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MUHAMMAD MAKKI ~ ASPIRE AVENUE 2024 +923245643588 +923365100676 shah__ffahad m_makki__13 JOIN OUR COMMUNITY BY TEXTING ME ON WHATSAPP +923257607934 Yr r W KIPS|nrrcess 82s UNIT-6 (A-SERIES) ‘Topic: ¥ GRITICAL THINKING DIRECTION: QUESTION 1 -3 Pakistan is rich in wildlife and culture, 1 is home 1o the Indus River Dolphin: and people from most eourtis in the work have home here Qu Pakistan is a rich country. A. Definitely true B, Probably true C. Data inadequate D. Probably false E, Definitely false Q.2_ People from all nationalities of the world live in Pakistan. A. Definitely true B. Probably true C. Data inadequate D. Probably false E. Definitely false Q.3 Pakistan is home to at Least one dolphin spe A. Definitely true Bl Probably trie C. Data inadequate D,Probably false E, Defi UESTION 4-6 have shown that people who live in England are more likely to own their own homes than people living in Scot \altiogh unde is litle difference in the rate of homeownership amongst people who have the same level of educational achievement. The average level of educational achievement is significantly higher in England than in Scotland. Q4__ People with high educational achievements are ina better postion to buy their own fil achievements, hhomes than people with low edues A. Definitely true B, Probably true Data inadequate D. Probably false E. Definitely false Q5 There isa low rate of homeownership in Scotland among people with relatively high ‘educational achievements than people in England with much lower educational achievements, ‘A. Definitely true B, Probably true C. Data inadequate D. Probably false E. Definitely false Q.6 People with higher levels of educational achievement are more likely to own their own homes since they earn more money than those with lower educational achievement levels. A. Definitely true B. Probably true . Data inadequate D, Probably false E, Definitely false LOGICAL REASONING MDCAT UNIT-6 (A-SERIES) pAaH AOE. to many sorts of wildlife, from the Ibex made their figs WW KIPS|ne DIRECTION: QUESTION 7-8 The UK Government lus published! data that shows 82% of peaple under the axe of 30 are people fis published data that shows 48% not homeowners, A charity that helps hom of people that are considered homeless are under 30, market is the reason so many under-303 Q.7 The Inck of affordable housing on the sales are homeles A. Definitely true B. Probably true €. Data inadequate D, Probably false q Definitely false Q8 In UK 18% are homeowner under the age of 30. A. Definitely true B, Probably true C. Data inadequate D. Probably: false E, Definitely false DIRECTION: QUESTION 9-10 y cricket match, the total runs made by-a team were 200. Out of these 160 runs Ina one day ‘were made by spinners. 9. 80% of the team consist of spinners A. Definitely true BpProbably true C. Data inadequate D. Probably false E, Definitely false Q.10 The opening batsmen were spinners A. Definitely true B, Probably true C. Data inadequate D. Probably false E, Definitely false Q.11 Which does not belong to the others: A. Apple B, Mango ‘C. Mint D. Orange wo", ~ 12-1052, 8, 15,245 on eet AL" 4 qd B.2 D4 Q3 A. Book: Print C. Mirror: Glas D. Purse: Money LocicaL REASONING MDCAT UNIT-6 (A-SERIES) PAGE 2 0F 4 — Bcanscanner W Kipsim na ae ® PREPARATION QuI4 Statements: All cars are cats. All fans are cats Conclusion: 1, Allcarsare fans TI, Some fans are cars. A. Both [and II follow B. Only II conclusion follows C. ther I or II follows D. Neither [ nor II follows QUIS. Statements: ‘Some rive ae hills. No hills ar. All cars are buses. Conclusion: 1. Some buses are rivers. II, Some cars are rivers IM, No busis river. ‘A. None follows B. Only | follows Only I follows ‘ D. Only either 1 and 11 follows 16 Cholesterol is healthier than saturated fat Saturated fat is healthier than cyanide but les healthy than unsaturated fat, Cholesterol is healthier than unsaturated fat, Ifthe frst two statements are trues theshird statment is ATne B, False . Uncertain . None of these QT Statement: Ina specific area of a country an acute famine have appeared. Courses of action: i 1) Major facilities of water and food shouldbe provided straight away in tha area 11) Financial support shouldbe given to bothered individuals from the Government. ‘A. Both of them follows B. Only [follows C. Only If follows D. Either! ori follows E, None of them follows QU8_ Statement: ‘large number of people gathered on the highway blocking the traffie movement to protest the killing of five locals by a speeding vehicle. Courses of action: tiple nen amin rity should calm down the sentiment of the crowd assuring action against the culpa deploy poe personnel atthe pa ea Bw E None follows Either I or II follows LOGICAL REASONING MDCAT UNIT-6 (A-SERIES) PAGE 3 OF 4 ($5) CamScanner WW KIpsisartesss Q.19 Statements | L 1 The total amount of tobacco sold by tobacco-farmers has increased. The number of adults who smoke has decreased. A. Statement I is the cause and statement I! isthe effect B. Statement Il is the cause and statement | is the effect C. Both statements ! and II are independent causes D. Both the statements I and Il are effects of independent causes E. Both the statements I and II are effects of some common cause Q.20 Statements 1. Sales of telephones have increased dramatically over the last year. Il. Industries plans to expand production of its own model of telephone. A. Statement I is the cause and statement II is the effect B. Statement II is the cause and statement | is the effect C. Both statements I and II are independent causes D. Both the statements I and Il aré effects of independent causes E. Both the statements [ and II ate effects of some common cause C3 camscanner ) e@ A : bs K cee) WD oe. XN iL Class 1 1 @©@@0@z6 ©©0O 2 OOOO % OOOO Roll No. 2 ©@©06 v7 O©800 2 ©0800 7 O@©OO@ Elodzoleols 3 B©OO 23 OOOO 3 OOOO #8 OOOO SSGSOO 4 @©O0OOe2 9 O©OOB 4 OOOO 8 OOOO POOOOOO 5 @@©O@ 2x» BOOO 3% OOOO © OOOO POOOOOO 6 ©©@O 241 OOOO % OOOO 511 OOOO OOOOOO 7 ©O©@80 2 OOOO WI POOOO 2 OOOO OOOOOO 8 SOOO 3 OOOO B OOOO 3 OOOO OOOOO®@ 9 ®©©@0O 4 OOOO 2» OOOO 4% OOOO OOOOOO 10 ©O@OQ 4 OOOO AP@OOO 5s OOOO MOOOO®@ 11 @©O©@OQ 6 O®OOO Mp }@OOO 6 OOOO OOOOOO 2 @©6OQ 27 OOOO.#2 OOOO 57 OOOH POOOOO 3 ©©8OQ 2 ®OO©OO 8 OOOO %&8 OOOO@ 4 ©O©0©8@ »% O®OOOD 4% OOOO 8 BOOO 1h he be Powe 5 @OO@ % OOOO % OOOO wH OOOO? MMMM S SUBJECT: Lepeol | Leaning cHyunite__@6 fy The Evaenpts Goto, Ol NAME: a $$ correct erase: 0 © ¢ R. NO. 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