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Chapter 7 :Dinner with the family

“Alex was discharged from the hospital, we are taking him home” Dorathy informed
Paul drove to Dorathy’s house but deep down he wished he could drive them to his
house and they would live like a family but he knew Dorathy would not be happy with
his decision, so he decided not to say anything, Dorathy on the other hand didn’t
want him to know where she lived and she also didn’t want to be in his car but her
son had insisted that they all go in the same car
The drive was silent until Alex asked “daddy why are we going to mummy’s house
aren’t we supposed to be going to your house”
“Well honey we can’t go to my house because I still have somethings to do before
you can move in, but you can visit if your mum allows”David said
“ mummy can I visit daddy’s house during the weekend, I promise I will do all my
homework before I go and I promise to behave myself” Alex said, Dorathy had been
quiet all along, she finally spoke up to reply her son “Sure darling you can visit
your dad” Dorathy replied even though she didn’t want him to go, they arrived at
Dorathy’s house and went inside and saw that the living area was decorated with a
large banner that read “welcome back home “
Both Dorathy and David were as confused as their son when they saw the banner but
it soon became clear to them when both Paul and kelvin jumped out of their hiding
places and shouted “surprise” , they had invested a lot of time and energy planning
the surprise welcome party
“Who is responsible for this,is this why you didn’t want to come to the hospital
”Dorathy asked,
“Of course we did” kelvin replied
“So you also realize that you did it without my permission” Dorathy stated
“It wasn’t my idea, it was your best friend, he said that he doesn’t need your
permission and that you can’t get angry at him” kelvin informed Dorathy ignoring
the death glares Paul was shooting at him,
“He’s lying I never said any of that” Paul said trying to defend himself
“Ohhhhh I see, so you don’t need my permission, you know am supposed to be angry
but since my son is happy, I will let it go” Dorathy said without missing the look
of relief that took over the tensed ones on everyone’s face,
“Hi, Alex I am kelvin your father’s friend, since your father is too busy drooling
over your mum to introduce us to each other , that’s why I decided to introduce
myself,I must say that you look a lot like your father,the only difference is that
you are more handsome, as from today you can call me uncle” kelvin said with all
his attention on the boy in front of him that he didn’t notice how uncomfortable
Dorathy felt when he said, the reason why David was busy, Dorathy walked out of the
room and Paul went after her, David wasn’t happy with the way she reacted, he was
sad that the mere mention of his name made her angry,
“Why did you leave like that”Paul asked
“Nothing” she replied
“Is it because of what kelvin said”Paul probed further, “ no, I just don’t want
anyone getting the wrong idea, most especially my son, I don’t want him to think
that I and his dad would ever fall in love with each other,the parents of other
kids are together but it’s different in his case, before he didn’t know who is
father was but now he knows and things won’t be like before, it wasn’t a problem
before but now it is, he will expect his parents to be together and I am not
willing to be with anyone, i just want to be alone with my son, I don’t want things
to change, I want everything to remain the same “Dorathy explained to Paul, but
they were both distracted when Dorathy’s
Phone rang, when she checked the caller Id it was her mom, she picked the call and
excused herself before she spoke up, “ hello mom, how are you” she asked,
“am fine and you”Tianna Dorathy’s mother replied,
“ am fine mom, why did you call”Dorathy asked,
“Don’t I have the right to call my daughter anymore, you didn’t call or visit me
and your dad, so it’s only right that I call to check up on you and my
grandson”Tianna replied,
“Sorry mum, I have just been busy lately but I promise to visit you when I am less
busy”Dorathy said to make her mother happy,
“There’s no need to wait until you are less busy because I decided that we are all
going to have dinner this weekend as a family, ever since you guys stopped living
with us you don’t bother to check up on us, we are the ones that are bothered about
you guys, it’s like you guys don’t care about us ”Tiana complained to her daughter
but she had no idea that Dorathy indeed had a lot on her plate,
“Mum am sorry but I can’t do this weekend, I have to take Alex somewhere and he’s
been waiting to go there all week, he will throw a tantrum if I don’t take him
there and besides I have a lot on my plate right now”she said trying to not tell
her mom where Alex would be going but her mother was not ready to give up easily,
“Dorathy you will be here this weekend for the dinner and that’s final”Tiana said
but just as Dorathy was about to argue further Alex suddenly ran into the room and
said “mummy, uncle Paul, come see the gift uncle kelvin got me”
“Is Paul there with you I want to speak with him”Tiana said firmly,
“Mum wants to speak with you”Dorathy informed Paul while handing the phone over to
him, he collected the phone from her and spoke “ hello aunty, how are you doing,
how is uncle , I hope you guys are fine, my regards to uncle ”
“Well we are fine, were you avoiding me, so if I didn’t tell Dorathy that I would
like to speak with you, you would not have wanted to say hello, you don’t even ask
of us either, we are having a family dinner this weekend and since you are
practically family, I would like to invite you to join us for dinner and don’t say
you won’t be able to make it, you just have to come okay and also make sure Dorathy
comes along with Alex” Tiana said
“Okay aunty the three of us will be present at the dinner “Paul stated while
ignoring the death glare that Dorathy shot at him .
He handed the phone back to Dorathy but before she could say anything her mom hung
up on her without giving her the chance to say anything more or to protest further,
she was angry at Paul but she didn’t knew it wasn’t his fault, besides she had
other things to worry about, how was she going to tell Alex that he couldn’t visit
his father during the weekend, she knew he wasn’t going to be happy about it and
she knew he would throw a huge tantrum but she just had to convince him and make
him understand, she was lost in thought and she only came around when Alex said
“mummy daddy is about to leave”
She left the room holding Alex’s hand with Paul following behind them and when they
finally got to the living room, Alex ran to hug his father and told him that he
can’t wait to visit him during the weekend, “ Dorathy what time should I come to
pick him up” David asked, Paul cleared his throat seeing as Dorathy was short of
words, “well he won’t be able to visit you during the weekend anymore, something
came up”Dorathy stated,
“Mummy but I want to visit daddy”Alex whined,
David was quiet, he didn’t know what to say, he didn’t want to make neither Dorathy
nor his son angry and he also wanted to spend some time with his son
“Look, I will make you both a deal,if you accompany, i and Paul for dinner during
the weekend, you can stay with your dad the whole week” Dorathy stated
“Are you sure mommy, promise me you won’t change your mind”Alex asked sounding
convinced, “yes I promise. I give you my word, he can even pick you up after
school on Monday”she said, “ David you don’t have a problem with that right” she
asked deep down she didn’t want her son to stay with him but she didn’t have a
choice and besides she had to accept the fact that Alex has a father now.
“No, I am fine with it” David replied not understanding why she was suddenly
willing to let Alex stay with him but he didn’t think too much of it
“ so is it a deal” Dorathy asked
“Yes it is” Alex and David chorused
“David why do you think Dorathy, made such a deal with you,could this be signs that
she is no longer angry at you” kelvin asked
“Well I don’t think so, I feel the dinner she wants Alex to accompany her to is
very important”David replied trying not to think about her reasons for doing what
she did.

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