5398 OptiDrive Wiring

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OptiDrive Programming

OptiDrive Programming Precautions

Ensure these conditions are met before programming:
• The engine is OFF.
OptiDrive Wiring Covers Parts #5397, 5398 • The transmitter is turned ON and has been
adjusted as described above (see Transmitter
Revo is equipped with two high-torque steering servos conected via a "Y" plug adapter (one input,
Setup section above).
two equal outputs). The TQ-3 works is conjunction with the OptiDrive Electronic Shift Module to • The vehicle’s power is ON.
monitor and control the input and output signals for the throttle and shifting servos (channels). • The OptiDrive is connected to the receiver.
The Optidrive monitors the voltage of • Always program the OptiDrive when engine
the onboard RX Power Pack. is not running.
The "Function" LED will
Programming the Optidrive
flash red if the battery Press and hold the OptiDrive SET
voltage is too low. button (with the transmitter throttle
Once installed, the at neutral) until the OptiDrive’s
Optidrive will need to function LED flashes green twice
be programmed to (about 2-3 seconds). Release the
your transmitter. button immediately. You are now in programming
mode. If the set button is released before the function
OptiDrive Operation LED flashes green twice, the OptiDrive programming
• Green “Function” will have to be repeated.
Shift allowed Pull the transmitter
throttle trigger to the
• Red flashing “Function”
full throttle position.
Low battery. Hold it at full throttle
• Red “Sensor” until the function
Sensor circuit is broken. LED flashes green three times. Release the transmitter
throttle trigger allowing it to return to neutral. The
Possible disconnected
throttle servo will not move during programming
sensor, broken wires, or even if it is connected to the OptiDrive.
damaged sensor.
The function LED
• Blue flashing “Sensor“ will turn solid green,
Normal operation as indicating that the
vehicle moves. Indicates shifting servo is OK
signal pulse from sensor. to shift and the
Depending on the rotor programming has been completed. If you experience
any problems during programming, turn off the
position, solid blue or off
receiver and repeat the programming steps. The
when vehicle is at rest. OptiDrive is now programmed and ready to go!
Note: Any time the transmitter settings are changed,
the OptiDrive will have to be reprogrammed.
If you have questions or need technical assistance, call Traxxas at:

1- 8 8 8 - T R A X X A S
(1-888-872-9927) (U.S. residents only)

Traxxas, 1100 Klein Road, Plano, TX 75074, Phone: 972-265-8000, Fax: 972-265-8011, e-mail: support@Traxxas.com FORM5398INST Rev 040630

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