Mindfulness in the Classroom _ Middle School and Older - CoordiKids 3

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Borrow these ideas:

We recommend spending time prior to starting the exercise series discussing some of the frustrations and stresses that
students have in general. Offer a journalling session in which children can respond personally and privately in their
journals to prompts like:

Some of the things that cause me stress at home are:

Examples of the things that cause me stress at school are:

Sometimes I feel like I don’t fit in when

Are there certain homework assignments that make you more frustrated than others?

Is there any situation with other students that you don’t like?

Then, follow Counselor Keri’s advice – teach students about the benefits of a mindfulness movement activity before
asking them to start participating.

Perhaps understanding their stress and being offered a way to feel better in their daily life will be the key to success
practicing mindfulness in the classroom.

Using CoordiKids to Promote Mindfulness in the Classroom

In our occupational therapy practice at CoordiKids, we devised a great way for teachers to incorporate mindfulness and
movement in the classroom every day.

We call them CoordiKids Classroom course. This programs provides short videos of follow-along physical exercises.
Each exercise specifically targets movements that will enhance concentration.

For example:

bilateral movements encourage both hemispheres to be active,

balance and rhythm support concentration, and
an auditory component encourages listening.

All in all, in the 5-minute movement break, the focus is on body movements, giving the cortex (thinking brain) a break to
refresh and get ready to concentrate.

However, the exercises are fun for all participating children. The exercises get their muscles moving and oxygen flowing
to the brain. Furthermore, they require no additional prep time from the teacher.

He or she simply starts one of the online videos, and the class can follow along. (The teacher or any adult can join in to
experience the same benefits!)

We Have Been Thrilled To Discover Together That Students Enjoy Our Fun Exercises – And More Importantly, That The Goal Of
Bringing Mindfulness In The Classroom Was Working.

One teacher said,

“Students were much more settled and attentive following CoordiClass.”

Although not all of the students took to the program right away – some of the 4th graders weren’t keen in the beginning
– by the end of a week, all of them were fully participating. What’s more – they were having fun with their peers.

Here’s what else teachers have had to say about using CoordiKids Classroom course for movement and mindfulness in
the classroom:

“I found CoordiClass especially beneficial before reading groups for Year 4 students.”
“I use CoordiClass twice per day. It helps students to re-focus during a 2-hour learning block. The 6th graders enjoyed
the exercises!”

“I use CoordiClass twice per day if possible. I definitely observe my class working a lot more quiet and settled for the
duration of the morning.” (Teacher of 6th grade)

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