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B.A. Programme 2nd Semester Examinations, 2022

DSC (GRoup-2)
'f ir,re
Allotted: 2 Hours Full Marks: 40

The figLrres in the morgin indicate;t'tll nurks

-4ll symbol,s are of ustol .signi.ficance.

I Ansn'er any aze question fi'om the following: 15xl:15
FrEBfiFo fl-r]-l q+6 etcsn EE< q.l\ss

(a) Explain Nyaya defrnition of Praryaksa. Distinguish bet$.een nirvikalpaka and 5+10= 15
savikalpaka pratyaksa.
illlnrc efq-cy{ qmq {l?n s< I frfr${$ \s qkq{s efsl(lr<:rc<]'flqfu q<r
(b) Explain the Vai6esika concept of samavaya. How can it be differentiated from 7+8 = 15
samyoga? Discuss.
kr]fra qfl\o rr<Fl
"[ilem {n?,Tt +< I '{imtfl,-q< (qm €< 'fiaFs] qtrqlE{l {< I

(c) Explain the Sartkhya theory of Evolution. Is Sarhkhya theory of Evolution l0+5 : l5
mechanical or teleological?
qti?[raE qB<]fufi Titl +< r sti?B q&<]&<ir ft $frs, iI Bffi-[Tqs ?

GROUP-B /fud-rt
2 Answcr anv are question f}om the tbllowing: 10xl:10
ffi1im 6-6qa affi eBtr<Us{ns:
(a) What is Vyapti? How Vyapti is established? 2+8 : 10
ilRorc+<rq ? ilfitfiqr< aft6o< t
(b) Explain Sirhkhya theory of Satkaryavada. 10
cl(?0raE qq$ld<tq TJI?II o{ I

(c) Explain 'dlarya' as a padartha according to VaiSesika system. t0

ffio q-{o 'r<l' 311161 E-{
"Elem r

Answer any .)tt e question from the fbllowing: 5xl = 5
Frrfr{itg cq-mFr qrE erc{-<Uls<rl\Bs

(a) What are the diflbrent types of karma according to VaiSesika system? )
tsc{frs {F ft&E erorrs< o{il3n s<r
(b) Is purusa one or rnany according to Sarhkhya? )
qtillrN T+-{ qs, 4t aq ?
(c) Explain briefly the five ava,vava vakyas of pararthanumana )
.atqngfO< q<V< <foij xf*-C', dTl?,T. o<r

GROUP-D /ft\drt-!
4 Ansrver any len questions from the follotving: 1x10 = l0
Frfiafirc 6-6a1a 7ffi efcrr< Es{ n€s
(a) What is prarna?
eTl $rf$ {cE ?
(b) What is pratyavijfia? Give an example.
e[rr&Ei $]rs {C{ 2 €sE Ertq<q ile I
(c) What is pararrarSa?
"RT'r orcs {6{ ?
(d) How many paddrthas are there according to VaiSesikas? Name rhem.
krlfrr s{E fitcffu<$rq{ ? Ejr<{Tefr cq{l
(e) What laukika sannikarsa is involved in the pratyaksa ofthe 'red colour of the
cflelq TFK Els {69< ef\9lrT-{ 6flG 6qfa-ffifu5 qffirrd 2

(f) What is asatkaryavada?

qqq5ffiF fl66a6q 2

(g) How many duhkhas are lecognized by Sarirkhya and wl.nt are they?
qti?r{F 5:{ $\5 elSK € fi a ?
(h) Give the definition ofsattva guna according to Sarhkhya.
ql(?Rras qg q(q< fiGi ril€ I
(i) What kind ofghatabhiva is rhere before the creation ofghata?
'qtE<A&< "e.f !1t< Rqs*' -
ffiE C..,4.e-sl6< qs* ?

O Define samanya after VaiSesika philosophy.

krlfr$rag qlTFr fiicffi{ Es"i qls r

(k) What do you mean by hetu?

'Q' <E]I\3= fi 6<Fil ?
(l) How manv pramanas have been admitted bl,Nyaya?
{nr s{E eNIq €f+81 ccf,{ ?
(m) What is meant by parinamavada?
qfiqm+qqpfrmmm I
(n) Dcline purusa according to Samkhya.
{t(1T q{Ti16q Tf,CT< Esq rT€ r

(o) What is called sdrranya?

fl{r{ slrs {c{ 2


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