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Name: ……………………………………………………… Index No: ……………...

Signature: …………………………………………….

Subsidiary ICT
Paper 1
2 ½ hours

Uganda Advanced Certificate of Education
S850/1 Subsidiary ICT
Theory Paper
2 Hours 30 Minutes


This paper is made up of 20 compulsory and equally weighted questions.

Write all your responses in dark blue or black ink in the spaces provided.

All answers should be written in the spaces provided. No additional material will be
provided to the candidate.

Attempt ALL questions in this paper.


1 11
2 12
3 13
4 14
5 15
6 16
7 17
8 18
9 19
10 20 Total

1. (a). State the difference between a graphical user interface and a command line
interface. (02 marks)



(b). Mention any two features of a graphical user interface. (02 marks)



(c). Give one disadvantage of a command line interface. (01 mark)


2. (a). Write short notes on the following:

(i). Batch processing. (01 mark)



(ii). Real – time processing. (01 mark)



(b). State two disadvantages of using a computer for data processing.

(02 marks)



(c). Mention one factor to consider before choosing an electronic method of data
processing in an organisation. (01 mark)


3. (a). What is an icon? (02 marks)


(b). State what happens when you perform the following activities on a file:

(i). Right click. (01 mark)


(ii). Double click. (01 mark)


(iii).Single left – click. (01 mark)


4. Use the table below to answer questions (a) – (d) below.

Item Computer A Computer B

CPU 3.66 GHz 3,000 MHz
HDD 2 TB 6,000 GB
Monitor 18” OLED 18” Plasma
RAM 8 GB 4,000 MB
O/S Windows 8 Ubuntu

(a). Which computer category is not disturbed by a virus? (01 mark)


(b). Which computer has the largest storage capacity? (01 mark)


(c). A graphics designer would wish to buy a computer. With a reason, which
computer category is ideal? (02 marks)



(d). Which computer is the fastest? (01 mark)


5. Using the following words, fill in the spaces provided below. (05 marks)

ROM, floppy diskette, flash disc, magnetic tape, blu-ray disc.

(a). A …………………. uses a sequential data access method.

(b). Contents in ……………. Cannot be modified, updated or edited.

(c). A ………………… can hold data up to 1.44 MB.

(d). Multimedia files stored on a ……………… provides a High Definition (HD)

screen resolution.

(e). A …………………… is a very good example of solid – state data storage


6. (a). What is a computer network? (01 mark)



(b). State two uses of an IP address to a computer in a network. (02 marks)



(c). Companies today prefer the use of WIFI for internet distribution. Give two
reasons for this. (02 marks)



7. (a). Give the difference between an instruction and a program in relation to

computer software. (02 marks)



(b). Mention any two uses of an operating system in a computer. (02 marks)



(c). What are computer utility programs? (01 mark)


8. (a). State the difference between RAM and ROM. (02 marks)



(b). Mention one function of BIOS in a computer. (01 mark)


(c). Give two ways you can increase speed and efficiency of a computer.
(02 marks)



9. (a). A supermarket maintains a POS and frequently allows customers to pay

through EFTPOS. Write the acronyms POS and EFTPOS in full.

(i). POS (01 mark)


(ii). EFTPOS (01 mark)


(b). State two reasons why the supermarket still use barcode readers at a POS.
(02 marks)


(c). Mention any one devices that can be used for data capture and use pre-printed
sequences of data. (01 mark)


10.Write true or false against each of the following statements. (05 marks)

Item T/F
(a). Digital signals involve the use of discreet values (1,0).
(b). A single BiT is made up of 1024 characters.
(c). HDMI ports are mainly available on new generation computers.
(d). A laptop can be used as a server for a small size business.
(e). continuous use of a computer can easily lead to obesity among users.

11.(a). State any two advantages of using a mouse over a tracker ball for data entry.
(02 marks)



(b). After a fresh re-installation of windows on a computer, it was realized

that the sound card failed to synchronize music for playback. Mention any
two possible causes to this. (02 marks)



(c). Give one solution to the above occurrence. (01 mark)


12.(a). What is a font? (01 mark)



(b). State two features of a font. (02 marks)



(c). (i). I designed a certificate with very good fonts and colours. When I opened
it using a laptop of a friend, all the nice fonts were substituted any my work
become disorganized. State one cause of this. (01 mark)


(i). How can I adjust the problem in (c) (i)? (01 mark)


13.(a). Mention the three system buttons found on a windows screen. (03 marks)



(b). State the difference between a check box and a radio button. (02 marks)



14.(a). Write short notes on the following terms:

(i). Hardware. (01 mark)



(ii). Procedure. (01 mark)



(b). State any two factors to consider before buying a peripheral device.
(02 marks)



(c). Give one disadvantage of using a fixed hard disk. (01 mark)


15.Study the database below and answer the questions following.

StudentID Name Date of birth Age

B001 Alexander 20/10/1978
B002 Simon Peter 13/01/1989
B003 Stephen 23/05/1977
B004 Lydia 10/10/1980
B005 Aminah 11/12/1983
B006 Sandra 19/08/1971
B007 Justine 20/09/1991

(a). Suggest two possible data types for StudentID field. (02 marks)


(b). State the criteria you will use to return Names of students where the first letters
are between A and L. (01 mark)


(c). You have written the criteria in the Date of Birth field as DateDiff(“yyyy”,[Date
of Birth],Date())>40 and executed (run). What will happen? (01 mark)


(d). Write the query statement that will return the exact numeric value for age for
each student. (01 mark)


16.(a). Define the following terms as related to a presentation.

(i). Slide sorter. (01 mark)


(ii). Transition looping. (01 mark)



(iii).Slide master. (01 mark)


(b). Write down two guidelines to designing a good presentation. (02 marks)



17.(a). State any two software tools that can be used for real – time communication
over the internet. (02 marks)



(b). Mention two services provided by an ISP. (02 marks)


(c). Define a web portal. (01 mark)



18.(a). State two measures necessary to safeguard computer hardware components in

a computer laboratory. (02 marks)



(b). Give two basic input devices that are checked when a computer is booting.
(02 marks)



(c). A student in school X tried to boot a computer and it failed to complete the
sequence. Mention one cause of this. (01 mark)



19.(a). Define the term ‘green computing’. (01 mark)



(b). State any three objectives of green computing. (03 marks)




(c). Give one advantage of cyber storage to an institution. (01 mark)


20.(a). Mention any two characteristics of a DTP application program. (02 marks)

(b). State one major function of the following in a DTP application.

(i). Crop marks. (01 mark)



(ii). Measurement tool bar. (01 mark)



(iii). Document guides. (01 mark)





Name: ………………………………………………………………Str’m: ….Comb: ....

Subsidiary Paper
2 hours

Uganda Advanced Certificate of Education
(Subsidiary Paper)
Paper One (Theory)


a) This paper is made up of twenty structured questions.

b) All questions are compulsory.
c) Write your answers in the spaces provided.
d) All questions carry equal marks


1 11
2 12
3 13
4 14
5 15
6 16
7 17
8 18
9 19
10 20

1. (a). Give the difference between data and information. (01 mark)



(b). State two ways data can be kept safe in a computer laboratory.
(02 marks)



(c). Mention two devices used to enter text into a computer. (02 marks)



2. (a). State two ways of ensuring continuous use of a computer. (02 marks)


(b). Give two uses of A WOOLEN carpet in a computer laboratory. (02 marks)



(c). Write PC in full. (01 mark)


3. (a). Mention two devices that can be used both as input and output devices.
(02 marks)


(b). State three disadvantages of using a computer
(03 marks)


4. (a). Write CPU in full. (01 mark)


(b). State the difference between save and save as. (02 marks)




(c). Mention two functions of a computer (02 marks)



5. (a). State one function of the following:

(i). Caps lock (01 mark)



(ii). Enter key (01 mark)



(b). Give one difference between a backspace and delete key. (02 marks)




(c). State one use of a computer keyboard in data processing. (01 mark)

6. (a). Write short notes on the following:

(i). Header . (01 mark)



(ii). Footer (01 mark)



(iii). Footnote (01 mark)



7. Using the following file path to answer questions below:


(a). In which storage device was the file stored? (02 mark)


(b). In which program was the file saved? (02mark)


(c). In which account privilege was the file stored? (01 mark)

(d). State two features of the program used to store this work. (02 marks)



8. (a). Write the term email in full. (01 mark)


(b). Give two advantages of using an e-mail in data communication. (02 marks)



(c). In relation to an e-mail, give the meaning of the following abbreviations:

(i). BCC (01 mark)


(ii). CC (01 mark)


9. (a). State the difference between primary key and foreign key as used in Ms
Access. (01 mark)




(b). State two examples of word processor (02 marks)



(c). Give two advantages of using a primary key in Ms. Access (02 marks)


10. Use the following spreadsheet chart to answer questions below:

1 Item Quantity Unit cost Total cost
2 Bread 40 Ugx. 3,800
3 Cake 60 Ugx. 500
4 Fanta 50 Ugx. 800
5 Rolex 30 Ugx. 1,200
6 Sorghum 10 Ugx. 800

(a). Write the data type used in the range B2:B6? (01 mark)


(b). What custom format was used to generate output in cell range C2:C6? (01 mark)


(c). How many cells are in the range A2:C6? (01 mark)



(d). State two ways data in cell range A1:D1 can be emphasized? (02 marks)




11. You are provided with the following figure prepared using a word processor.

Name English S.S.T Maths Science Total

Mwoso D. 70 100 20 70
Swabulin M. 60 40 60 70
Kintu S. 70 20 20 81
Wandalo D. 70 60 10 81
Nalweyiso A. 70 70 15 90

(a). State the formula for determining total score for Wandalo D. (01 mark)


(b). State one word processing feature used to prepare the figure above. (01 mark)


(c). When you arrange the total in descending order, write down the order for all
the students. (02 marks)


(d). When you sort Maths results in ascending order, write down the correct order
of marks. (01 mark)


12. (a). Define the term internet browser. (01 mark)



(b). State two examples of browsers a user can manipulate. (02 marks)



(c). Write short notes on the following:

(i). Search engine. (01 mark)


(ii). Wiki (01 mark)


13. (a). Define the term data communication. (01 mark)



(b). State two elements of a data communication channel. (02 marks)



(c). Mention two areas where GPS is currently being used in business. (02 marks)


14. (a). Distinguish between a freeware and a shareware. (01 mark)



(b). State two uses of an operating system to a computer. (02 marks)



(c). Mention to examples of software suite. (02 marks)


15. (a). State one example of a device that is:

(i). Magnetic (01 mark)


(ii). Solid-state (01 mark)


(iii). Optical. (01 mark)


(b). State two ways of ensuring data security on the devices mentioned above.
(02 marks)



16. (a). State two ways IT is used at your school. (02 marks)



(b). State two disadvantages of using IT in society. (02 marks)

(c). What is the meaning of the term ICT. (01 mark)



17. (a). What is meant by Computer Aided Design? (01 mark)



(b). Give two different applications where CAD is used. (02 marks)



(c). Mention any two specialized devices used in CAD. (02 marks)



18. (a). Name two pieces of hardware needed to enable video-conferencing to take
place using a standard computer system. (02 marks)



(b). State one piece of specialist software needed to carry out video-conferencing.
(01 mark)


(c). State two advantages of using video - conferencing over instant messaging.
(02 marks)



19. (a). Define the following terms as used in relation to a database:

(i). Record (01 mark)


(ii). Field (01 mark)



(b). State two advantages of using an electronic database over a manual database.
(02 marks)



(c). Define the term validation rule. (01 mark)



20. (a). In a practical sense, state the meaning of the following:

(i). Clicking (01 mark)



(ii). Double click (01 mark)



(iii). Drag (01 mark)



(b). Mention two uses of a mouse in data processing. (02 marks)




Name: ………………………………………………………………Str’m: ….Comb: ....

Subsidiary Paper
2 hours

(Subsidiary Paper)
Paper One (Theory)


e) This paper is made up of twenty structured questions.

f) All questions are compulsory.
g) Write your answers in the spaces provided.
h) All questions carry equal marks

1 11
2 12
3 13
4 14
5 15
6 16
7 17
8 18
9 19
10 20
1. (a). State the difference between data processing and word processing. (01 mark)

(b). Mention any two features of a word processor. (02 marks)

(c). State any two ways data can be emphasized in a word processor. (02 marks)

2. (a). Define the term data communication. (01 mark)

(b). State any two elements of a data communication channel. (02 marks)

(c). Mention two devices needed to conduct a video conference. (02 marks)

3. (a). What are network protocols? (02 marks)

(b). Write the following in full:

(i). ISDN (01 mark)

(ii). TCP/IP (01 mark)

(iii).DSL (01 mark)

4. (a). Distinguish a primary key and a foreign key. (01 mark)

(b). State any two factors you consider before designing a database. (02 marks)

(c). Mention two objects in a database program. (02 marks)

5. (a). What is a software suite? (01 mark)

(b). State two examples of software suite. (02 marks)

(c). Give any two branches of system software. (02 marks)

6. (a). Give the difference between input and output as related to data processing.
(01 mark)

(b). Mention two examples of devices that can be used to control the cursor.
(02 marks)

(c). State two functions of storage hardware devices. (02 marks)

7. (a). What is a data bus? (01 mark)

(b). State any two parts of a processor. (02 marks)

(c). Give two functions of a processor in your computer. (02 marks)

8. (a). Distinguish between cold booting and soft booting. (01 mark)

(b). Give two circumstances under which a user can require to restart his computer.
(02 marks)

(c). State one function of the following in the process of booting a computer.

(i). BIOS (01 mark)

(ii). CMOS (01 mark)

9. (a). Distinguish the following pairs of terms related to computer software.

(i). Freeware and shareware 01 mark)

(ii). Custom software and off shelf software (01 mark)

(b). State any two factors you will consider before choosing a software type for your
computer. (02 marks)

(c). Distinguish between computer program and computer software. (01 mark)

10. (a). What is a computer network? (01 mark)

(b). State two advantages for using a computer network. (02 marks)

(c). State one function of the following devices in networking:

(i). Firewall (01 mark)

(ii). Bridge (01 mark)

11.(a). Define the term data storage. (01 mark)

(b).State three examples of optical storage devices. (03 marks)

(c). Mention one advantage of using a flash disk for data storage. (01 mark)

12.(a). Write OSI in full as used in data communication. (01 mark)

(b). State three layers represented in a complete OSI model. (03 marks)

(c). State one use of IP addresses in data transmission. (01 mark)

13.Write the meaning of the following terms as used in relation to computer use.

(a). Spreadsheets (01 mark)


(b). Footnote (01 mark)

(c). Data backup (01 mark)

(d). Garbage In, Garbage Out. (01 mark)

(e). Recycle bin (01 mark)

14. (a). Distinguish between softcopy and hardcopy. (01 mark)

(b). State two devices that can be used to display information for a user. (02 marks)

(c). Give two practical uses of light emitting diodes in a printer. (02 marks)

15.(a). Write the abbreviation IT in full. (01 mark)

(b). State any three ways IT is used at home to promote education. (03 marks)

(c). Mention one danger of using IT in an organization. (01 mark)

16.In reference to a computer’s keyboard, state one function of the following parts:

(a). Space bar. (01 mark)

(b). Escape key. (01 mark)

(c). Caps lock. (01 mark)

(d). Functional keys. (01 mark)

(e). Tab key. (01 mark)

17.(a). Distinguish between WWW and the Internet. (01 mark)

(b). State two services of the internet. (02 marks)

(c). Give the meaning of the following types of websites:

(i). Blog (01 mark)


(ii). Rating website (01 mark)

18.You given the following file extension: C:\Users\Student\Desktop\KCB\

(a).In which application category was used to typeset this file? (01 mark)

(b).In which directory is this file stored? (01 mark)


(c).State two ways you can make this file safe from damage. (02 marks)

(d).Give one example of application you can use to typeset this file. (01 mark)

19.(a) State two services offered at an internet café. (02 marks)

(b). Mention two items you need to enter at login before accessing your e-mail
account. (02 marks)

(c). Give one advantage of using an e-mail over ordinary mail. (02 marks)

20.(a). State two applications of GPS in business. (02 marks)

(b). Mention two areas where artificial intelligence is used today. (02 marks)

(c). Give one characteristic of a good a computer. (01 mark)




Name: ………………………..……………………………… Class: …… Stream: ……

Subsidiary ICT
Term one, 2014
Theory paper
2 hours 30 minutes

Uganda Advanced Certificate of Education
Subsidiary Ict
Senior Six
Theory Paper
2 Hrs 30 Min


a) This paper is made up of twenty structured questions.

b) Write your answers in the spaces provided. Answer written on additional papers,
shall not be marked.


1. 11.
2. 12.
3. 13.
4. 14.
5. 15.
6. 16.
7. 17.
8. 18.
9. 19. TOTAL
10. 20.

1. (a). Distinguish between cold and warm booting. (02 marks)


(b). Give two reasons for backing up data by an organisation. (02 marks)


(c). Give one example of devices that can be used to output information. (01 mark)

2. (a). State three editing features in a word processor. (03 marks)

(b). How is formatting and editing different as related to data processing. (02 marks)


3. Use the following words to fill in the blank spaces (a) to (e) provided. (05 marks)

Network, LAN, Computer Crime, Virus, Mouse, Spreadsheets, Default Value,


(a) ……………….. enables people from different geographical regions to image call.

(b) A ………………… disorganizes the normal routing performance of a computer.

(c) Computers linked together in a small geographical boundary to form a …………

(d) A …………….. workspace is made up of a grid of boxes where data is arranged.

(e) If a user does not enter a string of text, a ……………. will be displayed in a
database table.

4. (a). State one function to each of the following as used in the Central Processing

(i). Arithmetical logical unit (ALU) (01 mark)

(ii). Buffer (01 mark)

(iii). Control Unit (CU) (01 mark)

(b). Give two uses of virtual memory during data processing. (02 marks)

5. (a). Explain how the following are done:

(i). Copying a file. (01 mark)

(ii). Creating a folder. (01 mark)

(b). Write short notes on the following:

(i). Footnote. (01 mark)

(ii). Footer. (01 mark)

(iii). End note. (01 mark)


6. (a). State two examples of instruction input hardware devices. (02 marks)

(b). In relation to a computer’s keyboard, give one function to each of the following:

(i). Space bar. (01 mark)

(ii). Enter key. (01 mark)

(iii). Escape key. (01 mark)

7. (a). State the two factors to consider before buying a software program. (02 marks)

(b). List two ways computer users obtain software legally. (02 marks)

(c). What is a software suite? (01 mark)

8. (a). Define the term computer communication. (01 mark)

(b). Give two components of a computer communication model. (02 marks)

(c). State the difference between a simplex and a full duplex channel. (02 marks)


9. (a). Give two characteristics of impact printers. (02 marks)

(b). State the difference between a hardcopy and a softcopy. (01 mark)

(c). Mention two ways you can care for a printer. (02 marks)

10.(a). List two ways ICT is used at home. (02 marks)

(b). State three advantages of using electronic spreadsheets. (03 marks)

11.Write True of False against each question (a) to (e) in the table below. (05 marks)

Item True / False

(a) Ms. DOS is an example of a command line operating system.
(b) A joystick is text input hardware device.
(c) A word processor can carry out simple calculations.
(d) You can cold boot a computer using CTL + ALT + DEL
(e) A chart can only be created using Ms. Excel.

12.(a). Mention two examples of operating system. (02 marks)

(b). List any two functions of utility programs. (02 marks)


(c). Define the term firmware. (01 mark)

13.You are provided with the following database structure. Use it to answer questions
(a) to (e).

StudentID First_Name Last_Name Sex Telephone_No. Age

(a). How many fields does this structure have? (01 mark)

(b). Give the possible data types for:

(i). Sex. (01 mark)

(ii). Telephone_No. (01 mark)

(c). Why is Number not a good data type for Age? (01 mark)

(d). Suggest a field that can be used as a primary key. (01 mark)

14.(a).Mention two services provided by the internet. (02 marks)

(b). List two requirements for setting up internet. (02 marks)

(c). Give one danger of using the internet at home. (01 mark)

15. (a).State the difference between hardware and software. (02 marks)


(b). Give one reason for servicing a computer. (01 mark)

(c). State two ways data loss can be minimized in a computer laboratory. (02 marks)

16. (a). Give two ways you can control intruders into a computer laboratory. (02 marks)

(b). What is the primary function of a recycle bin? (01 mark)

(c). State two circumstance under which a user can double click a file. (02 marks)

17. (a). Give the difference between a file and a folder. (02 marks)

(b). State the file extension of a database file. (01 mark)

(c). Mention two reasons for restarting a computer by the user. (02 marks)

18.(a). What is a password? (01 mark).

(b). State two advantages of having a secure password for your computer resources.
(02 marks)


(c). Give two guidelines for creating a secure password. (02 marks)

19. (a). Given the file path C:\User\Desktop\Abdu\Letter.doc, identify the following:

(i). File name (01 mark)

(ii). File type (01 mark)

(iii). The subfolder in which the file is located. (01 mark)

(iv). The drive on which the file is located. (01 mark)

(b). State the file extension for an Ms. Excel file. (01 mark)

20. State the function for each of the following computer hardware. (05 marks)
(i). RAM Chip

(ii). Hard disk

(iii). ROM Chip


(iv). CPU

(v). CMOS battery




Name: ……………………………………………………… Index No: ……………...

Signature: …………………………………………….

Subsidiary ICT
Paper 1
July / August, 2014
2 ½ hours

Uganda Advanced Certificate of Education

S850/1 Subsidiary ICT
Mock Examinations, 2014
Theory Paper
2 Hours 30 Minutes


This paper is made up of 20 compulsory and equally weighted questions.

Write all your responses in dark blue or black ink in the spaces provided.

All answers should be written in the spaces provided. No additional material will be
provided to the candidate.

Attempt ALL questions in this paper.


1 11
2 12
3 13
4 14
5 15
6 16
7 17
8 18
9 19
10 20 Total

1. (a). Define the term computer literacy. (01 mark)

(b). Mention two ways you can safeguard your computer against damage.
(02 marks)

(c). State two causes of data loss in your computer. (02 marks)

2. (a). Mention two components of a computer system. (02 marks)

(b). In relation to the information processing cycle, explain the following terms:

(i). Input (01 mark)

(ii). Storage (01 mark)

(iii). Processing (01 mark)

3. State one function of the following keyboard parts:
(a). Capslock. (01 mark)

(b). Shift key. (01 mark)


(c). Enter key. (01 mark)

(d). Space bar. (01 mark)

(e). Delete key. (01 mark)

4. (a). State the difference between hardware and software. (02 marks)

(b). Mention two devices that can be used for both input and output. (02 marks)

(c). Give one example of a text input hardware device. (01 mark)


5. (a). What is the difference between systems and application programs. (02 marks)

(b). Mention the three categories of computer systems software. (03 marks)

6. (a). State two characteristics of a spreadsheet application. (02 marks)

(b). Mention two data types recorded in a spreadsheet application. (02 marks)


(c). Give one difference between a worksheet and a workbook. (01 mark)


7. (a). What is a computer crime? (01 mark)

(b). Give two causes of computer viruses in your school. (02 marks)

(c). List down any two ways computer crime can be regulated in a laboratory.
(02 marks)
8. (a). Define the term booting as used in relation to computers. (01 mark)

(b). Write short notes on the following terms:

(i). Cold booting. (01 mark)

(ii). Warm booting. (01 mark)

(c). Give the importance of the following during the booting process:

(i). POST (01 mark)

(ii). BIOS (01 mark)

9. (a). Give two advantages of using the internet at home. (02 marks)

(b). You are given the following URL: Identify:

(i). .co (01 mark)


(ii). .ug (01 mark)


(iii). newvision 01 mark)


10.(a). What are data types? (01 mark)

(b). State the difference between a memo and a text data type. (02 marks)

(c). Identify suitable data types for the following field names:

(i). StudentID (01 mark)


(ii). Fees paid (01 mark)


(iii). Date of birth (01 mark)


11.(a). Give two roles carried out by a network administrator. (02 marks)

(b). After a fresh re-installation of a computer set, it was found out that some
devices were not responding. Clearly:

(i). State the cause of this circumstance. (01 mark)

(ii). What could be done to resolve this problem? (01 mark)


(c). What is a computer certification course? (01 mark)


12.(a). State the difference between impact and non impact printers. (02 marks)

(b). Give two ways of caring for a printer in your school. (02 marks)

(c). Mention one way you keep power supply for your computer well grounded.
(01 mark)


13.In the table provided, use the following words to fill in the spaces for each section of
this question. (05 marks)

Software suit, freeware, shareware, software bug, licence key.

a) A ………………….……. is a copyrighted piece of software that is distributed at

no cost.

b) ………………………….. is a collection of secret code entered at a time of

installing a program.

c) A ……………………..…… makes a certain component of an application

program not to respond or give the required response.

d) A …………………………….. is a copyrighted piece of software that after

sometime, the user will be required to pay for full version features.

e) …………………….……… is a collection of integrated application programs

usually with common interface features.

14.(a). Give the difference between RAM and ROM. (02 marks)


(b). Mention two advantages of using secondary storage to an organisation.
(02 marks)

(c). What are computer peripheral devices? (01 mark)

15. (a). State two factors you will consider before buying a monitor for home use.
(02 marks)


(b). Outline two ways data can be misused in an organisation. (02 marks)

(c). State one method at a data entry point that is performed to ensure data
accuracy and correctness. (01 mark)


16.(a). What is a computer network? (01 mark)

(b). Give two advantages of a satellite communication. (02 marks)

(c). Mention two requirements for setting up a temporary computer network.
(02 marks)

17. (a). State the difference between a soft and hard copy. (02 marks)


(b). Give two functions of a light emitting diode (LED) to your computer.
(02 marks)

(c). Outline one major component found inside the system’s case. (01 mark)


18.(a). What is a DTP application? (02 marks)


(b). Give two characteristics of a DTP application. (02 marks)

(c). State one function of crop marks in a DEP program. (01 mark)


19.(a). Suggest two ways your school can best use a GPS application. (02 marks)

(b). Define the following terms:

(i). Web 2.0 technologies. (01 mark)

(ii). Web aggregators. (01 mark)

(iii). Web forum. (01 mark)

20. (a). Define a computer network topology. (01 mark)

(b). Give two requirements for setting up a temporary network.. (02 marks)

(c). Mention any three wireless network broadcasting devices. (03 marks)




Name: ……………………………………………………… Index No: ……………...

Signature: …………………………………………….

Subsidiary ICT
Paper 1
2 ½ hours

Uganda Advanced Certificate of Education

S850/1 Subsidiary ICT
Theory Paper
2 Hours 30 Minutes


This paper is made up of 20 compulsory and equally weighted questions.

Write all your responses in dark blue or black ink in the spaces provided.

All answers should be written in the spaces provided. No additional material will be
provided to the candidate.

Attempt ALL questions in this paper.


1 11
2 12
3 13
4 14
5 15
6 16
7 17
8 18
9 19
10 20 Total

1. (a). Define the term computer literacy. (02 marks)

(b). State the difference between data and information. (02 marks)

(c). Give one way a student can use IT at school to improve learning. (01 mark)

2. (a). Give the difference between a file and a folder. (02 marks)

(b). Mention two reasons for keeping files in a folder. (02 marks)

(c). State one way computer files can be safeguarded against damage. (01 mark)

3. Using the following group of words, re-arrange them to suit a clear classification in
the table below. (05 marks)

- To save a file. - Antivirus.

- Video conferencing. - Freeware.
- Webcam. - Dotmatrix printer.
- To create a file. - E-mail.
- VoIP.

Hardware Software Procedure Communication

- - - -
- - - -
- - - -

4. (a). Write CPU in full. (01 mark)

(b). Give one function of the following components in data processing.

(i). Address bus. (01 mark)

(ii). Data bus. (01 mark)

(c). Why do users prefer fast processor power for all their computing needs?
(02 marks)

5. (a). In relation to a word processor; state one function to each of the following:

(i). Word wrap. (01 mark)

(ii). Mail – merge. (01 mark)

(iii). End note. (01 mark)

(b). Mention two components that make up a scroll bar. (02 marks)

6. Fill in the appropriate application program that can be used to carry out the following
tasks. (05 marks)

(a). To create a book – cover with rich colours and graphics …………………………

(b). To create work for sensitising about 200 people …………………………………

(c). To collect information about our clan members …………………………………

(d). To budget for sports day requirements ……………………………………………

(e). To write a polite notice to house members ………………………………………

7. Organisation X is about to implement a computerised system to manage payrolls and

stock controls. As an ICT student, advise the workers in relation to:

(a) Career opportunities that will come along the way. (02 marks)

(b) Dangers of implementing the system. (02 marks)

(c) One advantage of implementing the system. (01 mark)

8. (a). State the difference between systems and application software. (02 marks)

(b). Mention one:
(i). Specialised application program. (01 mark)

(ii). Office application program. (01 mark)

(c). What is a software bug? (01 mark)

9. (a). Give two advantages of inserting a primary key in a database table. (02 marks)


(b). State two features of a good database table. (02 marks)

(c). Distinguish between text and memo data type. (01 mark)

10.Write True of False against each statement in the table below. (05 marks)

Item True of False

(a) E-commerce saves time for businessmen.
(b) A mouse can be used to boot up a computer.
(c) Computers can communicate to each other in a typical network.
(d) Microphones can be used to enter text into a computer.
(e) After designing a website, it is uploaded using an FTP

11.Use the figure below to answer the questions following.

1 HouseID hygiene Bed making Compound Flower bed Total Position
2 Kampala 40 20 100 20
3 Entebbe 80 10 100 14
4 Wakiso 90 11 90 11
5 Palisa 80 15 80 60
6 Soroti 80 16 70 20
7 Fortportal 10 18 55 40
8 Buikwe 100 20 40 100
1 Mode

(a). Identify the application program that is appropriate to manipulate this data.
(01 mark)

(b). How many columns do you see? (01 mark)

(c). State the formula for determining the modal score for flower bed. (01 mark)


(d). A student wants to create a doughnut graph using $A$1:$A$9,$E$1:$E$9. Write
two logical steps of doing it. (02 marks)

(e). State the formula using total mark to position the students above. (01 mark)

12.(a). In relation to a computer’s keyboard, give one typical function of the following:

(i). Functional keys. (01 mark)

(ii). Backspace key. (01 mark)

(b). State two reasons for buying a new keyboard for your computer at home.
(02 marks)

(c). Mention one activity that can be carried out by both the mouse and a keyboard.
(01 mark)

13.(a). Give two factors you will consider before setting up a computer network.
(02 marks)

(b). State one advantage of establishing a star computer network. (01 mark)

(c). Given the following e-mail address: What is the meaning
of the following parts? (02 marks)

(i). info


14.(a). Mention two ways text can be emphasised in a word processor. (02 marks)

(b). State two devices you can use to transfer data from one laptop to another.
(02 marks)

(c). I have data of 1 GB size and I have to store it using floppy diskettes of 1.44 MB.
How many floppy diskettes will I need? (01 mark)

15.(a). Mention two advantages of using a barcode in the school library. (02 marks)

(b). State the difference between input and storage as used in computing. (02 marks)

(c). Give one factor you will consider before buying a monitor for use. (01 mark)

16.You are provided with the following database model:

StudentI Name Sex Telephone Number Fees paid Date of birth


(a). How many fields are in the database model? (01 mark)

(b). Give two data types that can be used in the StudentID column. (02 marks)

(c). If the date to be entered is in the format of 1995-11-26, write down the field
property format for it. (01 mark)

(d). Mention any one device that can be used to work with the model in the
supermarket. (01 mark)

17.(a). State the difference between simplex and multiplex channel. (02 marks)

(b). Mention one device that does:

(i). Simplex communication. (01 mark)

(ii). Multiplex communication. (01 mark)

(c). Give one use of GPS to a school. (01 mark)

18.(a). Define the term ‘shutdown’ as used in relation to computers. (01 mark)

(b). I am working on the document saved as ‘Examinations’, mention two steps I
need to shutdown this computer. (02 marks)


(c). Give two reasons for carrying out proper shutdown procedure of your computer.
(02 marks)

19.(a). What is a computer virus? (01 mark)

(b). State two ways computer viruses are transmitted among computers. (02 marks)

(c). How do the following control the transmission of viruses:

(i). Activating firewalls. (01 mark)

(ii). Use of passwords. 01 mark)

20.(a). State two functions of a UPS to a computer. (02 marks)

(b). Mention any two circumstances under which a computer can be rebooted.
(02 marks)

(c). Give one way a user is safeguarded in a computer laboratory. 01 marks)




Name: ………………………………………………………Comb: ……… Stream: ….

Sub. ICT
1 hour 30 Min

Uganda Advanced Certificate of Education

Subsdiary ICT
Senior Five
1 Hour


This paper is made up of seventeen questions.

Answer all questions in this paper.
Use the spaces provided to write your answers. No extra writing paper will be provided.
Write your name, combination and stream in the spaces provided.

1. (a). State the difference between data and information. (01 mark)

(b). Give two forms that data can take. (02 marks)

(c). Mention one cause of data loss in a computer. (01 mark)

2. (a). State three characteristics of a good computer. (03 marks)

(b). Give two factors you would consider before buying a computer set. (02 marks)

3. (a). Mention three ways computers can be used at home to improve education.
(03 marks)

(b). State two dangers of using computers today. (02 marks)

4. (a). Write the word CPU in full. (01 mark)

(b). State the three major parts that make up the CPU. (03 marks)


(c). State the units processor speed is measured. (01 mark)

5. (a). Define the term data input. (01 mark)

(b). State two devices that can be used to digitize data for a computer. (02 marks)

(c). Give two uses of input hardware devices. (02 marks)

6. In relation to a computer’s keyboard, write one function of the following parts:

(a). Space bar. (01 mark)

(b). Esc key (01 mark)

(c). Enter key (01 mark)

(d). Delete key (01 mark)

(e). Numlock (01 mark)


7. In relation to a computer mouse, define the following terms:

(a). Click (01 mark)

(b). Double click (01 mark)

(c). Scroll (01 mark)

(d). Drag (01 mark)

(e). Drop (01 mark)

8. (a). State the difference between impact and non impact printers. (02 marks)

(b). Give three advantages of using a LaserJet printer in your school. (03 marks)

9. (a). List four stages involved in transformation of data into information. (04 marks)


(b). Identify one device that can facilitate any one of the stages listed above.
(01 mark)


10.(a). What is computer literacy? (02 marks)



(b). State three reasons for servicing a computer regularly. (03 marks)



11.The following are functions of the operating system. Indicate True or False.
(05 marks)

- To process a word document

- To manage storage of documents

- To monitor system performance

- To administer security

- To enter data
12.(a). With the help of an example, define the term soft copy. (02 marks)



(b). Jackline wants to transfer a file from on computer to another. Suggest any three
devices she could use. (03 marks)



13.(a). State two advantages of using a mobile phone over using a drum for
communication today. (02 marks)

(b). Write the abbreviation PC in full. (01 mark)


(c). Why are PC’s very common today? (02 marks)


14.(a). State the difference between hardware and software. (01 mark)



(b). Mention the three branches of computer software. (03 marks)


(c). Define the term data storage. (01mark)



15.(a). Give two advantages of using an electronic word processor over ordinary
typewriters. (02 marks)



(b).State three features of a word processor. (03 marks)



16.(a). State three ways computers have improved your life in the past one year.
(03 marks)



(b). Mention two ways a computer is beneficial to your school. (02 marks)

17.(a). Define a computer laboratory. (02 marks)



(b). Give one function of the following devices found in a computer laboratory.
(i). UPS. (01 mark)



(ii). Air Conditioner. (01 mark)



(iii). Wool carpet. (01 mark)





Name: ……………………………………………………… Index No: ……………...

Signature: …………………………………………….

Subsidiary ICT
Paper 1
2 ½ hours

Uganda Advanced Certificate of Education
S850/1 Subsidiary ICT
Theory Paper
2 Hours 30 Minutes


This paper is made up of 20 compulsory and equally weighted questions.

Write all your responses in dark blue or black ink in the spaces provided.

All answers should be written in the spaces provided. No additional material will be
provided to the candidate.

Attempt ALL questions in this paper.


1 11
2 12
3 13
4 14
5 15
6 16
7 17
8 18
9 19

10 20 Total
1. (a). State the difference between hardware and software. (02 marks)



(b). Define the term data. (01 mark)



(c). Mention two devices that can be used to enter computer instructions.
(02 marks)



2. (a). Give the distinction between editing and formatting a document.




(b). Outline any two editing features found in a word processor. (02 marks)



(c). How is a light pen used in a word processor? (01 mark)


3. (a). Mention two dangers of using a computer at home. (02




(b). State any two parts that make up an e-mail address. (02 marks)


(c). While composing a mail, what is the use of the “TO” field? (01 mark)


4. (a). What are I/O devices? (01 mark)



(b). State two examples of I/O devices. (02 marks)



(c). Give two ways computers can be abused. (02 marks)



5. (a). State the difference between system and peripheral devices. (02



(b). Define the term computer literacy. (01 mark)



(c). Mention any two examples of specialised application programs. (02 marks)



6. Using the following words, fill in the spaced provided for (a) to (e) below.

Videoconferencing, RSS feed, GPS, webcam, spreadsheets, video, simplex channel.
(05 marks)

(a). ………………….. can be used to locate objects in a given region.

(b). …………………... is a single directional communication method.

(c). Multimedia is largely made up of a ………………………

(d). instant breaking news on a website can easily be accessed using a /an ………

(e). Live and video instant communication using a website is referred to as

…………………….. and with it, a ……………….. is used to capture images for

7. Write short notes on the following:

(a). Peer – to – peer LAN network model. (02 marks)



(b). Web server. (02 marks)



(c). State one advantages of using a network by an organisation. (01 mark)


8. (a). What is a computer laboratory? (01 mark)



(b). State two ways air conditioning is important in a computer laboratory.

(02 marks)



(c). Mention two reasons for servicing computers. (02 marks)



9. (a). Give the difference between cold and warm booting. (01 mark)



(b). In relation to booting a computer, state one function of the following:

(i). pressing CTRL+ALT+DELETE (01 mark)


(ii). BIOS (01 mark)


(c). State two reasons a user may restart a computer. (02 marks)



10.(a). What is a computer virus? (01 mark)



(b). State two ways computer viruses are transmitted. (02 marks)



(c). Mention how the following can control the spread of computer viruses:

(i). Antivirus program. (01 mark)



(ii). Use of passwords. (01 mark)


11.You are given the following table:

1 Item code Name Quantity Selling price Total Price
2 C001 Mirinda 200 900
3 C004 Pepsi 400 900
4 C010 Quencher 600 900
5 C030 Ribena 1,200 1,500
6 C030 Rwenzori 800 1,500
7 C100 PK Sweets 1,000 250

(a). State the application program you will use to organise this work. (01 mark)


(b). What data type will be suitable for the data in the item code field? (01 mark)


(c). Write the formula that will return Total Price for Ribena. (01 mark)


(d). What will happen when you enter Rwenzori after Ribena? (01 mark)


(e). State one practical application of this program in your school. (01 mark)


12.(a). What is a software suite. (01 mark)



(b). Give the difference between shareware and freeware programs. (01 mark)



(c). Write short notes on the following:
(i). software upgrade. (01 mark)

(ii). Software bug. (01 mark)



(iii). Beta software (01 mark)



13.(a). State two advantages of using e-commerce in business. (02




(b). Mention one example of web browser. (01 mark)


(c). What is a:

(i). Web forum? (01 mark)



(ii). Web mail? (01 mark)



14.(a). Define the term computer communication. (01 mark)



(b). Mention any two tools of computer communication. (02



(c). Give two advantages of telecommuting to an organisation. (02



15.(a). Write the following acronyms in full:

(i). FTP (01 mark)


(ii). BBS (01 mark)


(iii). TCP/IP (01 mark)


(b). Mention any two factors you will consider before establishing a network.
(02 marks)



16.(a). Give two forms of wireless communication devices. (02




(b). Mention one danger of using wireless communication in an organisation.



(c). Why are majority of organisations still using cable networks? (01 mark)


17.(a). Give two differences between RAM and ROM. (02



(b). Write one function to the following parts in a CPU.

(i). Control Unit. (01 mark)


(ii). Arithmetic and Logical Unit. (01 mark)


(iii). Registers. (01 mark)


18.(a). State any two applications of artificial intelligence today in computing.

(02 marks)



(b). Mention one branch of digital forensics. (01 mark)


(c). (i). What is green computing? (01 mark)



(ii). Give one goal of green computing. (01 mark)


19.(a). Outline two duties carried out by:
(i). Computer support specialist. (02 marks)



(ii).Systems designer. (02 marks)


(b). Mention one way you can care for a school network. (01 mark)


20.(a). State the difference between a file and a folder. (01 mark)



(b). Outline the steps you take to create a folder on your desktop. (02 marks)



(c). Give two causes of data loss in an organisation. (02 marks)





Name: ………………………………………………………………Str’m: ….Comb: ....

Subsidiary Paper
2 hours


Subsidiary Information and Communications Technology
(Subsidiary Paper)
Paper One (Theory)
TIME: 2 Hours 30 Minutes


i) This paper is made up of twenty structured questions.

j) All questions are compulsory.
k) Write your answers in the spaces provided.
l) All questions carry equal marks


1 11
2 12
3 13
4 14
5 15
6 16
7 17
8 18
9 19
10 20

This paper consists of 10 printed pages,
Candidates should check the question paper to ensure that all the pages are printed as
indicated and not questions are missing.
1. (a). Write the abbreviation CPU in full. (01 mark)



(b). State two functions of the ALU in a computer. (02 marks)



(c). Give two functions of the Control Unit. (02 marks)



2. When purchasing a computer, the clock speed, RAM speed, hard disk size, and
monitor size are often quoted.

(a). State the unit for measuring each. (04 marks)

(i). Clock speed.



(ii). RAM size.


(iii). Hard disk space.



(iv). Monitor Size.


(b). State the difference between CRT and LCD monitor. (01 mark)



3. One way a school enforces security of its computer systems is by restricting the use
of removable media such as flash disks, Compact Discs, e.t.c.

(a). State two reasons for doing this? (02 marks)



(b). Mention any other two ways the school can improve security of its computers.
(02 marks)



(c). Give one challenge Hilton High School will face while doing this. (01 mark)

A student stored a document on his computer. Later on, he found out that the
document could not open.

(a). Give two possible causes for this. (02 marks)



(b). State two precautions the student should have taken to ensure that his work was
not lost. (02 marks)



(c). State one function of a file extension in ICT. (01 mark)



4. (a). State the difference between relative and absolute cell address. (01 mark)



(b). A spreadsheet application enables a user to enter labels, number and formula.
On the illustration below, identify the three items. (03 marks)

(c). Distinguish between a row and a column as used in spreadsheet applications.

(01 mark)



5. (a). Define a database. (01 mark)


(b). State three objects found in a database. (03 marks)



(c). Give one advantage of using a primary key in a database application.

(01 mark)



6. Using examples where appropriate, state the function of the following:
(a). Mouse. (01 mark)



(b). Remote (01 mark)


(c). Speakers. (01 mark)


(d). Caplock (01 mark)



(e). Character Map (01 mark)



7. Identify the following, giving its importance in ICT. (05 marks)

Item Identification Function

……………………… …………………………………………

……………………… …………………………………………

……………………… …………………………………………

……………………… …………………………………………

……………………… ……………………………………………
8. (a). Define the term computer crime. (01 mark)


(b). List two ways of preventing effects of computer crime. (02 marks)



(c). Distinguish between formatting and defragmenting as used in storage media.

(02 marks)



9. The prolonged use of computers can lead to health and safety problems.

(a). State two health problems that may be caused for prolonged use of computers.
(02 marks)



(b). State two ways of preventing health problems. (02 marks)



(c). Give one function of using a UPS in a computer laboratory. (01 mark)



10.A tourist information centre has its own website. Tourists connect through a modem,
router and an ISP.

(a). What is a router? (01 mark)



(b). Why does a tourist need a modem? (01 mark)



(c). State three services offered by an ISP. (03 marks)



11. (a). State two characteristics of RAM. (02 marks)



(b). Give two uses of RAM in a computer. (02 marks)



(c). A student tried to turn on a computer that lacks a RAM chip. The computer did
complete the booting process.

What is meant by the term booting as used in ICT. (01 mark)



12.(a). State two stages in a data processing cycle. (02 marks)



(b). State two functions performed by an operating system under memory
management. (02 marks)



(d). Apart from OS, mention one other component of systems software.
(01 mark)



13. (a). Define the term multimedia. (01 mark)



(b). State two components that make up multimedia. (02 marks)



(c). Why are webmasters discouraged from adding many multimedia files on the
WebPages? (02 marks)



14. (a). State two differences between post office mail and electronic mail. (01 mark)



(b). Define the term password. (01 marks)



(c). State three ways to can make a password more secure. (03 marks)



15. (a). Define the term page set up. (01 marks)



(b). Name the two methods of paper orientation. (02 marks)



(c). Name the two keys used to delete text in a document. (02 marks)



16. (a). What is data communication? (01 mark)



(b). State two component of communication channel. (02 marks)



(c). Give the difference between attenuation and latency. (02 marks)



17.A large company deals in data processing, analysis and projection. This is done by
use of online data clerks the work away from office. They are paid by electronic fund
transfer through western union. Funds are only available every Saturday by 10:00

(a). State one advantage of working from home. (01 mark)



(b). Give two disadvantages of using electronic fund transfer while paying workers.
(02 marks)



(c). Mention one item you have to supply before getting your money off the counter
of Western Union. (01 mark)



18. (a). Distinguish data from information. (01 mark)



(b). Mention two devices that can be used to capture and view data at source.
(02 marks)



(c). State two disadvantages of batch data processing. (02 marks)



19.(a). State the difference between WWW and the internet. (01 mark)



(b). Mention two requirements for connecting to the internet. (02 marks)



(c). (i). Give one use of cookies in a website. (01 mark)



(ii). Write GPS in full. (01 mark)





Name: ……………………………………………………………. Index No:


Signature: …………………………………………….

Subsidiary ICT
Paper 1
July / August, 2013
2 ½ hours


Mock Examinations
2 Hours 30 Minutes


Attempt ALL questions in this paper.

The maximum time allocated to this paper is 2 hours and 30 minutes.

This paper is made up of 20 compulsory and equally weighted questions.

Write all your responses in dark blue or black ink in the spaces provided.

All answers should be written in the spaces provided. No additional material will be
provided to the candidate.

Unity work will lead to automatic loss of marks.

1. (a). Distinguish between data and information. (02 marks)



(b). Explain the importance of the following in a computer. (03 marks)

(i). Hard disk



(ii). RAM



(iii). BIOS Chip



2. (a). Mention any three parts that make up the keyboard. (03 marks)



(b). State the practical importance of the following keys on a computer’s keyboard.

(i). NUMLOCK (01 mark)


(ii). ESC Key (01 mark)



3. (a). Briefly, explain three security rules and regulations lab users today should
observe. (03 marks)



(b). Name any two tools one needs to service a personal computer. (02 marks)



4. (a). What is a utility program? (01 mark)



(b). State the function for each of the following utility programs:

(i). Disk defragmenter. (01 mark)



(ii). File compression utility. (01 mark)



(iii). Antivirus utility. (01 mark)



(c). Name one other utility program you know. (01 mark)



5. (a). Describe the following in relation to word processing: (03 marks)

(i). Drop cap



(ii). Word wrap



(iii). Toggle case

(b). State the type of file with the following extension. (02 marks)

(i). .xls: …………………………………………………………………

(ii). .jpeg: ………………………………………………………………

6. (a). Describe the following database objects: (02 marks)

(i). Form



(ii) Query



(b). Explain how the following field properties affect the data entry into a database

(i). Default value. (01 mark)



(ii). Validation rule. (01 mark)



(c). What is the importance of a primary key field in a database table? (01 mark)



7. Explain the following in relation with Ms. PowerPoint: (03 marks)

(i). Transition looping



(ii). Slide master



(iii). Slide sorter



(b). Name any two for a where electronic presentations can be used. (02 marks)



8. (a). Distinguish between internet and WWW. (02 marks)


(b). Explain the following as related to internet. (03 marks)
(i). VOIP


(ii). Blog



(iii). GPS



9. (a). Describe the two computer network architectures below: (02 marks)

(i). Peer-to-peer



(ii). Client / server



(b). List any three crimes associated with the use of computer networks.
(03 marks)



10.(a). What is a computer software? (01 mark)



(b). Define the following forms of software giving an example for each.

(i). Custom software. (02 marks)


(ii). Software suite (02 marks)



11.Complete each sentence below using one item form the list. (05 marks)

Hard Disk, Ports, RAM, Sockets, ROM, Cables, 16, 8, 1000, Servers, Stand
alone, Clients, Switches.

(a) ………………………… is a secondary storage device found inside the

computer’s system unit.

(b) ……………………….is a type of memory that does not lose its contents when
power is switched off, stores programs that start a computer and does diagnosis.

(c) …………………. bits of information make up a byte.

(d) The points of connection between a computer’s motherboard and its peripheral
devices are called …………………….

(e) ………………. refers to a number of computers controlled by one central host


12.(a). What is a spreadsheet? (01 mark)



(b). Give two advantages of electronic over manual spreadsheet programs. (02 marks)



(c). Define the following terms as used in relation to a spreadsheet program.

(i). Relative cell addressing. (01 mark)



(ii). Absolute cell addressing. (01 mark)



13.(a). Name any three components of the computer communication model. (03 marks)



(b). Describe the following with respect to data communication.

(i). Bandwidth (01 mark)



(ii). Attenuation (01 mark)



14.(a). Define Desktop Publishing Software. (01 mark)



(b). Name two characteristics of DTP software. (02 marks)


(c). Name two examples of documents that can be prepared using a DTP software.
(02 marks)



15.(a). Define the term computer hardware. (01 mark)



(b). Mention any three parts of a computer system. (03 marks)




(c). Name any one example of a personal computer. (01 mark)



16.Explain five ways in which computers can be used to improve education in your
school. (05 marks)



17.(a). Distinguish the following terms with respect to computer storage devices:

(i). primary and secondary memory. (02 marks)



(ii). Random and sequential data access. (02 marks)



(b). What is the memory capacity of a compact disk? (01 mark)



18.Write the following acronyms in full. (05 marks)

(a) POST:



(b) RSS:



(c) FTP:



(d) WORM:



(e) DOS:



19.The Headteacher of the ‘University’ of Mayuge, Bunya S.S. announced that the
school secretaries were going to start using computer based word processors instead
of typewriters.

(a). State and explain two reasons why this change worried some secretaries and
staff. (02 marks)



(b). After sometime, the secretaries and students became happy with the
Headteacher’s development of introducing word procesors. State any three word
processing features that were the cause for their happiness. (03 marks)



20.Suggest one application program suitable for the work of the each of the following
persons / professionals. (05 marks)

No Person / professional Suitable application program

1. Movie editor ………………………………………….

2. Book publisher ………………………………………….

3. Architect ………………………………………….

4. Statistical analyst ………………………………………….

5. Database manager ………………………………………….



Name: …………………………………………………INDEX NUMBER: ...................

SIGNATURE: ………………………..

Subsidiary Paper
2 hours 30 Minutes


(Subsidiary Paper)
Paper One (Theory)
2 Hours 30 Minutes


m) This paper is made up of twenty structured questions.

n) Write your answers in the spaces provided.
o) All questions are compulsory.
p) All questions carry equal marks


1 11
2 12
3 13
4 14
5 15
6 16
7 17
8 18
9 19
10 20


1. (a). Define the term computer literacy. (01 mark)

(b). State the difference between data and information. (02 marks)

(c). Mention two reasons for studying ICT in schools. (02 marks)

2. (a). Define a computer laboratory. (01 mark)

(b). Mention two ways you can ensure safety of computers in a lab. (02 marks)

(c). State two uses of air conditioner facility in a computer lab. (02 marks)

3. (a). Give the difference between a file and a folder. (01 mark)

(b). Mention two ways a file is kept secure in a computer. (02 marks)

(c). In which folder is this file saved?

C:\Users\User\Desktop\TCN\seniorsixpaperonetheory.docx (02 marks)


4. (a). Distinguish between a cold boot and a soft boot. (01 mark)

(b). State two reasons for restarting a computer. (02 marks)

(c). In the process of booting, write down a function for each of the following:

(i). CMOS. (01 mark)

(ii). RAM. (01 mark)

5. (a). Define the term network protocol. (01 mark)

(b). State two examples of physical network topologies that can be set in a lab.
(02 marks)


(c). Write the following in full:

(i). OSI (01 mark)

(ii). ISDN (01 mark)

6. (a). State two factors you may consider before setting up a computer network.
(02 marks)


(b). Mention one advantage of a peer - to - peer over a client – to - server
relationship. (01 mark)

(c). State the function of each of the following in the process of establishing a

(i). bridge. (01 mark)

(ii). Firewall. (01 mark)

7. (a). State two devices that can be used as both input and output. (02 marks)

(b).Mention any two practical uses of the light emitting diode on a printer.
(02 marks)
(c). State the difference between a hardcopy and a softcopy. (01 mark)


8. (a). Write CPU in full. (01 mark)

(b). Mention one function of the following parts in a CPU:

(i). Registers. (01 mark)

(ii). Control Unit (01 mark)


(c). State the difference between an address bus and a data bus. (02 marks)

9. (a). Mention two services provided by the internet. (02 marks)

(b). State one factor that leads to a slow internet download speed. (01 mark)

(c). Briefly, describe the following types of websites:

(i). Blog. (01 mark)

(ii). Wiki. (01 mark)

10.(a). State two functions of the a network administrator in an organization.
(02 marks)

(b). Mention any two computer certification programs. (02 marks)

(c). Give one use of a computer programming language. (01 mark)


11. (a). What is a desktop publishing? (01 mark)

(b). State two features of desktop publishing application programs. 02 marks)


(c). Give two examples of desktop publishing application programs. (02 marks)

12. (a). Mention two causes of system failure. (02 marks)

(b). State the difference between software upgrade and software update.
(01 mark)

(c). Give one way system failure can be controlled. (01 mark)

13.Use the table below to answer the following questions:

Emp_Id Student Name Date of Birth Sex

CiB-001 Kantogole David 16/01/1980 M
CiB-011 Lukwago Elvis 17/03/1987 M
CiB-020 Mukama Patrick 24/12/1990 M
CiB-006 Bbosa Hanifah 04/08/1983 F
CiB-100 Nkelewe John 09/09/1984 M
CiB-089 Mubangizi John 10/10/1971 M
CiB-057 Muziira George 29/02/1991 M

(a). Which field can allow a foreign key? (01 mark)

(b). State the possible field size for the field containing sex. (01 mark)

(c). Write down the criteria to return date of birth between 15/01/1980 and
10/09/1984. (02 marks)

(d). Mention one data type that can accommodate the entry in Emp_Id entry.
(01 mark)

14.Define the following computer terms:

(a). Footer. (01 mark)

(b). Character map. (01 mark)

(c). Hyperlink. (01 mark)

(d). Computer virus. (01 mark)

(e). Primary key. (01 mark)

15. (a). What are systems software programs? (01 mark)

(b). State the three sub classes of system software. (03 marks)

(c). Distinguish between application software and system software. 01 mark)


16.State one function of the each of the following in relation to data processing.

(a). Space bar. (01 mark)

(b). Enter key. (01 mark)

(c). Scroll bar. (01 mark)

(d). Save. (01 mark)

(e). Functional keys. (01 mark)

17. (a). State two advantages of mail-merge as used in a word processor.
(02 marks)

(b). Mention two functions of a mouse. (02 marks)

(c). Distinguish between clicking and dragging as used in relation to mouse
operation. (01 mark)


18.(a). Give the difference between a workbook and a worksheet. (01 mark)

(b). State any two data types stored in a spreadsheet. (02 marks)

(c). Mention two advantages of using an electronic spreadsheet program over a
manually generated spreadsheet. (02 marks)


19. (a). Define the term ‘digital divide’. (01 mark)

(b). State two I T is used at home to enhance learning. (02 marks)

(c). Mention two ways IT is of a disadvantage to learning. (02 marks)

20.Use the following table to answer the questions below:

Item Computer A Computer B

OS Windows XP Ubuntu
Hard drive 500 GB 1 TB
CPU 900 Mhz - 2 Duo Core 2.4 Ghz -
Network Cable – NIC WiFI
System type 32 bit OS 64 it OS

(a). Which computer type is good for screen multi-colour output?

(01 mark)

(b). Which computer type is fast and why? (01 mark)

(c). Which computer type is good for UTP networking media? (01 mark)

(d). Which computer type is not disturbed by viruses? (01 mark)

(e). Which computer type has the smallest hard disk space? (01 mark)



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