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έ΍ίϣϰϧΑ ωέ˰˰˰˰ϔϟ΍ϡ˰γ΍

ϝΎϣϛϝΎϧϣΩ ϩΩ˰˰Σϭϟ΍έϳΩϣ
ΩόγέΎλΗϧ΍Ω ϩΩΣϭϟ΍ΏϳΑρ

Visit Number: 48324509133 Registered 30-06-2024 08:20:58

Patient Name: ϥϳϧΣΏϳΑΣϱΩΟϣ Collected 30-06-2024 08:21:47
Age / Sex: 62 Year / Male Authenticated 30-06-2024 19:57:27
Referred By: Prof : ΩϳόγϥϳΩϟ΍ϥϳί
Printed 04-07-2024 11:36:02
Client Name: 41418


Diabetic Profile
Haemoglobin A1C H 6.5 % Normal: Less than 5.7
Prediabetes: 5.7 - 6.4
Diabetes: More than 6.4

Lipid Profile
Serum Total Cholesterol 167 mg/dL Normal : Up to 200
Borderline Risk : 200-240
High Risk : > 240

Serum Triglycerides 106 mg/dL 0 - 150

HDL Cholesterol 41 mg/dL 40 - 60

LDL Cholesterol H 105 mg/dL 0 - 100

VLDL Cholesterol 21 mg/dL 0 - 30

HDL Risk Factor 4.10 Mild risk : 4.4

Moderate risk : 7.1
High risk : 11.0

Dr. Manal Kamal

Professor of Clinical & Chemical Pathology,
Faculty of Medicine, Cairo University


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