GRADE 10 PT 2 TENTATIVE SYLLABUS 2024-25 (1) (1)

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Grade 10

PT- 2
ENGLISH Section A- Reading Passage (Discursive and Case study based)

Section B- Writing (Formal letter to the editor, letter of complaint +

Analytical Paragraph)

Section C- Grammar (Tenses, Modals, determiners and Subject Verb


Section D- Literature
First Flight (Prose) - A letter to God, Nelson Mandela- A long walk to
freedom, Two stories about flying, From the diary of Anne Frank, Glimpses
of India, Mijbil the Otter,
Poem- Dust of snow, Fire and Ice, A tiger in the Zoo, How to tell wild
animals, The Ball Poem, The Trees, Fog.
Footprints without feet- (Prose)- A Triumph of Surgery, The Thief’s story,
The midnight Visitor and A Question of Trust, The Making of the Scientist.

MATHEMATICS Chap 1 Real Numbers

Chap2 Polynomials
Chap3 Pair of linear equation in two variables
Chap4 Quadratic Equations
Chap5 Arithmetic Progression
Chap6 Triangles
Chap7 Coordinate Geometry
Chap8 Introduction to trigonometry
PHYSICS Reflection of light by curved surfaces; Images formed by spherical mirrors,
centre of curvature, principal axis, principal focus, focal length, mirror
formula (Derivation not required), magnification. Refraction; Laws of
refraction, refractive index. Refraction of light by spherical lens; Image
formed by spherical lenses; Lens formula (Derivation not required);
Magnification. Power of a lens.

Functioning of a lens in human eye, defects of vision and their corrections,

applications of spherical mirrors and lenses. Refraction of light through a
prism, dispersion of light, scattering of light, applications in daily life
(excluding colour of the sun at sunrise and sunset).
Electric current, potential difference and electric current. Ohm’s law;
Resistance, Resistivity, Factors on which the resistance of a conductor
depends. Series combination of resistors, parallel combination of resistors
and its applications in daily life.
CHEMISTRY Ch1: Chemical reactions and equations
Ch2: Acids, Bases and Salts
Ch3: Metals and nonmetals till properties of ionic compounds.

BIOLOGY Ch- 5 Life Processes

Ch- 6 Control and Co-ordination
HISTORY & History
CIVICS Ch 1: Rise of Nationalism in Europe
Ch 2: Rise of Nationalism in India (with map work)
Ch 1: Power Sharing
Ch 2: Federalism
Ch 3: Gender Religion and Caste
GEOGRAPHY Ch 1: Resource and Development
Ch 2: Forest and Wildlife Resources
Ch 3: Water Resource
Ch 4: Agriculture
ECONOMICS • Chapter 1: Development
• Chapter 2: Sectors of the Indian Economy
AI Part A
• Unit 1: Communication Skills
• Unit 2: Self-Management Skills
• Unit 3: ICT Skills

Part B
• Unit 1: Introduction to Artificial Intelligence (AI)
• Unit 2: AI Project Cycle
• Unit 3: Advance Python
• Unit 4: Data Science
BANKING & Banking
INSURANCE Unit 1 – Laws Relating to Negotiable Instruments
Unit 2 – Lending Functions of a Bank
Unit 3 – Utility Services of a Bank

Employability Skills
Unit 1 – Communication Skills
Unit 2 – Self Management Skills
DATA SCIENCE Part B: Subject Specific Skills
Chapter1 :Use of Statistics in data Science
Chapter2: Distributions in Data Science
Chapter 3: Identifying Patterns
• Embed audio and video in a HTML page
Unit 3: Cyber ethics

TRAVEL & Unit 1- Soft skill 1

TOURISM Unit-2 Introduction to Tourism-II
Unit-3 Tourism Business
Entrepreneurial Skills

HINDI स्पर्श- गद्य खंड - पाठ-1 बड़े भाई साहब

पाठ-2 डायरी का एक पन्ना
पाठ- 3 ततााँरा-वामीरो कथा
पाठ- 4 तीसरी कसम के शिल्पकार िैलेन्र
पद्य खंड – पाठ -1 कबीर साखी
पाठ- 2 मीरा के पद
पाठ- 4 मनुष्यता
पाठ- 5 पववत प्रदेि में पावस

सचं यन – पाठ 1 हररहर काका

व्यावहारिक व्याकिण- समास, मुहावरे, वाक्य रूपाांतरण (रचना के आधार पर)
िचनात्मक लेखन- शवज्ञापन लेखन, सूचना लेखन, अनुच्छे द लेखन, औपचाररक पत्र (प्राथवना पत्र/सांपादकीय पत्र),
लघुकथा लेखन / ईमेल लेखन
अपठित बोध - गद्ाांि

GERMAN Lesson 6, 7
Section A-Reading
*Two Unseen Passages
Section B-Writing
Section C-Grammar
*Konjunktion-ob, als, weil
*Komperativ und Superlativ Adjektiv
Section D-Coursebook
*Two Fill in the blank
*Seen Passage

A) Reading Section: (True/ False or Answer the questions or choose
the correct option)
B) Grammar Section:
• Regular and irregular verbs in present tense
• Reflexive tense and impersonal ‘se’
• Double negation
• Conjunction – ‘además, es que, ya, todavía no, aún, etc.
• Comparativos y Superlativos (más, menos, tan/ tanto +que)
• Estar + gerundio
• Prepositions ‘por / para’
• Muy vs mucho/a/os/as
• Adverbios de lugares
• Match them
• Text completion with present tense
• Picture description (True/False)
• Tener doler de + sustantivo, Tener+que+infinitivo, Deber+infinitivo
• Objeto directo e indirecto pronombres
• Imperativos affirmativos
• Pretérito perfecto, futuro: marcadores temporales
• Pretérito indefinido, imperfecto and pluscuamperfecto: marcadores

D) Culture/Civilization/Literature: (MCQ)
i) Culture and history: Elementary familiarity with cultural information
such as important events and days, monuments, festivals, cuisines, touristic
spots, famous personalities, political and geographical aspects relating to
Spain and rest of the Latin American countries.
a) Writers: Félix Lope de Vega, such as La Dorotea and Fuenteovejuna,
b) Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer, such as Rimas and Las leyendas, c) Camilo
José Cela, such as La familia de Pascual Duarte and La Colmena, d)
Gabriel García Márquez, such as Cien años de soledad and La increíble
y triste historia de Eréndira y se su abuela desalmada.
FRENCH SECTION A –Unseen passage
SECTION B- writing-
1. Letter
2. Message
3. Invitation
4. Complete a story (Fill ups)
Section C – Grammaire-
1. Futur proche and futur simple.
2. Future anterieur
3. Plus que parfait
4. Adjective and pronoun demonstrative
5. Adjective and pronoun possessive
6. Subjonctif
7. Expression with “avoir”.
Section D- Culture et civilization- CH 4,5,6,7
MUSIC • Alaap
• Taan
• Meend
• Kan
• Dhrupad
• Dhamaar
• Tarana
• Structure and Tuning of Tanpura
• Life Sketch - Tansen
• Taal – Rupak (Thah, Dugun, Tigun, Chaugun)
• Raag Bhupali (Description, Notation and Taan)

• Raag Bhupali (Bandish and Taans)
• Taal – Rupak (Thah and Dugun)
Unit 2- Methods and Materials of Painting
Chapter 3- Understanding and Appropriate use of Tools
Chapter 4- Understanding and Appropriate use of Painting Materials

Unit 3- Story of Indian Painting

Painting- Bodhisatva Padmapani
Sculpture- Lion Capital from Sarnath
Architecture- Kailashnatha Temple

Figurative Composition
Still Life

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