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256 Proc. 27th Eur. Conf. on Opt. Comm. (ECOC'OI - Amsterdam) We.B. 1 .

Design and Experiments of an Automatic Switched

Optical Network (ASON)
Lampros Raptis (l),Giorgos Chatzilias (l),Antonio Manzalini (2), Carlo Cavazzoni (2),
Giuseppe Ricucci (2), G. Lehr (3), U. Hartmer (3), R. Geerdsen (3), M. Jaeger (3),
A.Gladisch (3), D. Colle (4), S. De Maesschalck (4), I. Lievens (4) ,P. Demeester (4),
Luigi Piergiovanni (5)
(1) National Technical University of Athens (
( 2 ) Telecom Italia Lab (
(3) T-NOVA Deutsche Telekom Innovationsgesellschaft mbH (georg.lehr@t-systemsde)
(4) Ghent University - IMEC (
(5) Sirti S.p.A. (

Abstract: The purpose of this paper is to describe the activities and the preliminary results ofthe IST Project LION,
whose main objective is to design and fest a robust und nianuged transport network bused on an ASON

Introduction /customer requests, support of optical virtual private

networks, support of different levels of Quality of Service.
The exponential growth of data traffic has posed new
emerging requirements for traditional transport networks.
4 s a matter of fact existing TDM networks have been Reliable Network Design
designed for voice and leased-line services. These transport Designing a reliable network means at least providing
networks should now evolve to support larger channels: the enough spare resources in the network. Consider a national
deployment of WDM point-to-point systems was just the backbone IP network, consisting of 16 routers
first step to expand the bandwidth. Nevertheless just over- interconnected by 33 links. This IP network is supported by
provisioning bandwidth is not sufficient. Today, recent an Optical Transport Network (I4nodes, 29 links).
progresses in the optical technology allow implementing
network knctionality directly into the optical layer. This cost
transport network is already recommended as Optical
Transport Network (0"). Even more innovative, an
ASON is an OTN capable of automatic switching and
routing of optical connections.
Particularly, referring to ASON there is a growing interest
in investigating how to deploy inter-working functionality
like the establishment of a dynamic optical connection
driven by IP routers via UN1 signalling.
In this context, control plane architectures and signalling- NoProledOn Llnk ReStDieIlcn Palh

routing protocols, management and survivability o f a multi- OTN Layer Recovery Scheme
layer network are key areas of investigations of several
international fora and project.
This paper aims to investigate how to dimension data- Figure 1: impact of protection against router failures
centric next generation optical network, and to design the Figure 1 illustrates the dimensioning results based on a top-
appropriate control and management plane functionality, down approach: the IP layer is designed first and
with respect to current and emerging network requirements. aftcrwards the OTN. It was assumed that the OTN always
Finally the LION test-bed, being developed to assess 1P - recovers from frequently occurring cable cuts. In addition
ASON inter-working, IS briefly descnbed. to this a comparison is made, whether the IP layer should
recover from router failures (by means of MPLS Local
Emerging Network Requirements Protection [3]) or not (depending whether router failures
are expected or unexpected failures): this could lead to a
Various business roles like Application Service Providers,
significant cost increase (Figure 1).
Network Service Providers, Internet Service Providers and
carriers' carriers, pose different requirements to the
evolution of current transport networks [I]. These Control Plane Issues
requirements are enabling the networks to support existing The term control plane refers to a set of protocols for
and emerging service chains (e.g. communication services, distributed routing control, connection management,
business services and Internet services). Network evolution resource discovery, etc, and can be mainly classified into
is moving to a multi-service network able to carry voice, signalling and routing issues. In principle, both IP and
data and video. New requirements are emerging, like [2]: ASON need a control plane with relatively similar
fast and automatic end-to-end provisioning, fast and requirements, therefore a re-use of concepts and protocols
efficient rerouting, support of different clients but of the IP or IP/MPLS control plane for the ASON is under
optimised for IP (efficient transport, traffic engineering, consideration. From this perspective three different
etc), dynamic set-up of connections based on client scenarios or control plane models [4] can be distinguished:
We.B. 1 . I Proc. 27th Eur. Conf. on Opt. Comm. (ECOC’OI - Amsterdam) 257

The Overlay Model, where the IPMPLS existing interface and protocol specifications to assess
network and ASON have separate and independent control some innovative network functionality within the test-bed
planes The IP network acta as one of the clients of the The selected UN1 protocol is RSW-TE, compliant with
Optical domain, which provides point-to-point connections OIF UN1 1 0 specification For the dynamic routing
and these clients request optical channels via the so-called information and dissemination of the topology, extension to
User-Network Interface (UNI) the ISIS/OSPF [5],[6] will be considered The test-bed
The Peer Model, where a single control planc network inodel is the overlay; nevertheless the Project is
instance runs over both the IPMPLS and optical domains, considering also augmented and peer-to-peer models (even
avoiding unnecessary duplication of hnctionality and for Generalised-MPLS architectures)
simplifying layer inter-working. However, non-IP serviccs T Nova NMS TlLab NMS
are difficult to be integrated and if an isolation of the
control between the OTN and IP domains is necessary this
seems impossible
4n Augmented Model, wherc there are actually
separate control plane instances in the 1P and optical
doinains, but information from one routing instance IS
pdssed through the other routing instance For example,
cxternal 1P addresses could be carried within the optical
routing protocols to allow reachability information to be
passed to IP clients

Table 1: Comparison of domain service approach


Figure 2: IST LION test bed

From the management viewpoint, the test-bed is divided
into two domains. Inter-domain Management is possible
Table I compares the three models The augmented model via the Network Level Interface (NL-IF) which is based on
tries to combine the best of the peer and the overlay CORBA. The NL-IF connects mutually the network
approach, but it is not clear how much the augmented element level (NEL-OS) and the network level (NL-OS)
model would increase the complexity of routing and operating systems, and for its definition the coarse grained
signalling protocols. We are currently investigating if an CORBA approach promoted by ETSI has been chosen. The
augmented model can be realised by interconnecting 1P and NL-OS, which should give an overall view of the entire
optical doinains via Border Gateway Protocol (BGP). network acts mainly as a client of the NEL-OS, which
However, BGP would require modifications for this provides a view of a single sub-network.
purpose. Current issues to be resolvcd are:
I t is not sufficient anymore to lcak addresses ftom one SumrnaryKonclusions
doinaiii to the other one, since a remote node should This paper described the activities and the preliminary
be able to differentiate the type of equipment (e.g., results of the IST Project LION “Layers Interworking in
IP router or OXC) assigned to a particular address. Optical Networks”. Particularly the main objective of the
Realising an ICP link by routing it through another prqject is to design and test a robust and inanaged transport
A S is very tricky or even impossible. For examplc, a network based on an Automatic Switched Optical Network.
router will not see other routers in its own
Autonomous System (AS) through the BGP interface Acknowledgements
with the optical AS.
The Authors wish to thank all Participants of the IST
Project LION and the EC for partly funding this work.
LION test bed
The main objective of the LION project is to design and References
test a robust and managed transport network based on an
Automatic Switched Optical Network. This infrastructure is /I/ Artur Lason et. al, “Convergence of IP-based and
aimed at carrying multiple clients (eg. SDH, ATM, [P- Optical Transport Networks”, Intenvorking’2000,
based) with inter-working and interconnection between Bcrgen, Norway, 3 - 6 October 2000
layer transport networks and domains. Network Studies /2/ G.astn v.05.1 ,“Architecture for the Automatic
results are being validated in a tcst bcd where 1P Giga Switched Transport Network”, Paris 6-9 March 2001
Switch Routers (GSR) will be integrated over Optical /3/ D. Colle et. al., “MPLS Recovery Mechanisms for IP-
Network Elements, such as OADM and OXC. Figure 2 over-WDM networks”, PNet, VoI.3, No. 1, January,
shows the architechire of LION test bed. The test-bed is 2001, to be published
being developed to assess some innovative functionality of /4/ Bala Rajagopalan et al, “IP over Optical Networks: A
optical networks inter-working IP clients. Particularly, our Framcwork” draft-many-ip-optical-framework-01 .txt
focus is to set-up and tear down Optical Channel
connections by IP routers via UN1 signalling 151 “IS-IS extensions for Traffic Engineering”, draft-ietf-
The technical approach adopted by LION was not reinvent
/G/ “Traffic Engineering Extensions to OSPF”, draR-
anything but leveraging existing work performed by IETF,
katz-ycung-ospf-traffic-03 .txt
01F and ITU. In this sense the major effort was to profile

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