Tugas Les Bahasa Inggris_Nadya Mara'tus Solikhah_01031482225028_SELF INTRODUCTION (1)

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Nama : Nadya Mara’tus Solikaha

NIM : 01031482225028

S1 Akuntansi Asal D3


Asslamu’alaikum, hello everyone, let me introduce myself, my name is Nadya Mara'tus

Solikhah, you can call me Nadya, born in Tanjung Enim 14 July 2001, I am currently 23 years old,
I live in Muara Enim Regency, precisely on Jalan Permai 7 Gg. Rajawali No. 4, since I was little
I really liked cooking until now, it's still the same, but when it comes to tidying up the house I can't
do it a bit, cooking for me is my time to relieve the burden on my mind, by cooking I can enjoy
mixing all the spices and playing with kitchen utensils, and I have a special pleasure when my food
is ready and everyone likes it. I am the first child of three children, I have 2 younger brothers, my
father works as a TNI and my mother is a housewife, when I was little I was raised by my
grandfather and grandmother for 12 years, because my parents moved to Aceh one year after the
tsunami, now I have returned to live with my parents.

I am currently studying at the University of Sriwijaya, Faculty of Economics, majoring in

Bachelor of Accounting from D3 Class of 2022, I have gone through many ups and downs in
pursuing my education until finally I was able to reach this point. To graduate from Sriwijaya
University, one of the requirements is that the Toefel score must meet the requirements, this is no
different from when I studied at D3 at Sriwijaya University, for S1 I needed a score of 400 to be
declared as having passed the Toefel. I have tried the Toefel test four times, but the score has not
reached the target.

I realized that I had a weakness in English, it took a long time for me to take lessons, I had
to save for 5 months to be able to take this lesson, there was fear when I was going to take this
lesson because there was no one I knew in it, especially with a background. behind me who can't
speak English. Honestly, I admit that I really can't speak English or understand what other people
say in English. I apologize in advance to the teaching staff if when asked in English I don't
understand or can't even answer, but I will try my best to be able to take this lesson well.

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