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Nico Minoru (Earth-



Nico Minoru

Sister Grimm,[1] The Gloom[2]


Runaways (leader), Strange Academy
Formerly [Expand]


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Alex Wilder (E… Karolina Dea… Runaways (E

5′4″ mym)advice. When the world
goes crazy you run... you run away.
102 lbs (46.27 kg)

—Nico Minoru[src]


Evil Parents
Every year, Nico Minoru's parents would
Dyed Green tips
join 4ve other couples in a "charity
event", andFEATURES
UNUSUAL their kids would spend the
night piercings.
hanging Formerly missing
out together. left
One year,
feeling bored, the kids decided to spy on
their parents and were shocked to
discover them meeting in unusual
clothes. AND
meeting STATUSa
young girl entered the scene and was
murdered inmagical
Human of a strange ritual, shocking
Nico and the others.[7] Disillusioned and
believing their parents to be super-
Alive; formerly deceased
villains, the kids decided to get away
from them and run from home.[8]
While on the run, Nico re-encountered
her parents. Her mother, wielding a large
Los Angeles, California
magical staE ("the StaE of One"),
revealed DEATH
that she and Nico's father were
Killed by Chase Stein when he was
dark wizards. She then attempted to jam
controlled by Apex wearing the Raptors
StaE into Nico'sby
(Revived chest, butOne)
StaZ of her body
curiously absorbed it.[9] Later, she was
cut by Dale Yorkes' battle-axe, and the
StaE re-emerged from her chest,
prompting Nico to use the phrase
"Freeze" and freezing Stacey Yorkes.
No Dual
Nico was thus discovered to be a wizard
well, and the StaE would only emerge
when she bled.[10] After this, Nico took

on the name Sister Grimm to escape the

name her parents
Adventurer, gave her.[1]

High school dropout



Brian K. Vaughan, Adrian Alphona


Runaways #1
(April, 2003)

Sister Grimm

Eventually, the kids learned that all their

parents were part of a secret
organization called the Pride, which
served the ancient Gibborim, mystical
beings with tremendous power that
required an annual sacri4ce that would
in time allow them to destroy all of

Determined to stop this evil plan, the

kids confronted their parents, but amidst
the battle their teammate Alex revealed
himself to be on their parents' side.[12]
Due to his feelings for Nico, Alex invited
her to join him, but she brokenheartedly
declined. As chaos ensued, Alex was
killed by the Gibborim and the parents
joined forces to save their kids, giving
their lives in the process.[13]

Despite Alex's betrayal, Nico still

harbored feelings for him and tried to
revive him using Marie Laveau's Black
Mirror, but she wasn't successful.[14]

As a fugitive

After being warned of a future threat

named Victor Mancha, Nico and the
Runaways found and abducted Victor to
question him. After Victor's mother was
murdered and Ultron, his father, was
destroyed, Nico invited Victor to become
a part of the team, much to the anger of
some members, notably Chase. Nico
reassured them that she was willing to
"rip Victor's damn heart out" if
necessary.[15] Karolina tried to kiss Nico,
revealing that she was a lesbian.[16]

Nico rejects Karolina

After Chase tied Nico up before he

attempted to sacri4ce himself to the
Gibborim, Nico interpreted it as a cry for
help and led the Runaways to intervene
Chase's self-sacri4ce. The Gibborim
instead attempted to take Nico, revealing
that Nico's soul was innocent, thus
suitable for the Gibborim's consumption.
Victor rescued Nico and the two formed
a relationship. After defeating the
Gibborim, Victor asked Nico what she
was willing to do if Chase did something
like this again; Nico responded by saying
she was willing to "rip Chase's damn
heart out" if necessary. After returning to
their lair beneath the La Brea Tar Pits,
Xavin realized she had publicly exposed
their location, drawing the attention of
Iron Man and S.H.I.E.L.D.. Nico, stepping
into her role as a leader, led the
Runaways in a cross-country escape
from Iron Man and S.H.I.E.L.D..[17]

The Witchbreaker

After escaping the authorities, the

Runaways headed to New York where
Nico anxiously made a deal with the
Kingpin.[17] In a twisted turn of events,
the Runaways ended up time-displaced
to 1907 New York, where Nico was
kidnapped and brought to a woman
named "the Witchbreaker." The
Witchbreaker claimed she was Nico's
great-grandmother, and stated she
would teach Nico how to withstand more
pain and, therefore, wield more magic
with better pro4ciency. She wielded a
weapon similar to the StaE of One, with
more adornments. When reunited with
her comrades, a signi4cant development
to Nico's abilities was evident, where she
was freely able to aoat, displayed more
pro4ciency and con4dence in casting
spells, and was able to use a spell with
an eEect more complicated than most of
her others thus far. Somehow Nico had
obtained the Witchbreaker's StaE. During
this period, Victor fell in love with
another girl, corrupting his relationship
with Nico before they returned to the

Secret Invasion

During the global shape-shifting alien

invasion by the Skrulls, Nico and the
other Runaways brieay remained in New
York after returning from 1907, trusting
that "hiding in plain sight" would be
subcient to conceal their own identities
and that it would be best if they showed
Klara around her city in the future before
they returned to Los Angeles. However,
to their shock, an armada of Skrull ships
attack New York and its civilians. Xavin,
trying to fool the invaders into thinking
she intended to help them, used a force
4eld to knock out the Runaways; Nico
and Victor were still conscious, however,
and they attacked Xavin, accusing her of
being a traitor. Xavin revealed that she
was trying to protect them and
convinced them that the Skrulls were
too dangerous for them to 4ght and pled
with them to aee to the Leapfrog. The
Runaways eventually united with the
Young Avengers to assist against the
invading Skrulls. Nico insisted on leading
her team to help the Young Avengers
continue the 4ght against the Skrulls,
refusing to "run away." However, Wiccan
urged her to leave, claiming that if the
Young Avengers lost, they would need
the Runaways to save them.[19]

Dead Wrong

Nico used a spell ("scatter") to scatter a

group of invading Majesdanians all over
the planet. The spell, however, had
unwanted side-eEects: it emotionally
scattered the Runaways.[20] Victor
realized this in time, and Nico
spearheaded a massive escape from the
returning Majesdanians. A short time
later, the Runaways realized that having
obeyed Nico, breaking the enchantment.
Regardless, Xavin shapeshifted into
Karolina and left Earth, much to the
other Runaways' great grief.[21]

Later on, Nico used the spell "Zombie

Not" to turn an army of zombies back to
humans. The spell back4red, actually
turning the zombies into a "zombie knot",
thus creating one large zombie. The
Runaways deduced that after the
Witchbreaker had tortured and trained
Nico, Nico's magical abilities had been
severely augmented.[22] Val Rhymin's
magician informed Nico that the StaE of
One carried tremendous magical ability
and Nico, being young, should not use it.
The magician stole the StaE from her,
only to be killed after the StaE defended
itself. A silent Nico took her StaE back
and warned the other Runaways not to
touch it.[22]

Home Schooling

Nico dedicated her eEorts to providing

normalcy for her teammates. She tried to
enroll Molly in the Xavier School's San
Francisco campus, but this back4red
when one of the many victims of Molly's
late parents kidnapped her. Later, she
tried to stage a prom in an attempt to
give her older teammates an outlet for
their sexual tension, which had been
growing worse after Victor lost Lillie and
Karolina lost Xavin. This also back4red, as
Victor, who'd been given the task of
4nding music, hacked into what he
thought was some shut-in's private radio
station. The radio signal was actually
coming from a naval air weapons base
that was awaiting the arrival of a
mysterious plane, and Victor's hacking
reproduced the radio signal, causing the
craft to hit the Runaways' home by
accident. Most of the team was
unharmed, but Old Lace was seemingly
killed and Klara was buried beneath a
pile of rubble and panicked, causing the
house to become engulfed in a forest of
vines.[23] Nico tried various methods to
calm Klara down, but Chase kept
sabotaging them, as he resented Klara
for surviving. His eEorts caused Klara to
become increasingly worked up, until
4nally Nico resorted to using magic to
force her to calm down.[24] She also sent
Old Lace's body into another dimension
to to keep it from becoming a source of
conaict among the team.[25]

Meanwhile, a military unit had arrived to

investigate the crash, but was held at
bay by Klara's vines. Fortunately, Chase's
long-lost uncle, Hunter Stein arrived,
and due to the vines mistaking him for
one of the Runaways, was allowed
through the vines, whereupon Chase
revealed that he believed that he'd killed
Hunter years earlier in an accident, and
thus refused to deal with him.
Undeterred, Hunter led the team to a
secret garage within the house, where
they found a new Leapfrog. The
Runaways escaped while the military
opted to burn down the house and call it
a night.[26]

While the team hid out, Chase decided

that he needed to get away from his
teammates for a while and left them on
the pretense of going out to buy food.
After he failed to return (having been hit
by a car while chasing after an
apparently-resurrected Gert), the rest of
the team were summoned to a meeting
with Hunter, who oEered to help them
4nd a new place to live. Nico, wary of
accepting aid that might alienate Chase,
and unaware that Chase himself had
been taken to a hospital, turned down
the oEer.[27]

The Return of Old Lace

Sometime later, Chase began to sense

Old Lace's presence and became
convinced that she was still alive, but
trapped in another dimension. The
Runaways reluctantly traveled to
Avengers Academy to consult with Dr.
Hank Pym. After some
misunderstandings, Pym agreed to help
them, and with the aid of Reptil, opened
a portal to the dimension where Old Lace
was living. The team's joyful reunion was
cut short, however, when Nico
discovered that Pym and Tigra believed
that the Runaways were un4t to raise
Molly and Klara, and were planning to
separate the two from the rest of the
team.[25] Naturally a battle ensued, but
the Academy students refused to 4ght
the Runaways just because they were
refusing to disband. Seeking to dispel
any further conaict, Nico used a spell
that allowed the Runaways and the
Academy staE to see each other's
memories. The Runaways saw that Pym
only sought to help them, while the Pym
and Tigra saw that Molly and Klara truly
saw the Runaways as their only family.
Subsequently, the two parties brokered a
compromise where the Academy left the
Runaways alone as long as the
Runaways reported to the Academy on a
regular basis to prove that they were all
in good health. The two groups parted
on friendly terms.[28]

Avengers Arena

Nico was one of the 16 super-powered

teens captured and brought to
Murderworld where Arcade planned on
them to kill each other in order to
survive. She was transported there
alongside with Chase. When Arcade
woke them up, Nico was among those
who do not attack him.[29]

She stayed with Chase and later tried

with her to team-up with the Avengers,
but when Chase was quickly accused of
attacking and burning Reptil, the
Runaways were rejected, and Nico,
aEected by the destruction of her
magical tree by Hazmat, rejected Chase
herself.[30] When Arcade informed the
participants of the existence of safe
zones, the Runaways were seen still
together. At this point, they teamed up
with Cammi.[31]

Eventually, their group rejoined the

Braddock Academy, and the whole of
them was later witness of a vengeance
assault from Juston and Death Locket,
respectively accompanied by X-23 and
Tim Bashir (the merged twin brother of
Apex). There, Chase revealed his
Darkhawk's powers.[32]

The 4ght evolved into a

Juston/Darkhawk duel and was aborted
by Tim's technopathy. Once everybody
calmed down, they had to vote on Tim's
fate. Nico voted for Tim to stay alive, but
Chase wished for his death. Since most
of the group wanted him to stay with
them, Chase tried to take the kill but was
expelled from the group by Nico's StaE.
Later that night, Nico agreed to be on
watch, allowing Tim and Death Locket to
have a romantic moment. She was
unaware by leaving, Tim reverted back to
Katy, killed Juston, and vanished with
the remains of Juston's Sentinel and
Death Locket.[33]

At morning, she was unable to stop X-23

from pursuing Katy. Explaining the
situation to her awakening teammates,
she was designated the 4ghter of the
group because of her power set. Katy
quickly attacked back, manipulating
Juston Seyfert's Sentinel and Death
Locket and bringing back the near-
lifeless corpse of X-23. Nico battled X-23
and cast a spell to teleport Nara, Aiden,
Cammi, and Cullen away, saving their
lives. Nico closed the portal before she
could teleport herself.[5]

She then confronted Katy and her

weapons, and was attacked by Chase,
controlled in his Darkhawk form by Apex,
who ripped oE her left arm and pushed
her from a cliE. Wounded to death, she
was able to formulate a last spell (Help)
before dying, afraid of dying alone.[5]

Nico reborn and improved

Nico was later revived by the StaE of

One, using her last spell as well as her
blood as a sacri4ce to bring her to life.
The spell restored her missing arm and
the rest of her body. Her staE is now half
the size of what it was, while the other
half seems to have been made into a
gauntlet on her new arm. It appears that
her staE and her gauntlet both work
similar in forms of magic spell, as her
previous StaE of One did. Nico then went
to attack against Katy, Death Locket, and
Chase, where she destroyed the Sentinel
and defeated Chase. Nico then used a
spell that buried Death Locket and Katy,
which she believed to have killed them.

These events leave her so distraught

that, upon subduing Cullen's monster
form, she tried to kill him and ordered
Chase to hold oE Cammi, believing that
all being herself within the game would
earn her would be an early death. Cammi
confronted her in the Darkhawk Armor,
having taken it from Chase, and tried to
reason with her. At 4rst, the talk between
Cammi and Nico seemed to be working
out, until Nico realized she had the
amulet of Darkhawk. This made her
suspect Cammi had harmed Chase.
Before Cammi could explain, the two
engaged in battle. Eventually, they and
the other contestants were distracted by
Hazmat's powers going out of control.
After the situation with Hazmat was
handled, Nico along with several others
stopped 4ghting one another and
decided to work together. The teenagers
agreed that it wouldn't be easy to kill one
another, and worse, Apex had begun to
cause several creatures to attack them
all. In the end, Death Locket saved Nico
and the rest of them by killing Apex and
stopping Arcade's machinery. Later,
several adult superhero teams arrived on
Murderworld, rescuing Nico and the
surviving teenagers.[34]

Avengers Undercover

Three months after leaving Murderworld,

Nico confronted Chase during his
interviewed on a TV show.[35] Chase
commented that she missed Molly's
birthday. Nico and Chase teleported to
join Aiden, Cammi, and Death Locket at
Cullen's house. They went to Bagalia to
4nd Cullen, who had gone in search of

Entering into the town of villains there

was a brief scuje where she called
Chase's loyalty into question.[36] She met
Daimon Hellstrom, who oEered to teach
her about black magic. She was
teleported with the rest to confront
Arcade. Nico, Cullen, and Death Locket
shut down Arcade's control center and
re-joined Chase, Aiden, Cammi, and
Hazmat to 4ght Arcade.[37] They stopped
short of killing him, when Hazmat
4nished him oE.[38]

Baron Zemo invited the seven

Murderworld survivors to stay in Bagalia
and join the Masters of Evil.[38] Nico and
Cullen fought demons at MephisticuEs, a
4ght club in Bagalia. Daimon Hellstrom
told her that she needed a friend to help
her 4nd a middle ground between being
a hero and being a killer like her parents,
and a resurrected Alex Wilder appeared
before her.[39]

Alex trained Nico to use her new powers.

At 4rst, Nico got mad at Alex for airting
with her. After a while, Nico decided that
being good kept turning out wrong, so
she was going to do the bad thing, and
kissed Alex.[40] Daimon mind-controlled
Cullen into attacking Aiden, so Nico
battled Daimon. The Avengers arrived to
rescue Nico and the others, and a 4ght
with the Masters of Evil ensued. The
Masters suddenly disappeared, and Alex
told Nico that it was all a trap by Baron
Zemo. Alex said goodbyes and returned
to hell.[41]

Finding Your Way Home

Nico left the Runaways to reconnect

with her family in Japan. The wedding of
Nico's cousin was crashed by the arrival
of Singularity, Medusa, and She-Hulk,
who were escaping from the Antimatter.
Nico assisted the heroines in 4ghting the
villain, and they became a short-lived
team called A-Force.[42] Around this
time, Nico woke up one day having
regained her arm.[43]

Nico and Karolina kissing.

Nico attempted once again to lead a

normal life, but this was interrupted by
Chase, who had used the time machine
that belonged to Gert's parents to go
back in time in an attempt to save her
from dying. Even though he failed to
stop her from getting hurt, Chase
retrieved Gert's body and returned it to
the present. Arriving at Nico's house,
Chase requested her help, and she used
the StaE of One to save Gert's life.[4]
Enraged after learning that the team had
drifted apart, Gert rallied Nico and Chase
to get the team together.[44] Nico was
initially reluctant, but she realized that
she didn't have anyone, and 4gured
being together with the Runaways
would keep her good.[45]

When the team returned, they moved to

The Hostel's underground main building.
Nico stepped into team leader duties,
but concealed how painful her
relationship with the StaE of One had
become, and refrained from summoning
it.[46] To help provide for the team, both
Nico and Chase got run-of-the-mill jobs.
[47] Shortly after Karolina's girlfriend Julie
Power broke up with her,[48] Nico
decided to act on her feelings for
Karolina, and they started dating.[49]

The Runaways' new normal was quickly

shaken up by the unwelcome and
temporary return of Alex Wilder heralding
the Seed of the Gibborim,[50] who forced
him and the Runaways into house arrest
for a week to decide to follow through
with the Pride's plan to sacri4ce
humanity on their behalf.[51] During this
time, the StaE of One forced itself out of
Nico's body to reveal its true nature, that
it was in reality a magician named The
One who had been transmuted into the
staE by one of Nico's ancestors and
could return to his human form for a few
hours every time Mars aligned with the
Earth and the Sun, and it was during the
previous alignment which Nico slept
through that the One had regrown her
arm. Despite Nico's desire to get rid of
the StaE of One, she saw herself forced
to keep it since The One was evil and she
couldn't aEord to let him loose. However,
The One convinced Nico to renegotiate
the terms of their connection. Instead of
Nico having to bleed to summon the
StaE, each time she used it, a sliver of
The One's will would be freed within
Nico, and The One would also stop trying
to force his way out of her body.[43]

The J-Team

After the Runaways defeated the Seed

of the Gibborim due to one of them, Gib,
switching sides,[52] Karolina started
dabbling in super-heroics to 4nd a sense
of purpose.[53] When Nico found out
about it, she was eager to help her,[54]
and the two started patrolling the
uneventful streets of Los Angeles
wearing their own superhero costumes.
[55] Karolina's exploits caught the
attention of the local hero Doc Justice,
[56] who welcomed the Runaways into
his manor after the teenagers were
forced out of The Hostel by an
inadvertent public drainage work.[57] The
Runaways accepted to operate as
crime-4ghters under Doc Justice's wing,
becoming a new incarnation of the
hero's former squad, the J-Team. During
this time, Nico adopted the mantle of
The Gloom.[58]


The Runaways were unaware that Doc

Justice thrived oE sensationalizing his
superhero life to the point that
throughout the 4fty years of his career
he routinely orchestrated the death of
his young protégés to raise his own
pro4le. After making this discovery,[59]
Gert convinced Doc Justice's son and
assistant, Matthew Caniglia, to interrupt
a staged mission that resulted in
Karolina being drained of her solar
energies by Doc Justice's ally Ashley
Pearson. This encounter ended with Doc
Justice's death at the fangs of Old Lace.
Nico managed to save Karolina's life by
using the StaE of One to make the sun

The team returned to the Hostel with

their morale battered by Doc Justice's
betrayal, and Nico accompanied
Karolina as she struggled to recover
from her injury.[61] She also conUded in
Karolina the new terms she had
negotiated with The One, but refused
to discard the StaW because she felt it
deUned her and because it was useful.
[62] Karolina's condition alerted the
Majesdanian Light Brigade and they
oWered to temporarily take her with
them to treat her injury. Although
reluctant at Urst, Nico let Karolina go,
but turned down her invitation for the
Runaways to join her since she believed
the team needed stability. Promising
Karolina to wait for her return, Nico
handed over the StaW of One to her so
she could get rid of it.[63] Around this
time, Nico also joined Strange Academy
as the Professor of Creative Spell


Power Grid[77]


Blood Magic: Nico has magical aptitude,

but she received little training, relying
mostly on the StaE of One to work
magic.[65] Still, she has been shown
casting a few spells unaided:

Flight[citation needed]
Magical Telekinesis: She can
magically levitate and move objects
with her mind.[citation needed]
Magical Teleportation: She can
open portals to teleport people to
other places.[5]
Magic Shielding: Nico can create
powerful shields without the staE.


She cannot repeat spells with the StaW:

they either will not work at all or will
cause a random eWect. This was
evident in the early period of the
Runaways' escape from their parents,
when Nico attempted to reuse the
"Freeze" spell she had used on Stacey
Yorkes. She accidentally conjured a
cock of pelicans.[66] The use of diWerent
languages and the extent of her
vocabulary permit her to perform more



* StaR of One: This ancient magical

item has become a part of Nico. She
can call it forth by shedding blood and
reciting "When blood is shed, let the
StaW of One emerge". The staW appears
out of her chest, passing through her
skin and clothing without harm.[10]
Once summoned, the staW used to work
for anyone.[13] But as evidenced by the
confrontation with Val Rhymin's
magician, the StaW has recently
developed the ability to defend itself in
a violent manner. Nico can cast spells
by invoking painful memories, thinking
of an eWect, and giving the spell a
name.[citation needed] There are no
"standard" spells; in fact, casting any
spell a second time produces an
unpredictable (and usually undesirable)
eWect.[66][67] The StaW has been
recently updated into a version of the
Witchbreaker's StaW, augmenting Nico's
powers considerably.[citation needed]
Witch Arm: After losing her arm, the
blood spilled from her injury greatly
improved Nico's powers with the
StaE of One. Her missing arm was
then replaced with what Chase
described as her "Witch Arm," a
magical gauntlet with a jewel
embedded in the back of the palm
which seems to generally improve
her magical ability and act as a real
arm in place of the one she lost.
[citation needed]




A possible weakness of Nico's is

'wizard's ashes', which GeoErey
Wilder believed would stop her from
being able to use her magic after
stepping through a circle of them.
Since the person he used them on
was actually Xavin in disguise, it
remains unclear whether this would
have actually neutralized the real
Nico's magic.[68]


Nico was sixteen years old during

the events of Runaways (Vol. 2).[69]
Nico and her family are of Japanese
Nico was raised in the Christian
faith, attended church every
Sunday, and was even an altar girl.[9]

Nico claimed that she played with

My Little Ponies in kindergarten and
that Gert hid them in the woods.[72]
Nico played the tuba in marching
Nico is bisexual and after 4nally
acting on her feelings is currently
dating Karolina Dean.[49]
Nico was also shown to be
attracted to Megan Gwynn.[73]

Nico is a member of the Forums

social media network.[74]
Nico has stated that when casting a
spell with the StaE of One she 4rst
has to conjure up a painful memory,
often something that makes her feel
guilty, before performing a spell and
then something unrelated to that
memory but convenient for the
moment will 'pop out'.[75]

See Also

173 appearance(s) of Nico Minoru

4 appearance(s) in handbook(s) of
Nico Minoru (Earth-616)
10 minor appearance(s) of Nico
Minoru (Earth-616)
9 mention(s) of Nico Minoru (Earth-
1 mention(s) in handbook(s) of Nico
Minoru (Earth-616)
1 invocation(s) of Nico Minoru (Earth-
411 image(s) of Nico Minoru (Earth-
24 quotation(s) by or about Nico
Minoru (Earth-616)
2 victim(s) killed by Nico Minoru
2 item(s) used/owned by Nico
Minoru (Earth-616)

Links and References

Nico Minoru on


o. ↑ 1.0 1.1 Runaways #6

q. ↑ Runaways (Vol. 5) #28
t. ↑ Runaways (Vol. 2) #22
u. ↑ 4.0 4.1 Runaways (Vol. 5) #1
v. ↑ 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.3 Avengers Arena #10
w. ↑ 6.0 6.1 Avengers Arena #12
x. ↑ Runaways #1
y. ↑ 8.0 8.1 Runaways #2
z. ↑ 9.0 9.1 Runaways #4
o{. ↑ 10.0 10.1 Runaways #5
oo. ↑ Runaways #13
oq. ↑ Runaways #16
ot. ↑ 13.0 13.1 Runaways #17
ou. ↑ Mystic Arcana: Sister Grimm #1
ov. ↑ Runaways (Vol. 2) #1
ow. ↑ Runaways (Vol. 2) #7
ox. ↑ 17.0 17.1 Runaways (Vol. 2) #25
oy. ↑ Runaways (Vol. 2) #25–30
oz. ↑ Secret Invasion: Runaways/Young
Avengers #1–3
q{. ↑ Runaways (Vol. 3) #3
qo. ↑ Runaways (Vol. 3) #6
qq. ↑ 22.0 22.1 Runaways (Vol. 3) #9
qt. ↑ Runaways (Vol. 3) #11
qu. ↑ Runaways (Vol. 3) #12
qv. ↑ 25.0 25.1 Avengers Academy #27
qw. ↑ Runaways (Vol. 3) #12–13
qx. ↑ Runaways (Vol. 3) #14
qy. ↑ Avengers Academy #28
qz. ↑ Avengers Arena #1
t{. ↑ Avengers Arena #4
to. ↑ Avengers Arena #5–6
tq. ↑ Avengers Arena #8
tt. ↑ Avengers Arena #9
tu. ↑ Avengers Arena #18
tv. ↑ Avengers Undercover #1
tw. ↑ 36.0 36.1 Avengers Undercover #2
tx. ↑ Avengers Undercover #3
ty. ↑ 38.0 38.1 Avengers Undercover #4
tz. ↑ Avengers Undercover #5
u{. ↑ Avengers Undercover #7
uo. ↑ Avengers Undercover #9
uq. ↑ A-Force (Vol. 2) #2–10
ut. ↑ 43.0 43.1 Runaways (Vol. 5) #15
uu. ↑ Runaways (Vol. 5) #2
uv. ↑ Runaways (Vol. 5) #3
uw. ↑ Runaways (Vol. 5) #7
ux. ↑ Runaways (Vol. 5) #9
uy. ↑ Runaways (Vol. 5) #10
uz. ↑ 49.0 49.1 Runaways (Vol. 5) #12
v{. ↑ Runaways (Vol. 5) #13
vo. ↑ Runaways (Vol. 5) #14
vq. ↑ Runaways (Vol. 5) #18
vt. ↑ Runaways (Vol. 5) #22
vu. ↑ Runaways (Vol. 5) #23
vv. ↑ Runaways (Vol. 5) #24
vw. ↑ Runaways (Vol. 5) #25
vx. ↑ Runaways (Vol. 5) #26
vy. ↑ Runaways (Vol. 5) #27
vz. ↑ Runaways (Vol. 5) #30
w{. ↑ Runaways (Vol. 5) #31
wo. ↑ Runaways (Vol. 5) #33
wq. ↑ Runaways (Vol. 5) #35
wt. ↑ Runaways (Vol. 5) #38
wu. ↑ Strange Academy #2
wv. ↑ 65.0 65.1 Midnight Suns #1
ww. ↑ 66.0 66.1 Runaways #7
wx. ↑ 67.0 67.1 A-Force (Vol. 2) #2
wy. ↑ Runaways (Vol. 2) #17–18
wz. ↑ Runaways Saga #1
x{. ↑ Runaways (Vol. 2) #28
xo. ↑ Runaways (Vol. 2) #10
xq. ↑ Runaways (Vol. 2) #19
xt. ↑ Runaways (Vol. 5) #34–35
xu. ↑ Secret Warriors (Vol. 2) #8
xv. ↑ Runaways (Vol. 2) #12
xw. ↑ Obcial Handbook of the Marvel
Universe A to Z #7
xx. ↑ Obcial Handbook of the Marvel
Universe A to Z Vol 1 7


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