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hy e WITH GRAPH PAPER OS\) | data apatite fer as, feet | VHS aT Wheat (ean wei) werel Wawa SAE AR , , 19a Subject: MATHEMATICS... STANDARD... 3q Fe Subject Code : OA weeee Sones Ser a fer ve fay ay & Date of the Examination : + Mendag..- bl-Sr2e@4 ae 29 oT EA . fedium of answering the paper: __ ENGLISI | ee (rite code No. as wri : : I NS O89 faker Sayfa Gi) at ee , jo. of supplementary a answer -book(s) used cH } ‘ pe are faeperter Safer = et A Het erson with Benchniark Disabilities : Yes/ No o Rrsciaa or wre (waar wa & agar ) [ —- | Code of Disability (As. per the admit card ) \ i ¢ rer Crea — —— wae arava way: et / set Whether writer provided : uo Yes / No- nN o fe ea weit 4 ag at coe a Visually challenged, name of software used : mm Ory aver stare fort) a wets oer Sal yes Ure Ras ws A) ae eT oT me an RY cafe: G, ah Saat Tw HEMT 22 ay Bh fet ich letter be written In one box and one box be left biank between each part of fhe ime, In case Candidate's Name exceeds 22 letters, write first 22 letters. Hi i 53203632 ‘prtert ear & ferg 041 / 01024 Space for office use N @ gpeN (a) (b) ©) (¢) (e) ) (9) th) () 0 (k) Y Instructions to Candidates ad Onrecelving the answerbook . ' () ensure that answer book contains 48 pages. (i) check thatall pagas are serially numbered (including title page) (ii) filllnand blacken all the required details/flelds correctly (iv) use only blue-black or royal blue ink/gel/ballpcint pen. Write on each ruled line on both sides of the answerbook Numberyour answers according to theirnumbers In tha questlonpapar Draw a line when a question (ora partthereof) Is finished Draw appropriate margin on the right side of the page for rough work which should be crossed out afterwards Securely tag your answer book with supplementary answer book(s), graphs, maps etc. DONOT (} waste pages by leaving wide margin. (i) make any special sign or mark in or outside the answer book, supplementary answer book, graph, map etc. (lil) write your roll number, name of your schoo! or place of examination In any of your answers, (iv) foldthe pages of the answer book. {v) ask for supplementary answer book unless this answer book/previous. supplementary answer bookis finished. (vi) leave the examination hall without handing over the answer bock ‘to the Assistant Superintendent. Indulging In any of the following activities shall be deemed as use of unfair Hi practice, result shall notbe declared but marked as UNFAIR MEANS (UFM); Having In possession any item or article which has been prohibited in examination centre or may be used for unfair practices Including any stationery Item, communication device, accessories, eatabla items, ormaments or any other material or information relevant or not relevant to the examinationin the paperconcerned; Paying /Placing someone else to write examination (impersonation) on candidate’s behalf or preparing material for copying; Breaching examination rules or any direction issued by CBSE from time to time, In connection with tha conduct of EXAMINATIONS; Assisting other candidate to engage In malpractice, giving or recalving assistance directly or indirectly ofany kind or attempting to do so; Writing questions or answers on any materia! other than the answer book given by the Centre Superintendent for writing answers; Tearing of any page af tha answer book orsupplementary answer book etc. Contacting of communicating or trying to da so with any person, other than the: Examination. Staff during the examination time in the examination | Centre; | Communicating with another candidate or the Assistant Superintendent | diractly or Indirectly; Taking away the answer book autof the examination hall/room/centre; | Smuggling out Question Paper or its part or smuggling out answer books/supplementary answer sheet or part thereof: Threatening- any of the officials connectéd with the conduct of the examinations or threatening any of the candidates; Using or attempting to use any other undesirable method or means in connection with the examination; (m) Forceful entry/exit in room/Examination Centre/Hall; (n) Use or attempted use of any electronic device after entering the examination centre; Uploading / sharing any examination related material, correct or wrong, on social media; Affixing/uploading of fabricated photograph on the admitcard; Erasing or obliterating any information printed on the ANSWER BOOK (8); Providing wrong information on the answersheets; Having in possesslon question papers of previous years; If a candidate approaches any Autharity(fes)/person(s) related to the conduct of exams soliciting unauthorized privilege(s) in these examinations; Taking legal course or any other to influence CBSE for galning advantage in thalr favour, by providing false Infromation. WITH GRAPH PAPER Cgietor” seater Prer ars, 12932 ” CENTRAL BOARD OF SECONDARY EDUCATION, DELHI SECONDARY SCHOOL EXAMINATION (CLASS X) aT Ga ) Sorsy Tayi GNo. 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 TOTAL Marks ( <4 aa [ — _ | 2 I = - (= = no G.No, 12 13 14 15 16 7 18 19 | 20 TOTAL we [ete itt ele el ml el el el tee Q.No. 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30. TOTAL wes [pe orl gt] at | oo] gel B=] ae | 37) 3% | ose G.No. 31 32 33. | 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 TOTAL macs | 37 | 5] 1% | 57] 57-| av] uv] Ye 20> TOTAL MARKS IN WORDS * . > an - . “ ae so . , ‘ . ‘ . 8 ‘ * we . “ ioe a . a ' . " . 4% eee yt ST 4 | __&. OU Dp uy & } ¢ \ Y {0 vy Cro BY 2 (Po) A) A) C7 2. | =! } v ! \ i (ee (Ad Faraed _.. i Os Qle ta 15. ¢ (D) _qau + ee “eo atpe? Zot 3l\} (Cc) 20,—— Onc —__Reobent2) us +re Com eeplanatien Oy. oy foxes ethan (Als = | a 7 j (Al. ee Aewertion (A) and Reason (KR =e. (e wee C oy Asst xtion A> B+ ocd Atae ett (A) oud Rearen CR) ase tue bat Reasm (R) wed SC eee <4 Lonarch 1 . . \ 1 ‘ - . 1 | + ‘ . 1 ‘ ' Of Plnd are af and p. g oy Bp Dee x F = Nous, un pcm) _ =f y b= 5 dus en y We Sun G4 Zeroes = ~ (G CA an? _| bet A Line AG oD uubrich thet. Pop ndtt P thuch clivide AR % Some Ratio. || Co Oxi nates (D4. A Ort (-6,10)._, Bo axe C 3 —8) ? and PP &xre ( - 4, 6) Te End i The Rabie in —__uahdch ivicles—_\ AB —__- Let: the Ration be <2 Se ie . t fe : AG 410) p . 6 P ‘ KK! lf the Rasta LAs Ki] Ew t Section —then. } Usting cr — mM nn } ™” , . We -F ¥Y at : ).. 2- Zz Yo 24, 4 pty) mp, ~_ Ue | 2 10 -8kK | 246) —= (Cee 7 Kr On Coen Joa ring j—_LAAe wate i == (45 Ka { a lo — ake _ 6 oo... I< ) 4 kun Ro", Sec bo, bein oo” oo 7 Sin Go" .« , _ ———< pee. tonBo = f 5 Sec bo = 7 pn US" = | te Va | - _ Sin Go” = J3 2 [Ss 2X1 yy 2X I n> ae Sor! /6 {2 — . “Oo px Ars unex 2M, mo. 04 heist un Caetoon = 60° umbt Of Gbecl Shira = WR ee —-Nueebex__Qj Shirts accep table +0. 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