Essays 16-20 Ahmed Sohaib

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Uses of Science
Science is like a magical key that unlocks doors to countless possibilities. It's not just about
mixing liquids in laboratories or studying stars in the sky; it's about understanding the world
around us and using that understanding to improve our lives in various ways. "Science is the
process that takes us from confusion to understanding." - Brian Greene
One of the most evident uses of science is in healthcare. Doctors and scientists work together to
develop new medicines and treatments to combat diseases and improve people's health. From
antibiotics that fight bacterial infections to vaccines that protect us from deadly viruses, science
has saved countless lives and continues to do so every day.
But science isn't just about curing diseases; it's also about prevention. Through scientific
research, we learn about the importance of exercise, nutrition, and healthy habits in maintaining
our well-being. Science helps us understand how our bodies work and what we can do to keep
them functioning at their best.
Another area where science plays a crucial role is in technology. Whether it's the smartphone in
your pocket or the computer you use for work or school, technology is all around us, and it's
constantly evolving thanks to scientific advancements. From faster processors to more efficient
batteries, science drives innovation in the tech industry, making our lives more convenient and
"Science knows no country because knowledge belongs to humanity, and is the torch which
illuminates the world." - Louis Pasteur
Science also helps us understand the world we live in. Whether it's studying the behavior of
animals, exploring the depths of the ocean, or unraveling the mysteries of the universe, scientific
research allows us to learn more about the planet we call home and the vast cosmos beyond.
Science has abolished superstitions by providing logical explanations for previously mysterious
phenomena. Through scientific inquiry, we've learned that natural events like thunderstorms and
diseases have understandable causes, rather than being the work of supernatural forces.
Similarly, scientific understanding has dispelled beliefs in astrology, witchcraft, and luck-based
rituals. "Science is the great antidote to the poison of enthusiasm and superstition." - Adam
Furthermore, science has practical applications in agriculture, engineering, and environmental
conservation. By developing new farming techniques, building better infrastructure, and finding
ways to reduce our impact on the environment, science helps ensure a sustainable future for
generations to come. "The science of today is the technology of tomorrow." - Edward Teller
Moreover, science fuels our curiosity and inspires creativity. It encourages us to ask questions,
challenge assumptions, and explore new ideas. Through experimentation and observation, we
uncover hidden truths about the world and push the boundaries of what's possible. "Science is
simply common sense at its best, that is, rigidly accurate in observation, and merciless to
fallacy in logic." - Thomas Huxley
In conclusion, the uses of science are vast and varied, touching nearly every aspect of our lives.
From healthcare and technology to understanding the natural world and fostering innovation,
science enriches our existence in countless ways. "Science is not about making predictions or
performing experiments. It is about explaining." - Steven Weinberg. As we continue to
explore and discover, science will remain a powerful tool for improving the human experience
and shaping the world we inhabit.

17. Patriotism
Patriotism is a deep love and devotion towards one's country, a sense of pride in its
achievements, and a commitment to its well-being. It is a powerful force that binds individuals
together, transcending differences and fostering unity in diversity. Patriotism inspires people to
work towards the common good, to defend their nation's values and ideals, and to contribute to
its progress and prosperity. "Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do
for your country." - John F. Kennedy
In the context of Pakistan, patriotism holds particular significance due to the struggles and
sacrifices made during its creation and thereafter. Mohammad Ali Jinnah, the founding father of
Pakistan, played a pivotal role in advocating for the rights of Muslims in British India and
ultimately leading the movement for an independent Muslim state. His unwavering
determination and leadership paved the way for the creation of Pakistan on August 14, 1947.
"With faith, discipline, and selfless devotion to duty, there is nothing worthwhile that you
cannot achieve." - Mohammad Ali Jinnah
The journey towards independence was marked by countless sacrifices made by Muslims who
yearned for a homeland where they could live freely and practice their religion without fear of
persecution. From the Lahore Resolution of 1940, which called for the establishment of separate
Muslim-majority states, to the Partition of India in 1947, millions of Muslims endured immense
hardships and sacrifices to realize the dream of Pakistan. "A journey of a thousand miles
begins with a single step" - Lao Tzu.
Even after the creation of Pakistan, the spirit of patriotism continued to thrive as its citizens
worked tirelessly to build and defend their nation. From the soldiers who bravely defended the
country's borders to the ordinary citizens who contributed to its economic and social
development, patriotism became ingrained in the fabric of Pakistani society. "Patriotism is the
fuel that propels a nation forward, igniting the flames of unity, progress, and prosperity." -
Emily Parker
The struggles and sacrifices of the past serve as a reminder of the importance of patriotism in
shaping the destiny of a nation. It is a force that transcends individual interests and binds people
together in a common cause. Patriotism inspires people to rise above their differences and work
towards a shared vision of a better future for their country.
In conclusion, patriotism is a powerful force that drives individuals to love, defend, and
contribute to the well-being of their country. In the case of Pakistan, the struggles and sacrifices
of its people, led by visionaries like Mohammad Ali Jinnah, exemplify the enduring spirit of
patriotism that continues to shape the nation's identity and destiny. "The essence of patriotism
is the sacrifice of personal interest to public welfare." - William H. Burleigh

18. Beggary
Beggary, a prevalent social issue across the globe, reflects a complex interplay of economic,
social, and psychological factors. It is a distressing manifestation of poverty and deprivation and
a painful picture of homelessness, unemployment and mental health challenges. It is a complex
social issue widespread worldwide, including in Pakistan. "Beggary is no crime, but it is the
evidence of a broken society." - Aristotle
Beggary, often a consequence of poverty, lack of education, unemployment, and social
exclusion, manifests in various forms. In Pakistan, beggars can be found in abundance,
particularly in urban centers and areas with high foot traffic such as bazaars, marketplaces, and
religious sites. These individuals, often facing dreadful circumstances, resort to begging as a
means of survival, relying on the generosity of others to meet their daily needs. "Beggary is a
symptom of systemic failure rather than individual fault." - Bertrand Russell
However, the phenomenon of beggary in Pakistan is not solely a product of individual hardship.
It is also influenced by systemic issues such as economic inequality, inadequate social welfare
infrastructure, and organized beggary mafias. These mafias, operating secretly and exploiting
vulnerable individuals, including children and disabled persons, contribute to the perpetuation of
beggary as a profitable enterprise. "Beggary is the mirror reflecting the inequalities of
society." - Karl Marx
The presence of beggars in public spaces poses significant social, economic, and ethical
challenges. It reflects the grim picture of poverty and deprivation faced by a segment of the
population, serving as a reminder of the inequalities that persist within Pakistani society.
Moreover, the proliferation of beggars in urban areas can detract from the overall ambiance and
cleanliness of public spaces, impacting tourism and economic activities.
To combat beggary effectively, a holistic approach is needed—one that addresses the underlying
causes while providing support and opportunities for those most at risk. This includes initiatives
aimed at poverty alleviation, vocational training, and job creation, as well as measures to
strengthen social welfare programs and ensure access to essential services. By tackling the
multifaceted nature of the issue, Pakistan can work towards a more equitable society where every
individual has the opportunity to thrive with dignity and respect. Additionally, there is a need for
greater enforcement of laws targeting beggary mafias and the protection of vulnerable
individuals from exploitation and abuse. "Beggary is the consequence of a society that values
wealth over humanity." - Albert Einstein
Ultimately, addressing beggary requires a coordinated effort from government agencies, non-
profit organizations, community leaders, and individuals alike. By addressing the root causes of
poverty and inequality, providing support and opportunities for marginalized individuals, and
fostering a culture of compassion and solidarity, we can work towards creating a more equitable
and just society where beggary is no longer a prevalent phenomenon. "Beggary is the legacy of
a society that values material possessions over human dignity." - Martin Luther King Jr.

19. Why I Love Pakistan

Pakistan, a land of beauty, diversity, and sacrifice, holds a special place in my heart. Its
breathtaking northern areas, rich culture, and warm-hearted people make it a paradise on earth.
Besides, it is quite natural to be emotionally attached to the country one lives in. "Pakistan is
not just a piece of land to me; it is my identity, my heritage, and my pride." - Fatima
Firstly, let me paint a picture of the northern areas of Pakistan. Nestled amidst majestic
mountains and lush green valleys, these regions are nothing short of a paradise. The towering
peaks of the Himalayas and Karakoram ranges, including the legendary K2, stand as a testament
to Pakistan's natural splendor. The crystal-clear rivers, serene lakes, and vibrant meadows add to
the charm of this heavenly landscape. Exploring these regions feels like stepping into a painting,
with every scene leaving an everlasting imprint on the soul. "In the northern areas of
Pakistan, time seems to stand still, allowing one to bask in the serenity of nature's
untouched splendor." - Anonymous
Moreover, Pakistan's cultural diversity is an invaluable treasure that never fails to amaze me.
From the bustling streets of Lahore to the ancient ruins of Mohenjo-Daro, every corner of
Pakistan has a story to tell. Its rich history is reflected in its art, music, dance, and cuisine. The
colorful festivals and traditions showcase the harmony and unity among its people, despite the
differences in language and ethnicity. This cultural tapestry is what makes Pakistan truly unique
and fascinating.
However, what truly sets Pakistan apart is its people. Known for their hospitality and warmth,
Pakistanis welcome strangers with open arms and hearts. The sense of community and kinship is
deeply ingrained in their culture, making visitors feel like family wherever they go. It is this
spirit of generosity and kindness that makes Pakistan a home away from home for many.
"Hospitality is the art of making others feel welcome, comfortable, and valued." -
Lastly, the creation of Pakistan under the visionary leadership of Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali
Jinnah is a story of unparalleled sacrifice and determination. Against all odds, Jinnah and the
freedom fighters of Pakistan fought tirelessly for the rights of their people. The partition of India
in 1947, though marked by bloodshed and turmoil, paved the way for the birth of Pakistan as an
independent nation. The countless sacrifices made by the martyrs and heroes of Pakistan will
forever be remembered with reverence and gratitude.
In conclusion, my love for Pakistan stems from its unparalleled beauty, diverse culture,
hospitable people, and the sacrifices made for its creation. It is a land of dreams and aspirations,
where every sunrise brings new hope and every sunset whispers tales of resilience and courage.
Pakistan will always hold a special place in my heart, for it is not just a country; it is a home
where love knows no bounds. "Pakistan is not just a destination; it's a journey of self-
discovery, where every step reveals new wonders and every moment unfolds a story of love
and belonging." - Unknown

20. My Aim in Life

Everyone has dreams and aspirations in life. These dreams give us direction and purpose,
guiding us towards a fulfilling future. My aim in life is to become a teacher. "Education is the
most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world." - Nelson Mandela
Teaching is a noble profession that holds the power to shape young minds and inspire future
generations. Ever since I was a child, I have admired the role of teachers in society. They not
only impart knowledge but also instill values, encourage creativity, and nurture confidence in
their students. "The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains. The superior teacher
demonstrates. The great teacher inspires." - William Arthur Ward
My passion for teaching stems from my desire to make a positive difference in the lives of
others. I believe that education is the key to unlocking endless opportunities and empowering
individuals to reach their full potential. As a teacher, I aspire to be a guiding light for my
students, helping them discover their strengths, overcome challenges, and pursue their dreams
with determination. "Teaching is not about filling a pail, but lighting a fire." - W B Yeats
Moreover, I find joy in the process of teaching and sharing knowledge with others. There is a
sense of fulfillment that comes from witnessing the growth and development of students under
my guidance. The opportunity to inspire curiosity, spark imagination, and foster a love for
learning is what drives me towards this noble profession. "A good teacher can inspire hope,
ignite the imagination, and instill a love of learning." - Brad Henry
Additionally, I am drawn to the idea of contributing to the betterment of society through
education. By equipping students with the necessary skills, values, and critical thinking abilities,
I hope to play a role in building a brighter future for our communities. Education has the power
to break barriers, bridge gaps, and create a more inclusive and harmonious society.
To achieve my aim of becoming a teacher, I am committed to pursuing higher education and
acquiring the necessary qualifications and skills. I understand that teaching requires patience,
dedication, and continuous learning. Therefore, I am prepared to invest my time and effort into
honing my teaching abilities and staying updated with the latest educational practices. "A good
teacher is like a candle – it consumes itself to light the way for others." - Mustafa Kemal
In conclusion, my aim in life is to become a teacher because I believe in the transformative
power of education. I want to inspire, empower, and make a positive impact on the lives of
others through teaching. With determination, hard work, and passion, I am confident that I can
fulfill my dream of becoming a teacher and contribute towards building a brighter future for
generations to come. "The art of teaching is the art of assisting discovery." - Mark Van

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