 亚太/2016.3.12/2014.4.24

1 manager 2 centre 3 40 4 station 5 May 6 12000 7 booths 8 store
9 kitchen 10 river

14 Flight Complaints 2019.1.12/2018.2.24 亚太/2016.2.27/2012.5.12

1 Quigley 2 return 3 11.45 4 error message 52 6 12 7 food 8 school
9 manager 10 GBK8422

15 Return Vacuum Cleaner 2018.9.15/2016.5.21/2015.12.5/2013.8.17

1 Ruddick 2 home 3 Garden 4 31st July 5 handle 6 104 7 free repair
8 reusable bag 9 190 10 silver

16 Studio Leasing 2018.3.3/2016.4.30/2014.12.6/2012.3.17

1 Tythe 2 painters fashion 3 top 4 1st January 5 3 months 6 150
7 cafe 8 phone 9 photo 10 station

17 Newtown Sailing School 2019.1.20/2018.1.20/2015.10.8/2012.6.16

1 Thursday 2 side gate 3 138 4 Lossely 5 cafe 6 073076552
7 sleeping bag 8 wind surfing 9 passport 10 radio

18 Package Delivery 2017.1.21/2015.9.19/2014.10.18/2013.3.23

1 Friday 2 International 3 Hillman 4 14 Mountain 5 Park Avenue
6 North Building 7 books 8 photographs 9 98 10 ID

19 Library Brief 2017.2.11/2014.12.11/2010.12.11/2008.12.6

11 134 12 annual report 13 trade journals 14 bookshop 15 1.95
16 4 weeks 17 12 18 6 teenagers 19 electric card 20 Tuesday Friday

20 Wedding Booking 20173.25/2015.9.17/2011.9.17/2009.6.13

1 Bridge 2 conference 3 4800 4 coffee 5 Cornell

21 Retullack Hotel Booking 2017.6.24/2015.5.10/2014.5.10/2011.2.26

1 July 2 77.50 3 breakfast 4 one month 5 towels 6 booklets
7 game 8 Internet 9 shells 10 bicycles

22 Island Hotel Reservation 2020.8.22/2017.7.29/2016.6.18/2013.3.2/2010.1.23

1 71,Akrau 2 March 3 Canada 4 station 5 kitchen restaurant 6 120
7 sea view 8 bathroom 9 birds 10 helicopter
23 Homestay Application 2019.1.19/2013.10.12/2010.5.29
15 registration office 16 records 17 identity 18 acknowledgement
19 interview 20 decision

24 Patient Record 2016.7.30/2015.10.31/2011.3.12

1 95 Cross Street 2 Walkley 3 46895324 4 knee 5 18 June 6 an ice pack
7-8 go upstairs;back 9 stick 10 exercises

25 Rushmore Mountains 2019.1.12/2015.11.7/2010.8.21

11 1 million 12 tourism 13 southeast 14 lawyer 15 7

26 Items Exchange Website 2017.8.26/2016.8.27/2011.1.15

17 popular 18 taste 19 feedback 20 speed

27 Ice-curling Introduction 2017.11.25 亚太/2015.7.14/2009.3.14

11 lead 12 sheet 13 house 14 horsehair 15 rubber 16 stopwatch

28 Observations of Whales 2018.12.8/2016.10.22/2014.8.16

21 watching time 22 calm 23 weather 24 100 meters 25 fishing boats
26 behaviour 27 group size

29 Northern Residents Survey 2016.5.28/2013.1.12/2010.3.20

1 salesman 29 3 Spring Park 4 apartment 5 train 6 once a month
7 clubs 8 cinema 9 sailing 10 Japanese

30 House Sharing 2019.12.21/2011.1.15/2009.2.12

1 80 2 garage 3 supermarket 4 petrol 5 heater 6 toaster 7 kitchen
8 June 1st 9 Friday evening 10 exam

31 The Return of Rice Cooker 2008.11.15/2007.10.13/2007.8.18

1 R242 2 89.99 3 City Centre 4 escaping steam 5 Hewitt 6 84 park Road
7 B0241DJ 8 April 2008 9 refund 10 once a month

32 Steal Report 2014.2.15/2012.5.19/2009.6.27

1 Grieg 2 March 15th 3 Ellendale 4 W52AT 50 6 8 months 71
8 back door 9 G4168770 10 silver colored cloth

33 Library Introduction 2016.7.16/2015.12.19/2012.7.28

1 Skellarn 2 park 3 4.3 4 drama 5 singing 6 artists club
7 magazines 8 films 9 number 10 maps

34 Pre-School Institution 2014.11.1/2011.10.22/2009.7.25

11 3 months 12 cooperation 13 mixed 14 training 15 assignment
16 reading 17 visits 18 government 19 meeting 20 confidence

35 Newspaper Photo Re-print Request Form 2018.6.23 亚太/2017.9.16/2015.5.16

1 front 2 week 3 Parkhurst 4 personal 5 color 6 80 7 normal
8 check 9 mail 10 every day

36 Walking Tour 2020.7.26 亚太/2019.11.23/2019.9.28 亚太/2015.4.18/2015.2.14/2011.7.28

1 birds 2 tent 3 mountains 4 cave 5 waterfall 6 swim 7 back
8 walking boots 9 discount. 10 insurance

37 Accommodation of Po Shan Park 2018.4.21/2016.1.30/2013.11.9

1 tour 2 sailing 3 pottery 4 balcony 5 birds 6 TV 7 Internet
8 cookery 9 cycling 10 gym

38 Children`s Party 2019.8.1/2019.4.6 亚太/2007.4.14

1 25.5 2 chicken 3 fish cakes 4 26.5 5 vegetable burger
6 playground 7 party hats 8 sports hall 9 two adults 10 safety regulations

39 Beach Job Application 2020.10.24 亚太/2019.7.27 亚太/2019.2.14/2018.7.28/2013.1.5

1 Jamieson 2 11th July 3 waiter 4 children 5 sing 6 drive
7-8 transport meals 9 Thursday 10 photos

40 Renting House in Low Town 2019.4.27/2018.12.8 亚太/2013.4.13

1 parking 2 North 3 balcony 4 30th September 5 gym 6 1375
7 Thursday 8 cafe 9 bridge 10 Treloar

41 Husband`s Party Booking 2020.10.17/2019.12.14 亚太/2019.4.13/2014.3.15/2010.5.20

1 55533/489724 2 27th April 3 museum 4 93 5 hot 6 fish 7 nuts
8 paper 9 cake 10 flowers

42 Car Insurance Enquiring 2019.3.23/2015.2.12/2010.11.27

1 Walsham 2 TR125CZ 3 QY181 4 technical 5 J.R. 6 23 7 12 North Lane
8 one month 9 35.70 10 1st August

43 Part-time Job in the Orchard 2018.10.13/2016.1.9/2014.3.1/2010.10.30

1 blue card 2 July to October 3 agency 4 September 5 weather 6 5.60
7 campsite 8 bike 9 passport 10 lunch water

44 Community Service Questionnaire 2018.9.13/2011.9.3/2010.2.27

1 Fowler 2 RO62LR 3 waiter 4 streets 5 health service 6 police
7 parks 8 schools 9 local 10 swimming pool

45 Volunteer Organization Application 2018.5.19/2017.10.14 亚太/2013.5.11

1 Mileda 2 Chinese 3 shopping 4 socialise 5 drive 6 South
7 Wednesday 8 13th June 9 stairs 10 radio

46 Washing Machine Repair 2020.9.20/2018.4.26/2014.4.12/2010.8.5

1 CWX576884 2 9 months 3 GO194KE 4 Middle Street
5-6 water switched off 7 wood 8 next Tuesday 9 engineer 10 post office

47 House Rent 2020.7.19/2018.4.21/2015.3.14/2013.1.19

1 5th May 2 $1700 3 garage 4 microwave dishwasher 5 garden
6 check credit 7 recycling 8 kitchen 9 window 10 Dressler

48 Poppy Reserve 2020.10.25/2018.4.14/2015.11.19/2013.9.28

1 months 2 orange 3 East 4 state 5 trousers 6 general
7 museum centre 8 1 hour 9 5:30am 10 zoom

49 Hotel Booking Requirements 2018.6.2 亚太/2018.4.7/2017.4.20

1 screen 2 manager 3 cooking 4 forest 5 June 6 rose 7 singer
8 band 9 arts 10 Friday

50 Honeymoon Travel Booking 2020.1.4/2019.4.13 亚太/2018.2.24/2012.5.10

1 07958477222 2 Thursday morning 37 4 25th November 5 wedding
6 cheese 7 India 8 business 9 slow 10 carter.s

51 Laptop Repair 2020.7.25/2018.2.10/2015.10.8/2013.2.2

1 W717431T 2 30th April 3 Compucan 4 bike 5 560 6 keyboard 7 train
8 family 9 seat 10 report

52 Island Hotel Reservation 2018.1.13/2014.12.20/2010.12.4

1 19 14 2 40 3 balcony 4 tennis 5 fish 6 piano 7 helicopter
8 cable car 9 plants 10 firework

53 Painting Competition Registration 2017.10.5/2016.9.15/2015.4.11

1 travel 2 juniors 3 teenagers 4 29 August 5 80cm*60cm 6 Kahn
7 HB39PU 8 fax 9 YCP 10 $50

54 Festival Activity 2017.8.19/2014.12.4/2013.7.18

1 1960s 2 325 3 University 4 international 5 photography 6 car park
7 clay 8 animals 9 purple 10 entrance

55 Car Exhibition 2017.7.20/2011.10.8/2010.1.23

11 March 19 12 70,000 13 5 14 Sunday 15 racing car 16 electricity

56 Renting House Details 2017.7.20/2013.8.24/2011.2.12

1 swimming pool 2 dining room 3 garage 4 supermarket 5 park
6 primary 7 gardens 8 23rd April 9 10:15am 10 Spring Street
57 How to Write a Resume 2017.3.14/2012.4.21/2008.5.31
11 Internet 12 too long 13 typed 14 skills 15 corrections 16 layout
17 contact number

58 Trash Recycling 2017.3.25/2016.12.10/2014.10.2

11 waterproof 12 building wood 13 overfill 14 heavy 15 open 16 traffic
17 4 weeks 18 stone 19 business 20 plastic

59 Yoga Class Consulting 2017.6.3/2015.9.26/2010.8.14

1 June 27th 2 Swavese 3 intermediate 4 295 5 relaxation 6 vegetarian
7 swimming 8 horse riding 9 Tennis 10 outside

60 Reynolds Electrical Introduction 2017.7.29/2011.11.26/2009.10.10

11 cars 12 1928 13 cinema 14 factory 15 quality 16 waste 17 safety
18 website 19 customers 20 money

61 Countryside Hotel Booking 2019.8.1 亚太/2019.5.4/2015.6.27

1 northeast 2 peak season 3 weekend 4 quiet 5 beach 6 restaurant
7 garden 8 Cheffins 9 0192447285 10 country living

62 Animals Conservation Job Application 2014.4.5/2011.7.9

1 a radio program 2 LS14 2JW 3 hennings.co.uk 4 two 5 joint 6 49
7 Union Bank 8 15th October 9 JYZ37 10 video

63 The Map of UNSW 2013.7.14/2009.12.19

16 bathroom 17 food containers 18 code 19 basement 20 11:30

64 House Insurance Quotation 2011.3.19/2007.5.19

1 Greenway 2 pk2@cat.com 3 5.30 4 80 5 brick 6 alarm system
7 flood 8 148.30 9 1 August 10 TR278Q

65 Items Damaged Report 2016.12.17/2014.11.1

1 077876345 2 27th February 3 Akendale 4 3450 5 books 6 paintings
7 mirror 8 desk 9 leg 10 plates

66 Australia Trip Booking 2020.7.26/2012.9.1/2009.7.23

1 flights 2 April 3 budget 4 non-smoking 5 John A Smyth 6 110 dollars
7 cultural centre 8 camel ride 9 desert 10 stars

67 Skating Club 2018.1.13 亚太/2010.8.28

1 garage 2 West Park 3 December 4 hot chocolate 5 pizza 6 advanced
7 raining 8 boots 9 jeans 10 warm
68 Renting House 2018.7.28 亚太/2012.7.7
1 southeast 2 675 3 washing machine 4 15th May 5 employer
6 translator 7 bank statement 8 Ainsworth 9-10 telephone bus stop

69 Cleaning Schedule 2019.3.19/2015.9.12

1 Macvia 2 37,North 3 white 4 271963 5 July 1936 6 Top roof
7 bushes 8 Saturday 9 11:00am 10 blue

70 Gallery Visiting 2019.7.20 亚太/2018.5.5

11 Opening Gallery 12 on the street 13 Theatre 14 ustralian 15 historical maps
16 Kesteven 17 picture library 18 wildlife 19 Design 20 sports

71 Secondhand Car 2019.4.13 亚太/2018.8.11

1 light 2 manager 3 wheels 4 automatic 58 6 Station 7 Thursday
8 supermarket 9 Gerald 10 identification

72 Hotel Party Reservation 2018.12.1 亚太/2018.2.1

1 35 2 Saturday 3 Limertick 4 business area 5 5th 6 view 7 a week
8 gym 9 65%, 10 044298611

73 Surfing Course Enquiring 2019.5.4 亚太/2014.12.13

1 sandy beach 2 495 3 hotel 4 transport 5 Mexico 6 December 7 turn
8 17th 9 insurance 10 Fletcher

74 Drive School Enrollment 2018.11.10 亚太/2017.4.22 亚太

1 67,King 2 north 3 Automatic 4 Sutcliffe 5 night. 6 weather 7 license
8 50 9 30 10 diary

75 Part-time Job on Campus 2014.4.26/2009.7.4

11 overseas 12 Woodside 13 8:00am 14 Tuesday 15 website

76 Nursing Worker Hiring 2019.2.16/2013.6.6

1 dressing 2 clinic 3 medication 4 companionship 5 4 March 6 holidays
7 Howell 8 FX562RN 9 certificates 10 reference

77 Employment Registration Form 2018.5.12/2016.10.29

1 2378919 2 English 3 builder 4 gardening 5 transport 6 bus
7 evenings 8 back 9 tools 10 October 15th

78 Garbage Collection Information 2018.3.24/2014.5.17

1 Tuesday 2 8:15pm 3 grocery 4 TV 5 map 6 categories 7 egg
8 juice 9 labels 10 pizza

79 Shipping of Personal Belongings 2018.5.19 亚太/2018.1.6

1 bicycle 2 40 3 liquid 4 plastic 5 Saturdays 6 storage 7 Sweden
8 575 9 driver 10 passport

80 Davidson`s Music School 2017.12.2/2013.7.13/2010.2.20

11 library 12 14 13 swimming pool 14 playwell 15 violins 16 drums
17 piano 18 June December 19 CDs 20 theater

81 Software Exhibition in Birmingham 2019.9.7/2017.12.2/2011.6.23

1 July 2 3 days 3 test driving 4 camera 5 110 6 worth 7 Summer
8 city centre 9 directions 10 online

82 White Rhino Hostel 2017.9.30/2014.6.19

1 8.37 2 2 nights 3 soap 4 music 5 kitchen 6 reception 7 safe
8 city 9 whales 10 helicopter

83 Hengrave International Weekend 2017.8.3/2013.9.21

1 15 2 festival 3 park 4 017449553321 5 Africa 6 India 7 food
8 library 9 Russian 10 beaumond

84 Caravan Renting Consulting 2019.6.13/2012.4.21 亚太

1 0419657156 2 post 3 39 4 bed 5 kitchen 6 heater 7 Microwave
8 airport 9 49 10 Australia

85 Spring Festival 2020.12.5/2019.5.18/2011.7.9

11 lake 12 picnic 13 flowers 14 20 15 Motor 16 art gallery
17 concert hall 18 2:30

86 Chocolate Bean Collection 2014.7.19

11 harvested 12 opened 13 cleaned 14 expanded 15 cooled 16 sealed

87 Holiday Hotel Reservation 2020.11.12/2015.4.18

1 Chilcotin 2 train station 3 169 4 breakfast 5 science 6 boots
7 fishing 8 tent 9 black bears 10 gold mine

88 Waste Bins Recycle 2014.2.13

1 fortnight 2 Peter Wisrough 3 No.168 Bridge Road 4 helpline@blackeat.com
5 BS97PU 6 yellow 7 Central Park 8 metal 9 magazines 10 Savvy

89 Purchasing a Bed 2020.12.20/2015.8.29

1 140cm 2 265 3 natural 4 light table 5 glass 6 drawer 7 Rogala
8 WS63HN 9 morning 10 garage

90 Hardwoods Rental Agency 2015.3.28

1 0213975671790 2 550 3 shower 4 street 5 playground 6 stairs
7 lake 8 fee 9 damage 10 cleaning

91 Camping Equipment Customer Order 2018.6.23

1 5174XCM 2 summer 3 pump 4 bottle 5 plates 6 rubber 7 baseball
8 map 9 Taupo 10 25.50

92 Canoeing Course Enquiring 2018.6.30

1 50 2 rules 3 helmet 4 shower 5 clothes 6 70 7 insurance 8 sea
9 race 10 5th, June

93 Apply for Part-time Volunteer Work 2014.7.12

1 receptionist 24 3 email 4 computer 5 bank 6 river 7 workshop
8 education 9 “go” 10 reference

94 Hot Air Balloon Trip 2016.4.2

1 125 2 certificate 3 online 4 1800 5 autumn 6 night 7 thunderstorm
8 helmet 9 age 10 stand

95 Orientation Day 2010.9.11

11 8:55 12 15 13 hot meal 14 poster 15 monthly 16 sports 17 clubs

96 Holiday Arrangement 2017.12.17 北美

1 15th September 24 3 Harcount 4 0125334470 5 tennis 6 club
7 boat 8 second 9 cheese 10 taxi

97 Amhurst Film Club 2019.5.11

1 Holbrook 2 senior 3 student 4 history 5 teenagers 6 horror 7 22
8 biography 9 parking 10 software

98 Travel Booking 2018.10.27

1 climbing 2 animals 3 pizza 4 dancing 5 football 6 shoes in the camp
7 Paige 8 65 9 150 10 transport

99 Insurance Claim 2018.10.20

1 JXY465773 2 Troudfoot 3 Crown 4 PG32BK 5 bicycle 6 10 months
7-8 floor wall 9 pipe 10 supermarket

100 Community Class Enquiring 2018.7.7

1 7:45 2 write 3 140 4 certificate 5 knife 6 56 7 Lawnton 8 neck
9 mat 10 a small mirror

101 Winter Activity Introduction 20171.1.21

16 fancy dress 17 family ticket 18 concert room 19 book in advance
20 check the website
102 Ohope Park Discount 2019.6.22
1 microwave 2 reception 3 shower 4 lake 5 18% 6 tennis 7 fishing
8 farm 9 forest 10 Arataki
1 Amber 2018.4.26/2016.1.9/2015.5.16/2014.1.11/2010.6.15/2007.9.8
31 insects 32 volcanic dust 33 heat 34 intermediate 35 sea shores
36 sunlight 37 1,000 38 silver 39 honey 40 building

2 Drama Effect on Student`s Performance

31 confidence 32 risks 33 listening 34 responsible 35 therapy 36 safe
37 morality 38 participation 39 remember 40 problems

3 Tuareg Berber Nomadic 2019.7.20 亚太/2018.5.5/2017.2.25/2016.6.25/2013.10.19/2010.12.18

31 deserts 32 seasonal 33 olive oil 34 grass leaves 35 square
36 camel 37 slaves 38 herds 39 dark blue 40 guides

4 Absence of Employees 2020.8.1/2019.9.14 亚太/2019.5.18/2018.4.21 亚太/2018.4.21 亚太/2015.8.29/2015.5.18

31 gender 32 attitude 33 culture 34 external 35 industry
36 workforce 37 efficiency 38 financial 39 benefits 40 dismiss

5 Advertising Effect 2019.5.11/2019.3.23 亚太/2017.12.26/2016.7.14/2012.10.13

31 distance 32 sound 33 chocolate 34 flexibility 35 reaction
36 native languages 37 newspaper 38 environment 39 swimming pool
40 national park

6 Time Measurements 2020.7.31/2016.12.17/2013.5.16/2011.2.26/2008.5.31/2005.2.5

31 sun`s position 32 animal 33-34 religion government 35 Egypt
36 varied 37 temperature 38 sandglasses 39 limited 40 time

7 How to Choose Flooring Materials 2018.9.8 亚太/2012.8.25/2008.2.16/2007.6.2/2006.10.14

31 plastic 32 processing 33 seasoned 34 polished 35 cost
36 grain pattern 37 wood 38 0.8 39 0.1 40 black velvet

8 The Development of Transportation in Australia 1920-1990

31 public 32 uncomfortable 33 freedom 34 taxes 35 government election
36 polluted 37 lanes 38 relationships 39 advertisements 40 shopping mall

9 British Textile Industry 2017.12.2/2017.4.20/2014.8.16/2011.6.23/2009.10.31

31 1.5 million 32 manufacturing 33 women 34 outdoor

10 Football in the UK 2017.4.11/2012.1.12/2010.4.10

33 parents 34 versions 35 country 36 transport 37 social 38 funding
39 competitions 40 professional
11 Arguments for and Against Urban Migration 2020.8.20/2019.7.18/2015.1.10/2014.9.20
31 carbon 32 forests 33 transportation 34 rubbish 35 promotion
36 culture 37 crime 38 air 39 welfare 40 congestion

12 Giving a Speech 2018.4.21/2013.11.9/2011.3.5/2006.11.2

31 important 32 a gift 33 last 34 well-organized 35 paying attention
36 sheet of paper 37 entire 38 one or two 39 time 40 read

13 The Format of Papers 2014.4.28/2011.6.23/2009.7.4/2008.3.29

21 note system 22 research 23 scientific journals 24 information from Internet
25 double space 26 italics 27 typed 28 top right 29 3.25 30 ID number

14 UN report in 1987 2019.1.17/2017.11.25 亚太/2015.10.10/2013.5.18

31 confusion 32 generation 33 environment 34 rights 35 time
36 nuclear power 37 cars roads 38 75% 39 sunflowers 40 diet

15 Evaluation on Architectural Design 2019.7.27 亚太/2019.2.14/2011.9.17/2009.11.7

31 success 32 social 33 planning 34 climate 35 skills 36 materials
37 cost 38 emotional 39 environment 40 analysis

16 The Railway of Adelaide to Darwin 2016.8.14/2012.1.14/2009.7.25/2008.9.13

31 economic logistical 32 camel 33 closed down 34 gap 35 profit
36 climate

17 Cotton Planting and Process 2018.10.11/2015.12.12/2013.10.10/2011.12.3

31 process 32 irrigation 33 machines 34 contaminants 35 protective clothing
36 freedom 37 clean 38 energy 39 nature 40 sports

18 Study on Australia Crocodile 2019.2.9/2016.9.3/2014.8.9/2011.8.27

31 satellite 32 radio 33 signals 34 people 35 route 36 head 37 helicopter
38 navigate 39 sun 40 birds

19 Children Psychology 2020.9.27/2017.11.4 亚太/2014.7.26/2009.12.12/2008.11.20

31 connected 32 laboratories 33 background 34 passive 35 personality.
36 learning 37 stimulating 38 self-centered 39 house

20 Bee`s Optic and the Application 2019.2.16/2015.6.13/2011.2.26/2008.1.26

35 warning 36 radar 37 urban 38 speed 39 earth 40 no water

21 An Survey Diet:Obesity 2019.1.19/2016.6.16/2015.7.23/2011.4.16

31 teenager 32 incomes 33 surveys 34 similar 35 drink milk 36 time
37 number 38 relationship 39 friends 40 age
22 History of Salt 2020.7.11/2018.12.8/2018.4.14 亚太/2015.8.13/2011.1.12
31 health 32 salary 33 forests 34 fresh meat October 35 King
36 Beer 37 shipping 38 desert 39 concentrated 40 transport

23 Film Director in Ireland:Burgman`s Film 2020.10.10/2019.1.17/2018.11.10/2017.11.4/2016.10.29

31 depth 32 actors 33 light 34 emotion 35 purpose 36 words
37 myth 38 dreams 39 family 40 accept

24 Extinction of Species in Australia 2018.10.27/2017.10.28/2013.5.25/2011.3.12

31 frog 32 birds 33 corn 34 media 35 insects 36 fear 37 rivals
38 complex 39 plants 40 blood

25 Earth Sheltered Housing 2018.4.21/2015.5.19/2012.3.8/2010.1.30

31 low impact 32 alternative energy 33 conservation 34 traffic noise
35 lifespan 36 healthy benefit ventilation system

26 Genetics and Sports 2017.9.30/2016.2.27/2012.7.12/2010.6.17

31 performance 32 oxygen 33 red blood cells 34 feet 35 high up
36 bones 37 arms 38 heart rate 39 pain 40 shark

27 Solar Power Purifier 2017.9.21/2016.1.19/2014.1.9/2011.2.19

31 salts 32 hospitals 33 slow 34 Health International 35 9 liters
36 family 37 glass 38 germs 39 12.5 40 water tank

28 Discussion about Project 2017.7.20/2014.11.8/2011.5.14/2010.3.27

24 interview 25 font 26 change 27 note 28 two copies
29 assignment 11th May 30 hypothesis procedure

29 History of the Extreme Sports 2019.1.5 亚太/2017.5.13/2012.10.27/2010.11.20

31 lifestyle 32 equipment 33 factory 34 golf 35 traditional
36 regulations 37 training 38 fear 39 entertainment 40 community

30 Nanotechnology 2017.8.3/2016.4.30/2014.12.6/2012.4.30
31 microscope 32 unnatural 33 cost chocolates 34 flavor 35 fertilizers
36 weight 37 drugs 38 silver bacteria 39 sun 40 aging

31 Esperance Australia`s Power 2016.9.15/2011.9.24/2009.6.13

21 grind flour water 22 research 23 noisy 24 birds 25 half
26-27 plane Europe 28 loan government 29 lowers 30 timber

32 Education Program 2014.9.20/2011.8.25/2009.9.17

21 professional learning 22 team 23 results 24 behaviours 25 diary
26 video recording 27 simulation 28 test results 29 Internet 30 interviews
33 Difference Between Settled Nations and Nomadic Nations
31 vertical 32 cabin 33 camel 34 young 35 farmers 36 grain
37 clothing 38 harvest 39 tents 40 intermediate

34 British Middens 2018.1.1.8 亚太/2014.9.6/2012.2.9

31 axe 32 bones 33 road 34 permit 35 travelling 36 white 37 birds
38 Rare 39 lakes 40 soldiers

35 Saffron 2018.2.3 亚太/2015.7.4/2013.8.24

31 14,000 32 drying 33 powder 34 rice 35 eyes 36 lights 37 clothes
38 perfume 39 cosmetics 40 carpets

36 Paper Discussion 2018.3.10 亚太/2017.1.14/2010.10.30

26 subtopics 27 reports 28 examples 29 ideas 30 reading

37 Autonomous Underwater Vehicle(AUV) 2016.5.28/2014.4.26/2013.1.12

31 airplane 32 robot 33-34 salt quality 35 climate 36 cables
37 chemical 38 oil 39 surface 40 right

38 Health Research of Night-Shift Workers 2016.1.9/2013.4.27/2007.1.31

31 increase 32 internal clock 33 dark and light 34 unsocial hours 35 stomach
heart 36 depression 37 mental ability performance
38 social matters 39 family life 40 friends

39 The Different between Portland Concrete and Eco-concrete

31 clay 32 high temperature 33 cheap 34 ovens 35 man-made
36 developing countries

40 Discussion of British and America Films 2014.12.20/2011.3.10/2007.6.16

26 story conference 27 planning 28 four weeks 29 production
30 videotape editor

41 Survey on Local Supermarkets 2016.5.7/2015.5.30/2013.9.7

31 shoppers 32 details 33 Surveys 34 organic 35 packaging 36 bags
37 cleaning 38 local 39 training 40 advertising

42 Ernablla Arts 2019.7.6/2016.12.18/2014.10.11

31 wool 32 birds 33 rain 34 family 35 prison 36 clothing 37 desert
38 snake 39 rainbow 40 couple

43 Economic and Trust 2019.8.24/2018.2.3/2016.11.19/2014.9.27

31 kindness 32 poverty 33 risk 34 hurt 35 face 36 interactions
37 obligation 38 expectation 39 higher 40 glue

44 Birds Observation and Preservation 2018.6.30/2017.11.2/2012.11.17

31 protected 32 estimate 33 mapping 34 tracks 35 pollution 36 survival
37 frequency 38 Recordings 39 distance 40 wind

45 The History of Spices 2020.12.3 亚太/2018.1.18/2013.1.19/2008.11.15

31 perfumes 32 wealth 33 mood 34 exploration 35 transport cost
36 ship-building 37 tax

46 Cave Animals 2019.9.7/2019.7.18 亚太/2015.10.10/2013.3.14

31 entrance 32 smell 33 water 34 winter 35 dark 36 eggs 37 blind
38 fish 39 soil 40 disease

47 The Olfaction of Human 2018.11.1 亚太/2017.6.3 亚太/2017.4.29 亚太

31 monkeys 32 chemical 33 chocolate 34 oranges 35 fear 36 source
37 accurate 38 childhood 39 sad 40 spices

48 The Influence of Competition on Workplace 2016.4.21/2014.6.7/2010.10.30

31 workplace 32 2% 33 engineering 34 skill 35 workload 36 confident
37 14% 38 feedback 39 Mchallenges 40 salary

49 The Production of Plastics 2019.6.29/2016.1.23/2012.2.4

31 cotton 32 milk 33 silk 34 hard 35 laboratory 36 chemist 37 pens
38 gas 39 light 40 wood

50 Ethical Behavior 2013.11.30/2010.10.23/2008.4.5

31 four decades 32 accountable 33 Private Property 34 young people
35 safety standard 36 philosophers 37 corporation morale 38 global
39 health 40 behavior

51 Bio-mimicry 2019.5.11/2015.4.30/2013.8.29
31 hunting 32 steel 33 hair 34 fishing 35 sports 36 pain 37 noisy
38 boots 39 tunnel 40 energy

52 Crime Prevention:Design Against Crime 2019.4.27/2018.12.8 亚太/2017.6.24 亚太

31 technology 32 personal information 33 phone number 34 lock
35 ball 36 ink 37 insurance 38 bus stops 39 lighting 40 corners

53 Built an Ecological City in Desert 2019.1.12/2018.2.24 亚太/2015.3.21

31 shade 32 display 33 shower 34 driver 35 mirrors 36 flower 37 ash
38 park 39 fountain 40 no carbon

54 Jomon People of Japan 2018.12.15/2012.6.16/2011.1.15

31 10,000 BC 32 land bridge 33 forests 34 nuts 35 arrows 36 50 people
37 stones 38 population 39 marriage 40 rice

55 2018.12.1/2015.5.16/2013.10.12
31 petrol stations 32 Southern Scotland 33 head office 34 fresh food
35 restrained 36 manager 37 profits 38 strategies 39 partners
40 organizations

56 The History of Bicycle 2018.5.24/2017.1.12/2010.1.23

31 less effort 32 1860s 33 rubber 34 further smoother 35 chain
36 safer 37 uncomfortable 38 speed 39 downhill 40 back wheel

57 Underwater Archaeological Sites 2018.4.26/2016.11.5/2013.12.12

31 written 32 lifestyle 33 technology 34 shore 35 storm 36 gun
37 map 38 research 39 gold 40 coins

58 Microclimate Impact on Tortoises 2018.2.10/2017.1.14/2012.4.14

31 newspaper 32 roof base 33 wild 34 feeding time 35 hot weather
36 temperature 37 size 38 body fluids 39 bones 40 kidney

59 Archaeological Site of Trimera 2018.1.6/2013.6.8/2012.4.12

31 pottery 32 castle 33 survey 34 market 35 silver coins 36 textile
37 water 38 bridge 39 lions 40 Emperor

60 Tire Recycling in Australia 2017.10.21/2013.3.23/2011.1.27

31 month 32 profit 33 size 34 research 35 wires 36 dirt 37 plastic
38 floor 39 water 40 ink

61 The Improving of Red Hill 2020.10.17/2017.8.19/2016.2.20/2011.6.25

31 furniture 32 insurance 33 services 34 schools 35 jobs 36 campus
37 cycling 38 traffic 39 retail 40 office

62 Food Safety 2017.3.30/2015.4.18/2012.9.1

31 ingredients 32 stored 33 temperature 34 images 35 information
36 sales 37 entertainment 38 organic 39 nutrition 40 parents

63 Different Countries` New Approaches of Teaching Building

31 factory 32 wood 33 view 34 flexible 35 social 36 kitchen
37 village 38 light 39 grass 40 water

64 Robot Development and Applications 2019.8.17/2016.12.10/2010.9.16

31 present 32 new facts 33 other planets 34 future medicine 35 traffic
36 toys 37 animals 38 camera 39 efficient 40 competitions
65 Insects and Pest Control 2012.9.22/2006.2.11
33 mosquitoes 34 sleeping sickness 35 whole building 36 small scale
37 humans 38 resistant 39 cheaper 40 life cycle

66 Water Shortage in Australia 2009.2.28/2007.12.8

31 safe and reliable 32 scarce 33 washing 34 lakes and dams
35 air pollution 36 pure and safe 37 contamination 38 for drinking

67 Fairy Birds in New Zealand 2012.9.15/2011.4.2

31 river 32 3 pairs 33 estimate 34 farming 35 eggs 36 storms
37 guard 38 fence 39 wild 40 media

68 Case Study:TCP Technologies 2020.1.11 亚太/2014.11.22/2011.12.1

31 democratic 32 internal website 33 transparency 34 income 35 employee
first 36 solution 37 promotion 38 ticket 39 vacation 40 ban

69 Graphical Symbol 2014.3.13/2012.12.8

31 commercial 32 knowledge 33 lines 34 photography 35 advertise
36 foot 37 objects 38 newspapers 39 packaging 40 mathematics

70 The Gherkin Building 2020.11.7/2013.8.3/2010.5.29

31 law 32 cigar 33 footprint 34 light 35 grass 36 nature
37 air-conditioning 38 lungs 39 clubroom 40 city

71 Tea Tree Oil 2020.12.3/2014.12.4/2011.5.28

36 winter 37 stems 38 lid 39 gravity 40 ground

72 The role of Sleep in Humans and Animals 2012.7.7/2010.7.10

31 attack 32 mammals 33 breathe 34 on edge 35 bones 36 sleeping
problems 37 memories 38 learning 39 rats 40 genetic structure

73 Prospect of Technological Development in the Next 50 Years 2017.2.18/2012.11.8

31 fire 32 intelligent 33 varied 34 women 35 physical 36 gene
37 disease 38personal 39 wildlife 40 planet

74 Legal Course Consultation 2015.8.29/2008.4.5

21 email address 22 upper level 23 intensive 24 Modern Languages
25 multimedia resources 26 law

75 Anti-corruption of Art Works 2017.1.7/2016.12.17

31 ozone 32 colour 33 bag 34 expensive 35 14 days 36 nitrogen
37 wooden sculpture 38 frogs 39 bacteria 40 moisture
76 Mangroves Forest Protection 2017.8.12/2010.8.21
31 flooding 32 firewood 33 fertilizer 34 trash 35 rain 36 sand
37 grey 38 hot house 39 storm 40 rabbits

77 Ford Rush Excavation 2020.7.23/2018.10.11 亚太/2013.12.7

31 river 32 triangle 33 bricks 34 farming 35 storm 36 fire 37 glass
38 trash 39 fuel 40 pottery

78 The History of Cocoa Application 2019.9.14/2017.12.9/2015.10.24

31 money 32 liquid 33 sugar 34 mood 35 Italy 36 bars 37 shops
38 labor 39 economy 40 coast

79 Library Management 2016.8.13/2013.7.6

31 information sectors 32 2 hours 33 collection 34 satisfaction 35 digital
system 36 preservation 37 marketing 38 3 39 selection 40 literature

80 Red Sea Cucumber 2018.11.3 亚太/2017.6.8

31 plants 32 spines 33 pest 34 Asia 35 decline 36 200 years old
37 0.1cm 38 aging 39 breed 40 ocean condition

81 Seed Hunter:The Search for Ancient Seed 2017.2.18/2013.7.13

31 dry 32 modern 33 hunger 34 pirates 35 sell 36 scientists
37 information 38 food 39 corn diseases 40 government

82 Oak Farm 2015.1.29/2010.11.6

31 bacteria 32 water 33 woodland 34 activity comparison 35 river
36 butterfly data 37 microscope 38 write 39 observations 40 location

83 Supplementary of Feeding of Wild Animals:Boar and Deer 2018.3.10/2012.6.9

31 protected 32 environment 33 diseases 34 poison 35 forests
36 population 37 potatoes 38 winter villages 39 farmland 40 hunting

84 2019.6.29 亚太/2018.5.19
31 cost 32 store 33 powder 34 starch 35 holes 36 electricity
37 agriculture 38 factories 39 business 40 demand

85 Patent Attorney 2018.12.1 亚太/2018.2.1

31 company 32 originality 33 description 34 engineering 35 communication
36 language 37 salary 38 lonely 39 industrial 40 government

86 Music, Color and Numbers 2019.12.12/2018.8.2/2014.9.4

1 music 2 language 3 unimportant 4 evolution 5 mechanism
6 memories 7 genetic 8 display 9 random 10 triangle
87 Vertical Farming 2015.12.5/2014.3.15
31 irrigation 32 oil 33 food 34 temperature 35 habitat loss 36 soil
37 disease 38 floods 39 solar 40 humidity

88 Surveys and Reform in Hospital 2015.9.12/2012.3.17

31 transport 32 clean 33 information 34 doctors 35 bonus 36 visitors
37 communication 38 sleep 39 plastic 40 planning

89 History of Mining in Canada 2010.2.6/2009.2.21

31 cliffs 32 transportation 33 spring 34 rural 35 40% 36 Scotland
37 candle 38 lock 39 accidents 40 water

90 The Procedure of Rubber 2013.3.9/2010.5.15

31 coconut 32 mould 33 drain 34 machinery 35 dried 36 traders
37 balls 38 elastic 39 tyres 40 Germany

91 A Traditional Water System:Oatas 2019.3.23/2015.2.12

31 underground 32 sloping 33 tunnel 34 rivers 35 mountains 36 pump
37 delivery 38 rain 39 street 40 rich

92 Leatherback Turtle 2019.3.2/2013.11.16

31 shape 32 soft 33 sleep 34 protein 35 migration 36 surface
37 depth 38 power 39 damage 40 energy

93 Low Written Languages 2019.1.5/2014.8.21

31 materials 32 direction 33 contexts 34 oldest 35 monuments
36 names 37 examples 38 circles 39 printing 40 game

94 Four British Photography: Roger, Julia, William and Sherlock 2018.11.3/2017.4.29

31 portraits 32 castle 33 family 34 symbolism 35 prints 36 poet
37 focus 38 farming 39 quality 40 methods

95 Australia Dolphin 2020.8.6/2018.10.20/2016.10.8

31 clean 32 climate temperature 33 Human activities 34 whistle 35 colours
36 environment 37 shark nets 38 hunting 39 Water pollution 40 noise

96 The Evolution of Pencil 2020.7.26/2019.2.2 亚太/2018.9.15

31 evolution 32 bone 33 ink 34 feathers 35 string 36 name
37 powder 38 hard 39 wax 40 oil

97 Tribe Migration to Alaska 2020.7.25/2018.9.3/2016.3.19

31 ice 32 animals 33 boats 34 plants 35 resources 36 current
37 village 38 weapons teeth 39 navigational 40 population
98 Tasmania Environmental Report 2020.1.16/2018.9.18/2011.12.17
31 nesting 32 feedbacks 33 farming 34 fishing 35 streets 36 gas
37 liquid 38 noise 39 crocodiles 40 rats

99 After Action Review 2018.8.25/2014.2.22

31 army 32 safety 33 learning 34 reasons 35 trust 36 teamwork
37 leaders 38 open 39 training 40 time

100 Monarch Butterfly Hibernation and Migration 2021.1.16/2018.7.28/2016.7.9

31 egg 32 energy 33 anti-freezing 34 warm 35 North America
36 6 months 37 trees 38 rivers 39 sun 40 tourists

101 Aquaculture Fish Farming Industry 2020.10.25/2018.6.7/2014.5.10

31 escape 32 tuna 33 storms 34 strong 35 coast 36 young
37 support 38 cosmetics 39 hospitality 40 shipping

102 African Clawed Frog 2018.2.24/2017.4.22

31 smooth 32 protection 33 half 34 mud 35 still 36 salt 37 smell
38 lateral-line 39 pet 40 antiseptic

103 Echinacea in New Zealand 2019.8.31/2017.12.16/2016.10.13

31 immune 32 flu 33 children 34 flowers 35 climate 36 sand
37 irrigation 38 weeds 39 roots 40 organic

104 The History of Cocoa 2017.12.9/2015.10.24

31 money 32 liquid 33 sugar 34 mood 35 Italy 36 tanks 37 sizes
38 labor 39 economy 40 coast

105 Social Conformity 2017.9.9/2013.6.22

31 length 32 incorrect 33 intelligent 34 fear 35 website 36 reasons
37 restaurant 38 movement 39 smoke 40 emergency

106 Language Ability of Animals 2019.5.18 亚太/2017.2.11

36 land marks 37 human 38 eyesight 39 machines robot 40 they do well

107 Discussion on Marketing Research 2017.3.30/2009.3.7

21 children 22 desk 23 figures 24 description 25 first 26 performance
27 booklet 28 checklist 29 manager 30 media plan

108 History of Pop Music 2019.11.23 亚太/2017.6.24/2013.2.23

31 factories 32 immigrations 33 quantity 34 industry 35 language
36 jobs 37 audience 38 middle class 39 recording 40 youth

109 City`s Streets Design 2019.6.13 亚太/2015.10.31

31 access 32 storage 33 warning 34 dark 35 boxes 36 circulation
37 stickers 38 bins 39 durable 40 legal

110 Gorrilas Gestures 2014.2.13/2012.5.19

31 videos 32 understand 33 apology 34 support 35 fight
36 excitement 37 cultural 38 hair 39-40 faces voices

111 The Restoration of Paintings 2019.8.1 亚太/2019.5.4

31 frame 32 dirt 33 sun 34 crack 35 temperature 36 wax
37 microscopes 38 cotton 39 chemicals 40 saliva

112 Chimpanzee Culture 2019.5.23

31 genetic 32 observation 33 tools 34 open 35 stone 36 symbols
37 river 38 density

113 Climate and Architecture 2020.11.21/2020.1.18 亚太/2012.10.20

31 cities 32 bank 33 skyscrapers 34 stone 35 recycled glass 36 rainfall
37 wooden 38 soil 39 movement 40 guidelines

114 Emus in Australia 2018.12.15 亚太

31 luxurious 32 grassland 33 paint 34 soldiers 35 songs 36 scientists
37 feet 38 Legal 39 hunting 40 digestion

115 Seahorses 2016.1.9

31 shallow 32 seagrass 33 skin 34 plates 35 crown 36 shrimp
37 birth 38 temperature 39 over fishing 40 diseases

116 Australia Literature Past and Current 2020.7.19/2019.7.27/2017.7.27

31 desert 32 songs 33 friendship 34 publishing 35 identity 36 structure
37 danger 38 realism 39 frustration 40 coast

117 Ear Implant and Hearing Restoration 2020.1.4 亚太/2018.1.20

31 function 32 trumpet 33 receiver 34 magnet 35 conversation
36 telephone 37 directions 38 instruments 39 training 40 technology

118 Gardens in Hospital 2020.9.3/2018.3.3

31 infection 32 wall 33 stress 34 heart 35 immune 36 interviews
37 fountain 38 furniture 39 birds 40 society

119 Photography 2018.4.7

31 expensive 32 painting 33 realistic 34 books 35 enlargement
36 buildings 37 studio 38 critics 39 science 40 glass

120 The Development History of Plastics 2015.8.8

31 flexible 32 films 33 gas 34 furniture 35 insulation 36 trays
37 friction 38 fabric 39 sales 40 medical

121 Music Pedagogy 2020.7.18/2015.11.19

31 negative 32 gallery 33 prison 34 engineers 35 talent 36 link
37 math 38 peers 39 activities 40 drum

122 Translation Studies 2017.3.25

31 speed 32 accuracy 33 code 34 public 35 training 36 medical
37 legal 38 airport 39 bank 40 photo

123 Field Trip to Quebec in Canada 2019.2.23

31 registration 32 services 33 ecology 34 insects 35 forests 36 repairs
37 plant-species 38 rocks 39 analysis 40 rainfall

124 The Research of New Zealand Education 2018.3.24

31 qualification 32 government 33 boys 34 small 35 meeting
36 business 37 university 38 reading 39 age 40 relationships

125 Penguins in Africa 2019.8.10/2018.1.13

31 temperature 32 movements 33 holes roots 34 bones 35 weight
36 feathers three 37 pollution 38 live sharks 39 nesting 40 diversity

126 Protect Amphibian 2020.8.8/2015.2.28

31 conservation 32 bottom 33 eat 34 male 35 pollution 36 agricultural
37-38 mountains sea 39 diseases 40 habitats

127 Invention of a Universal Language 2019.10.12

31 trade 32 science 33 picture 34 numbers 35 songs 36 letters
37 negative 38 hospital 39 emotions 40 entertainment

128 The Development of Telescope

31 researchers 32 theater 33 production 34 army 35 bright 36 charts
37 stars 38 length 39 wind 40 building

129 The Development of Math

31 confusion 32 eyes 33 arrangement 34 pictures 35 dark 36 farming
37 language 38 counting 39 fight 40 toes

130 The Comparison of Chinese and Scottish Teachers

31 culture 32 manager 33 email 34 reading 35 materials 36 timetable
37 circle 38 translation 39 spelling 40 trust

131 Aboriginal Medicine

31 diet 32 injury 33 tribes 34 magic 35 women 36 pillow 37 season
38 babies 39 sugar 40 rabbit

132 The Research of Human Intelligent

31 life 32 feature 33 twins 34 experiences 35 improvement 36 medical
37 brain 38 face 39 spelling 40 song

133 Fly Glow Worms

31 eat 32 warnings 33 colony 34 hungry 35 day 36 spiders 37 fires
38 genetic 39 disease 40 migrant

134 The Islands of Sydney Harbor

31 council 32 garden island 33 picnic 34 restaurant 35 forest 36 prison
37 boat tour 38 arts festival 39 traffic 40 natural treasure

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