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Rise of Vijaynagar Empire

 Till 1335, people disillusioned with Md. Bin Tughlaq of his works.
 Then Rebellions took palace in Delhi Sultanate.
 Md. Bin Tughlaq failed to control over such Rebellions
 Power of Delhi Sultanate in Deccan & South India declined & it gave birth to two mighty states in
South India.
a) Vijay Nagar Empire(1335)
b) BAHMANI Kingdom (1347)

• Sangam Dynasty – founded by Harihar and Bukka

• Saluva Dynasty – founded by Saluva Narsimha
• Tuluva Dynasty – founded by Vir Narsimha
• Aravidu Dynasty – founded by Tirumala


 Established on bank – Tunghbadra river
 Founder – HariHara & Bukka Rai (Feudatories of Kakatiyas of warrangal rulers)
 Md. Bin Tughlaq captured the Kakatiyas of wrrangal in 1323.
 Then they both became ministers of Anegondi
(Kampili, Karnataka) i.e, a Hindu Chief.
 After some time Md. Bin Tughlaq
captured Anegondi.
 For some time they became imprisoned
under delhi Sultanate & converted to ISLAM.
 Later they released from jail re-admitted to
Hinduism & turned fighters against Turkies.
 They were released by Md. Bin Tughlaq & were
allowed to return to the south as imperial
agents of Delhi to deal with Rebellion.
 But they met GURU—VIDYARANYA re-admitted them to Hinduism & provided valuable guidance to
found a Hindu Kingdom.
 Then they turned into freedom fighters who championed the cause of liberation of the south from
the Turkish Dominion.


 VIJAY NAGAR’s strategic Location : which protects it from sudden attack from Turkish
Invaders – surrounded by hills & Forests, on the bank of – Tunghnhadra River (Tributary of
 VIJAY NAGAR’s conquest with 2 states i.e, MADURAI SULTANATE & HOYSLAAS.
 1st independent Muslim state carved out of Delhi Sultanate in the south.
 Ruler – Sayyiad Ashan Shah

 Ruler – Veer Bahlal
 Later Madurai Sultanate attacked on Hoyslaas in 1343, called as BATTLE OF MADURAI, here
Hoyslaas defeated.
 In BATTLE OF MADURAI (1343) – VEER BALLAL 3 was killed. After him his son’ Virupaksha
Ballala’s death in 1346.
 Here Hoyslaas got weakned then VIJAY Nagar empire captured the Hoysallas in 1346.
 Expansion of VIJAY NAGAR in 1346.
 But in 1347, BAHMANI KINGDOM established against VIJAY NAGAR EMPIRE.


 Daultabad Revolt (against Md. Bin Tughlaq) – this revolt was led by the foreign Nobles in
the imperial service of Delhi.
 foreign Nobles (Amiran-i-sadah, Centurions) – Each of them is said to have commanded a
100 soldiers.
 In those revolts they acquired Daulatabad & setup one of their colleagues --- ISMAIL MAKH as their
 MD. BIN TUGHLAQ came to Daulatabad to suppress the rebellion, while the conquest of Daultabad
was half-way through, the sultan received intelligence about the outbreak of a fresh uprising in
 Sultan left the Daultabad conquest in middle & went to Gujrat.
 MD. Bin Tughlaq gave up all the hope of recovery of the south & concentrated his attention upon
 On the other hand, ISMAIL voluntarily resigned in favour of more enterprising HASAN GANGU who
had meanwhile conquered GULBARGA.
 Later Hasan Gangu became sultan of Daultabad region, capital – Gulbarga

 Founder – Hasan Gangu (1347 – 1358 AD)

 He is said to have traced his descent from a half mythical hero of Iran – Bahman shah.
 Risen in service of a brahaman name – GANGU & is therefore known as – HASAN GANGU.
 Ferishta says he took the title of “BAHMAN SHAH” to pay a tribute to his Brahmana patron.
 2nd Ruler – Md. SHAH 1 (1358—1375 AD)
 1363 – attacked on warrangal
 Bahmani kingdom was very strong & powerful state.
 Md. SHAH 1 invaded warrangal & seized the strong hold of Kaulas Fort & the hill fort of
 After defeated the warrangal there was a peace Treaty signed between Bahamani Kingdom
& Warrangal.
 In this peace treaty, it is said that territories occupied by Bahmani Ruler i.e, till Golconda,
will remain in Bahmani control only & become the new boundary between the two
 Here Bahmani Ruler promised that neither he nor his successors would encroach warrangal
any further.
 In this case, warrangal gifted a throne to Md. SHAH 1( ruler of Bahmani Kingdom) which was
made for Md. Bin Tughlaq.
 It means this peace treaty act as an alliance between two kingdoms which was beneficial for
both states.
 After this treaty Bahamani Kingdom became a major power in South India.

 Reddis Kingdom (based on Hindu Principality)
 Warrangal
 Madurai
 Vijay Nagar kingdom
 Bahmani kingdom
There was a dispute among 5 states over 3 regions
1. Tunghabadhra Doab
2. Konkan
3. Krishna Godavari Basin

Tunghabadhra Doab
 Location: between Krishna & Tungabadhra river
 Other name – Raichur Doab
 Importance – Area is very fertile & used to be a major source of wealth & economic resources.
 History – western Chalukyas & Cholas , Yadavas & Hoysaalas.

 Location: Narrow strip of land between the western Ghats & sea.
 Importance – Extremely fertile & includes with in it the port of Goa. It was important for any
southern state to control Goa for the import of horses from Iraq & Iran.


 Location : Krishna Godvari Basin
 Importance – Area is very fertile & had numerous ports in important for foreign trade.
 BAHMANI DYNASTY (1347- 1527 AD)
 Duration – 180 Years
 Muslims
 Founder – Hasan Gangu (1347 – 1358 AD)
 MD- SHAH 1 (1358 – 1375 AD)
 Formed an alliance with warrangal in 1363.

 VIJAY NAGAR KINGDOM (1335 – 1672 AD)

 Duration – 337 years
 Founder – HARI HARA (1335 – 1356 AD)
 2nd Ruler – Bukka (1356 – 1377 AD)
 4 Dynasties rule under it –
 Sangam Dynasty (1336 – 1485 AD)—Shaivite
 Saluva Dynasty (1485 – 1505 AD) – Vaishavite
 Tuluva Dynasty (1505 – 1542 AD) – Vaishavite
 Aravidu Dynasty (1542 – 1672 AD) – Vaishavite

There was a military conflict between BAHMANI & VIJAY NAGAR KINGDOM

 1st Fight – Md. SHAH 1 (Bahmani) VS BUKKA (vijay Nagar) because of Tunghbadhra
 In this fight Bukka attacked on Mudkal fort (under Md. Shah 1 ), Bukka slaughtered the
entire garrison, except one man.
 Then Md. Shah 1 (1st Bahmani to enter Vijay Nagar in person ) attacked on Vijay Nagar
Kingdom .
 In this fight for the 1st time, Artillery was used by both the sides in this battle.
 Bahmani had a upper hand, they had better & more efficient, they slaughtered 1 lakh
 Bahmani (Md. Shah 1 ) was failed to catch Bukka(1367AD).
 Later Peace Treaty(1367 AD) was signed between them.
 Treaty restored the old position where by the Doab was shared between the two.
 It was agreed that cruelty in the war should be avoided, helpless & unarmed inhabitants
should not be slaughtered.
 Although this treaty was violated some times, but it helped to make the warfare in south
India more humane.
 There were a series of Vijay Nagar in vasions which finally ending the Madurai sultanate’s rule over
South India in 1377.
 In 1377, Vijay Nagar Kingdom acquired MADURAI kingdom under Bukka ruler.
 But the main role of acquired Madurain is bukka’s son –“KUMARA KAMPANA”.
 Vijay Nagar is now comprised of whole of south india upto Rameshwaram, including the Tamil
country as well as of Cheras (Kerala).
 No major Ruler – 1375 – 1397 AD (Bahmani Kingdom)
 3rd Ruler of vijay Nagar – HARIHARA 2 (1377- 1404 AD)
 Here Harihara 2 did not attack on Tunghbadhra region because of Bahmani – Warrangal
 Hari Hara 2 attacked on konkan region& captured belgaum & Goa in the west from Bahmani
 Hari Hara 2 sent expedition to north of Sri Lanka.


 He did two attacks
 1st Attack – on Narsing Rai (Ruler of Kherla, Gond)
 2nd Attack – on Vijay Nagar
 He won the two attacks
 He did not annexed on the Gondwana (Gond) palace, because Narsing Rai married his
daughter with feroz Shah Bahmani.
 Similarly, Deva Rai 1 (ruler of Vijay Nagar) married her daughter with feroz shah Bahmani
& gave Bankapur Doab & war indemnity like Horses, Elephants, etc
 They married their daughter for no dispute in future.
 But in 1419 AD situations were changed.
 Succession war was going on Reddis of Kondavidu
 Dev Ray 1 (vijay Nagar Ruler) offered warrangal to attacked & annexed on Reddis Kingdom.
 In this case, warrangal agreed with Deva Ray 1 & left the Bahmani- warrangal alliance and
formed a new alliance called as Vijaynagar warrangal alliance.
 In 1419 they annexed Reddis Kingdom.
 As there was no support from warrangal to Bahmanis.
 Deva Ray 1 attacked on Bahmanis & captured their Area.
 All the territory upto river Krishna i.e, Tunghbadra Doab was annexed by Vijay Nagar empire
in 1422.


 He had respect for tenets of all religions was well acquainted with the religious sciences
which includes commentaries on Quran & Jurisprudence, etc.
 He was particularly fond of the natural sciences such as Botany, Geometry, Logic, etc.
 He was a good poet and calligraphist.
 Firishta said that he was well versed with persian, Arabic, Turkish, Telugu, Kannnada &
Marathi Languages.
 He was an orthodox Muslim.
 He encouraged the pursuit of astronomy & built an astronomical observatory near
 He included Hindus in the administration on a large scale.
 It is said that Deccani Brahmins became dominant in administration, particularly in the
revenue administration.

 He maintained a secular attitude in administration matters.
 He had 10,000 muslims in his army.
 He made mosque and slaughter houses for his army.
 He was 1st Vijay Nagar Ruler to recruit Muslim people in his army.
 He was a patron of Kannada literature and Architecture.
 He built a Pearl Hall.
 MADHURA (Jain poet) was a court poet of Deva ray 1 and his father HariHara 2.
 Two Literary works of Madhura in Kannada Language
 Dharm-Natha-Purana about life of 15th jain Tirthankara.
 Eulogy of Gommateshvara of Shravanabelagola – Poem.
 Deva Ray 1 constructed Dam across the Tunghabadra River & Haridra River & constructed canals
for Irrigation.
 Revenues increased by 350,000 Perados(Monetary unit during Vijay Nagar) for Vijay Nagar Empire.
 Deva ray 1 got the credit for making the capital city of the vijay nagar kingdom (one of the biggest
cities in 15th century).


 Ahmad Shah 1 wanted to take revenge with warrangal because it sided with Vijay Nagar &
defeated firoz Shah Bahmani in 1419 AD.
 In this attack, Ahmad Shah 1 defeated warrangal & annexed its territories.
 In order to consolidate his rule over the newly acquired territories, he shifted the capital from
 There was three Battles among Ahmad Shah 1 and Deva Raya 2 over Tungabhadra Doab.
 Three hard battles were fought but in the end the two sides had to agree to the existing frontiers.


 He was also known as Wali (i.e, saint) on the account of his association with GESU DARAZ, before
he became Bahmani Sultan.
 Gesu Daraz/ Banda Nawaz
 He played a crucial role in spreading Sufism in south India & died in 1422.
 He enlisted more Muslims in the army, gave them Jagirs & commanded all his Hindu soldiers &
officers to learn the art of mounted Archery from them.
 Two famous travellers came during his reign.
 He was a Persian traveller came & said there was a seven layers of fortification before the
gates to the Royal Palace.
 He said kings of Vijay Nagar had numerous wealth.
 He described Vijay Nagar as the most splendid cities of the world which he had seen or
heard of .
 People of different castes / professions lives in different quarters of the town.
 Muslims lives separately.
 He described about numerous canals & streams, dominion over 300 ports, each of which is
equal to Calicut.
 To cover the entire kingdom at least 3 Months is required.

2. NUNIZ (16th Century)

 Portuguese writer who visited VIJAY NAGAR in 1535 wrote about Deva Raya 2 also.

 Quilon – Kollam in kerala, Sri Lanka, Pulicat (Tamil Nadu), Pegu & Tenasserim (Burma) paid tribute


 BAHMANI KINGDOM (1436 – 1482 AD)
 They got weakened but his P.M/ Peshwa – Mahmud Gawan is very strong & Powerful.
 After Deva Raya 2, in 1434 AD Gajapati Kingdom (Orissa Rulers) made deep raids into south/ Vijay
Nagar after 1450, their armies reach as far as Madurai and occupied some areas of Vijay Nagar.
 At the same time, Mahmud Gawan made a deep raid in the Vijay Nagar Territories upto Kanchi.
 Mahmud Gawan overran the western coastal Areas, including Dabhol and Goa. Loss of these ports
was a heavy blow to Vijay Nagar.
 Bahmani Kingdom gradually expanded and reached the heights of its power & territorial limits
during the prime ministership of Mahmud Gawan.
 Many feudatories assumed independence and the ministers of the state became very powerful of
Vijay Nagar kingdom.
 On the other hand from 1446 – 1485 AD, Vijay Nagar’s sangama Dynasty got weakened because of
internal discord which led to end of Sangama Dynasty in 1485.
 Born in Iran and was at first a Trader.
 In Bahmani Kingdom, Sultan appointed as Malik-ul-Tujjar (chief of the Merchants)
 Later he became P.M/ Peshwa in Bahmani Kingdom.
 For almost 20 years, Mahmud Gawan dominated the affairs of the Bahmani state.
 He divided the Bahmani Kingdom into 8 Provinces from 4 Provinces and each province called as –
Taraf, for each Taraf – a Tarafdar (Provincial Governor) was appointed.
 In Military reforms, in each Taraf, only 1 Fort was under direct control of Provincial Tarafdar while
the remaining forts are controlled by individual Quiladar / Commander.
 Quiladar/ Commander of the fort was appointed by central govt. This was done to keep a check on
Military Power of Tarafdar.
 In Diplomacy, there was a conflict between Malwa Kingdom (Mahmud Khilji) and Bahmani
Kingdom (Mahmud Gawan) was for konkan, Berar and Gondwana.
 Then Bahmani’s made an alliance with Gujarat Kingdoms, After a great deal of conflict, it had been
agreed that Kherla in Gondwana would go to Malwa and Berar to Bahmins Sultans.
 In education, Art and Architecture Mahmud Gawan made a Madarasa in Bidar and this building was
decorated with coloured tiles and contains Persian Architecture.
 This building contains 1000 teachers and students who were given free clothes and free food.
 Some of the most famous scholars of the time belonging to Iran and Iraq came to Madrasa at the
instance of Mahmud Gawan.


 Under Mahmud Gawan ruler of Bahmani Kingdom. There was an improved financial resources of
the state, effected land Revenue Reforms, strengthened Law and Order, Streamlined Judiciary and
inculcated discipline and efficiency among the services.
 Due to this Nobles were not happy and divided into two categories
1. New-Comers (Afaqis / Gharibs )
2. Old-Comers (Deccanis)
 Old-Comers prepared a forged letter, full of treasonable contents having official seal of
Mahmud Gawan and presented it to the Sultan.
 As this letter was came to the Sultan, that led to death of Mahmud Gawan as a punishment.
 After the death of Mahmud Gawan there was disintegration in the Bahmani Kingdom.
 From 1482 to 1527 AD Bahmani Kingdom was divide into 5 principalities.


 In 1489, Turkish Noble – Yusif Adil Shah setup an independent state of Bijapur.
 In 1490, Malik Ahmad, Governor of Juna declared himself independent of the Bahmani Kingdom
with the Title of – Nizam Shah 1.
 Similarly in 1490, Fateh-ullah Imad Shah, governor of Berar declared himself independent.
 In 1512, Qutub Shah, Governor of Telangana, declared himself independent from Bahmani
Kingdom and established his new kingdom ie, Golconda.
 As Bahmani Kingdom saw that his kingdom got weakened.
 Then in 1527, Last Bahmani Ruler – Kalimullah was deposed by his Wazir Amir Ali Barid, who laid
the foundation of Barid Shah Dynasty of Bidar.

 During 1446 to 1485, Vijay Nagar weakened after the raids and attacks of Gajapatis and Bahmanis,
Vijay Nagar Kingdom more weakened.
 Then in 1485, Throne was usurped by the Vijay Nagar’s Minister --- Saluva Narasimha and
established -- SALUVA DYNASTY

SALUVA DYNASTY (1485 – 1505 AD)

 Founder – Narasimha (1485 – 1490 AD)
 Various problems occurs during his reign such as—
 Law and order problem – solved by him
 Successor states of Bahmani Kingdoms
 Gajapati Rulers
 Portuguese Domination
 Remaining problems are not solved by him.
 Last Ruler – Immadi Narasimha

TULUVA DYNASTY (1505 – 1570 AD)

 Founder – Vir Narasimha (1505 – 1509 AD)
 There was a wide-scale resentment and
protests from Nobles against him.

 Next Ruler – Krishna Deva Raya (1509 – 1530 AD)

 Brother of Vir Narasimha
 Historians considered him greatest of all the
Vijay Nagar Rulers.
 Titles Krishna Deva Raya got are given below—
 Abhinava Bhoja
 Andhara Bhoja
 Andhara Pitamah
 Kannada Rajya Rama Ramana (Lord of Kannada Empire)
 Karnatakaratna Simhasana- Deeshwara (Lord of Jewelled Throne of Karnataka)
 Yavana Rajya Pratistapanacharya – because he established the king on Bahmani Throne.
 he re-established the Law & Order.
 In a series of battles lasting seven years, Krishna Deva Raya compelled the Ruler of Orissa—
Prataprudra to restore a Vijay Nagar all the territories upto the river—Krishna.
 He renewed the old struggle for the control of the Tunghbadhra Doab.
 In 1520, Krishna Deva Raya defeated Sultan Ismail Adil Shah (ADIL SHAH DYNASTY) & restored the
Bahmani Sultanate to the son of MAHMUD SHAH 2.
 He also defeated the Golconda Region.
 Portuguese captured Goa from Bijapur in 1510 & dominating smaller coastal vassal states of Vijay
Nagar for their economic gain & political concessions.
 On the other hand Krishna Deva Raya largely ignored the danger posed to them & to their
commerce by the Portuguese.
 Krishna Deva Raya made diplomatic relations with the Portuguese.
 Krishna deva Raya built Gopurams (added impressive gateways to many important south Indian
 He built Vittalaswamy Temple (Musical Pillars) & Hazara Rama-Swamy Temple in Vijay Nagar.
 He built Nagalapuram town in the memory of his queen “Nagala Devi” near Vijay Nagar and
enormous tank for irrigation purpose.
 He was a gifted a scholar of Telegu & Sanskrit.
 He made a Sanskrit Drama i.e, “Jambavati Kalyassam”.
 He gave thoughts on Polity called as – AmuKtamalyada (one who offered the garland after
wearing it himself)
 He extended his patronage to Telegu, kannada & Tamil Poets.
 He placed 8 eminents Telegu Scholars (Astha Digas) in his court.
o Tenali Ram Krishna (wrote—Pandu Ranga Mahamatyam)
o Pingali Surrana (wrote—Garuda Puranam, Prabhavatee Pradyumnamu, Raghava
Pandayeeyan & Kalapuranadayamu)
o Allasani Peddana / Andhra Kavita Pitamaya (wrote – Manucharitram & Hari Kathasaram)
 Duarte Barbosa (1st Portuguese writer came in India) – Portuguese writer & officer from
Portuguese India who visited vijay Nagar Empire during Krishna Deva Raya in 1516 and said that
every religion people lived in Vijay Nagar Empire.
 Ferna Nuniz – was a Portuguese traveller, chronicler & horse trader who spent 3 years in Vijay
Nagar Empire (1535 – 1537 AD) during Krishna Deva Raya rule.
 Domingo Paes – was a traveller from Portuguese India, who visited the Vijay Nagar Empire in
1520 during Krishna Deva Raya rule & said that Krishna Deva Raya worked for the welfare of

 Next ruler of Vijay Nagar Empire – Achyuta Deva Raya (1530 – 1542 AD)
 Younger brother of Krishna Deva Raya
 He patronised –
 Chatu VittalaNatha – Kannada Poet
 Purandara dasa – Father of carnatic Music
 Raja Natha Dindima 2 – Sanskrit Scholar
 He built – Trivengala Natha Temple / Achyutaraya Temple

 Next ruler of Vijay Nagar Empire – Sada Shiva Raya (1542- 1570 AD)
 He was a child and son of Krishna Deva Raya
 On the behalf of child, Aliya Rama Raya (Son-in-Law of Krishna Deva Raya) ruled on Vijay Nagar.
 Rama Raya tried to balance the deccan Powers by playing one against the other.
 As Rama Raya helped Nizam of Ahmed Nagar & Qutubshahi of Golconda against Bijapur.
 When Bidar & Bijapur attacked Ahmed Nagar in 1549 AD, Rama Raya fought on behalf of Ahmed
Nagar Ruler.
 But in 1557 AD, Rama Raya allied himself with Bidar & Bijapur when helped them to invade Ahmed
 In 1565 AD, Deccan Alliance (Ahmed Nagar, Bijapur, Bidar & Golconda) attacked on Rama Raya of
Vijay Nagar.
 This Battle called as – Battle of talikota/ battle of BanniHati / Rakshasa Thangadi.
 In this Battle Rama Raya was imprisoned & executed the city of Vijay Nagar was destroyed.
 Battle of Talikota (1565AD) is generally considered to mark the end of Vijay Nagar Empire.

ARAVIDU DYNASTY (1570 – 1672 AD)

 After the battle of Talikota (1565), Vijay Nagar Kingdom lingered on almost for 100 years. But
its territories decreased continually & the Raya no longer counted in the political affairs of
South India.
 Founder – Tirumal (Brother of Ramrai) (1570 – 1586)
 Capital – Venugonda
 Successor – Venkta II
 Capital – Chandragiri
 He was the last great Ruler of Vijayanagar Empire
 Last Ruler – Sri Rang (III)


 Economic Conditions
 According to the accounts of the foreign travellers, the Vijayanagar Empire was one of the
wealthiest parts of the world at that time.

 Agriculture

 Numerous Industries were organised into guilds

 Shipbuilding

 Diamond Mines: Kurnool & Anantapur

 Inland, Coastal and Overseas Trade through Chief port: Cannanore

 WEST: Arabia, Persia, South Africa and Portugal
 EAST: Burma, Malay peninsula and China on the east.
 Export Goods --- Catton, Silk Clothes, Spices, Rice, Saltpeter, Sugar, Iron,etc.
 Import Goods – Horses, Pearls, Copper, Coral, Mercury, China Silk, Velvet Clothes
 The Chief Gold Coin was the varaha 20 but weights and measures varied from place to place
 Agriculture: CHIEF OCCUPATION: To Improve the Agricultural produce, The Vijayanagar rulers
provided a stimulus to its further growth by providing irrigation facilities. New tanks, dams and
canals were constructed across the rivers
 According to an Inscription: Taxes varied according to the type of crops, soil, method of irrigation

 Social Life
 According to an Inscription: Taxes varied according to the type of crops, soil, method of
irrigation etc.

 TAX 1/3rd -- Crops which needs Flooding Irrigation, Kuruvai Į a type of Rice] grown in Cauvery
Delta of Tamil Nadu state in winter.

 TAX 1/4th -- Crops which needs Minimal Irrigation [Rainted], Sesame, Ragi, Horsegram
 TAX 1/6th -- Crops which can be cultivated on Dry land, Millet

Caste System Manu-charitrom written by Allasani


Devadasi System Paes

Sati System Nuniz

Slavery Nicola Conti

Kingdom --- Provinces(Rajyas/mandalam)

Districts (Nadu/kottams)

Sub-Districts(Sthala) Villages(Gramo)

 King: Absolute authority in executive, judicial and legislative matters

 Council of Ministers: Advise the king in the matters of state affairs.

 Provinces (Rajyos/Mandalam)
1. Territory under direct control
2. Areas which were under the control of subordinate rulers i.e. those who had been restored to
3. Territory(Amaram) granted to a military chief by the King

Palaiyogar (palegar)/Nayaks (Each Palegar / Nayak had to pay a

fixed amount to the Central Government and had maintain a Army for the service of the state)

 Whenever the central authority is weak, 2 & 3 subordinate rulers, Palaiyagar (palegar) / Nayaks
used to declare themselves Independent.
 Each governor paid a fixed contribution in men and money to the Central government.

 Governor (largely autonomous, Mandaleswara /Nayak, More like a confederacy than a

centralised empire)
 Royal Princes
 Persons belonging to vassal ruling family and Nobles.
 No Fixed term
 They held their own court
 Right to impose new taxes and remit old ones.
 Allowed to issue coins of small denominations
 They maintained their own armies.
 They appointed their own officers
 Chola tradition of village self-administration was considerably weakened under Vijaya nagara
 Growth of hereditary nayakships tended to curb their freedom and initiative.

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