Study Schedule For MDCAT STUDENTS

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Study Schedule For MDCAT STUDENTS

100 days Study Plan By Dr Manoj

1st phase of Revision
(Lecture + Book + MCQs)
Date Subject Chapters Topics
25/5/24 Biology 1 Year Cell structure and Cell wall, cell membrane ,cytoplasm,
Function Nucleus ,ER,Mitochondria ,Golgi apparatus ,
Lysosomes , Plastids ,vacuole , difference
between prokaryotes and Eukaryotes , ,
Difference between plant cell and animal cells
26/5/24 Biology 1st year Biological molecules Water , Carbohydrates , Protein , Lipids ,
Nucleic acid (DNA and RNA), Conjugated
27/5/24 Biology 1st Year Enzymes Characteristics of enzymes , Mechanism of
action of enzymes , Factors affecting rate of
enzyme action , Enzyme inhibtion
28/5/24 Biology 1st Year Bioenergetics Anaerobic Respiration , Aerobic respiration
(Glycolysis , Krebs cycle , Electron transport
chain), Photosynthesis (Light Reaction , Dark
reaction), role of Light , water , CO2 and factors
affecting photosynthesis
29/5/24 Biology 1st Year Acellular Life/Variety of Discovery of virus , Structure of virus ,
Life classification of virus , vial diseases
30/5/24 Biology 1st year Prokaryotes /Kingdom Cellular structure of bacteria , Classification of
Monera bacteria (shape and size), importance of
bacteria , bacterial diseases , control of
harmful bacteria
31/5/24 Biology 1st year Kingdom Animalia Characteristics of All phyla
1/6/24 Biology 1st year Nutrition/Digestion & Oral cavity, Esophagus, Stomach , Small
Absorption Intestine , Large intestine , diseases related to
digestive organs
2/6/24 Biology 1st Year Circulatory Heart , Conduction system , structure of heart ,
system/Transportation phases of cardiac cycle, difference of arteries ,
veins and capillaries , Lymphatic system
3/6/24 Biology 1st Year Plants and their functions Nutrition in plants (carnivorous plants ) ,
Osmotic Pressure , water and mineral uptake
by roots , xylem and pheloem
4/6/24 Test Biology 1st All topics of smart Biology 1st year Test : on 4th June 2024
year syllabus 1st year biology
4/6/24 Physics 1st Year Force & Motion Displacement , Velocity,displacement time
graph , Accelration ,Acceleration Time Graph,
Newton’s Laws of Motion , Linear momentum ,
Law of conservation of momentum , Elastic
collision along with all cases , Projectile motion
, characteritics of projectile motion , Time of
flight, Maximum height , Range
5/6/24 Physics 1st year Work and Energy Work ,Energy , Kinetic energy , potential
energy , gravitational portential energy, power
6/6/24 Physics 1st year Rotational and circular Angular displacement , Revolution , Degree ,
motion Radian, Angular velocity , Relation between
linear and angular velocities , Relation
between linear and angular dispalcments ,
relation between linear an angular velocities ,
Relation between linear and angular
accelrations, centripetal force, forces causing
centripetal acceleration
7/6/24 Physics 1st year Waves Progressive waves , Characteristics of waves ,
Types of progressive waves , speed of sound in
air , Stationary waves , Interference of sound
waves , beats , doppler’s effect
8/6/24 Physics 1st year Oscillations Simple hormonic motion , charateristics of
SHM, Amplitude , vibration , Simple
pendulum , and numerical problems
9/6/24 Physics 1st year Heat & Thermodynamics 1st Law of Thermodynamics , State , Change ,
isothermal , isobaric , isochoric , adiabatic
systems , transfer of heat from hot to cold
body , specific heat and molar specific heat
10/6/24 Test Physics 1st All topics of smart Physics1st year Test : on 10th June 2024
year syllabus 1st year Physics
10/6/24 Chemistry 1st year Introduction to Atomic mass , Empirical formula , Molecular
fundamental concepts of formula , Concepts of mole , mole ratio ,
Chemistry/Stochiometery stichiomatric calculation and numericals,
Limiting reactant , Percentage yield.
11/6/24 Chemistry 1st year Atomic Structure Discovery and properties of protons,planks
quantum theory(photon as a unit of radiant
energy), concept of orbitals, Quantum
numbers , shape of orbitals , Electronic
confugiration , Auf bau principle , pauli
exclusion principle ,Hunds Rule
12/6/24 Chemistry 1st Year Gases Postualtes of Kinetic Molecular theory ,
Properties of gases , STP , Boyle’s law , Charles’
Law , General gas equation , Ideal gas equation
, absolute zero , Difference between ideal and
real gas
13/6/24 Chemistry 1st Year Liquids Properties of Liquids , Intermolecular forces ,
Hydrogen bonding , Vapor pressure ,
Evaporation , Boiling point , Anomalous
behaviour of water.
14/6/24 Chemistry 1st year Solids Types of solids (Crystalline and
Amorphous),Factors that affect the shape of
ionic crystal , Ionic and molecular solids ,
Lattice energy
15/6/24 Chemistry 1st year Chemical Equilibrium Reversible and Irreversible reactions , State
equilibrium , Equilibrium constant expression
for important reactions , Applications of
equlibrum constant , Solubililty product , The
Le chatlier’s principle , Haber’s process , Buffer
solutions ,
16/6/24 Chemistry 1st year Chemical kinetics Rate law , rate equation , order of reaction ,
rate determining step , Factors affecting rate of
reaction , activation energy and activation
complex , units of rate constant ,
17/6/24 Eid 1st day Eid celebration
18/6/24 Eid 2nd day Eid celebration
19/6/24 Chemistry 1st year Thermochemistry Exothermic and Endothermic Reaction , system
/Energetics of chemical , surrounding and state function, First law of
Reaction thermodynamics , Hess’s Law , Enthalpy of
reaction ,
20/6/24 Chemistry 1st year Electrochemistry Oxidation number /state , Electrolysis ,
Characteristics of redox reaction ,
Cathode ,anode , electrode potential , S.H.E
(standard hydrogen electrode ), Balancing of
equation by oxidation number method and ion
electron method
21/6/24 Chemistry 1st Year Chemical Bonding Energetics of bond formation , Atomic mass ,
Atomic radii ,Ionic radii , Ionization energy ,
Caovalent radii , ionization energy , Electron
affinity , electro negativity , Bond energy , Ionic
bond , covalent bond , coordinate covalent
bond , ionic character of bond ,sigma and pi
bond , hybridization (Sp3 , sp2, sp) , Valence
shell electron pair repulsion theory , Velance
bond theory
22/6/24 Test chemistry 1st All topics of smart Chemistry 1st year Test : on 22nd June 2024
year syllabus 1st year
22/6/24 Biology 2nd Year Respiratory Nose , Pharnyx , Treachea , larynx , bronchi ,
system/Gaseous bronchioles ,alveoli, lungs , Lung disorders
23/6/24 Biology 2nd year Support & Movement Cartilage , Types of muscles , bones , structure
of skeletal muscle , Mechanism of skeletal
muscle contraction (sliding filament
model),Types of joints , arthritis
24/6/24 Biology 2nd year Cooridnation & Control Nerve impulse , Structure and Types of
Neurons , Steps involved in nervous
cooridantion ,Synapse (Electrical and Chemical
synapse),Trasnmission of nerve impulse,
myelinated and non myliented neuron,
Reflexes and reflex arc , Levels of spinal cord
and its main functions, Parts of brain and main
25/6/24 Biology 2nd year Chemical coordination Hormones , All Endocrine glands and their
hormones , Negative and positive feed back
26/6/24 Biology 2nd Year Reproduction Male & Female Reproductive system,
Mesntural cycle and phases , Sexually
transmitted diseases
27/6/24 Biology 2nd year Variation & Genetics Law of segregation , Mendel law of
independent assortment , probabiity genetics ,
gene linkage , sex linkage , Crossing over , Sex
linkage in drosophila , heamophilia
28/6/24 Biology 2nd yea & Evolution & Columb’s law , Electric field and its intensity ,
Physics 2nd Year Electriostatics Electric field and its intensity , Electric field
intensity due to infinite sheet of charge & two
oppositly charged plates , Electric potential ,
Capacitor , capacitance of capacor and its units
, capacitance of parallel plate capacitor ,Energy
stored in a capacitor , Charging and
discharging of a capicitor
29/6/24 Test Biology 2nd All topics of smart Biology 2nd year Test : on 29th June 2024
year syllabus 2nd year Biology
29/6/24 Physics 2nd year Current Electricity Steady current , Ohms law , Electrical
resistance and resistivity ,effect of temperature
on resistance , internal resistance of battery ,
Electrical power & its units ,Maximum power
30/6/24 Physics 2nd year Electromagnetism Magnetic field , Magnetic flux , flux density ,
units , path followed by charged particles in
magentci field , force acting on charged
particles in magnetic field
1/7/24 Physics 2nd year Electromagnetic Faraday’s law of electromagnetic induction ,
induction Lenz law , Lenz law and conservation of
energy , Alternating current gernator ,
2/7/24 Physics 2nd year Electronics Rectification, use of diodes for rectification
3/7/24 Physics 2nd year Dawn of Modern Physics Black body radiation , Planks quantum theory ,
Photoelectric effect , pair production ,
comptons effect
4/7/24 Physics 2nd year Atomic spectra Atomic spectrum of hydrogen , Lymen series ,
balmer series , paschan series , braket series ,
pfund series
5/7/24 Physics 2nd year Nuclear physics Model of atom (electron , protons , neutrons ,
nucleons ), sponatanoue sand random decay ,
Half life and rate of decay , Biological effects of
6/7/24 Test Physics 2nd All topics of smart Physics 2nd year Test : on 6th July 2024
year syllabus 2nd year Phyiscs
6/7/24 Chemistry 2nd year S & P block Elements Electronic configuration , chemical properties
of s block elements , Group I elements (Alkali
metals), Atomic and Physics properties , Trends
in reactivity, Group 2 elements , trends in
reactivity , physical and chemical properties ,
group trends
7/7/24 Chemistry 2nd year Transition elements All charctaeristics of transition elements
8/7/24 Chemistry 2nd year Fundamentals of organic Classification of organic compounds ,
chemistry isomerism and types, Fucntional group ,
9/7/24 Chemistry 2nd year Hydrocarbons Aliphatic and Aromatic hydrocarbons ,
nomenclature, shape , chemical reactivity of
alkanes ,nomenclature , shape , preparation ,
chemical reactivity of alkenes , nomenclature,
shape , preparation and chemical reactivity of
alkynes , acidic hydrogen of alkyne,
nomenclature , preparation , chemical
reactivity of benzene , electrophilic
subustitution reactions of benzene
10/7/24 Chemistry 2nd year Alkyl halides Classification of alkyl halides , Nomenclature ,
reactivity of Alkyl halides , Nucleophilic
substitution and elimination reactions.
11/7/24 Chemistry 2nd year Alcohols & Phenols Nomenclature of alcohols , strcutrue of
alochols , reactivity of alcohols , chemical
reactions , nomenclature of phenols , structure
of phenols , electrophilic aromatic substitution
reaction , difference between alcohol and
12/7/24 Chemistry 2nd year Aldehyde and ketones Nomenclature and strcutrue of aldehyde and
ketones , Preparation of aldehyde and
ketones , reactivity of aldehyde and ketones ,
Nucleophilic addition reactions, oxidation
13/7/24 Chemistry 2nd year Carboxylic acids Nomenclature , classification , physical
properties , preparation , reactivity
14/7/24 Chemistry 2nd year Macromolecules Proteins and enzymes
15/7/24 Test Chemistry 2nd All topics of smart Chemistry 2nd year Test : on 15th July 2024
year syllabus 2nd year
15/7/24 English & Logical
16/7/24 English & Logical
17/7/24 English & Logical
18/7/24 Test All topics of English and English /Logical reasoning Test : on 18th July
English/Logical Logical reasoning 2024
Revise following chapters in 6 Biology 1st Year : 1st Half book test
days (18/7/24 to 23/7/24) Cell structure & Function Including these chapters will be
Biological molecules taken on 24/7/24
Acellular Life
Physics 1st Year :
Force and Motion
Work & Energy
Circular & Rotational Motion
Chemistry 1st Year :
Basic concepts & Stoichiometry
Atomic Structure
English & Logical reasoning

Revise Following chapter in 6 Biology 1st Year : 2nd Half book test
days 24/7/24 to 29/7/24 Prokaryotes Including these chapters will be
Kingdom Animalia taken on 30/7/24
Form & Function in plants
Physics 1st Year : 6
Force & Motion
Work & Energy
Circular & Rotational motion
Heat & Thermodynamics
Chemistry 1st Year : 5 Chapters
Chemical Bonding
Chemical Equilibrium
Chemical kinetics
Revise following chapters in 6 Biology 2nd year: 3rd Half book test
days 30/7/24 to 4/8/24 Respiratory system Including these chapters will be
Support & Movement taken on 5/8/24
Nervous Coordination
Chemistry 2nd Year
S & P Block elements
Transition elements
Physics 2nd Year
Current Electricity
Logical Reasoning

Revise Following chapters in 6 Biology 2nd year: 4th Half book test
days 5/8/24 to 10/8/24 Chemical cooridnation Including these chapters will be
Reprodutive system taken on 11/8/24

Chemistry 2nd Year

Fundemnatels of Organic
Physics 2nd Year
Electromagnetic induction
Logical Reasoning

Revise Following chapters in 6 Biology 2nd year : 5th Half book test
days 11/8/24 to 16/8/24 Variation and Genetics Including these chapters will be
Evolution taken on 17/8/24
Physics 2nd Year :
Dawn of Modern
Atomic spectra
Nuclear Physics
Chemistry 2nd Year
Organic Chemistry
English & Logical reasoning

1st Grand test Complete 1st year all subjects 25/8/24

2nd Grand test Complete 2dn year all subjects 31/8/24

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