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United Nations Security Council (UNSC)

Background Guide

Agenda: Deliberation upon the Possible Involvement of International Entities in the Death of Iranian
President and Foreign Minister

Table of Contents:

1. Introduction

- Overview of the UNSC

- Introduction to the Agenda

2. Historical Context

- Iran’s Political Landscape

- Key Figures: The Iranian President and Foreign Minister

- Precedents of International Interference in Iran

3. Details of the Incident

- Timeline of Events

- Immediate Aftermath

- Current Status of Investigations

4. Possible International Entities Involved

- State Actors

- Non-State Actors

- International Organizations

5. Legal and Political Implications

- International Law and Sovereignty

- Diplomatic Relations and Repercussions

- Human Rights and Justice

6. Case Studies

- Historical Precedents of Political Assassinations

- Analysis of Similar Incidents

7. Current International Response

- Actions by the UNSC

- Statements from Key Nations

- Regional Organizations' Responses

8. Possible Solutions and Future Actions

- Strengthening International Norms and Laws

- Mechanisms for Accountability

- Diplomatic Dialogue and Conflict Resolution

9. Questions a Resolution Must Answer

10. Conclusion

11. Further Reading and Resources

1. Introduction

Overview of the UNSC

The United Nations Security Council (UNSC) is one of the six principal organs of the United Nations,
charged with ensuring international peace and security, accepting new members to the United
Nations, and approving any changes to its charter. Its powers include establishing peacekeeping
operations, enacting international sanctions, and authorizing military action. The UNSC has 15
members, consisting of five permanent members with veto power (China, France, Russia, the United
Kingdom, and the United States) and ten non-permanent members elected for two-year terms.

Introduction to the Agenda

The agenda "Deliberation upon the Possible Involvement of International Entities in the Death of
Iranian President and Foreign Minister" addresses a critical and multifaceted issue that holds
significant implications for global peace, regional stability, and the principles of international law.
The deaths of high-ranking Iranian officials could potentially destabilize the Middle East, alter
geopolitical dynamics, and provoke a wide array of responses from the international community.
This background guide aims to provide comprehensive insights into the historical context, the
incident, potential international involvement, and the broader implications of this agenda item.

2. Historical Context
Iran’s Political Landscape

Pre-1979 Revolution

Prior to 1979, Iran was a monarchy under Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi. His regime was marked by
modernization efforts, economic growth, and a strong alliance with Western powers, particularly the
United States. However, his rule also experienced significant opposition due to political repression
and social inequality, which eventually led to widespread discontent.

The 1979 Islamic Revolution

The 1979 Islamic Revolution was a watershed moment in Iranian history, resulting in the overthrow
of the Shah and the establishment of an Islamic Republic led by Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini. This
revolution transformed Iran’s political system into a theocratic republic where clerical leaders wield
significant power.

Post-Revolution Iran

Post-revolution, Iran’s political landscape has been characterized by a complex interplay between
democratic institutions and religious authorities. The President, elected by popular vote, oversees
the executive branch, while the Supreme Leader holds ultimate authority over state matters,
including foreign policy and military decisions.

Key Figures: The Iranian President and Foreign Minister

The President

The President of Iran is the head of the executive branch and is responsible for implementing the
country’s domestic and foreign policies. The President is elected every four years and may serve a
maximum of two consecutive terms. The role includes significant influence over economic policies,
social programs, and diplomatic initiatives.

The Foreign Minister

The Foreign Minister of Iran plays a crucial role in shaping and executing the country’s foreign policy.
The Foreign Minister is responsible for managing diplomatic relations, representing Iran in
international forums, and negotiating treaties and agreements.

Precedents of International Interference in Iran

Iran has a history of foreign interference in its internal affairs, which has shaped its contemporary
political dynamics and relations with other nations. Notable incidents include:

- 1953 Coup d'état: The CIA and MI6 orchestrated a coup to overthrow Prime Minister Mohammad
Mossadegh after he nationalized the Iranian oil industry. This event had long-lasting effects on Iran’s
political development and its relations with the West.

- Iran-Iraq War (1980-1988): Various international actors played significant roles in the Iran-Iraq War,
influencing the conflict’s duration and intensity.

- Assassinations of Nuclear Scientists: Over the past two decades, several Iranian nuclear scientists
have been assassinated, with suspicions often directed towards foreign intelligence agencies.

3. Details of the Incident

Timeline of Events

A precise timeline of events leading up to and following the deaths of the Iranian President and
Foreign Minister is crucial for understanding the context and potential motivations behind the
incident. This timeline will include key political developments, security incidents, and diplomatic

Immediate Aftermath

The immediate aftermath of the deaths saw a range of reactions domestically and internationally,

- Domestic Responses: Statements from Iranian officials, political factions, and public reactions.

- International Responses: Reactions from major global powers, neighboring countries, and
international organizations.

- Security Measures: Steps taken by the Iranian government to secure the nation and prevent further
Current Status of Investigations

An overview of the evidence gathered and the investigations conducted so far, including:

- Initial Reports: Preliminary findings from the scene of the incident.

- Statements from Authorities: Information provided by Iranian security and intelligence agencies.

- Independent Investigations: Involvement of international bodies or foreign governments in

investigating the deaths.

- Forensic Analysis: Details of forensic evidence and its implications for identifying potential

4. Possible International Entities Involved

State Actors

Potential state actors who might have been involved in the deaths include:

- United States: Given the historical animosity and recent tensions between the US and Iran, the
potential involvement of American intelligence or military agencies will be explored.

- Israel: Known for its strong opposition to Iran’s regional policies and nuclear ambitions, Israel's
potential role and motivations will be examined.

- Saudi Arabia: As a regional rival, Saudi Arabia's possible involvement, directly or indirectly, will be

- Other Regional Players: The roles of other Middle Eastern countries with vested interests in Iran’s
stability, such as Turkey and the UAE, will be analyzed.

Non-State Actors

The involvement of non-state actors, such as terrorist groups, militant organizations, and private
security firms, will be considered:

- Terrorist Organizations: Groups like ISIS or Al-Qaeda and their possible motivations for targeting
Iranian leadership.
- Militant Groups: Domestic opposition groups or insurgents within Iran.

- Private Security Firms: The potential role of private military contractors hired by foreign states or

International Organizations

Potential roles of international organizations, either through direct involvement or indirect

influence, will be examined. This includes:

- United Nations: Any UN missions or personnel in the region who might have relevant information
or an inadvertent role.

- International NGOs: Organizations operating in Iran that could have had access or influence.

5. Legal and Political Implications

International Law and Sovereignty

The incident raises significant questions about international law and the principle of state
sovereignty, including:

- Violation of Sovereignty: Any foreign involvement in the deaths of high-ranking officials constitutes
a severe breach of Iran’s sovereignty.

- International Law: Relevant international laws, conventions, and treaties that may apply, including
those related to assassination, terrorism, and state-sponsored violence.

Diplomatic Relations and Repercussions

The incident’s impact on Iran’s diplomatic relations with other countries will be examined, focusing

- Bilateral Relations: How the incident has affected Iran’s relations with key countries, including allies
and adversaries.

- Diplomatic Measures: Actions taken by Iran and other countries, such as expelling diplomats,
imposing sanctions, or initiating dialogues.
Human Rights and Justice

Issues related to human rights and justice are critical in the aftermath of such an incident. This
section will cover:

- Accountability: Efforts to hold those responsible accountable, whether through domestic or

international mechanisms.

- Victims' Rights: Ensuring justice for the victims and their families, including reparations and

6. Case Studies

Historical Precedents of Political Assassinations

A review of historical precedents where international entities were involved in the assassinations of
high-profile political figures, including:

- 1981 Assassination of Egyptian President Anwar Sadat: Analysis of the international dimensions
and repercussions.

- 1995 Assassination of Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin: Examination of the incident and its
impact on peace processes.

Analysis of Similar Incidents

Comparing the current incident with similar past incidents to draw lessons and identify patterns,

- Assassination of Lebanese Prime Minister Rafic Hariri: Examination of the international implications
and the subsequent investigations.

- Targeted Killings of Iranian Nuclear Scientists: Analysis of these incidents in the context of
international tensions and espionage.

7. Current International Response

Actions by the UNSC

The United Nations Security Council’s actions and statements regarding the incident, including:

- Emergency Sessions: Details of any emergency meetings convened to discuss the situation.

- Resolutions and Statements:

Texts of any resolutions or statements issued by the UNSC in response to the incident.

- Sanctions and Measures: Any sanctions or measures imposed by the UNSC in relation to the

Statements from Key Nations

Reactions and statements from key nations, focusing on:

- Permanent Members of the UNSC: Positions and statements from China, France, Russia, the United
Kingdom, and the United States.

- Regional Powers: Responses from major regional players such as Saudi Arabia, Israel, and Turkey.

Regional Organizations' Responses

The reactions and actions of regional organizations, including:

- Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC): Statements and actions taken by the OIC in response to
the incident.

- Arab League: Reactions from the Arab League and its member states.

- Other Regional Bodies: Involvement and responses from other relevant regional organizations.

8. Possible Solutions and Future Actions

Strengthening International Norms and Laws

Recommendations for strengthening international norms and laws to prevent similar incidents in the
future, including:

- International Legal Frameworks: Proposals for new or amended international laws and treaties.

- Enhancing Cooperation: Measures to enhance cooperation among nations to uphold international

law and prevent political assassinations.

Mechanisms for Accountability

Mechanisms to ensure accountability and justice, such as:

- International Investigations: Establishing independent international investigations to uncover the

truth and hold perpetrators accountable.

- International Courts and Tribunals: Utilizing international courts and tribunals to prosecute those
responsible for the incident.

Diplomatic Dialogue and Conflict Resolution

Steps to promote diplomatic dialogue and conflict resolution to address the underlying issues,

- Mediation and Negotiation: Initiatives to mediate and negotiate between conflicting parties to
reduce tensions.

- Confidence-Building Measures: Proposals for confidence-building measures to foster trust and

cooperation among nations.

9. Questions a Resolution Must Answer

1. Accountability and Justice:

- How can the international community ensure a transparent and impartial investigation into the
deaths of the Iranian President and Foreign Minister?

- What mechanisms can be established to hold those responsible accountable?

2. International Law and Sovereignty:

- How can international law be strengthened to prevent the assassination of political figures?

- What measures can be implemented to protect state sovereignty in the context of international

3. Diplomatic Relations:

- How should the UNSC address the potential diplomatic fallout from the incident?

- What steps can be taken to promote dialogue and reconciliation between Iran and other

4. Regional Stability:

- What actions are necessary to ensure the incident does not escalate regional tensions?

- How can the UNSC support regional stability and peace in the Middle East?

5. Human Rights and Justice:

- How can the rights of the victims and their families be upheld?

- What reparations or support should be provided to the affected families?

10. Conclusion

The deaths of the Iranian President and Foreign Minister have far-reaching implications for
international peace and security, particularly in the volatile Middle East region. The UNSC’s
deliberation on this matter is crucial in determining the appropriate response to ensure justice,
uphold international law, and maintain global stability. This background guide has provided a
comprehensive overview of the historical context, details of the incident, potential international
involvement, and the broader implications of this agenda item. Delegates are encouraged to engage
in thoughtful debate and propose effective solutions to address this critical issue.

11. Further Reading and Resources

1. Books and Articles:

- "Iran: A Modern History" by Abbas Amanat

- "The Unthinkable Revolution in Iran" by Charles Kurzman

- "Assassinations and Political Violence: A Report on the Global Phenomenon" by Peter R.

2. Reports and Documents:

- United Nations Security Council Resolutions and Statements on Iran

- Reports from International Crisis Group on Middle East Affairs

- Analysis from think tanks such as the Brookings Institution and the Council on Foreign Relations

3. Websites:

- United Nations Official Website (

- International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) (

- Council on Foreign Relations (

4. News Outlets:

- BBC News

- Al Jazeera

- Reuters

- The New York Times

Delegates are encouraged to utilize these resources to deepen their understanding of the issue and
to inform their positions and proposals during the committee sessions.

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