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Title of Research Proposal A study to assess the effectiveness of
planned teaching programme on knowledge
regarding eating disorders among adolescent
girls in selected PUC college of Bagalkot.


Subject Areaof research College in Bagalkot
Type of study
(Clinical study/Non-clinical study/ Quasi Experimental study
Experimental study/ prospective study /
Interventional study,etc.)
Introductionand need for study INTRODUCTION

Health is a state of complete

physical, mental, social and spiritual well-
being and not merely the absence of disease
or infirmity. Food is any nourishing or
nutritious substance that is eaten by living
beings such as human and animals. Healthy
food is the foremost requirement of body for
the normal growth and function. A person’s
health is the reflection of what he eats and
how he eats. People from various race,
region and culture have different pattern and
ways of eating thus influencing eating
behavior. Any significant change in eating
pattern either positive or negative will affect
the health drastically. People often make
changes in their eating habits by getting
influenced from others i.e. family, friends,
favourite celebrities etc. An eating disorder
is an illness that causes serious disturbances
to everyday diet, such as eating extremely
small amount of food or severely over
eating. A person with an eating disorder
may have started out just eating smaller or
large amount of food, but at some point the
urge to eat less or more spiraled out of
control. Severe distress or concern about
body weight or shape may also signal an
eating disorder. Common eating disorders
include anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa
and binge eating disorder.1 Apart from Asian
countries; there are some reports in Islamic
countries of bulimia nervosa. Nasser in
Cairo reported that the estimated prevalence
of bulimia nervosa found by administering
questionnaires on disordered eating was
1.2% among the school girls; using the
same type of survey as the one used in
Cairo, researcher estimated that 3.2% of
Iranian school girls suffer from bulimia

The prevalence of eating disorders in

India is lower than that of western countries
but appears to be increasing. A study
conducted in sample consisted mostly of
females from middle socio-economic status
towns and villages of North Eastern. The
result indicated that southern states of India
with a mean age of 12.6 years. The mean
age of onset of symptoms and duration of
symptoms was 11.2 years and 19.2 months,
respectively. Symptoms of eating disorders
were mostly seen in pre-pubertal period,
belong to middle and lower socio- economic
group and first born or the only child. There
were more females with anorexia nervosa
(female: male = 5:1) than in the
psychogenic vomiting group (female: male
= 2:1.5) but this was not significantly

Anorexia nervosa occurs in

approximately 0.5 percent to 3.7 percent of
female population. Its onset is usually
between 13 and 20 year of age. But the
illness can occur in any age group, including
the elderly and pre-pubertal children.
Anorexia nervosa also seen in male, who are
thought to make up only 5% to 10% of
anorexic population. The mortality from
anorexia nervosa is estimated to be
approximately 5%. Bulimia nervosa is more
common then anorexia, with an estimated
occurrence of 1% to 4% t of the population
and 4% to 15% t of female high school and
college students. The age of onset is
typically 15 to 18 year of age. The gender
difference in prevalence of eating disorder
may result from biological, socio-cultural
and psycho-dynamic actors as well as the
fact that men may be more reluctant to seek
treatment. Although there are differences in
the prevalence of eating disorder in men and

Review found more Bulimia

sufferers those anorexia sufferers in all
countries. Female subject are more often
affected than male subjects for both
anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa.
Population based and clinic based estimates
of anorexia nervosa in western countries
ranged from 0% to 2.1% in male subjects
and from 0.3% to 7.3% in female subjects.6


People carry a different relationship

with food. For some individuals, it is a
source of comfort, indulgence, or
sustenance. While for the others it shares a
negative and even damaging association
with food. Eating disorders are complex
psychiatric problems, denoting an
individual’s unhealthy pattern of food eating
or relationship with food.7 The etiology of
eating disorders may include the effects of
another psychiatric illness, genetics factors,
multimedia, negative body image and
trauma. Eating disorders are most common
occurrence of adolescence significantly in
female adolescents.

Objectives 1. To assess the pre-test knowledge score

regarding eating disorders among adolescent
2 To assess the post-test knowledge score
regarding eating disorders among adolescent
3. To assess the effectiveness of planned
teaching programme on knowledge
regarding eating disorders among adolescent
4 To find out the association between pre-
test knowledge score regarding eating
disorders among adolescent girls with their
selected demographic variable.

Methodology HYPOTHESIS
H1: There will be significant difference
between pre test and post test knowledge
regarding eating disorders among adolescent
girls in the selected schools of Bagalkot.
H2: There will be significant association
between pre test knowledge score regarding
eating disorders among adolescent girls with
the selected demographic variables.
Material and Method;
Source of data: data collected from
adolescence girls of selected college.
Research design: quasi experimental design
Research approach: quantitative research
Setting: college of Bagalkot
Population: college girls of Bagalkot
the dependent variable is the knowledge
regarding eating disorders among the
adolescent girls.


the independent variable is the planned
teaching programme regarding eating


Socio-demographic variable are any
uncontrolled that influences the result of the
study. In this study, it refers to baseline
characteristics such as age, residential area,
and number of siblings, family income,
dietary pattern, religion and type of family.

SAMPLE SIZE: The sample size consisted

of 50 adolescent girls studying in college of
Sampling technique is a process of selecting
a group of people, event, behavior and other
element with which to conduct a study. In
this study, simple random sampling
techniques was used to selected the samples.
Inclusion criteria: Adolescent girls who: 1.
Can read and write English. 2. Are willing
to participate in the study. 3. Are present in
the schools during the period of data
collection. Exclusion criteria: Adolescent
girls who are not willing to participate in
Instrument used for data collection:
Knowledge questioners’ regarding eating
Data analysis plan;
Descriptive(mean,median,range,SD) and
paired t test chi square.

Implications By this study the college girls get benefit of

planned teaching programme to get
knowledge about eating disorder.

References REFERENCES:
1. Sreevani R. A guide to Mental Health
Nursing and Psychiatric Nursing. 3rd ed.
New Delhi: Jaypee Brother Medical
Publisher; 2010.p.216-217.

2. Nasser M. Screening for abnormal

eating attitudes in population of Egyptian
secondary school girls. Soc
Psychiatry .1994;29; 25-30.

3. Sjostedt JP, Nathawat SS. Eating

disorder among Indian and Australian
University students. J socPsychol 1998;
138: 351-357.

4. Khandelwal SK, Saxena S. Eating

disorders. An Indian perspective. Int J Soc
Psychiatry 1995; 41;132-146.

5. Stuart GW, Laraia MT. Principal and

Practice of Psychaitric Nursing. 7thed.
Evolve; 2001.p.527-528

6. Buhrich N. Frequency of Presentation

of Anorexia Nervosa. Aust N Z J
Psychiatry. 1981;15: 153-155.

7. Kumar B, Hiral N, Suresh V (2015). A

Pre Experimental Study to Assess the
Effectiveness of Structured Teaching
Programme on Knowledge Regarding
Anorexia Nervosa among Adolescent Girls
in Selected School of Vadodara City,
Gujarat, India , 21 september 2015

Budget estimates of research activities(split

budget)The amount shall not exceed
Rs.15,000/- (Rupees Fifteen Thousand only)
per project.

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