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I've been a photography enthusiast for about 3 years and since then I've never

gotten tired of discovering the realm of ____________. For me, photography is

more than just taking ____________ with a device, it is a form of art, a medium
for ____________ where I am given the chance to capture moments, stories and
Now stepping into the field of photography opens up to me a lot of new skills to
learn. I remember learning about the exposure ____________ when I first
started out as I progressed I had to learn about composition, the use of different
cameras, postprocessing, the list goes on.
However, there is this one particular thing that never fails to fascinate me but
also constantly ____________ me throughout my journey and that is the use of
On my hand right now is my favorite camera, also the first film camera that I
bought about a year ago. So this is a Pentax camera and this little thing has been
my partner in crime. However, what I want to show you guys are the two lenses
that I use with this camera body.
This one right here is the Pentax m28 - millimeter lens also called the
And this one right here is the Pentax m50-millimeter lens. Now I know from far
away they might look ____________ but how they work is actually very
different. And to ____________ that, I want to show you guys two pictures that
I took with these two lenses but with the same Pentax camera body.
So the picture that I took on my right-hand side right here is the picture that I
took in Milan with the 28-millimeter lens, the wide-angle lens. And the picture
on my ________________________ is the picture of my beautiful friend that I
took with the 50mm lens so let's do some ____________, shall we?
So in this first picture, if you can look closely, um where I used the 28mm lens,
you can see that the details in this picture including the details of the buildings,
the people from far to near are captured quite ____________, and that is
because I chose to use the 28mm lens. Because of its wide aperture, I was able
to capture this exquisite ____________ in front of my eyes in details.
In this second picture, where I used to 50 mm lens you can see that only my
friend and the flower that she was holding are sharp, however, the
____________ is quite blurred. Let's say if I used the 38 mm lens here what
would happen? The outcome will be that the background including the details of
the tree will also appear sharper which was not what I wanted. I wanted to put
more ____________ on my friend and the flowers that she was holding. You see
I used the same camera body with two different lenses and the ____________
are different each lens has its own beauty and I as the photographer each lens
puts me under different perspectives and I my job is to ____________ the
beauty of each ____________. One of the most valuable things that
photography taught me throughout the years is the power of observing under
different perspectives and that is why as I stand here today I do not
____________ to share about this topic and how observations and perspectives
have changed my life.
Pretty sure some of us have seen this image somewhere before, so this image
was actually created by a ____________ cartoonist named Juno Ronchi in 2013,
now ever since then it has been used in countless meme pictures on the internet
like this ____________. However, the artist actually wanted to portray a
powerful message shown in the original version right here. Now I’m not going
to ____________ to read because I clearly can’t speak Spanish, but the English
translation to this is choose the happy side of life. Two guys sitting on the same
bus, but they chose to sit on different sites of the bus.
That guy right there in the purple shirt is looking quite sad and his view is a
________________________. On the other hand, that guy in the yellow shirt is
looking quite happy with a big smile and his view is that wonderful view
outside. I really like this image because it really reflects how us as
____________ have the power to choose our perspective on life. Two people
might be going through the same situation, but how they react to it can be
totally different, because how they ____________ the situation is different.
Let me give you another example. So I was on my way to school today, and for
some reason, I just love the weather, you know, white clouds, blue sky birds
chirpy. everything felt like a dream. However, it wasn’t the same last week. I
received a low score on a test, and I can remember it clearly, on the next day
when I was on my way to school, I hated the weather. I was constantly annoyed
about how hot it was, and the only thing that was in my head is how it would be
so much better if it rained that day but the key thing to ____________ here is
that the weather today and the weather last week it’s not that different so this
really got me thinking is it the weather that affects how I feel or is it my own
feelings and ________________________ that affect the way I observe the
world around me. There’s this correlation between our inner world at the hour
of the world that a lot of us don’t realize how we think and how we feel affect
the way we observe the world around us and that outer world will continuously
reflect whatever that is inside of you.
We are so often caught up by things around us that sometimes our emotions
remain unrecognized or even unidentified, by observing the world around you,
not only that you will understand that world, but you understand yourself.
Just like how I was extremely uncomfortable with the weather last week by
realizing how annoyed I was. I knew for a fact that there was something
negative inside of me and there there were, feelings of ____________, anger,
and ____________ because of the low score that I got. This also applies to the
way we react to other people around us. By observing how you react to other
people really reflects how you think about yourself.
I had a friend in ninth grade, and I remember disliking him a lot, I was so
irritated by the things that he did in class because he barely
________________________ and the reason behind this is that he was focusing
on his ________________________. back then I thought what I felt about him
was purely because he was a weirdo or I even thought that he was lazy because
he didn’t focus on his academic journey. But that changed one day. I can’t
remember exactly what happened that made us talk to each other but I realized
one thing that changed my mindset until now. I realized how jealous I was
towards him. You see, he had a passion he had a dream
________________________ and he was so hard-working in order to
____________ that passion. When I was in ninth grade, I didn’t know what I
wanted to do. I didn’t have a dream. I didn’t have a passion. I didn’t know what
I wanted. Looking at him, I was so full of __________ and __________ and
that is why I only chose to look at his bad sides in order to make me feel better
about myself, but the way that I viewed him was not because he was a weirdo,
but it is because of my own feelings and emotions, I was insecure. From a
weirdo in my mind, he turned to one of the people who ____________ me the
most to step out of my bubble and you and find what I love to do. My friend
remained the same, but my image of him changed and that is because I changed
my own perspective on him. It felt just like when I alter my camera lens because
the way I viewed him is now completely different and I came to a
____________ that things are not what they are, things are what you think they

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