KIPS Chemistry Unit#3 States of Matter (Gases, Liquids, Solids) - CTS (A+) Session

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B.One uth Dial a2 sartcpate in hydrogen bonding see there ar H-bonds and covalent bonds, What type of solid ti? 2 Cee: D.CaOCHy Graphite one of the aluropc form of Carbon andi Alsen 'B. Ansorepe ad eondect of elecrity Bot Aang ) al A Gener Chars ae Boylston DAvogs i constant presere? Xue 9 According to kit Ja ange ope of gm moles and ek ionship B.Cavl Ee io ish ofthe following dos aot favor the increas in vapor pressure? "Ices temperate Blneeaing src aea C Dicewigiazmolecsr forces D.Alleftinse 3 A anordered ray of points describing the arrangement of particles that ‘rma ental Unite Lattice ECan i, Amerpbous sli ts Aickea mistere of gases, the molecule of air do tt ete dove dv ‘biteent ear mass 'B-Non polar mus of gases Ccpresence ofa parcssinale Este cosiono us moelecles CCHEWISTRY MDCAT (EARLIER PREP) UNI. (At SERIES) PAGE OF ¢ ($9 camscanner Ww KIpsinmnn Fe a 2.15, Selet the correct formula for determi (Wend sre used for mass oF ga), AM= BEY 2. m~ WRT RT Ma SAT D. Bot Py U6. Volume of 9 ga at STP is 20 dim’, at wh (dm, keeping pressure constant femperature is volume will become nC B.sive 3x. D.siK (0.17 The dstistion cari out under reduced presre i called AA Steam dition 3'Sinple diition C'Fretond diilaion . Vacuum dition Q.18- In quid, wit the change a dipole-dipole forts, tere 2 change in some physics Properties Slet the property which not feted y the strength of i [A Boiling point B. Heat of sublimation CoHeat of vaporization Bond lenth 19 Pound per square inch (psi used in engineering work 294 psi seal to DS kilo pase A241250 ipa B. 202650 pa C2002 ipa 202.650 kp 0.20, The temperature at which given volume of» pas redces to zero alled absolut zero, The volume ofa gus af-273C willbe qual o Anam, O21 Which tpes of sod is called as at A-Metalicsclie Molecular sl (022, Facloron which evaporation 2 Temperture Ceol fores D. Nate of iuid (0.28. cee lee dense than water at Bac Dre ong hydride of VA group elements due to B.2$¢Cro 100% D.28°C10 98 H-Bonding, London dispersion force, Dipole-Dipole force London dispersion foee,DipleDipie fe, H-bonding C: London dispersion foee,H-Bondng, Dpee-Dipole force Sor 2, Dale diol fore London dapenion res Heng To orm »erytal atic of NaC each Ne ion sorounded keg a ? Cer Dsct (028 The exitence of compound i diferent stain form i cll A Polymorphism ‘Be lsomomisn ©. Anisotropy D.Allaroy (928 Thermaecules of sucrose frm the ‘ionic rts B Moles estas Covalent ets Di Mate snrae CHEMISTRY MOCAT (EARLIER PREP) UNIT: (A SERIES) Page 20r « ($9 camscanner 20 Molecular solids have Aton bond B. Mell bond Covalent bond . Vander Waals frees 31. Wich ofthe folowing statements is coret about ionic solids? ‘A. They have defi geometis shape B. They are non-recoaln atue CC They donot exist nthe frm of mlecls due tote one nate D.Allof thse 32 1-Thond distance in erst ofiodine is AMS pm 2.2666pm Cis em 2.96 0m 43. Cryulline solide in which the particles forming the erytals are positively and negatively charged ions recalled” ‘lone solids B. Covalent slide C Meliss D. Molec slide (Q54 What isthe numerical yale of (General gas constant) 4.93163 Ima"K" 3.83.16 Jal K* ©. 831.43 Jma"K* D. 83143 imoI"K"" C) (235_Whi ofthe folowing nui bas ihe vapour presario A Ethanol BeAmmeni Water Dale sane (35 Areal gas behave ideally at ‘A High pressure low empertre B High pressure high temperature Low pressure, high terpee D. Low pressure, low tempeatre 37 Unde 0 ot pressor erin bs at temper ‘ArMore than 250°C C Les tan 20°C (038 Density of as wil increase with A Rise in temperture flame ocean pressure in pressure (39 Which one ofthe olominghas ARS CHa (40 Hfeompressiby factor“ for an) ret than on then means ‘A-Atrctionpedoinatgetaan be hgefied easly BAtracon predominates nd ffculttoliuily C Repulsion pred be Tigi easly D, Repubson pe felt Ligty Qt What ent between Wate and dsolved sodium chloride in water? Rilonc 2. t-bond ei Den dipole Forces aun Tollowing i corect for strength of hydrogen bond? pole-ipole bu sronger than Landen dispersion forces than covalent bond but stronger than London dispersion forces than lon-diple orcs weaker han dpe -ipole oes. ger thn London dgersion frees but weaker than dipole-dipole forces nes aon-plar melee iis at room temperate = Said Teter Liquid D. Plasma NO: |nordr to mestin the belag pnt of water at 110°C, he external pressure shuld be {A Between 760 to 1200 B65 ort Between 200 rt 760 to D. 1489 or (QS Which ofthe folowing is polar molecular soli’ A, Steose 3B. Graphite Cote D-Day G6 Taare ote Ne ‘of Ral is shared among unites 3.8 ee Dito (CHEMISTRY MOCAT (EARLIER PREP) UNIT: (A+ SERIES) PAGES OF 4 ($9 camscanner ewe Gi a9 oso es en as ost ss se as ss oss D.aVa action of detergents can be attributed 10 ‘Diplo ee Landon dapenin fees E:Dekpe oes Hagen boning “The Van der Waals eqution (ro vom)aarr od or ‘Real gues 8 te gues SNe Bet es Dibonasana-c* Sheextereal rere requred for bolng he ater arom tempers s Pilior Te Stoo" 3.3 on Which ofthe foiowing is equa to - ASK Beer en2K D.2sik. Which f following wil exist as ga at abolate aro? Helium Oxygen E_Nivopen D.None ofthese 2°C temperature Vapors Tae AHO, EH)0y BH,0,-(63)05 CH0,<16H).0,, D. mete ‘Which of following pai f stds ae ionic [A.Ca0 and AIN B CCF and HF D. Electrical conductivity of graphite i Ac Anscropy CC Allosopy ‘Toe ltie energy of LF, MgO ALLIF

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