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UGlCBCSlS.A./B.Sc.lB.Cam.lBBMlkogrammellst Sem./EnglisIlAECCENGGl2fiZl, held in 2022

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B.A./B.Sc./B.ConitsBM Prograrnme lst Semester Examinations, ?021. held rn2022

(loivrpul,soRY ENGLTSH (MIL)

Time Allotted: 2 Hours Full L4arks: 40

The ligtres in tke margin indiatte fiil nwrks.

Ansrver any tw,o quesrians from the 20,2 -40

1 You are the edit*r of yout College Magazine. Your college recently held an event
on Presetvation of Trees as a part of 'Tree Plantation Prcgrzuruue'. Write a ropolt
on the event giving all the necessary detaiis.

2. ABC Corporaticn. Cooch Behar urgentl]. requires a Sales Manager for rvhich they
have placed an advertisen:ent ilr The Nofih Bengal Nervs. }'ou are ArkolAnkita
Ro.v frorn I 12. \.{agazine Road. Cooch Behar. \\:'ite an application to the General
Manager" ABC Corporation, Cooch Behar app!-ing for the adr,.ertised post.

J Write a Precis of the follorving passage below:

Trul,v hnagination and untk'trg enthusiastic efforts of generatrons build a Nation.
One generation transtbrs tire 1l'uits of it's hard worli and toil to atrother. which
then takes tbr*'ard the inission the nert level. As the coming generation also has
its dreaus anrl aspirations for rhe uation's futLu'e, it therefare ailds sornething
tiorn it's side to the national r,ision which the next generarion sh'ives hard to
achieve. This process goes on and tire nation clirnbs steps of giory and gains
liigher strength. Any orgaaization, society or e1,en a nation without a vision is like
a shrp cruisilg on the high seas w-rthout an_v aim or dir-ection.

it therefore went deep into the minds and lrearts of tire masses and soon became
the great inspiring and driving force for the people to collectively plunge into the
struggle for freedoin. The unified dedicated eflorts of the people ftom er.erv walk
of life won fi'eedorn for the country. The next generatior has piit india sh'ongl.v on
the path of economic, agricultural and technological development. But India has
stood too iong in the line of developing nations. Let us, coilectiveiy. set the
national vision of developed lndia. It nrcans the rnajor transfonnation of our
national economy to malie it one of the largest economics in the r,vorld: where the
countrymen live well above the poverty 1ine. theil education and health is of a
high standard. national security is reasonablv assured and the core coffipeteuce in
certain rnajor areas gets enhanced significantly so that the production of quality
goods rises and brings ali-rould prosperitv fbr tlie people.

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