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Dil xe Cee) (meted DELICE ‘communication: ‘+ can travel long distances through air television and ‘longer wavelengths can bend around Bay iwattes . \ger wavelengths can bend ar Li Eee (including obstructions to allow detection of luetoott i inti signals when notin tine of ight can penetrate the body and communication: mobile |* Cnbasstivough Earth ‘satmospheret0 | cause internal heating i phones, satellite microwaves | torimunications; ‘+ can penetrate into food and are cooking food absorbed by water molecules in food, heating it + all hot objects emitinfrared waves — night vision devices, sensorscan detectthesetotumnthem |. Garage orkil skin cells infrared heating, communication: | into an image due to heating (skin burns) ‘TV remote controls ‘* can transfer energy quickly to heat rooms and food photography, . a Visible tight | communication: fibre pag bacon visible light | can damage the retina aes carries more information : ‘can damage skin cells, carries more energy than visible light | eto age ultraviolet (uv) | security marking * some chemicals emit light in UV prematurely and increasing radiation and are used in security the riskofskin cancer, and marker pens to mark valuable objects | can cause blindness Xrays medical imaging * pass easily through flesh, but not form of high-energy ionising = through denser materialslike bone —_| radiation - can damage or sterilising surgical + high doses killliving cells, socanbe _ kill ells, cause mutation of gamma rays instruments, killing used to kill cancer cells genes, and lead to cancers harmful bacteria in food VOCE Medical imaging When X-rays interact with the human body, they are strongly absorbed by X-rays affect photographic film in the same ways as X-rays and risk Radiologists who administer X-rays take precautions to reduce risk of visible light. For a long time, this is how X-rays were detected. Now sensors and computers are Used to produce images. absorb microwaves black body electromagnetic wave bone, and transmitted by healthy tissue. Simple X-ray images are used to diagnose broken bones and dental problems. In computed tomography (CT), many X-rays are taken and combined to produce a detailed image that can be used to diagnose disease. definition for these computed tomography emit radio waves gamma rays ultraviolet Scanned wi injury from X-rays. They wear a film badge to show how much ionising radiation they have received, They use lead to shield themselves and parts of the patients from radiation, electromagnetic spectrum infrared vieible light. ionising X-rays PBKnowledge th CamScanner eee es welts (01 There are lamps that can be used to produce a suntan without needing to sunbathe, The lamps emitultraviolet radiation. (01.1 Name an electromagnetic wave with longer wavelength than ultraviolet radiation. [.mark] Read the question — itis only asking for one type oy electromagnetic wave. Yow won't get more marks for writing more types, —— ‘01.2 Name anelectromagnetic wave with higher frequency than ultraviolet radiation, [mark] ee ee 01,3 Describe one hazard of using an ultraviolet lamp. [1 mark] 01.4 People who work outside are exposed to ultraviolet radiation from the Sun. ‘Suggest one method of reducing the risk of injury. [1 mark] 02 —_Ateacher demonstrates how different materials absorb A fa & electromagnetic radiation = Ww They use a high-power lamp and a solar cell to investigate how sheets of transparent film absorb visible | light. They fixthe amp 10cm from the sotar cel, and connect the solar Ea celltoavoltmeter, The solar cel produces a potential difference thats proportional tothe intensity ofthe light that falls ont. Table 1 shows the data that they obtained. Tablet Rts Roo Go through the text and pk out the key points before attempting the questions. You may want to highlight ra important information. Ss SU a re ore mee 0 5.05 6.12 5.68 1 412 361 455 4.10 2 3.4 615 440 : sn 281 3.13 3.02 89 2.02 3.86 292 [os 267 264 7 x 3.21 2.84 Scanned with CamScanner Explain why the potential difference decreases as the number of a Boe sheets of transparent film increases. [2marks) 2.2 Calculate the missing mean in Table 2. [mark] Whenever you're asked to calculate a mean, always check for any outliers. mean= 923 Suggest how a source of systematic error might arise in the ‘experiment, and how it could be reduced. [2 marks] The marks for 02.3 are for giving an error ond saying how to reduceit. Do not give two errors; you will only gain one mark, Don't give two errors 92.4 The teacher repeats the experiment with a gamma radiation source. ‘and describe how one can be Suggest why the teacher ensures that ll students are standing at ee an least 1m from the gamma source. [2marks] errors wrong. You maylore ‘mark! Only ever give what is asked for in the question. 92.5 Compare visible light and gamma rays in terms of wavelength and ability to penetrate the human body. [2marks} Pe Practice @) Scanned with CamScanner ont 01.2 01.3 02 @ 9 Sound and ultrasound style questions Figure 1 shows a graph of the volume of a sound wave on the A §B = screen of an oscilloscope. amplitude (no ut Use the graph to calculate the time period in seconds of wave A, Calculate the frequency of wave A. [2marks] period=_____s eel I— First work out how much exp box on the graph represents seconds, Then write downt frequency = Hz ‘equation you're going touss Compare wave A and wave Bin terms of how they sound. Explain your answer. ‘A guitar has six strings. Each is tuned so thatit produces a different note. [amarks] A LS = te Table 1 shows the frequencies ofthe six strings. Guitar string | Frequency (Hz) Ast 2 2nd 0 3rd ur ath 196 Sth 27 6th 330 Scanned with CamScanner ot 02 os 025 026 03.2 03,3, 034 Explain what is meant by ‘82H2 [umark) Give the string that will produce the note with the highest pitch, [a mark] Explain why you cannot say which string will produce the loudest note. [2marks} “The speed of sound in aris 3407s Calculate the wavelength ‘ofthe sound produced by the 3rd string [marks] wavelength=. m Without doing a calculation, compare the wavelength of the ‘3rd string with the wavelength of the 1st tring. [mark] Explain whether the sound from the 3rd string would be diffracted by a doorway. [Lmark] ‘A student buys a dog whistle, When the student blows on the whistle, they cannot hear the sound but the dog can heart. Suggest a frequency for the sound that the whistle is producing, [mark] The student can hear the dog when it barks. Describe the difference between the sound wave produced by the dog when it barks, and the sound wave produced by the whistle. [mark] Describe the effect of the sound waves on the ear drum. Compare the effect of the sounds of the bark and the whistle on the ear drum. Use your answer to explain why you cannot hear the whistle, [4 marks) ‘Suggest a device that converts the disturbance in a sound wave to the vibration of a solid. [mark] Show all of your working for every calculation. This will help you get marks even if you make a mistake, ‘The question says ‘without doing calculation’ so don't waste time doing a calculation because you won't get any extra marks. Fora compare question, you need to glve ways In which the bark and the whistle have both similar effects and different effects on the eardrum, Po Practice ed Scanned with CamScanner | 04.4 5 05.1 2 5.2 05.3 The student and the dog are in a park. There are buildings | nearby. The student notices that they can hear the echo ofthe barks tis reflected off the buildings. Suggest whether the reflections clear or diffuse. Give reasons for your answer. [2 marks] 12826, two scientists measured the speed of sound in water. In their experiment, an underwater bell was struck atthe same time asa flash of gunpowder went off on the first boat. The sound of the bell andthe flash from the gunpowder were observed 15000m (about 10 miles) away on a second boat. ‘The time between the gunpowder flash and the sound reaching the ‘second boat was used to calculate the speed of sound in water. This is shown in Figure 2. Thisis along and question so cross ou bits that aren’t rel the answer. For exam you canignorein tex ‘two scientists’ becauy year this happened, relevant to the questing Figure 2 bell Explain how you know thatthe bell produces sound, not ultrasound, [mark ‘The person in the second boat recorded the sound at the detector after 10 seconds. Calculate the speed of sound in water. [2 marks] Give one assumption the scientists made in this experiment. [1mark} This question has links with chemistry. Using your knowledge in an unfamlit contexts something youre to expect in the exams, The scientists found that the speed of sound varied with the temperature ofthe water. Suggest whether the speed of sound increases or decreases with temperature. Explain your suggestion, [amarks} ‘Arocket is launched from Earth towards the Moon. The rocket A ‘burns its fuel for Sminutes and then turns offits engines, The rocket == keeps moving through space at speed of 10km/s. Calculate the rocke’s average acceleration during the time that the fuel burns. [amarks} Explain in terms offorceswhy the rocket accelerates, [1 mark] The Moon is approximately 3.8%10*km from Earth. Assuming that the rocket continues ata speed of 10kmys, calculate how longit will take to reach the Moon. Give your answer in an everyday unit. [4 marks] Scanned with CamScanner ca pa p62 ps ond 012 13 ona Suggest a reason why ‘+ itmay take less time than you have calculated «itmay take more time than youhave calculated. [2 marks} ‘scientist attempted to measure the speed of sound A ‘experimentally by measuring the time difference between spotting 4 GB a the flash of a gun and hearing the sound produced by the gun. The experiment was carried out over a long distance on a day without any wind, The value obtained was 478.4m/s. Describe one assumption made when doing this experiment. [mark] Describe the measurements made and how they were used to calculate the speed of sound. [2 marks} ‘The accepted speed of sound is 340my/s. Calculate the percentage This question is asking for a difference between the accepted value and the value calculated by Percentage, so make sure you the scientist. Show your working. [3 marks} ee ‘and use the sign. ‘Another scientist stood 29km away from a cannon. This scientist measured the time interval between the cannon being fired and. hearing the cannon. They calculated the speed of sound as 332m/s. Calculate the time interval between the cannon being fired and the scientist hearing the sound from the cannon. Use the speed of sound calculated by the scientist. [marks] ‘Suggest why the difference between the measured and accepted values of the speed of sound calculated in 06.4 is much smaller than forthe first scientist's experiment. [2 marks} ‘The driver of a car reacts to a car braking suddenly in front of them. A fa ‘The caris initially travelling at 45mph (20m/s) and comes toa = o complete stop. Describe the process by which energy is transferred from kinetic energy to thermal energy. [mark] When energy is transferred to thermal energy, objects get hot. Write down which objects get hotter when the driver brakes. [1 mark] You make assumptions for Df tin 4. culate The speed of the car changes over a time of 4.3 seconds. Calcul Mae enntiyou the deceleration of the car. Give one assumption that you make x a don't realise it. Think about when you do this calculation. Suggest whether this assumption Is. the motion of a car and what likely, or not likely, tobe correct. Explain your answer. [Smarks] | sesumption you could The mass of the car is 1250kg. Calculate the braking force. have made, [amarks] P9 Practice q@ Scanned with CamScanner

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