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Prepared by
D.B. Multi Engineering Consultant Pvt. Ltd.
Kupondole, Lalitpur, Nepal

Submitted To
Inland Revenue Office

November, 2020

This report comprises the summary of the structural analysis & design of office
building. The report consists of the design procedure adopted, assumptions made and
input and output from the design and analysis. It is assumed that the Client will
completely follow the Structural Design specified in the form of Design Drawings
attached in the report.

The Designer will not be responsible if any alteration to the structural system and
configuration made by Client without consultation and permission from the Designer.

The design calculations and derivations are limited to only a minimum to let the
concerned people know the methodology adopted. However, the calculations may be
provided to the Client or the concerned Authority upon request.

NAME: Dr. Suman Narsingh Rajbhandari
NEC NO: 265 Civil “A”
Table of Contents
1 Introduction.......................................................................................................1
1.1 General................................................................................................................1
1.2 Salient Features...................................................................................................1
1.2.1 Project Information..........................................................................................1
1.2.2 Building Features.............................................................................................1
1.2.3 Site Condition..................................................................................................2
1.3 Analysis Technology and Methodology.............................................................2
1.4 Codes and Standard used.....................................................................................5
1.5 Software Used.....................................................................................................5
2 Analysis..............................................................................................................5
2.1 Material properties..............................................................................................5
2.1.1 Concrete...........................................................................................................5
2.1.2 Reinforcement Steel........................................................................................6
2.2 Section Properties................................................................................................6
2.3 Loadings..............................................................................................................6
2.3.1 Load Cases.......................................................................................................6
2.4 Estimation of Load..............................................................................................8
2.4.1 Unit Weight (Dead Load)................................................................................8
2.4.2 Live Load.......................................................................................................10
2.4.3 Seismic Load.................................................................................................13
3 Analysis Output...............................................................................................13
3.1 Seismic Coefficient Method..............................................................................13
3.2 Story Drift.........................................................................................................14
3.3 Modal time period and mass participation........................................................15
4 Force Diagram.................................................................................................16
4.1.1 Shear Force Diagram.....................................................................................18
4.1.2 Moment Diagram...........................................................................................20
4.2 Joint Reactions..................................................................................................22
5 Design of Structural Members (Sample Design)..........................................23
5.1 Design Input and Output...................................................................................23
5.1.1 Section Input Diagram...................................................................................23
5.1.2 Design Output Diagram.................................................................................26
5.2 Design of Slab...................................................................................................33
5.3 Design of Beam and Column............................................................................34
5.3.1 Sample Beam Design.....................................................................................34
5.3.2 Sample Column Design.................................................................................36
5.4 Staircase Design................................................................................................38
5.5 Strong Column Weak Beam..............................................................................39
5.6 Footing Design F1(B2,B3,C3,D2,D3,E2,E3)...................................................41
5.7 Footing Design F2 (B4,C4,D4,E4,F2)..............................................................42
5.8 Footing Design F3 (A2,A3,D1,E1,F3)..............................................................44
5.9 Footing Design F4 (Remaining All).................................................................45
5.10 Shear Wall Design.............................................................................................46
6 References........................................................................................................48
List of Figure
Figure 1: Plan of Building..............................................................................................2
Figure 2: Frame Load (Wall Load) in Grid 1-1.............................................................9
Figure 3: Frame Load (Wall Load) in Grid A-A..........................................................10
Figure 4: Area Load (live load) First Floor..................................................................11
Figure 5: Floor Finish Load (Dead Load) on First Floor.............................................12
Figure 6: 1.5(DL+LL)- Axial Force diagram in Grid 3-3............................................16
Figure 7: 1.5(DL+LL)- Axial Force diagram in Grid E-E...........................................17
Figure 8: Envelope -Shear Force diagram in Grid 3-3.................................................18
Figure 9: Envelope -Shear Force diagram in Grid E-E................................................19
Figure 10: Envelope -Moment diagram Grid 3-3........................................................20
Figure 11: Envelope -Moment diagram Grid E-E........................................................21
Figure 12: Section Input in Frame along Grid 3-3.......................................................23
Figure 13: Section Input In Frame Along grid E-E......................................................24
Figure 14: Section Input In Ground Floor....................................................................25
Figure 15: Design Output in Frame along Elevation...................................................31
Figure 16: Design Output in Frame on Floor...............................................................32
List of Table
Table 1: Load Cases.......................................................................................................6
Table 2: Load Combination............................................................................................7
Table 3: Unit Weight of Materials.................................................................................8
Table 4: Dead Load Calculation.....................................................................................8
Table 5: Live Load for Parking Building.....................................................................11
Table 6: Mass Source for Seismic Load.......................................................................13
Table 7: Fundamental Time period..............................................................................13
Table 8: Storey Drift....................................................................................................14
Table 9: Modal Result..................................................................................................15
Table 10: Joint Reaction...............................................................................................22
Detailed Analysis & Design Report of Building

1 Introduction
1.1 General
This report presents the structure analysis and design of Office building. The building is Special
Reinforced Concrete Moment Resisting Frame (SMRF) type of building. It is designed to meet
both strength and serviceability requirements when subjected to gravity and earthquake loads.
The analysis and design has been based on IS codes that are in practice in Nepal. This report
consists of the design assumptions, design methodology, design inputs and outputs, and sample
design of structural members.
1.2 Salient Features
1.2.1 Project Information

Type of building : Office Building

Location : Biratnagar, Morang, Nepal
Ground Floor Area : 334.87 Sq.m
Total land Area : 2370.42 Sq.m(7 kattha)
Land Coverage (%) : 14.75 %

1.2.2 Building Features

The building has some special features which are listed below:
Type of Buildings : Special RC Moment Resisting Frame Structure

Shape : Regular Shape

Plinth level : As per architectural drawing

Roof floor Type : Inaccessible Terrace

Walls : Brick walls

Footing Type : Isolated footings

Dimension : 23.950 by 13.450 (mXm)

All floors- 3.6 m except

Story Height :
Stair cover -3 m

Total Height : 21 m from Ground lvl.

No of Story : GF + 4 Storey + Stair Cover

Detailed Analysis & Design Report of Building

Figure 1: Plan of Building

1.2.3 Site Condition

Type of soil : Type B, Medium Soil as per NBC 105

Safe bearing pressure : 104.50 KN/m2(As Per Soil Test Report)

Seismic Zone Factor : 0.3 for Biratnagar as per NBC 105

1.3 Analysis Technology and Methodology

After completion of Architectural design, the layout of columns and beams are done without
affecting the Architectural functions of building so far. Structure is modeled using finite
element method. A three-dimensional beam element having 12 DOF with 6 DOFs at each
node were used for modeling beams and columns in the building, while 24DOFs shell
element with 6 DOFs at each node were used to model slab wall.
The structure is analyzed by the linear elastic theory to calculate internal actions produced by
anticipated design loads. The analysis is carried out using state of art three dimensional
structural analysis programs like Staad ProV8i, ETABS 2017. The design loads considered as
per the relevant codes of practice comprise dead load due to permanent structures, live load

Detailed Analysis & Design Report of Building

due to occupancy of the structure and seismic load due to anticipated earthquake possible at
the proposed location. A number of load combinations are considered to obtain the maximum
values of design stresses.
Following considerations is made during modeling, analysis and design.
 The structures are Special Reinforced Concrete Moment Resisting Frame (SMRF)
type. Beams and columns are considered as the structural load resisting elements.
Although non-structural components like wall plaster, infill walls, floor finishing etc
has comes effects on structural performance, they are considered only as loading.
 For all structural elements, M25 grade concrete is used.
 Centre-line dimensions are followed for modeling, analysis and design.
 Floor slabs are assumed to be rigid in their own plane. The slab action has been
modeled by rigid floor diaphragms. Slabs are also considered in modeling. Slab is
modeled as shell element.
 Beam and columns are modeled as frame elements.
 The main beams rest centrally on columns to avoid local eccentricity.
 Foundation is assumed to be fully rigid at the plinth level.
 The beam-column joint is not modeled in detail.
 Preliminary sizes of structural components are assumed by experience.
 Seismic loads were considered acting in the horizontal direction (along either of the
two orthogonal directions of building) and not along the vertical direction, since it is
not considered to be significant for design of structural members suitable load
combinations as suggested by IS NBC 105 are used.

Detailed Analysis & Design Report of Building

Figure 2: 3D Modeling

Detailed Analysis & Design Report of Building

1.4 Codes and Standard used

For the structural analysis and design, the following codes and standard are followed:
 IS 456- 2000 Code of practice for plain and reinforced concrete
 IS 875-1987 Code of practice for design loads (other than earthquake) for buildings
and structures
 NBC Nepal Building Code 105:2020

1.5 Software Used

The following software is used for the structural analysis and design.
ETABS 2017 - For analysis and design of the structures
For structural modeling of the present building, ETABS software was used. ETABS is a
special purpose finite element analysis and design program developed specifically for building
systems. With ETABS, models are defined logically floor-by-floor, column-by-column, bay-
by-bay and wall-by-wall and not as a stream of non-descript nodes and elements as in general
purpose programs. The software has very powerful numerical methods, design procedures and
international design codes, all working from a single comprehensive database. At its core, it
utilizes the same analysis engine as used by SAP2000.
Among others, ETABS can do model generation, seismic and wind load generation, finite
element-based linear and non-linear static and dynamic analysis, concrete frame design
(column and beam) and shear wall design.

2 Analysis
2.1 Material properties
2.1.1 Concrete
All components of plain and reinforced concrete unless specified in design are M20 grade.
Modulus of Elasticity [Ec]= 5000 √fckN/mm2(Cl., IS 456:2000)
= 25000 N/mm2 for M25 Grade.
Poisson’s Ratio [U] = 0.2
Unit Weight = 25 KN/m3
Characteristic Strength [ƒck] = 25 N/mm2 for M25 grade.
The structural design strength is derived from the characteristic strength multiplied by a
coefficient 0.67 and divided by the material partial safety factor. The partial factor for
concrete in flexure and axial load is 1.5.

Detailed Analysis & Design Report of Building

2.1.2 Reinforcement Steel

Characteristic strength of high yield steel is taken as TMT Fe500 for main rebar and TMT
Fe500 for shear rebar and material partial safety factor is to be1.15.
Modulus of Elasticity [Es] = 2x105 N/mm2
Poisson’s Ratio [U] = 0.3
2.2 Section Properties
 Preliminary Size of Members
The preliminary sizes of Beam, Column, and Slab were chosen based on experience.
Main Beam : 350 mm x 550 mm
Secondary Beam : 300 mm x 450 mm
Stair Z-beam : 230 mm x 400 mm
Column : 500 mm x 500 mm
Slab Thickness : 150 mm
Lift Shear Wall : 300 mm
Shear wall : 250 mm
During the analysis, beam, column & slab are modeled as frame elements.
2.3 Loadings
The following considerations are made during the loading on the structural model:
 The loads distributed over the area are imposed on the area element and the loads
distributed over the length are imposed on the frame elements whenever possible.
 Where such loading is not possible, equivalent conversion to different loading
distribution is carried to load the model near the real case as far as possible.
 For lateral load, necessary calculations are performed to comply with the
requirements of NBC 105:2020.
2.3.1 Load Cases
The following load cases are used for the loading during analysis.

Table 1: Load Cases

Load Name Description Unit Remarks
Dead Dead Self-weight of the structure KN/m2
LIVE Live Imposed Load <=3 KN/m On floor slab
LIVE 2 Live Imposed Load >3 KN/m2 On floor slab
Roof Live Live Roof Live KN/m2 On floor slab
WALL LOAD Dead Partition Wall Load KN/m On floor beams
FINISHES Dead Floor Finish Load KN/m2 On floor slab
EQX Seismic Seismic Coefficient NBC X+0.1Y
EQY Seismic Seismic Coefficient NBC Y+0.1X

Detailed Analysis & Design Report of Building

2.3.2 Load Combination

The load combinations are based on NBC 105-2020. The following load combinations are
specified as per NBC 105, Cl: 3.6
Static Load Combination:
1.2DL + 1.5LL)
Seismic Load Combination:
DL + λLL ± EQ)
λ = 0.6 for storage facilities
= 0.3 for other usage.

The following load combinations are used during analysis

Table 2: Load Combination

S.N Type
1 1.2DL + 1.5LL
2 DL + 0.3LL+ EQx
3 DL + 0.3LL - EQx
4 DL + 0.3LL + EQy
5 DL + 0.3LL - EQy
6 DL + 0.3LL+ RSX
7 DL + 0.3LL+ RSY
8 DL + 0.3LL- RSX
9 DL + 0.3LL- RSY

Detailed Analysis & Design Report of Building

2.4 Estimation of Load

The loads on the building are based on Indian codes of Practices. The unit weight of different
structural and non-structural elements are derived from IS 875 Part 1 and presented in below.
The load calculations are based on actual measured drawings. The self-weight of beams,
columns and slabs are calculated by the program. Similarly the imposed loads are applied on
the slab as area load in KN/m 2 and values of imposed loads are tabulated below. The weight of
infill walls are calculated and applied on beams as line weight in KN/m.
 Partition wall load are assigned as uniformly distributed area load in slab as area load in
 Floor finishing load are assigned as area load in slab.
 Single type of Live load is assigned in each panel of slab.
 A frame load is applied as parapet loading on the exterior frame of the roof level.
 The roof is assumed inaccessible and loaded with roof live load as per Indian Standard, IS
875 -1987(part2) but this load is not considered during seismic load.

2.4.1 Unit Weight (Dead Load)

Dead loads for analysis are calculated as per Indian Standard, IS 875 -1987(part1). Unit
weights of different material used are given below

Table 3: Unit Weight of Materials

S.N Type Value
1 Reinforced Concrete 25 KN/m3
2 Brick Masonry 19.2 KN/m3
3 Screed 21.0 KN/m3
4 Marble 26.7 KN/m3
5 Mosaic finish 23.1 KN/m3
6 Plaster 20.4 KN/m3
7 Steel Rebar 78.6 KN/m3

Table 4: Dead Load Calculation

1 Unit Weights of materials

Brick masonry 19.2 kN/m3
Screed 21 kN/m3
Mosaic 23.1 kN/m3
Marble 26.7 kN/m3
Reinforced Concrete 25 kN/m3
cement plaster 20.4 kN/m3

2 Heights of Beams, Walls & Parapet Walls

Depth of Beam 0.55 m

Height of Floor 3.60 m

Detailed Analysis & Design Report of Building

3 Dead Loads of Walls

Particular Heigh Thicknes Density Load Load with windows(70%

t s Calculate applie opening)
(Kn/m3 d d
(kn/m) (kn/m)
For brick 3.1 0.25 19.2 14.88 15 10.5
For brick 3.1 0.125 19.2 7.44 8 5.5

Figure 2: Frame Load (Wall Load) in 3D

Detailed Analysis & Design Report of Building

Figure 3: Frame Load (Wall Load) in Grid A-A

2.4.2 Live Load

The magnitude of live load depends upon the type of occupancy of the building. These are
to be chosen from code IS875:1987(part II) for various occupancies. The live load
distribution varies with time. Hence each member is designed for worst combination of
dead load and live loads. Live loads for multistoried parking Building is given above.

Detailed Analysis & Design Report of Building

Table 5: Live Load for Parking Building

S.N Area type Load Unit
1 Terrace (Accessible) 1.5 KN/m2
2 Terrace (Inaccessible) 0.75 KN/m2
Staircase Balcony and
3 4 KN/m2
4 Partition Load 1 KN/m2
5 Washroom 2 KN/m2
6 Kitchen/Bedroom/Office 4 KN/m2

Figure 4: Area Load (live load) First Floor

Detailed Analysis & Design Report of Building

Figure 5: Floor Finish Load (Dead Load) on First Floor

Detailed Analysis & Design Report of Building

2.4.3 Seismic Load

The seismic load is applied to the building with user defined lateral load pattern in ETABS
2016 as per NBC 105-2020. This load case is assumed static linear and all the necessary
data are given as per the following conditions.
To determine the seismic load, it is considered that the country lies in the seismic zone
according to NBC 105-2020. The soil type is considered as medium with 5% damping to
determine average response acceleration. The building is analyzed as moment resisting
frame without consideration of infill wall. Therefore the fundamental time period Ta is
obtained by using the following formula:

Ta = 0.05 h0.75 [Cl.5.1.2, NBC 105:2020]

H= 18 m.
Soil Type: Type B
Other factors considered for seismic load calculations are as follows
Zone factor, Z = 0.3 for Biratnagar [Cl4.1.4, NBC 105-2020]
Importance factor, I = 1.25 [Cl 4.1.5, NBC 105:2020]
Ductility factor = 3.5 [Cl 5.3, NBC 105:2020]
Over Strength Factor=1.4[Cl 5.4, NBC 105:2020]

Value of Seismic Base Shear Coefficient (ULS): 0.191

Value of Seismic Base Shear Coefficient (SLS): 0.133

The seismic weight is determined based on the following mass source. (Cl: 5.2, NBC 105-

Table 6: Mass Source for Seismic Load

S.N Load Type Scale Factor
1 Dead Load 1
2 Live Load 0.3
3 Roof Live Load Nil

3 Analysis Output
The analysis results are discussed in this chapter. Both seismic coefficient and response
spectrum methods are used. The major discussion are focused on the eccentricity, story shear,
inter story drift, maximum displacement and base shear along two orthogonal directions. The
column and beam size and reinforcement are designed for the maximum response.
3.1 Seismic Coefficient Method
The fundamental time period of the building as per NBC 105, total seismic weight and base
shear in both orthogonal directions are given in Table 7. This result will be used to compare
and scale the base shear from response spectrum method.

Detailed Analysis & Design Report of Building

Load Case/Combo FX FY
kN kN
EQ-X 1 -4571.0245 0
EQ-Y 1 0 -4571.0245
RSX Max 4624.9691 1720.5508
RSY Max 1418.3813 4204.8869

Table 7: Base Reactions

Based on program/software calculated seismic coefficient, base shear and storey shear are
as shown in the tabel and to calculate these parameters, the following equation has been
used as per code.
3.2 Story Drift
As per Cl. no. 7.11.1 of NBC 105, the story drift in any story due to specified design lateral
force with partial load factor of 1.0, shall not exceed 0.025 times the story height. From the
analysis the displacements of the mass center of various floors are obtained and are shown in
along with story drift.

Table 8: Storey Drift

Story Load Case/Combo Direction Drift

Staircase Cover EQ-X 1 X 0.00154

Staircase Cover EQ-Y 1 Y 0.001545
Terrace EQ-X 1 X 0.002356
Terrace EQ-Y 1 Y 0.00234
FoF EQ-X 1 X 0.003288
FoF EQ-Y 1 Y 0.003961
TF EQ-X 1 X 0.003937
TF EQ-Y 1 Y 0.00535
SF EQ-X 1 X 0.003984
SF EQ-X 1 Y 0.001899
SF EQ-Y 1 X 0.001495
SF EQ-Y 1 Y 0.00583
FF EQ-X 1 X 0.002442
FF EQ-X 1 Y 0.001476
FF EQ-Y 1 X 0.001069
FF EQ-Y 1 Y 0.003761

It is seen that drift does not exceed the code prescribed value of 0.025 times story height
Thus the drift check seems to comply with the safety value mentioned in the code.

Detailed Analysis & Design Report of Building

Table 9: Storey Drift SLS

Story Load Case/Combo Direction Drift

Staircase Cover EQ-X X 0.001157

Staircase Cover EQ-Y Y 0.001245
Terrace EQ-X X 0.002076
Terrace EQ-Y Y 0.002402
FoF EQ-X X 0.003095
FoF EQ-Y Y 0.004154
TF EQ-X X 0.003722
TF EQ-X Y 0.001886
TF EQ-Y X 0.001655
TF EQ-Y Y 0.00563
SF EQ-X X 0.003828
SF EQ-X Y 0.002435
SF EQ-Y X 0.002055
SF EQ-Y Y 0.005176
FF EQ-X X 0.002419
FF EQ-X Y 0.001838
FF EQ-Y X 0.001486
FF EQ-Y Y 0.004087

It is seen that drift does not exceed the code prescribed value of 0.006 times story height
Thus the drift check seems to comply with the safety value mentioned in the code.

Detailed Analysis & Design Report of Building

3.3 Modal time period and mass participation

NBC 105:2020 clause 7.3 states that number of modes to be used in the analysis should be
such that the sum total of modal masses of all modes considered is at least 90 percent of the
total seismic mass of the structure.
Number of Modes Considered = 12
Modal Mass Participation along X = 94.19%
Modal Mass Participation along Y = 97.77%

Table 9: Modal Result

Case Mode Period UX UY Sum UX Sum UY

Modal 1 0.777 0.5877 0.0562 0.5877 0.0562
Modal 2 0.677 0.0933 0.6721 0.681 0.7283
Modal 3 0.598 0.0905 0.0512 0.7715 0.7795
Modal 4 0.224 0.0939 0.0072 0.8655 0.7867
Modal 5 0.195 0.0135 0.1183 0.879 0.905
Modal 6 0.171 0.0293 0.0042 0.9083 0.9092
Modal 7 0.127 0.0175 0.0001 0.9257 0.9094
Modal 8 0.118 0.000000826 0.012 0.9257 0.9214
Modal 9 0.112 0.0221 0.0051 0.9478 0.9265
Modal 10 0.095 0.0037 0.0364 0.9515 0.9629
Modal 11 0.09 0.0009 0.0003 0.9524 0.9632
Modal 12 0.079 0.0227 0.0009 0.9751 0.9641

Detailed Analysis & Design Report of Building

4 Force Diagram
The output of forces obtained from ETABS analysis for Envelope have presented below as a
sample only. The output forces are axial force, Shear force and Moments.
Axial Force Diagram

Figure 6: 1.5(DL+LL)- Axial Force diagram in Grid 3-3

Detailed Analysis & Design Report of Building

Figure 7: 1.5(DL+LL)- Axial Force diagram in Grid E-E

Detailed Analysis & Design Report of Building

4.1.1 Shear Force Diagram

Figure 8: Envelope -Shear Force diagram in Grid 3-3

Detailed Analysis & Design Report of Building

Figure 9: Envelope -Shear Force diagram in Grid E-E

Detailed Analysis & Design Report of Building

4.1.2 Moment Diagram

Figure 10: Envelope -Moment diagram Grid 3-3

Detailed Analysis & Design Report of Building

Figure 11: Envelope -Moment diagram Grid E-E

Detailed Analysis & Design Report of Building

4.2 Joint Reactions

The reactions at the support of column for load combination of (DL + LL) are as follows:

Table 10: Joint Reaction

Story Joint Label Load Case/Combo FZ
Ground 19 DL+LL 713.0958
Ground 20 DL+LL 1110.1545
Ground 21 DL+LL 996.9603
Ground 22 DL+LL 594.845
Ground 23 DL+LL 891.5898
Ground 24 DL+LL 596.3509
Ground 112 DL+LL 689.0675
Ground 116 DL+LL 1080.5246
Ground 117 DL+LL 1108.9908
Ground 120 DL+LL 1067.3736
Ground 121 DL+LL 1038.3068
Ground 122 DL+LL 711.8889
Ground 123 DL+LL 895.1728
Ground 124 DL+LL 1262.1669
Ground 125 DL+LL 1352.9168
Ground 126 DL+LL 1309.9193
Ground 127 DL+LL 1310.8171
Ground 128 DL+LL 903.1871
Ground 129 DL+LL 869.0813
Ground 130 DL+LL 1312.0015
Ground 131 DL+LL 955.3005
Ground 132 DL+LL 1362.5466
Ground 133 DL+LL 1289.8206
Ground 134 DL+LL 891.8106
Ground 4 DL+LL 9.6817
Ground 5 DL+LL 303.2771
Ground 6 DL+LL 364.752
Ground 39 DL+LL 373.2626
Ground 40 DL+LL 334.2714
Ground 148 DL+LL 15.4555
Ground 158 DL+LL 13.0275
Ground 163 DL+LL 11.2646
Ground 292 DL+LL 54.4712
Ground 293 DL+LL 58.7608
Ground ~2504 DL+LL 460.8183
Ground ~2511 DL+LL 257.4459
Ground ~2516 DL+LL 391.9119

Detailed Analysis & Design Report of Building

5 Design of Structural Members (Sample Design)

5.1 Design Input and Output
5.1.1 Section Input Diagram

Figure 12: Section Input in Frame along Grid 3-3

Detailed Analysis & Design Report of Building

Figure 13: Section Input In Frame Along grid E-E

Figure 14: Section Input In Ground Floor

Detailed Analysis & Design Report of Building

5.1.2 Design Output Diagram

Detailed Analysis & Design Report of Building

Figure 15: Design Output in Frame along Elevation

Detailed Analysis & Design Report of Building

Figure 16: Design Output in Frame on Floor

Detailed Analysis & Design Report of Building

5.2 Design of Slab

Calculation of area of steel in slab

Slab is safe in Deflection
Assumed overall depth = 150 mm

Self weight of slab = 3.75 Floor finish = 1.2 kN/m2 Partition wall = 1 kN/m2
Dead load = 5.95 kN/m2 Lx = 4.5 sy = 500
Live load = 4 kN/m2 Ly = 4.7 sck = 20
Total factored load = w = 16.425 kN/m2 Ly /Lx = 1.044444 b= 1000
Bar dia. for short midspan = 10 1(Lx)
Bar dia. for long midspan = 10
1(Lx) 2 Bar dia. for short edge1 = 10
Bar dia. for short edge2 = 10 3 4(ly)
Bar dia. for long edge3 = 10
1 3(Ly) Bar dia. for long edge4 = 10
Area of Area of
Edge condition steel spacing Maximum spacing steel
required required spacing provided provided
short mid span +ve(ax ) 180 500 300 150 602.1386
Long mid span +ve(ay ) 180 500 300 150 602.1386
(a 1):Short Edge1(long span -ve) 1 213.3824 500 300 150 602.1386
(a3):Long Edge3(short span -ve) 1 209.6332 500 300 150 602.1386
(a2):Short Edge2(Long span -ve) 1 213.3824 500 300 150 602.1386
(a4):Long Edge4(short span -ve) 1 209.6332 500 300 150 602.1386

Two long edges discontinuous Allowable Lx/d = 46

Basic value of span to efective depth ratio = a = 23 Actual Lx/d = 34.61538
Required percentage of steel (%) 0.139755
Provided percentage of steel (%) 0.401426
Ast modification factor 2

** Note: Refer Structural Dwg. for detail

Detailed Analysis & Design Report of Building

5.3 Design of Beam and Column

5.3.1 Sample Beam Design
ETABS 2016 Concrete Frame Design
IS 456:2000 Beam Section Design

Beam Element Details Type: Ductile Frame (Summary)

Level Element Unique Name Section ID Combo ID Station Loc Length (mm) LLRF
SF B37 126 UDCon8 250 4700 1

Section Properties
b (mm) h (mm) bf (mm) ds (mm) dct (mm) dcb (mm)
300 550 300 0 35 35

Material Properties
Lt.Wt Factor
Ec (MPa) fck (MPa) fy (MPa) fys (MPa)
22360.68 20 1 500 500

Design Code Parameters

ɣC ɣS
1.5 1.15

Factored Forces and Moments

Factored Factored Factored Factored
Mu3 Tu Vu2 Pu
kN-m kN-m kN kN
-210.0679 1.7896 142.5848 0

Design Moments, Mu3 & Mt

Factored Factored Positive Negative
Moment Mt Moment Moment
kN-m kN-m kN-m kN-m
-210.0679 2.8072 0 -212.8751

Design Moment and Flexural Reinforcement for Moment, Mu3 & Tu

Detailed Analysis & Design Report of Building

Design Design -Moment +Moment Minimum Required

-Moment +Moment Rebar Rebar Rebar Rebar
kN-m kN-m mm² mm² mm² mm²
Top (+2
-212.8751 1271 0 1271 322
Bottom (-2
0 636 0 221 636

Shear Force and Reinforcement for Shear, Vu2 & Tu

Shear Ve Shear Vc Shear Vs Shear Vp Rebar Asv /s
kN kN kN kN mm²/m
185.3613 83.5172 113.4468 122.1718 676.07

Torsion Force and Torsion Reinforcement for Torsion, Tu & VU2

Tu Vu Core b1 Core d1 Rebar Asvt /s
kN-m kN mm mm mm²/m
1.7896 250 450 408.88

** Note: Refer Structural Dwg. for detail

Detailed Analysis & Design Report of Building

5.3.2 Sample Column Design

ETABS 2016 Concrete Frame Design
IS 456:2000 Column Section Design

Column Element Details Type: Ductile Frame (Summary)

Level Element Unique Name Section ID Combo ID Station Loc Length (mm) LLRF
FF C23 23 UDCon10 0 3600 0.606

Section Properties
Cover (Torsion)
b (mm) h (mm) dc (mm)
500 500 60 30

Material Properties
Lt.Wt Factor
Ec (MPa) fck (MPa) fy (MPa) fys (MPa)
22360.68 20 1 500 500

Design Code Parameters

ɣC ɣS
1.5 1.15

Axial Force and Biaxial Moment Design For Pu , Mu2 , Mu3

Design Pu Design Mu2 Design Mu3 Minimum M2 Minimum M3 Rebar Area Rebar %
kN kN-m kN-m kN-m kN-m mm² %
1685.043 -409.3942 -155.0729 38.5313 38.5313 6967 2.79

Axial Force and Biaxial Moment Factors

Additional Minimum
K Factor Length Initial Moment
Moment Moment
Unitless mm kN-m
kN-m kN-m
0.743168 3100 -122.2298 0 38.5313
0.776778 3100 -252.9885 0 38.5313

Shear Design for Vu2 , Vu3

Detailed Analysis & Design Report of Building

Shear Vu Shear Vc Shear Vs Shear Vp Rebar Asv /s

kN kN kN kN mm²/m
Major, Vu2 202.2881 240.905 88.0004 125.1359 554.22
Minor, Vu3 306.4386 240.905 88.0004 111.0601 554.22

Joint Shear Check/Design

Joint Shear Shear Shear Shear Joint Shear
Force VTop Vu,Tot Vc Area Ratio
kN kN kN kN cm² Unitless
Major Shear,
Minor Shear,

(1.1) Beam/Column Capacity Ratio

Major Ratio Minor Ratio

Additional Moment Reduction Factor k (IS

Ag Asc Puz Pb Pu k
cm² cm² kN kN kN Unitless
4862.675 1200.997 1685.04
2500 69.7 0.867808
6 1 3

Additional Moment (IS 39.7.1)

Consider Length Section KL/Depth KL/Depth KL/Depth
Moment (kN-
Ma Factor Depth (mm) Ratio Limit Exceeded
Major Bending
Yes 0.861 500 4.608 12 No 0
(M3 )
Minor Bending
Yes 0.861 500 4.816 12 No 0
(M2 )

N/A: Not Applicable
N/C: Not Calculated
N/N: Not Needed
** Note: Refer Structural Dwg. for detail

Detailed Analysis & Design Report of Building

5.4 Staircase Design

** Note: Refer Structural Dwg. for detail

Detailed Analysis & Design Report of Building

5.5 Strong Column Weak Beam

1. Ground Floor Column at grid E3 along Grid 3.
Upper Column
Material Characteristics:
Concrete Grade: M20
Steel Grade: TMT Fe 500
Section Characteristics:
Size of column =500mm*500mm
Effective Cover (d') = 40 mm
D = 0.08~ 0.1 for all Column

Reinforcement provided = 12-25 mm dia. bar

Area of steel in column= 5887.5 mm2

Therefore, percentage reinforcement (pt) = 2.35 %

f ck 0.117
f ck ∗b∗D = 0.179
From chart f ck ∗b∗D = 0.18,chart (48) ,
Muv= 450 KN-M

Lower Column

Pu= 1182.0065 KN
Reinforcement provided= (8-25+4-32 )mm dia. Bar,
Area of steel in column=7140.36 mm2

Therefore, percentage reinforcement (pt) = 2.85%

f ck 0.1425

f ck ∗b∗D = 0.236


From chart f ck ∗b∗D2 = 0.21chart (48) ,

Detailed Analysis & Design Report of Building

Muv= 525 kN-M

TOTAL MOMENT=(450+525)KN-M = 975 KN-m

Beam of ground floor

Left beam
Concrete Grade = M20 (fck = 20N/mm2)
Steel Grade = TMT Fe500 (fy = 500 N/mm2)
Width of Beam (bw) = 300 mm
Overall depth (D) = 500mm
Effective cover (d’) = 37.5 mm
Effective depth (d) = 462.5 mm
Limiting moment capacity of the Rectangular Beam
Mu,lim = 0.133fckbd2 (for Fe500)
Balanced Depth of Neutral Axis
(Xu,lim) = 0.46d = 0.46*462.5 = 212.75 mm
Moment =170.69 KN-M

Right beam
Width of Beam (bw) = 300mm
Overall depth (D) = 500mm
Mu,lim = 0.133fckbd2 (for Fe500)
Balanced Depth of Neutral Axis
(Xu,lim) = 0.46d = 0.46*462.5 = 212.75 mm
Moment = 170.69 KN-M

Total moment=(170.69+170.69)KN-M=341.38 KN-M

Check for strong column weak beam

total columnmoment 975

Ratio of total beam moment = 341.38 =2.85>1.2 ok

Detailed Analysis & Design Report of Building

5.6 Footing Design F1(B2,B3,C3,D2,D3,E2,E3)

Column size 500 500
fck 20 Mpa
steel grade fy 500 Mpa
Load 1280 KN
Self weight 128 KN
Total Load 1408 KN
Soil Bearing capacity 95 KN/m^2
Therefore, Area of footing 14.82 m2
Size of Footing L B
3.8498 3.8498
Provide Size 3.9 3.9 m
Adopted Size 3,900.00 3,900.00 mm

Soil reaction for factored load qu 126.2 KNm^2
0.13 N/mm^2

Depth of Footing
Vu= (qu*B)*((B-b/2)-d)
Assuming 0.2% steel for M20 concrete
Tc 0.32 N/mm^2

Minimum Depth required (d) = 480.93

Adopted Depth (d) 500

Check for bending

Mulim 0.138*fck*b*d^2 Fe415
Therfore, Mulim 2,691,000,000.00 N-mm

Now, Mu = b)^2)/8)
711425520 N-mm

Depth provided is

Check for two way shear

Perimeter of critical section 4(b+d)

4000 mm

Area of critical section 2000000 mm^2

Therefore, two way shear stress = 0.897 N/mm^2

Maximum shear permitted 0,25*sqrt(fck)

1.118 N/mm^2

Detailed Analysis & Design Report of Building

Depth also
sufficient for two
way shear

Now calculation of reinforcement

Mu= (0.87*fy*Ast*d*(1-

Area of steel 3,420.96

Now final area of steel 3,420.96

Spacing of bars required 128.9344547

125 mm
Diameter (mm) 12

Adopted Total depth 550 mm

Length and breadth of Footing 3.9 m
Adopted Bars 12 @ 125 C/C

** Note: Refer Structural Dwg. for detail

5.7 Footing Design F2 (B4,C4,D4,E4,F2)

Column size 500 500
fck 20 Mpa
steel grade fy 500 Mpa
Load 1149 KN
Self weight 114.9 KN
Total Load 1263.9 KN
Soil Bearing capacity 95 KN/m^2
Therefore, Area of footing 13.30 m2
Size of Footing L B
3.6475 3.6475
Provide Size 3.7 3.7 m
Adopted Size 3,700.00 3,700.00 mm

Soil reaction for factored load qu 125.9 KNm^2
0.13 N/mm^2

Depth of Footing
Vu= (qu*B)*((B-b/2)-d)
Assuming 0.2% steel for M20 concrete
Tc 0.32 N/mm^2

Detailed Analysis & Design Report of Building

Minimum Depth required (d) = 451.77

Adopted Depth (d) 500

Check for bending

Mulim 0.138*fck*b*d^2 Fe415
Therfore, Mulim 2,553,000,000.00 N-mm

Now, Mu = b)^2)/8)
596262400 N-mm

Depth provided is

Check for two way shear

Perimeter of critical section 4(b+d)

4000 mm

Area of critical section 2000000 mm^2

Therefore, two way shear stress = 0.799 N/mm^2

Maximum shear permitted 0,25*sqrt(fck)

1.118 N/mm^2

Depth also
sufficient for two
way shear

Now calculation of reinforcement

Mu= (0.87*fy*Ast*d*(1-

Area of steel 2,851.30

Now final area of steel 2,851.30

Spacing of bars required 146.7611765

140 mm
Diameter (mm) 12

Adopted Total depth 550 mm

Length and breadth of Footing 3.7 m
Adopted Bars 12 @ 140 C/C

Detailed Analysis & Design Report of Building

5.8 Footing Design F3 (A2,A3,D1,E1,F3)

Column size 500 500
fck 20 Mpa
steel grade fy 500 Mpa
Load 983 KN
Self weight 98.3 KN
Total Load 1081.3 KN
Soil Bearing capacity 95 KN/m^2
Therefore, Area of footing 11.38 m2
Size of Footing L B
3.3737 3.3737
Provide Size 3.5 3.5 m
Adopted Size 3,500.00 3,500.00 mm

Soil reaction for factored load qu 120.4 KNm^2
0.12 N/mm^2

Depth of Footing
Vu= (qu*B)*((B-b/2)-d)
Assuming 0.2% steel for M20 concrete
Tc 0.32 N/mm^2

Minimum Depth required (d) = 410.01

Adopted Depth (d) 450

Check for bending

Mulim 0.138*fck*b*d^2 Fe415
Therfore, Mulim 1,956,150,000.00 N-mm

Now, Mu = b)^2)/8)
473956875 N-mm

Depth provided is

Check for two way shear

Perimeter of critical section 4(b+d)

3800 mm

Area of critical section 1710000 mm^2

Therefore, two way shear stress = 0.799 N/mm^2

Maximum shear permitted 0,25*sqrt(fck)

1.118 N/mm^2

Detailed Analysis & Design Report of Building

Depth also
sufficient for two
way shear

Now calculation of reinforcement

Mu= (0.87*fy*Ast*d*(1-

Area of steel 2,522.21

Now final area of steel 2,522.21

Spacing of bars required 156.9418273

150 mm
Diameter (mm) 12

Adopted Total depth 500 mm

Length and breadth of Footing 3.5 m
Adopted Bars 12 @ 150 C/C

5.9 Footing Design F4 (Remaining All)

Column size 500 500
fck 20 Mpa
steel grade fy 500 Mpa
Load 789 KN
Self weight 78.9 KN
Total Load 867.9 KN
Soil Bearing capacity 95 KN/m^2
Therefore, Area of footing 9.14 m2
Size of Footing L B
3.0225 3.0225
Provide Size 3.1 3.1 m
Adopted Size 3,100.00 3,100.00 mm

Soil reaction for factored load qu 123.2 KNm^2
0.12 N/mm^2

Depth of Footing
Vu= (qu*B)*((B-b/2)-d)
Assuming 0.2% steel for M20 concrete
Tc 0.32 N/mm^2

Minimum Depth required (d) = 361.29

Adopted Depth (d) 400

Detailed Analysis & Design Report of Building

Check for bending

Mulim 0.138*fck*b*d^2 Fe415
Therfore, Mulim 1,368,960,000.00 N-mm

Now, Mu = b)^2)/8)
322617620 N-mm

Depth provided is

Check for two way shear

Perimeter of critical section 4(b+d)

3600 mm

Area of critical section 1440000 mm^2

Therefore, two way shear stress = 0.753 N/mm^2

Maximum shear permitted 0,25*sqrt(fck)

1.118 N/mm^2

Depth also
sufficient for two
way shear

Now calculation of reinforcement

Mu= (0.87*fy*Ast*d*(1-

Area of steel 1,929.16

Now final area of steel 1,929.16

Spacing of bars required 181.7382675

150 mm
Diameter (mm) 12

Adopted Total depth 450 mm

Length and breadth of Footing 3.1 m
Adopted Bars 12 @ 150 C/C

Detailed Analysis & Design Report of Building

5.10 Shear Wall Design

ETABS 2016 Shear Wall Design
IS 456:2000 Pier Design
Pier Details
Centroid X Centroid Y
Story ID Pier ID Length (mm) Thickness (mm) LLRF
(mm) (mm)
FF PW5 7412.5 3100 2425 230 0.772

Material Properties
Lt.Wt Factor
Ec (MPa) fck (MPa) fy (MPa) fys (MPa)
22360.68 20 1 500 415

Design Code Parameters

MinEcc MinEcc
Major Minor
1.15 1.5 0.04 0.0025 0.8 Yes Yes

Pier Leg Location, Length and Thickness

Station Left X1 Left Y1 Right X2 Right Y2 Length Thickness
Location mm mm mm mm mm mm
Top Leg 1 6200 3100 8625 3100 2425 230
Bottom Leg 1 6200 3100 8625 3100 2425 230

Flexural Design for Pu, Mu2 and Mu3

Required Required Current
Station Flexural Pu Mu2 Mu3 Pier Ag
Rebar Area Reinf Reinf
Location Combo kN kN-m kN-m mm²
(mm²) Ratio Ratio
Top 11265 0.0202 0.0031 DWal14 3350.328 67.0066 557750
2573.232 5620.948
Bottom 20266 0.0363 0.0031 DWal7 69.7752 557750
2 7

Shear Design
Station Rebar Pu Mu Vu Vc Vc + Vs
ID Shear Combo
Location mm²/m kN kN-m kN kN kN
Top Leg 1 930.91 DWal12 -618.0235 -929.2417 277.522 929.2417
- - 339.419
Bottom Leg 1 OS DWal12 -656.499 741.9695
5586.6566 1625.8034 5

Boundary Element Check

Station Edge Governing Pu Mu Stress Comp Stress Limit
Location Length (mm) Combo kN kN-m MPa MPa
Top–Left Leg 1 690 DWal9 -844.6767 12.83 4

Detailed Analysis & Design Report of Building

Station Edge Governing Pu Mu Stress Comp Stress Limit

Location Length (mm) Combo kN kN-m MPa MPa
Top–Right Leg 1 460 DWal9 922.5261 8.64 4
Bottom–Left Leg 1 805 DWal8 -177.3157 24.47 4
Botttom– 2573.232
Leg 1 1035 DWal8 5620.9487 29.55 4
Right 2

One Length
Floor Mm Layer Horizontal mm2/m DIA Spacing mm2/m
1FL 20266 10133 2.425 4178.556 25 110 4462.4 OK
2FL 11136 5568 2.425 2296.082 20 110 2855.9 OK
3FL 4704 2352 2.425 969.8969 12 110 1028.1 OK
4FL 3452 1726 2.425 711.7525 12 110 1028.1 OK
5FL 2877 1438.5 2.425 593.1958 12 110 1028.1 OK

6 References

[1]IS 456- 2000 Code of practice for plain and reinforced concrete

[2]IS 875-1987 Code of practice for design loads (other than earthquake) for buildings and

[3] Structures subjected to seismic forces

[4]NBC Nepal Building Code

[5]Design of Reinforced Concrete Structure – A.K. Jain

[6]Limit State Design of Substructure- Swamisharan

[7]ETABS manual


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