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Topic: Students are expected to give a 6–8-minute PERSUASIVE presentation with visual aids on a

piece of advice from a (social) media influencer that provides valuable guidance for young adults.

“We have learned to love ourselves”


Good [morning/afternoon] everyone. Thank you all for being here today.

My name is Bao Ngoc from Business Administration, and I’m excited to share some insightful advice
that I believe can truly impact our lives as young adults.

Imagine you're navigating through a dense forest without a map. Every turn feels uncertain, and every
path seems like it could be the right one. Life can often feel like this, especially as we transition into
adulthood. Now, what if you had a guide, someone who has walked the path before and can show you
the way?

Today, I want to talk about a piece of advice from RM of BTS, a prominent social media influencer and
leader of one of the most successful music groups in the world. His guidance can serve as that crucial
map, helping us find our way through the complexities of young adulthood.

RM, whose real name is Kim Namjoon, isn't just a talented musician; he’s also a thoughtful leader and
a voice of wisdom for millions. His insights on self-love, perseverance, and authenticity resonate
deeply with his followers and offer valuable lessons for navigating our own journeys.

In the next 6-8 minutes, I will share with you:

Firstly, I am hoping you could recognize the issues of young people

Secondly, I’ll show how the significance of this advice in our lives

Thirdly, Better versions of ourselves

Finally, we will have time for Q&A, where I’d love to hear your thoughts and answer any questions you
might have.

At the end of my presentation, I will open the floor for questions and discussion. Feel free to share
your perspectives or ask anything about the topic.

So, let’s dive right in and explore the invaluable advice from RM that can help us navigate our paths
with confidence and clarity.

1. The problems facing youth

Mental health issues:

• Problem: Young adults often struggle with mental health issues such as anxiety,
depression, and stress.
• Testimony: According to the National Institute of Mental Health, approximately 31% of
young adults (ages 18-25) in the U.S. experience a form of mental illness each year.

I am also a victim of mental illness when I was the first time aware of my own mental
breakdown and I have suffered from depression, hypersomnia, anxiety attack, and I-ADHD.

If you see me in school, you will assume I’m totally fine and active. Many may think I’m a
diligent gardener, tirelessly tending to my studies, planting seeds of knowledge, and nurturing
my dreams until they bloom into success.

If you work with me, you may believe I’m a seasoned captain steering a ship through stormy
seas, firmly gripping the helm to keep the crew disciplined and the vessel on course.

However, I’m just a girl who is striving to live and protect my broken soul, I may not be the same
person you meet every day in school, also like young adults here, who are young, wild, and free
but are trapped in the dense forest of unpredictable journeys of youth.

Uncertainty About the Future:

Problem: Many young adults feel uncertain about their career paths and life goals.

Testimony: The Harvard Business Review reports that 59% of young adults feel uncertain about
their future careers and life directions.

We are young so we get lost among many choices

We are young so we can be scared of what’s hold in the future

We are young so of course we are wandering around many doors opened for us

The abandonment of ourselves: “I began to shut out my own voice and started to listen to the
voices of others. No one called out my name, and neither did I. So like this, I, we, all lost our
names. We became like ghosts”.

On the road of growth and progress, we began to worry about what other people thought of us and
started seeing ourselves through their eyes. We tried to jam myself into molds that other people
made so then I realized you and I – we have abandoned ourselves.

No matter how life goes, we are the only ones loving myself like not anyone does.

2. How to practically put the advice into practice

▪ Learn to accept yourself
“I’m sure that I, and we, will keep stumbling and falling. We have become artists performing in
huge stadiums and selling millions of albums”

We can make mistakes yesterday, but yesterday’s versions are still us. We are who are today, with
all our faults. Tomorrow we might be a tiny bit wiser, and that’s us, too. These faults and mistakes
are what we are, making up the brightest stars in the constellation of our lives. I have come to love
myself for who I was, who I am, and who I hope to become, so you too.

Now more than ever, you must try to remember who we are, and face who we are. We must try to
learn to love ourselves and imagine the future.

▪ Embrace your individuality

“We might look different, we might speak different, we might eat different, we might live
different, but we share the same heart.”

In this world with 8 billion citizens, everyone can’t look the same. We experience different lives
with different stories, different body shapes, different backgrounds, different genders, different
nationalities, and different skin colors. However, we are humans, we still have one heart to feel,
one brain to think, two eyes to see the world, and a mouth to say love. In some aspects, we are the
same because “we can share the same heart”.

3. Better versions of ourselves

We have many fears and many faults, but when we admit our weaknesses we have unlocked the
unknown area in our soul. We get to know ourselves better which is the first step to getting closer
to an eternal journey. We are still only “wandering children” trying to discover the world, we may
have no one but ourselves with many lessons, and many failures – we want to become better not
because of the cliché molds but because we want to be happy, we want to be independent, and
we want to enjoy our “golden harvests” after an arduous journey.

No matter who you are, where you’re from, your skin color, and your gender identity – we all share
the same feelings and heartbeat. When you recognize the uniqueness among people then you will
stop comparing yourself with others and focusing on yourself more. Be truly who you are and have
respect for the differences of people. We are different but we are similarly ordinary so we all have
to try our best and never look back even though there can be some trials, harsh, risks, and dangers
– only you know the differences you are holding and so do the others, you will know how the best
and happy your life is.

And that concludes the presentation. Let me go over the key points again.
I’ve discussed:

First, young adults face mental health struggles and uncertain futures, losing themselves as they
worry about others' perceptions, yet must remember they alone can truly love and protect their
own souls. (parallelism)

Next, embrace and accept yourself as you are, recognizing that despite our differences in
appearance, language, culture, and experiences, we all share the same capacity to love, think,
see, and speak in our journey toward self-acceptance and imagining a hopeful future. (parallelism)

Finally, we strive to become better versions of ourselves by acknowledging our fears and faults,
embracing self-discovery as a crucial step in our personal evolution, navigating life as "wandering
children" with lessons and failures, seeking happiness, independence, and the rewards of our
efforts, recognizing our shared humanity and individual uniqueness, and focusing on self-respect
and personal growth despite challenges and risks, all contributing to a fulfilling and meaningful life
journey. (parallelism)

*Final impression: Adulthood may be scary which makes us feel hesitant to step forward, and it’s easy
to hold us back and trap us in the darkness of the safe zone. I also have many fears and faults, I also
have a broken soul that I have to carry on. But I’m going to embrace myself as hard as I can, and I’m
starting to love myself, little by little.

*Q&A: If there are any questions, please feel free to ask.

*References: Here are the sources we’ve referenced during our research. If you’d like to do more
research, please refer to these websites.

*End: Thank you all for your listening.

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