9280-L-QP-InternationalEnglishasaSecondLanguage-G-3Nov20-07-00-GMT (1)

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Listening Paper

Tuesday 03 November 2020 07:00 GMT Time allowed: 45 minutes

(including 5 minutes’ reading time before the test)
You will need no other materials. For Examiner’s Use
Task Mark
• Use black ink or black ball-point pen.
• Fill in the boxes at the top of this page. 1
• Answer all questions.
This is what you should do for each item. 3
• After the question number is announced, there will be a pause to allow you to read the
instructions and questions. 4
• Listen carefully to the recording and read the questions again. 5
• Listen to the recording again and then answer the questions.
• When the next question is about to start you will hear a bleep. TOTAL
• You may write at any time during the test.
• Answer the questions in English.
• You must answer the questions in the spaces provided. Do not write on blank pages.
• If you need extra space for your answer(s), use the lined pages at the end of this book. Write the question number
against your answer(s).
• Write neatly and put down all the information you are asked to give.
• You must not ask questions or interrupt during the test.
• You now have 5 minutes to read through the question paper. You may make notes during this time. You may open
your answer book now.
• The test starts now.

• The marks for questions are shown in brackets.
• The maximum mark for this paper is 40.
• You must not use a dictionary.

IB/M/Nov20/E6 9280/L
Do not write
outside the
Task 1 box

Listen carefully to the following statements. You will hear each statement twice.

Tick () the box next to the correct answer for questions 01 to 04.

0 1 . 1 Where would the speaker like to visit last?

[1 mark]

A America

B Egypt

C Europe

0 1 . 2 Has the speaker travelled to many places in her lifetime?

[1 mark]

A Yes

B No

C She does not say

0 2 . 1 Which of the following is allowed when sitting for the job ID photo?
[1 mark]

A Wearing sunglasses

B Wearing a t-shirt

C Tying up your hair

Do not write
outside the
0 2 . 2 Can people pose for their photo anywhere? box
[1 mark]

A Yes

B No

C He does not say

0 3 . 1 What does the customer not want in their order?

[1 mark]

A Chicken

B Sesame

C Tea

0 3 . 2 How many items has the customer ordered in total?

[1 mark]

A Two

B Three

C Four

Turn over for the next question

Turn over ►

Do not write
outside the
0 4 . 1 How should the parcel be delivered? box

[1 mark]

A First-class delivery

B Second-class delivery

C Tracked delivery

0 4 . 2 Where is the letter being sent?

[1 mark]

A An office

B France

C Locally 8

Do not write
outside the
Task 2 box

Amira is speaking to her friend, Jessica, about single-use plastics and what they both do to use less

You will hear each statement twice.

Listen carefully to the discussions and answer the following questions.

0 5 What does Amira say are the causes of most single-use plastic?
[2 marks]

0 6 How has Jessica cut down on her use of plastic? Give two examples.
[2 marks]

0 7 How are some cafes reducing plastic waste? List two things.
[2 marks]

0 8 Which two places still use a lot of plastic?

[2 marks]


Turn over ►

Do not write
outside the
Task 3 box

Anton, a professional photographer, is talking on his podcast about his career.

You will hear each statement twice.

Listen carefully to the speech and fill in the gaps in the notes below.

0 9 Subjects:

Unlike photographing humans, animals can be much more .

[1 mark]

1 0 Location:

Anton used to photograph mainly in a . He now

photographs in jungles, the desert, the Arctic and .

[2 marks]

1 1 The Highs and Lows:

One problem Anton faces when photographing is that it can be .

A lot of the time he gets by insects. When the

sunlight and animals are just right, it is the moment.

[3 marks]

1 2 Equipment:

A great addition are . This equipment has even got

him an .
[2 marks] 8

Do not write
outside the
Task 4 box

Lily is speaking to her course leader, Mr Andrews, about putting on a festival.

You will hear each statement twice.

Listen carefully to their conversation and answer the questions that follow.

1 3 Where is the park located?

[1 mark]

1 4 What does Mr Andrews advise Lily to do first?

[1 mark]

1 5 Lily has already planned some activities for the festival.

List three of these.

[3 marks]

1 6 . 1 What two things should Lily consider if the festival is held at the farm?
[2 marks]

1 6 . 2 What does Mr Andrews ask if Lily is going to do?

[1 mark]

Turn over ►

Do not write
outside the
Task 5 box

Maya works for the local council. She is giving a presentation about the council’s work and inviting
the audience to volunteer.

You will hear each statement twice.

Listen carefully to her speech and then answer the questions that follow.

1 7 What maintenance work do the council team not provide?

Tick () the correct answer.

[1 mark]

A Fixing streetlights

B Maintaining public toilets

C Park maintenance

1 8 Maya discusses some of the benefits that people get from volunteering.

List two that she mentions.

[2 marks]

1 9 Maya states that with the volunteering work available, there is ‘something to suit

What does she mean by this phrase?

[2 marks]

Do not write
outside the
2 0 Why would Maya and her team appreciate having younger volunteers involved? box

Tick () the correct answer.

[1 mark]

A There are currently no younger volunteers on the team.

B They can create more events that teenagers would enjoy.

C They need younger people to volunteer at the park.

2 1 What are the two overall messages that Maya finishes her presentation with?

Tick () the two correct answers.

[2 marks]

A How many people they need to volunteer

B How people can apply to volunteer

C What experience people need to volunteer

D What type of people should apply

E What people need to bring with them when they volunteer

F Where the volunteering takes place 8



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Question Additional page, if required.
number Write the question numbers in the left-hand margin.

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Question Additional page, if required.
number Write the question numbers in the left-hand margin.

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