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UL Practice SRuet (Unit-2) edi Atal Alo, A red of Leng, Lith invalafed Hin + iil sta Lan form femparahuu Yo, Its ends ana Aude Cooleol do Oc and ane kepl at tha Fempanctus - Find the temperature funchon u(y). Anb- Uy = = by Atm Tax : as nm ; who Bae ; or 2. bn asf", Ain PAR ay An invulaked nod of ting A Ras hs ends Aard ® Mointained at O'¢ and secre ruspactivey cnitil AKtody Alake Conditiona poungl. df the at end & is Auddenby Juduad te 0°¢ Ard mointoind of Os find the femporotune ato clistancr > from end A of time t, : Find cso the Hemporakune recharge Comnicts of Fanny She temporotun of fA aed eae 6 8 % Bde. ae ly «AX | z —-e Paix Poot-| uvei=- 2222 GPP a aa —nact ae a + 2hoxx Want oo Poxt-2 UL t)= 204+ Lx- Lo 4 AN Zee ; — my tink HE~ Take Smitied Conolition coil the fal of O% Lioc'e * Bourdow 4 ‘itil Condition (demporatun) Clempenatune ) ay , a A @) solve BW BK 5 o Constant, rubject fo the Courbe Conchitons ulo,t) =o; U(A,t)=0 nd the intial condition UCLo) = ginax. Ate uaa) = binaxe "2, 3, Si Qu ie : lve See 2 given thot (@) Uso ushen x20 and x=L For all t ro () U=3n 2X whan tro, for all x. 2B Aye xt) Ain BE ee VED CY Solve Sy the mathoel Ci Aeponation of Variabtus te Poot espation UW = Uxx , OSCI +30 Aubjed to the ingial | and Ceucony Cenclitions Ulx,o) =X-X2 Ulo,A)= UL) = 0. = nat, ar wee z, bn € ANA, Gsbon whit — bp= 2 @x 2 nx + yB,d mn Coann-) ] A Gar. of 10Gm fenith with Insulate Aida A ond Bore Kapt and 20'¢ ond Loic Zerpechvely aril Atta Alate, Conditions prvail. Fy Fempenatune at A ds then Ateldonty Varied fo Soc nol the Aame Instant ot B, Jost at lore. Find the Aubseqrant femporati ot any point 4 the tran ot any dime. + NRX ante © (pp 7 Ams- UCut) = So- ux~ He Ss oa » Nin SA. 88 net - pel Pi, P - a 1, Py, Py, Ps Type-3 Pe, Ry aaa eh posulated Zz ‘= i

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