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a. The law failed to provide for a way to help Malawians still be able to survive while still being
able to stay healthy or keep themselves healthy at all time and exercise their right to health.
Actions that were deemed necessary such as lock down seemed to fail to give proper
procedures and remedies which would help Malawians still survive as they rely on hand to
mouth source of income. Therefore Malawians would have rather risked their health than to
die of hunger or starvation.
b. The law failed to make fair and just guidelines and penalties for violations that were done
against the measures given during the covid-19. For example the state put a bogus fine for
people who were no wearing masks in the town, they were asked to pay a total of k10000 or
face arrest for no wearing a mask of which most Malawians would not afford as they do not
even live beyond $1 a day of which is k1009 in the current date. Therefore Malawians would
not be able and would be unjustly be arrested for very high and under thought of fining that
favoured the aristocrats


a. Civic education Malawi should have been able to educate Malawians more heavily and
involving in order to let them understand the dangers of the covid-19 disease and that is a
real issue. Most people in the rural areas believe that covid-19 is a disease for the rich and
the people in the urban areas and therefore they cannot be affected by it and therefore
leaving them at high risk of contraction of the disease.
b. There should have been an increase in funding with more and traceable movement to
prevent embezzlement of the funds. The funding offered should be under constant
surveillance by the citizens and the necessary authorities so that the money is sent to and
used for the right purposes such as increasing personal protective gear and risk allowance in
order for the front line doctors who are helping patients be protected and receive the
necessary aid for swift operations.


a. The public office that was receiving high criticism on the receiving of high perks was the office
of the reserve bank of Malawi and with it governor Dalitso Kabambe who was receiving up to
27 million Malawi kwacha and with all state privileges paid for. This raised issues of ethics and
suspicions because Malawi already has a crippling economy and keeps on borrowing money
and getting aid just so it could service the payments of top government officials while there is
nothing done to the development of Malawi. There are no investments taking place and there
is no medicine in the hospital an without a stable economy Malawi ends up failing to survive
and keep plunge its self into continuous debt as an effect


a. The first investigation should be against Henry Kachaje of which some people complained that
there were irregularities in the appointing of the MERA CEO. This application was given to the
ombudsman where it was investigated and found that it was true that Henry Kachaje was
awarded the job unfairly as malwi24 website on a determination that was leaked. Since the
announcing of the determinations was stopped by an injunction. It is no official that Kachaje
has was not eligible for the interviews
b. The second investigation is Maundo and the ministry of health where there was a
compensation done for the amputation of the leg in the 1990’s of k4000 when the Malawi
kwacha was equivalent to the united states dollar and Mrs moundo was asking for
compensation as there was no thought of how the amputation will heavy affect her family. The
ombudsman gave a determination that the ministry shall add an extra k 800000 and that it
should be the final time to handle the case as it was already resolved


It is a fact that the internet has brought positive impact and has had a positive change in our

Firstly instant communication devices such as cell phones have made it easier for information to
passed from one place to another at lightening speeds which is an improvement from the old
methods of communication where if you have urgent new or information to pass to a relative or
friend it would take long for a response and this might be even after the urgency of the matter has
seized to be.

Secondly mass media devices like speakers, radios, televisions are also instant communications
technologies. These help out in the spreading out of new to large sums of people as things or
messages that would usually be said on or two times on the television or radio and they would
already have a high volume of customers or people who they have rallied. This saves costs of most
thing like the environment and money.

Thirdly the World Wide Web also known as the internet. This is the mother of all information
whether current all very old and this has helped us progress because we have our libraries in our
figure tips this reduces the pressure on the felling of trees in order to produce paper for book as the
books will be replace by the e books and reduces the effort one has to take to go to the library and
search for a book that might be there or is likely to find it if one has borrowed it and is using it.

Fourthly the coming in of emails and e- shopping. People send and receive messages on a certain
internet website called email this is a mailing system that rules out the old mailing systems which
was not environmentally friendly and not time efficient. People are also able to buy things on the
internet which defeats the old time factor when want to acquire things for outside the country
where you had to be physically present to buy certain commodities.

Lastly internet applications. These are types of internet that provide us with some perks for example
entertainment can be done right at the phone with apps like you tube and Netflix and information
apps like BBC all using your mobile phone so that you are able to access your things wherever you

In conclusion they’re are really some positive effects that have really reached and impacted
positively the people of which have been mentioned above. Technology still has room to advance to
a stage that it will deal with a lot issues.



a. The first point is that they should slash government expenditure and allow private business
to flourish. This is justified in the topic as the speaker talks about greed of the government
officials and watching the act like the ruling parties on certain situations as they know that
they have some to gain from that.
b. The second point us to concentrate in building a new military. It is justified as in the extract
Africans were once let to write documents which would give up their land gold etc. and
therefore the Africans should improve their military to prevent the foreign nations and then
make queer decisions that only benefit them and not the Africans.


a. Two contradictions in the weak points of the writer include :

Promoting good governance or empowering women
Bombard the continent with aid or force African markets to drug the continent into national


The first assumption is that Africa’s poverty is an effect of the influence of non-African nations and
continents. The author thinks or links that due to the old colonisations and other endeavours in the
old Africa they were able to obtain gold land and other natural resources. This also came about that
when the yearly amount of exports is quite high than the amount of aid given to Africa. Africa
receives aid because it has no machinery to be able to mine their own products. Which is not quite
as true as Africans are over reliant on foreign aid and help we fail to take a stand and manage our
own economy

The other assumption is that Africa is poor because of the greed of the politicians. That whatever
money is made through mining and other extraction is being embezzled by the leaders and they are
making themselves richer. We cannot rule out the fact that rulers are greedy and corrupt, this a
universal problem even foreign nations experience such but Africans are generally lazy and want the
government to be the initiator of everything of which will lead to the demise of the continent


The looting machine is a reference that is used to refer to the non-African countries of which
colonised African depriving them of land and several of native owned natural resources. They used
coercive methods like unfair treaties and violent annexes and exploited Africans for a long time. The
resources curse is a concept that states that rather than a blessing that Africa has the highest
amount of natural resources it is a curse as it has not enrich the African continent but other non-
African countries which exploit us by setting up companies that conduct mining and constructions
the looting machine is linking with the resource curse as these countries known as the looting
machine are the same countries that are mentioned in the resource curse of which their companies
employ unfair terms with African government and employ tax dodges in order to get maximum
profits from stranded countries and enrich themselves.




























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