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The perceived importance of height in male attractiveness to

females is influenced by a combination of evolutionary biology,
societal norms, and cultural stereotypes. Evolutionary psychology
suggests that certain physical traits, including height, may be
linked to perceptions of strength and protection. Social norms,
shaped by media portrayals and cultural influences, often
associate taller individuals with success and desirability.
Additionally, the stereotype of taller men being more confident and
assertive contributes to the idea that height plays a role in
attractiveness. However, it is crucial to recognize that personal
preferences vary widely, and many individuals prioritize qualities
such as personality, intelligence, and shared values over physical
attributes when forming meaningful connections. As societal
attitudes evolve, there is a growing acknowledgment of the
importance of embracing diverse notions of attractiveness beyond
traditional stereotypes.

It's essential to highlight that while height may be a factor in initial

attraction, the depth and longevity of a romantic connection are
often rooted in a more comprehensive set of qualities. Factors such
as communication skills, emotional intelligence, and shared
interests play significant roles in fostering meaningful
relationships. As societal attitudes continue to shift towards
inclusivity and diversity, the emphasis on physical attributes as
determinants of attractiveness is diminishing. Many individuals
today prioritize compatibility, mutual respect, and a sense of
partnership over traditional notions of idealized physical
appearance. Ultimately, the multifaceted nature of human
attraction underscores the importance of recognizing and
appreciating the unique qualities that each person brings to a
relationship, beyond superficial characteristics like height.
A lot of people are taking a lot of peptides, and
growth hormone agonists (boosters) while
missing out on fundamental things.

To ingrain in the minds of the current and future

members that stacking GH boosters and protein
hyper-dosing is LAW!

To create an all-rounded, easy to understand

heightmaxing protocol.

I can guarantee you that you'll "grow" at least

1.5 inches (3.8cm) after

Read this with some music

Human Growth Hormone
A hormone can be thought of as a messenger.
In this case, Human Growth Hormone (HGH) is
a hormone and one of its functions is that it
messages the body to produce a protein called
IGF-1 (Insulin-like growth factor 1). One of the
effects of this protein is that it causes your
bones to elongate, which in turn, makes you

(Estimated Visual Representation of the HGH molecule)

Of course, you're always secreting HGH
throughout your lifetime, especially during
puberty but what we need to understand is
this. [UWSL]Singlehandedly[/UWSL]
injecting/consuming growth hormone
agonists (boosters) like...

Or doing things that boost your GH levels


High Intensity Exercise (HIIT)

Exercise in general
Sleeping, etc.

Will NOT necessarily make you taller though.

This leads me to my next point.

Proteins (more specifically amino acids) are

the building blocks of life. What we need to
understand here is that proteins are made
of amino acids (think of it as the equivalent
to construction materials). When you
consume protein, your body breaks them
down into amino acids and stores them for
use (your body's construction materials).
When the body needs to build a protein, it
gets the stored amino acids (construction
materials) and builds it.
If you are low on protein (protein
deficiency), your body's ability to build
things will LITERALLY be hindered! From
hair follicles, to nails, to new layers of
skin, to anti-bodies and even your
HEIGHT, your body will literally NOT be
able to build these new cells at a
sufficient scale. Think of this as a factory
that has had its production capacity
hindered. If you are deficient in protein,
HGH's ability to work will be stunted as
even though it's demanding the body to
focus on producing IGF-1, the body just
doesn't have a lot of construction
materials to build the protein at a large
enough scale, hindering the effectiveness
of IGF-1 production.
(Don't get me wrong, your growth rate
will still be accelerated, but probably at
useless levels if you're low on protein)
(Your body's factory production capacity
when you're low on protein. It CAN'T produce
IGF-1 at scale, even though HGH is basically
pressuring it and blackmailing it to produce
(Your body's factory production capacity
when you have ample or excess protein. It
CAN produce IGF-1 in massive quantities,
amplified by HGH)
So, if you're bombarding your system with
growth hormone boosters, and you're
neglecting your protein intake, you'll come
back saying
HERE] doesn't work!"

If you don't have the necessary amount of

protein, it really is the equivalent of hiring
20,000,000 construction workers (HGH) to
build a taller house (your bones) with only
25kg of construction material (your lack of
protein consumption).
"Bruh, we're getting pressured and
blackmailed to produce IGF-1 by this
hormone called HGH, but this dude doesn't
even provide us with construction material
(protein). We literally can't build this shit. I
guess he wants to be a short manlet for life
then JFL. Let me use all of the teeny amount
of construction material that is provided
here and leave."

As you can see, in this analogy, we NEED to

make sure we purchase (consume) more
materials (protein) to build this house
(longer bones). If we don't, we'll use up the
materials to make very, very little progress.
So, we need to make sure we not only make
sure we hire as much workers as possible
(HGH) but we also need to make sure we
have as many materials as possible
(protein). Without either of them (especially
protein), we're stunting out capacity to get
You can get taller by protein hyper-dosing
alone really, as you always have HGH in your
body, but protein depends on your diet.
So, the formula to know how much protein
you need to sustain yourself is as follows:
Weight in kg * 0.8 = Satisfactory protein
intake (in grams).
But to increase your height, here is the
equation to follow:
Weight in kg * (anywhere from 2 to 4) =
Height increasing protein intake (in grams).

Of course, you're going to want to use a

calorie tracking app to make sure you're on
target, I recommend the Cronometer app
because it shows all of the amino acids you're
consuming, and the IGF protein is made of
these amino acids. I ran the numbers myself
and found this...
Lysine: 10.26%
Serine: 8.72%
Glycine: 8.21%
Arginine: 8.21%
Leucine: 7.69%
Threonine: 7.18%
Alanine: 6.15%
Cysteine: 5.64%
Proline: 5.64%
Glutamic acid: 5.13%
Glutamine: 5.13%
Phenylalanine: 4.62%
Aspartic acid: 3.08%
Methionine: 2.56%
Valine: 2.56%
Tyrosine: 2.56%
Histidine: 2.05%
Isoleucine: 2.05%
Asparagine: 2.05%
Tryptophan: 0.51%

These are the building blocks of the IGF-1

protein. As you can see, consuming Serine and
Arginine are the most important amino acids to
consume as those two alone make up about 19%
of the IGF-1's structure. Those are the most
important ingredients to building IGF-1 so you
want to prioritize those, although you want to get
as many as possible.
On the app, Cronometer will show you this,
you want to make sure the most important
amino acids are as maxed out as possible,
and your general protein intake as well. It
only shows about 12 though.
Aromatase Inhibitors
Aromatase, or estrogen synthase is an
enzyme in your body that synthesizes
estrogen. Here is the problem with estrogen
though. Estrogen makes your growth plates
close quicker. This is a scientific fact, and
probably a reason why women have shorter
growth windows than men. The lower your
estrogen levels are, the more time you have
to grow. So, what we are going to need to do
is consume things that will decrease our
estrogen levels as much as possible so we
can have a longer window of heightmaxing,
because it is ideal of course.

Things to avoid that make you estrogenic

Soy products
Being fat
And these...
Studies that show that lower estrogen delays
growth plate closure
Growth plates on average close around the
ages of 17-25. The closer you are to 25, the
more protein and HGH/IGF-1 you'll need to
get results.
On average, the legs close around ages 17-19
and the spine closes around the ages of 23-25.

Although what the internet tells you that

growth ends "around 18" or "the end of
puberty", the real matter is that...
Different growth plates close at different
times, due to different factors.
Growth plate closure is not very well studied
Most people are protein deficient
HGH levels aren't at puberty levels after
So, with these kinds of conditions and that the
fact that human growth isn't properly studied,
especially in part with growth plates, it's natural
for the internet to assume people will just say
"at 18' or "after puberty", but it isn't rare for
people who have elevated GH levels, open
plates, and have optimal protein levels to grow
taller. Because with these conditions, most
people will only grow within that timeframe.

If you want to get your growth plates X-rayed,

you can go see a doctor and get the X-ray. at
the ends of each bone, the denser, more
separated it looks from the other bones and
whiter the bone ends are, the more open the
growth plate.
Now of course, I am not saying you're
guaranteed to grow to 6ft/180cm with this no
matter your height but if you're below 23-25
and you increase your HGH levels and take a
lot of protein, I am fairly confident you'll see
at least some improvements.

This is an alternative to people who can't get a
lot of protein for some reason. IGF-1 is the
finished product, so it doesn't require you to
optimize GH and protein. The best form of IGF-1
is IGF-1 LR3. Avoid taking other forms of this, as
they are not as effective.

You'll want to inject once every two days, as

this has a half-life of 20-30 hours. You can
experiment with once a day if you wish.
Alternate Methods
Here are ways you can appear taller without
messing with your biology
Shoe Lifts
Invisible Shoe Lifts (recommended)
Longer Hair (growing upwards)
Wearing One Color (Multiple colors create
visual breaks, and make you look shorter as
people are perceiving the height of each
Fixing your posture (UNDERRATED)
Stretching Consistently, Hanging, Yoga
Wearing Shoes that make you seem taller,
like AF1s, Chelsea Boots, etc.
Getting leg lengthening surgery (painful and
expensive), also consider proportions.
Taking Relaxin (it's expensive), see this
thread. Relaxin basically makes your pelvis
and hip bones longer, may gave you wide
hips though so...

Liver problems makes it harder to produce IGF-1
Glucosamine & Chondroitin
After you reach your desired height, you'll
want to supplement with Glucosamine and
Chondroitin daily, as this will prevent spine
compression. Essentially, you'll keep your
morning height intact 24/7 or you'll shrink a
teeny bit. This is valuable especially at night
when you're walking around with roughly
your morning height while everyone is 1 inch
(2.5cm) shorter.

Feel free to combine, mix and match them if
you wish, there should be a stack for all your
The three pillars of heightmaxing are:
Growth hormone maximization
Protein maximization
Estrogen suppression
Note that these can have side effects, here
are some I have listed here...
Acromegaly (severely high GH levels for
Bone density loss (chronically low estrogen)
Mood changes, for the worse, like depression
(chronically low estrogen)
Bad breath (protein hyper dose)

You'll want to research them more if you're

curious and cautious

Can't buy anything online stack

Growth hormone boosting protocol
[UWSL]A lot of HIIT, sprinting[/UWSL]
Constant Gym Exercise
Intermittent Fasting (while still eating
[UWSL]A LOT of high-quality sleep[/UWSL]
Aromatase Inhibition Protocol
Reducing fat (most recommended)
Cruciferous Vegetables
Exercise (most recommended)
Anything in this list
Allium Vegetables (Onion, Garlic, Chives,
Shallots, etc.) (most recommended)
Citrus Compounds

Protein Maximizing Stack

Eat a lot of meat! Like A LOT!
You can substitute with beans, but they
contain things that actually eat protein out
of your body so...
Remember the protein intake equation I
showed you earlier in the protein section!
Can't bring needles/drugs home stack
Growth hormone boosting protocol
MK-677 (25-30mg/day)

Berberine (500mg-1,500mg daily, to

counteract the diabetes-inducing effects of

All other things provided in the previous

Aromatase Inhibition Protocol
Chrysin, DIM and Stinging Needle Extract

Protein Maximizing Stack

Whey protein and/or A LOT OF MEAT!
You can substitute with beans, but they
contain things that actually eat protein out
of your body so...
Remember the protein intake equation I
showed you earlier in the protein section!
Suggested Stack
Growth hormone boosting protocol
CJC-1295 with DAC or HGH
Or IGF-1 LR3 (50-150mcg per injection), if
you're taking this, protein becomes a bonus,
and not a necessity.
Everything listed previously can be a bonus

Aromatase Inhibition Protocol

Aromasin (1 tablet daily) you can go to
Protein Maximizing Stack
Everything stated previously
Remember the protein intake equation I
showed you earlier in the protein section!

Personally, here's the stack I'd take

100mcg of IGF-1 LR3 daily (4 weeks on, 2
weeks off, repeat)
250 mcg of CJC-1295 with DAC weekly
200 grams of protein daily.
2.5 mg of Letrozole daily
Why Protein Is JUST As Critical As
HGH To Getting Taller
A hormone can be thought of as a messenger.
In this case, Human Growth Hormone (HGH)
is a hormone that messages the body to
produce a protein called IGF-1 (Insulin-like
growth factor 1). One of the effects of this
protein is that it causes your bones to
elongate, which in turn, makes you taller.

What we need to understand here is that

proteins are made of amino acids (think of it
as the equivalent to construction materials).
When you consume protein, your body breaks
them down into amino acids and stores them
for use (your body's construction materials).
When the body needs to build a protein, it
gets the stored amino acids (construction
materials) and builds it.

If you are low on protein (protein deficiency),

your body's ability to build things will
LITERALLY be hindered! From hair follicles, to
nails, to new layers of skin, to anti-bodies and
even your HEIGHT, your body will literally
NOT be able to build these new cells at a
sufficient scale. Think of this as a factory that
has had its production capacity hindered.
If you are deficient in protein, HGH's ability
to work will be stunted as even though it's
demanding the body to produce IGF-1, so
although the hormone will cause the body to
be focused on building IGF-1, the body just
doesn't have a lot of construction materials
to build the protein at a large enough scale,
hindering the effectiveness of IGF-1
production. (Don't get me wrong, your
growth rate will still be accelerated, but
probably at useless levels if you're low on

Estimated visual representation of the IGF-1

Since the body is always producing HGH, if
more protein is allocated, the more materials
your body has to make IGF-1 (and other
proteins) and in turn, you can become taller.
You can get taller by hyper-dosing protein

high-protein diet is correlated to height for

this EXACT reason [1], and also explains
why plant-based diets (I will explain why it's
bad in a bit) and malnutrition are linked
with stunted stature. [2]
Now, not all proteins are created equal.
Although plants do contain protein, they also
contain proteinases (they basically eat
protein), protein inhibitors, and ribosome
inactivators (they literally shut down your
protein processing factories) [3]-[4]-[5]

This is also why it's hard to find proper vegan

bodybuilders for this EXACT reason. A
considerable amount of "plant protein" they
consume just get eaten and inhibited. In this
case, getting your protein from animal
products (milk, eggs, meat) is a MUST.

So, what can we do to optimize our protein
levels? One of the first things we can do is to
make sure we know how much we need.

"For most adults with minimal physical

activity, experts recommend consuming a
minimum daily average of 0.8 grams of
protein per kilogram (kg) of body weight."
So, the formula to know how much protein
you need to sustain yourself is as follows:
Weight in kg * 0.8 = Satisfactory protein
intake (in grams)
But to heightmax, here is the equation to
follow: Weight in kg * 3.5 = Heightmaxing
protein intake (in grams).
So, what do I recommend to get protein?
Organic grass-fed meats
Organic eggs
Full-fat raw organic milk
Quality seafood
Whey Protein

Some things, like granola bars, contain

naturally occurring anti-nutrients, which
although it won't affect your protein levels, it
will suck out some minerals in your body. If
you're taking GH boosters like MK-677
(please take with Berberine), etc. your
protein levels are VITAL here. The reason
why has been stated above.

You can go on a carnivore diet for f**ks sake

and get results
Some Information on Height
GH boosters + lack of protein = "MK-677/HGH
doesn't work".

GH boosters + protein hyper-dose = Height

increase (varies on growth plates of course)

Protein hyper-dose or Protein hyper-dose +

exercise = Height increase (varies on growth
plates of course)

Now I will mention that Heightmaxxing is

mostly about 4 things. These 4 things are
most important these are the only 4 things if
you are careful enough then you wont be
heightmogged in the next page I am going
to share the information to guys
Fixing posture can be done at any time, there
are a lot of threads here about it so I wont go
in depth. What you need to do is identifiy what
posture problem you have and fix that shit.
Most common ones are forward head posture
and the one that makes you a lot shorter is
anterior plebic tilt (APT). There a lot of
strecthes (which do work) but every posture
problem is due muscle imbalances where one
group is too tight while the other is too weak.
When you sit too much, your glutes, abdomen
and overall back will become weak, which in
return causes posutre problems like APT and
Nerd neck. To fix this you need to strengthen
said muscles.

Keeping growth plates is pretty simple, just

take an Aromage Inhibitor. There are many
but some a really risky, the best one is
aromasin. Though be careful how much you
take, the last thing you want is to nuke your
estrogen, else you‘ll feel suicidal. There a lot of
threads on how much aromasin to take.
To increase igf1 you can take hgh but thats
water. Keeping growth plates open is way
more importnat than hgh/igf1. To increase
igf1 take mk677 which is cheap and lasts
long. It also has some secondary benefits
like making you fall asleep easier (sleep is
ofc important for growth) and making you
more hungry. To grow you need to be in a
caloric surplus, eat a lot, but also eat a lot
of protein. without protein your body cant
produce igf1. Go for at least 120g per day.

–To fraud just wear Airmaxes, they are nt

and give 3,5cm. You can also wear lifts but
dont go over 1inch or else everyone will see
through your larp. Oh and dont wear them
too often or your gonna get shorter
because of posture.

–additional things that help and you can do

is take vit k2 and d.
Shopping List

Niacin Tablets, preferably 250mg per tablet

(as Nicotinic Acid or just "Niacin", avoid
"Time release" or "Flush Free" versions as
they will not work)
Melatonin, 3-10mg per dose
Ibutamoren (aka MK-677), 25mg/mL as
Since regular flush-inducing Niacin is hard to
find because people are too pussy to handle
a little itch, you can buy the brand that I use
Get a pill splitter for the Niacin, you will need
to start out at less than the 250mg dose and
then build up.
How it works
Niacin is a cheap way to temporarily boost
HGH levels to about 400%, and as long as your
growth plates are not yet fully ossified, the
boost should promote bone growth.
Ibutamoren also doubles average serum HGH
levels throughout the day. Although other
growth-hormone increasing factors were never
used in a study along side it, I believe it will
also enhance the Niacin HGH boost greatly, as
in the studies, Ibutamoren seems to amplify
normal HGH boosts throughout the day rather
than create boosts or a steady stream of HGH.
I assume that a 200% (+ the Ibutamoren
enhanced Niacin boost) GH increase will be
enough, as at peak growth velocity young
teenagers produce only about 3x more than
normal adult HGH levels and growth is still
attained with less than this, albeit not at peak
velocity. Melatonin is a light aromatase
inhibitor, and as estrogen is primarily
responsible for the closure of growth plates it
would be in your interest to slow its production.
Other methods
Though this is all that I am using,
prescription aromatase inhibitors such as
Aromasin will do a better job at delaying
growth plate ossification, so I recommend
that if you can afford/acquire it. Other drugs
may be more effective for HGH release then
the ones I have listed such as CJC1295 no
dac, Hexarelin, and of course pharma HGH
injections. Again, if you are lucky enough to
be able to afford it.
"Oh yeah well 'Growth Factor 9 XTREME HGH
BOOSTZ' says it increases growth hormone by
666%, while MK-677 only doubles it? I think I'll
boost my growth hormone with a perfectly legal
and safe tablet I can buy at walmart for 5
dollars, thank you very much!" I've seen all of
these copes with ingredients like "Dragon scales
20IU" and "Petergriffin root" and I've read all the
studies. Yes, they boost growth hormone to
whatever they claim they do... for exactly 1
second and then it plummets.
MK-677 is banned from competitive sports
and illegal to consume for a reason, it will
actually double your average growth
hormone levels for the ENTIRE day, not just
slowly build up to a peak and then drop like
everything else. A normal HGH booster could
be useful when combined with MK-677 and
taken at night, but we already have one in
our stack: Niacin.

The routine
Take 25mg Ibutamoren every day at a
consistent time. Although timing has not
been studied, I believe it would be best to
take it around 5 hours before going to bed.
Take 3mg or 10mg Melatonin every day
about 15-30 minutes before going to bed,
except on weekends.
Niacin is complicated. Most growth happens
at night through natural HGH spikes during
sleep but I read an article where they
concluded that having gravitational pressure
off of the bones was also a primary factor,
so unlike the routine I recommend that you
take it right before going to bed so that it
spikes HGH in your sleep. The HGH boost
from niacin requires you to have not eaten
for 3 hours beforehand and another 3 hours
afterward. Since you would be sleeping for
the 3 hours afterward, the 3 hours before is
the only problem, so make sure you stop
eating for the day 3 hours before sleep. You
must take niacin every other day as doing it
every day would cause you to develop a
tolerance to the growth hormone boost
sooner than you should. As for dosage, take
125mg on the first day, 250mg on the third
(because we skip every other day, take
nothing on the second, fourth, sixth etc.),
375mg on the fifth and then 500mg on the
seventh and continue 500mg every other
day for the next week. After 2 weeks, take 1
week off from Niacin and then repeat.
3 week sample routine with bed time at 9:30,
lasts 1 Niacin cycle. Feel free to follow this
sample and keep repeating it from the

Week One
Monday: 25mg Ibutamoren taken at 4:30PM, Do not
eat anything past 6PM, Melatonin taken at 9PM,
125mg Niacin taken at 9:30PM and then go to bed.
Tuesday: 25mg Ibutamoren taken at 4:30PM,
Melatonin taken at 9PM, Go to bed at 9:30PM.
Wednesday: 25mg Ibutamoren taken at 4:30PM, Do
not eat anything past 6PM, Melatonin taken at 9PM,
250mg Niacin taken at 9:30PM and then go to bed.
Thursday: 25mg Ibutamoren taken at 4:30PM,
Melatonin taken at 9PM, Go to bed at 9:30PM.
Friday: 25mg Ibutamoren taken at 4:30PM, Do not
eat anything past 6PM, Melatonin taken at 9PM,
375mg Niacin taken at 9:30PM and then go to bed.
Saturday: 25mg Ibutamoren taken at 4:30PM, Go to
bed at 9:30PM.
Sunday: 25mg Ibutamoren taken at 4:30PM, Do not
eat anything past 6PM, 500mg Niacin taken at
9:30PM and then go to bed.
Week Two
Monday: 25mg Ibutamoren taken at 4:30PM,
Melatonin taken at 9PM, Go to bed at 9:30PM.
Tuesday: 25mg Ibutamoren taken at 4:30PM,
Do not eat anything past 6PM, Melatonin
taken at 9PM, 500mg Niacin taken at 9:30PM
and then go to bed.
Wednesday: 25mg Ibutamoren taken at
4:30PM, Melatonin taken at 9PM, Go to bed at
Thursday: 25mg Ibutamoren taken at 4:30PM,
Do not eat anything past 6PM, Melatonin
taken at 9PM, 500mg Niacin taken at 9:30PM
and then go to bed.
Friday: 25mg Ibutamoren taken at 4:30PM,
Melatonin taken at 9PM, Go to bed at 9:30PM.
Saturday: 25mg Ibutamoren taken at 4:30PM,
Do not eat anything past 6PM, 500mg Niacin
taken at 9:30PM and then go to bed.
Sunday: 25mg Ibutamoren taken at 4:30PM,
Go to bed at 9:30PM.
Week Three (Niacin Deload)
Monday: 25mg Ibutamoren taken at
4:30PM, Melatonin taken at 9PM, Go to bed
at 9:30PM.
Tuesday: 25mg Ibutamoren taken at
4:30PM, Melatonin taken at 9PM, Go to bed
at 9:30PM.
Wednesday: 25mg Ibutamoren taken at
4:30PM, Melatonin taken at 9PM, Go to bed
at 9:30PM.
Thursday: 25mg Ibutamoren taken at
4:30PM, Melatonin taken at 9PM, Go to bed
at 9:30PM.
Friday: 25mg Ibutamoren taken at 4:30PM,
Melatonin taken at 9PM, Go to bed at
Saturday: 25mg Ibutamoren taken at
4:30PM, Go to bed at 9:30PM.
Sunday: 25mg Ibutamoren taken at
4:30PM, Go to bed at 9:30PM.
What to avoid for optimal results
Do not lift. If your plates are closed or you
don't care about height and happen to be
reading this anyway then my routine can be
modified for enhanced muscle mass,
scheduling the Niacin flush effect at the
same time you start your workout. I started
hakker's M.E.N.S. routine doing the version
he suggests for muscle mass and I did this
for two months without any height gains. I
did everything right, no food 3 hours before
or after, but I didn't grow. I believe the
damaged muscle from lifting would just
absorb the extra HGH you put into your
system and thats why bones don't grow on
HGH for so many people. You can always
gain it all back quickly thanks to muscle
memory after your plates close or you get
to a decent height.
Get good sleep. At least 7 hours but
preferably 9.
Do not ejaculate. Or at least limit it as much
as you can. During my nofap streak I grew
the fastest, and frequent ejaculation causes
increased estrogen or some shit, I read it on
many forum so it must be legit. Remember,
estrogen will fuck your growth plates.
Don't drink milk. Yes it contains IGF-1 and
calcium but also estrogen, so it increases
growth velocity SLIGHTLY but also kills your
growth plates slightly. Find another source
of calcium.
Slap your tongue on the roof of your mouth.
They call it "meowing," I tried it out and grew
like 10 inches in 2 weeks fuaaaaaaark.
Avoid cardio. Increases estrogen. Sprinting
will cause an HGH boost but I am unsure if
the body then immediately consumes it to
repair the damage you just made by abusing
your muscles and lungs. Use drugs to
increase growth hormone, not exercise

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