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Rajarshi Rananjay Sinh Institute of Management & Technology,

Amethi(U. P.)

Branch/Year – CS & IT /2nd year
Object Oriented Programming with Java (BCS 403)
Short Questions
1. What is the difference between error and exception?
2. What do you understand by byte stream and character stream?
3. What is thread?
4. What are checked and unchecked exceptions?
5. Explain Thread Life Cycle.

Long Questions

1. What do you understand by thread? Explain Type of Exception and also show the
control flow of exception.
2. Explain the Use of try, catch, finally in Exception Handling with proper java code.
3. Explain the role of Byte stream and character stream in java, with suitable example.
4. What is thread? How can you create a thread? How thread can be implemented in
5. Explain these terms:
a) Thread life cycle
b) Thread priorities
c) Thread synchronization
d) Inter thread communication.
Rajarshi Rananjay Sinh Institute of Management & Technology,
Amethi(U. P.)

Branch/Year – CS & IT /2nd year
Object Oriented Programming with Java (BCS 403)

1. What are the advantages of new features of java over previous versions?
2. Explain lambda expression in java. How it reduces complexity? Explain your
answer with proper java code.
3. What do you understand by Base64 Encode and Decode?
4. Explain ForEach Method with example.
5. Write java code to print name of days of weeks and also print whether the day is
weekday or weekend using Switch statement.
6. What is Diamond Syntax? How it is used with lambda expression to reduce length
of java code. Explain your answer with example.
7. What is the role of annotations in java? Also explain Type Annotations and
Repeating Annotations.
8. Explain these terms:
a) Yield Keyword
b) Text Blocks
c) Sealed Classes
d) Stream API

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