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Chapter 2-Flashback

It was the first day of the term when she saw him walk into the classroom,
although she heard some girls saying he was going to transfer to this branch, she
never believed what she heard. seeing him now ,she knew they weren’t lying.
Although she knew him she was going to ignore him unless if he spoke to her she
thought, she had always been like this not talking to people she hadn’t seen in a
long time, to avoid being snubbed.
She didn’t think much of it
though ,so when she went to help her friend with her things,she was surprised to
hear someone call her name , she turned back to find him behind her, standing there
with a grin , “it’s good to know you still remember me “she said with a smirk, “I
will never forget your face even after ten years “ he replied. “ Anyways it’s good
that you are here I need someone to show me around the school “ he said. “I and my
friend here will be glad to and by the way this is my friend Elizabeth Lane and
Elizabeth this is my friend David Andrews” she said introducing the two of them to
each other. “Elizabeth can i speak to you “ Dennis asked so she excuses her self
and left Dorathy and David alone “how about you show me around now “David asked,
“hmmm okay I still have about twenty minutes until my driver arrives “ she replied
with her eyes still on her watch, so they both made their way out of the classroom
and that was how their relationship began to grow, they became close and you would
often see them together and if they weren’t together you could ask one person about
the other person’s whereabouts.
Slowly Dorathy started to develop feelings for David but she never believed in love
and when she started liking him, she felt it was just a crush and it will fade
away soon, like all the other crushes she previously had,plus they are still too
young for love and he only saw her as a friend and nothing more,
so she never told him about how she felt, as she was never someone to take her
crushes to the next level.but she always supported all his relationships and
ignored her feelings for him.
So who’s going to be our next target, hmmmm what’s her name
again ,David your friend the one that you like following around”Samuel said,
“ohhhhh you mean Dorathy and I don’t follow her around, she follows me around”
David replied.
“ ohhhhh so you don’t mind her being our next target “ Matthew
asked. “I mind and besides Dorathy is not one to fall in love , she finds it
unnecessary and I don’t think she would want a relationship much less with me
“David replied anger and irritation evident in his tone, “ I knew it guys I told
you he would chicken out, I told you guys, she’s not on his level, even if he can
make all the girls fall for him Dorathy would never be one of them” Joseph said
with a mocking tone. “ remember this and remember it clearly no girl is out of my
league, I just don’t see her that way,but if she’s our next target then fine I will
make her fall for me” David said with a stern tone that makes everyone know he is
serious. “David can I speak to you for a minute”kelvin asked, “yeah of course let’s
go”David replied, “are you sure you want to do this to Dorathy, you are going to
lose your friendship with her if she finds out you know right”kelvin asked with
worry evident in his tone, “yes but who’s going to tell her everything will be fine
as long as we keep it a secret” David replied lazily
“Dorathy wait up”David called, Dorathy turned around to find David
standing there looking worried. “ what’s wrong” she asked, “ there’s something I
want to tell you” he said sounding sober, “okay then go ahead” she said, “uhhmm
there’s something I want you to know and it’s that I love you and I want you to be
my girlfriend but I don’t want you to feel under pressure, if you don’t feel that
way about me then it’s fine”David said he knew Dorathy never believed in love and
would probably find his confession cheesy and annoying as she had always told him
that love didn’t exist but there was a little bit of hope that he wouldn’t get
rejected. “ I don’t know what to say, I admit,I have a crush on you but love is
just not my thing and am not someone who is interested in having relationships at
this stage, because I see it as a distraction, something that can’t add to me but
can deduct from me and bring me down, besides am okay with the friendship between
us, I don’t think I want to take this to the next level, I am not ready for this,
am sorry” she replied and was about to leave when David suddenly pulled her hand
and drew her closer to him holding her by the waist. Look into my eyes and see how
sincere I am, I promise to make you happy and never break your heart all I need is
a chance to prove my love to you” David said while staring into Dorathy eyes
sounding as sincere as possible, “I don’t know, I will have to think about it
“Dorathy replied with uncertainty in her voice she could only think of how there
was no space between them, how his hot breath fanned her skin and how his wonderful
scent hit her nostrils. “Anyway my driver is here I have to go”she said nervously
but before he let her go, he said “whatever your decision I hope our friendship
won’t end”.she left before he could say anything else without replying his question
At home Dorathy kept on thinking about what David had said, she wasn’t
sure if she really wanted to be in a relationship with him as she knew he was a
playboy but she couldn’t help but think of the sincerity she saw in his eyes, he
probably likes her she thought to herself.

Chapter 3 : flashback continues

Meanwhile at a club in town sat David and his friends, they were partying and
having fun.
“So David how’s the plan going ,did she already say yes” Joseph asked, “ no she
said she’s gonna think about it but I think she will say yes, nobody can resist me
not even Dorathy and don’t forget I get your car if she says yes ”David replied
with a sense of accomplishment, “babe who’s Dorathy and why do you say she can’t
resist you do you like her”Katherine asked, “no baby i only have eyes for you,
she’s just a bet” David replied.
“David where were you all night and did you drink “ Mrs Andrew asked,
“ mom I was out with some friends” David replied ignoring the other questions. “
Mum I am tired , am going to bed,
“Kelvin have you seen David, I need to talk to him about something”Dorathy asked,
“oh yes he’s in the library” kelvin replied, “oh okay thanks”Dorathy said before
turning to leave.
In the library Dorathy could not believe what she saw, David was making out with
Joanna, she didn’t know what to do, so she decided to go back without saying a
“Dorathy where have you been, have been looking for you all morning, Kelvin said
you came looking for me in the library but I didn’t see you,why didn’t I see
you”David asked,
“Anyway I thought about what you told me and my answer is no but I hope we can
still be friends” she said “ yes we can and I will respect your decision “ David
told Dorathy sounding upset
“ by the way you couldn’t have seen me in the library because you were too busy
kissing Joanna she said and turned around to leave
“ bro how do you feel, Dorathy just rejected you, I told you asking her out when
you don’t like her is a bad idea, I wonder if she would ever want to talk to
you”kelvin said mockingly,
“ shut up kelvin, I just need to win this bet and I have a plan but for that
Dorathy will have to agree to go out for lunch with me, wait a minute, Paul is
throwing a party this weekend right and as his friend Dorathy would be invited as I
know she will attend the party as that’ll be the last time she will see Paul before
he travels so that’s when I will execute the plan”David said, with a victorious
look on his face.
“Hi Dorathy how are you” Paul asked, “am fine thank you and you”Dorathy said, “am
good too” Paul replied, “well I want to tell you something but I don’t want you to
be angry or sad, promise me you won’t be angry or sad” Paul asked Dorathy with
worry evident in his tone, “okay I won’t be angry or sad” Dorathy replied, “ ok I
don’t know how to say it, it’s both good news and bad news” Paul said, “okay spit
it out already, oh no don’t tell me you also have a crush on me and you want to ask
me out”Dorathy said
“ what no, but who asked you out” Paul asked, “ thankGod, I thought I would have to
break your fragile heart and by the way it was David, he said he liked me a lot and
he would love for me to be his girlfriend, knowing that her friend would ask her
what her reply was she said,Before you ask I said no. But I told him we can still
be friends and that’s pretty much all we discussed, what did you want to tell me”
she asked
“ well I would be going abroad to Finnish my education but we would still be in
touch,I would call you every day and never forget you” Paul told Dorathy, “
abroad , where abroad are you going and when are you going”Dorathy asked, “well I
am going to the uk and I will be going next week Monday and I was thinking of
throwing a goodbye party, it’s going to be at this Morene hotel and suites you are
invited well the party is going to be on Saturday you know, I am sad am leaving but
I guess it’s for the best.
“ wait did I hear you wrong you are leaving on Monday and you didn’t freaking tell
me this” Dorathy said angrily “ it’s not exactly my fault you are not always around
anymore, you always busy and you don’t want to hang out anymore” Paul defended, “
so now it’s my fault right but I guess you are not wrong, it’s kinda my fault and
am sorry, I will ask my mum for permission and come to the party tomorrow Dorathy
said before leaving.
“David look she’s here and I must say she is looking beautiful tonight are you sure
you don’t like her”kelvin said but David just told him to shut up, but deep down he
had to admit she was looking really beautiful.
“ Dorathy you are here , wow and you look so beautiful tonight” Paul complemented
as he ushered her to a seat nearby and they started chatting.
Outside the hotel David was talking to a weird man who had an hoodie on to prevent
him from being recognized
“ do you have the stuff and you are sure it will work without harming anyone right”
David asked “ yes I do and you don’t have to worry it will not hurt anyone, have
you made the payment “ the man asked “ yes I have made the payment you can leave
now “ David said
Hey take this and it to the drink and give it to the girl seating over there and
don’t tell anyone about this, have this money and make sure you keep your mouth
shut. The waiter did as he was told and handed the drink over to Dorathy and when
David saw that she had gulped it down he immediately went over and spilled his
drink all over her and she said she will go to cleanup but suddenly she felt
dizzy, and he offered to help her to the bathroom, when she got to the bathroom she
cleaned her dress but was still a little dizzy so he told her that he would get a
room for her so she can get some rest but when they got to the room, she started
behaving weirdly, she felt hot from within and started to strip herself, he was
also feeling the same way, but he didn’t know that he had also being drugged, the
waiter put the drug in the two glasses on his tray just in case she someone else
took the other glass but nobody did and when he dropped the glass on the table,
David took the glass without knowing he had been drugged, so the way he was feeling
was because of the drug, they both started kissing and touching each other they
both felt like sleeping with each other and they could not resist the urge to do it
Dorathy woke up with an headache her body was aching all over, suddenly she started
to remember what had happened,she it got and was making her way out of the room
when she heard a familiar voice “I told you i need drugs that will make someone
sleep and not one that will make us f***each other”David said
It suddenly dawned on Dorathy that It was David’s voice, “David drugged and raped
me”she mouthed as she recorded everything with her phone.
“David we need to talk” Dorathy said, “can’t you see he’s busy “ Joanna said, “
okay what do you want “David asked Dorathy, “I want to speak to you in
private”Dorathy replied, “ okay, sweetheart give us a minute will you ” David said
to Joanna, passssh* Dorathy slapped David before saying, “I can’t believe you would
stoop so low, just because I rejected you, you drugged me and raped me“ Dorathy
said, “ stop making a big fuss about it, I only needed your nudes to win a bet and
nothing more it’s not like I wanted to sleep with you anyway, it’s because I also
got drugged”David told Dorathy, “ a bet you did that all for a stupid bet” Dorathy
stated, “ it wasn’t a stupid bet I needed to prove that I could have any girl I
want and besides, I felt winning the bet and car wouldn’t be that bad David said.
“David I regret ever becoming friends with you ,I hate you and I will never forgive
you for this” Dorathy stated be fore turning to leave but someone held her hand and
when she looked back, she saw that it was Joanna holding her hand,before she could
react or say anything Joanna slapped her,
“You slept with my boyfriend b**** and you, you said that it was all a bet and you
slept with her but I know it’s allthis bitch’s fault “ Joanna said
“You know I pitied you before because you were dating a terrible person like but
now I realize you are perfect for each other but I want you to know that you are
not the only one that can call people names and hit them but if I also do that it
will make me as uncouth and unreasonable as you are, I want you to know that
silence is the best answer for a fool and in this case you are the fool in this
case and besides slapping filth will make your hand dirty, so why should I make my
hand dirty, I don’t want to waste my time with you guys anymore”Dorathy said.

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