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4 Grammar Build Up 워크북 동아(윤정미)

Pattern 1. 동사의 과거형

⦁과거시제는 동사의 과거형으로 표현한다. 일반동사의

과거형은 과거에 했던 동작이나 상태를 나타낼 때
사용한다. 일반적으로 동사의 원형에 –ed를 붙인다.
⦁be동사의 과거형은 과거의 상태를 나타낼 때 사용
am, is → was / are → were

1. Our day started early.

우리의 하루는 일찍 시작되었다.
동사 start의 과거형인 started가 쓰였다. 일반동사의 과
거형은 보통 동사의 끝에 –ed를 붙여서 나타낸다.

2. He was so cute!
그는 무척 귀여웠다!
be동사의 과거시제 was가 쓰인 문장으로 주어가 I나 3
인칭(he/she/it등)일 때는 was를 쓰고 주어가 you, we,
they일 때는 were를 쓴다.

3. We just played with the elephants.

우리는 그저 코끼리들과 놀았다.
동사의 과거를 나타낼 때 일반적으로 동사의 끝에 -ed
를 붙여서 표현한다. played는 동사 play(놀다)의 과거
형으로, 이처럼 뒤에 –ed를 붙여서 과거형을 만드는 동
사들을 규칙동사라고 한다.

4. We brought a lot of food to them.

우리는 그들에게 많은 먹이를 가져다 주었다.
brought는 bring(가져다 주다)의 과거형으로 –ed를 붙
이지 않고 동사 자체의 형태가 불규칙적으로 변하는 불
규칙 동사이다.

5. My friends did not like this job.

내 친구들은 이 일을 좋아하지 않았다.
일반동사 과거형의 부정문은 ‘did not+동사 원형‘의 형
태로 쓴다. did not은 didn’t로 축약해서 쓸 수 있다.
did는 조동사 do의 과거형이다.

- 1 -
4 Grammar Build Up 워크북 동아(윤정미)

Pattern 2. There is/are~ 5. Was there a tiger in this zoo?

이 동물원에 호랑이가 있었나요?
’(…에) ~가 있다‘의 뜻으로, 주로 사람이나 사물의 위 ‘~이 있니?’라는 뜻은 ‘Is[Are] there ~?’로 나타내고, 대
치나 수를 나타낸다. 답은 Yes, there is[are], 또는 No, there isn’t[aren’t].로
⦁평서문: There is + 단수 명사 한다. 주어가 3인칭 단수(a tiger)이고, be동사 Was로 시
There are + 복수 명사 작하고 있는 의문문이다. 대답은 긍정일 때, ‘Yes, there

⦁부정문: There is not + 단수 명사~ was.’ 부정일 때, ‘No, there wasn’t.’로 한다.
There are not + 복수 명사~
⦁의문문: Is[Are] there ~?
- Yes, there is[are]. / No, there isn’t[aren’t].

1. There were many poor elephants in the elephant

코끼리 보호소에는 불쌍한 코끼리들이 많이 있었다.
주어(many poor elephants)가 복수이고, 과거의 일을
나타내므로 There 다음에 be동사의 과거형인 were가
온다. there은 원래 ‘그곳에’라는 뜻을 지니지만, There
is/are 구문에서는 사람, 사물 등의 ‘존재’를 나타내므로,
There을 ‘거기에’라고 해석하지 않는 점에 유의한다.

2. There is a cat under the table.

탁자 아래에 고양이 한 마리가 있다.
‘There is/are ~’ 구문에는 주로 구체적인 장소를 나타
내는 「전치사+명사」 형태와 함께 사용한다. 주어(a cat)
가 be동사(is) 다음에 왔고, 장소를 나타내는 전치사구
인 ‘under the table’이 쓰였다.

3. There are many people in the room.

방에는 사람들이 많이 있다.
「There are + 복수 명사 + 장소를 나타내는 전치사구」
를 사용하여 ‘(…에) ~가 있다’라는 뜻을 나타낼 수 있
다. 주어가 복수명사(people)이므로 There 다음에 be동
사 are이 쓰였다. in the room이 장소를 나타내는 전치
사구이다. many는 셀 수 있는 명사의 복수형 앞에 쓰
이고 much는 셀 수 없는 명사 앞에 쓰이는데, 여기에
서는 places가 복수 명사이므로 many와 함께 쓰였다.

4. There were not many trees in the park before.

전에는 공원에 나무가 많지 않았다.
‘~이 없다’의 뜻의 부정문은 be 동사 다음에 not을 써
서 표현한다. There이 특별한 의미 없이 문장을 이끄는
역할을 하고, be동사 뒤에 오는 명사 many trees가 주
어가 된다. 이때, 주어가 복수이고 과거의 일을 표현하
고 있으므로 be동사는 were가 쓰였다.

- 2 -
1 Simple Past Tense 단순 과거 시제

Grammar Point

긍정/부정 의문문
was /
She she
was not Was
He in class yesterday he in class yesterday
be동사 (=wasn’t)
It at home last week it at home last week
You were / on holiday last night you on holiday last night
We were not Were we
They (=weren’t) they

긍정 부정 의문문

I played I play I play

She started She start she start
일반 He watched He watch he watch
did not
동사 It had It have Did it have
You saw You see you see
We did We do we do
They went They go they go

의문사를 포함하고 있는 의문문

was I / she / he / it
were you / we / they
What / Where / Who / go
last week
When/ How / Why I / she / he / it / you work
did last night
/ we / they help

Warm-up n Write the past form of the irregular verbs

n Complete the sentences with the Past Tense 아래 불규칙 동사의 과거형을 쓰시오.
of to be: 11. come _______________ break _______________11)
be동사의 과거 시제로 문장을 완성하시오.
12. become ____________ begin _______________12)
1. We ____________ in Australia.1) 13. buy _______________ choose _______________13)
2. She ____________ in the classroom.2) 14. fall _______________ forget _______________14)
3. It ____________ my birthday last week.3) 15. go _______________ grow _______________15)
4. The man ____________ in the train.4) 16. have ________________ lose _______________16)
5. You ____________ in a hospital.5) 17. read _______________ sell _______________17)
6. I ____________ a good pupil.6) 18. spend _______________ take _______________18)
7. What ____________ this?7) 19. know ________________ drink _______________19)
8. He ____________ a teacher.8) 20. ring ________________ catch _______________20)
9. My parents ____________ on holiday.9) 21. find ________________ hold _______________21)
10. The doctor ____________ here.10)

- 3 -
Lesson 4 | 과거 시제 1 동아(윤정미)

Pattern 1. 동사의 과거형 15. My family (take / took) a trip to the UK every

Part 1
16. I (was / am) tired yesterday.16)
n Choose the correct answers:
알맞은 답을 고르시오.
17. She (wasn’t / isn’t / doesn’t) at school last
1. Many years ago, soccer referees (wear / wore) week.17)
only black.1)

18. They (was / were / are) happy last week.18)

2. The students (write / wrote) back yesterday.2)

19. We (are / aren’t / weren’t) at the hospital last

3. He usually (went / goes) to school on foot.3) year.19)

20. Mary and Tim (are / was / were) good friends

4. We (move / moved) into a bigger place in
two months ago.20)

21. It (is / was) cold yesterday, but (is / was)

5. Last year, she (was / is) 12 years old, now she
warm today.21)
(was / is) 13 years old.5)

22. When (do / did) you meet your best friend

6. I (see / saw) a beautiful dress in the shop
the last time?22)

23. Tom is tall, but he (isn’t / wasn’t) tall a year

7. My mother (washes / washed) the dishes

24. Why (are / do / did) you always sleep in

8. Yesterday, I (kill / killed) a big dragon with my
front of the TV?24)

25. Anne (was / is) not in her house last Sunday

9. My family (stays / stayed) at a hanok guesthouse
but she (was / is) in Judy’s house.25)
last night.9)

26. They (are / were) in Busan last weekend.26)

10. My sister (is / was) lazy but now she (was/ is)

11. The Boryeong Mud Festival (starts / started) in

July 1998.11)

12. He just (eats / ate) a little chocolate ice

cream yesterday.12)

13. What (do / did) you do yesterday?13)

14. Where (were / was / are) you born?14)

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Lesson 4 | 과거 시제 1 동아(윤정미)

Part 2 Part 3

n Complete the sentences below with was or n Look at the calendar of the last week and
were: complete the sentences with was, were, wasn’t
was 또는 were로 아래 문장들을 완성하시오. or weren’t:
지난 주 일정을 보고 was, were, wasn’t, weren’t를 사용
1. I ______________ happy yesterday.1) 하여 문장을 완성하시오.

Mon. Tue. Wed. Thu. Fri.

2. She ______________ in middle school then.2) Judy Judy
football Leo Kyle
3. Belinda and I ______________ classmates.3) training
dance Sunny Judy
4. They ______________ not my enemies.4) lesson
hospital Kyle Sunny

5. Teachers ______________ at school this morning.5) Leo and


6. ______________ you in front of the museum

yesterday?6) 1. Judy ______________ in the library on Monday.1)

7. We ______________ very sleepy an hour ago.7) 2. On Thursday Sunny ______________ on a dance


8. ______________ the floor dirty yesterday?8)

3. Judy ______________ in the library last week.3)

9. Mom and Dad ______________ in the living room.9)

4. Leo ______________ on football training on Thursday.4)

10. ______________ your brothers at college last

year?10) 5. Kyle ______________ ill on Tuesday.5)

11. ______________ you curious yesterday?11) 6. Leo ______________ at the hospital last week.6)

12. My grandparents ______________ in Paris two 7. Leo and Judy ______________ in the cinema on
weeks ago.12) Wednesday.7)

13. Students ______________ on a long holiday last 8. Kyle ______________ ill on Friday, he ______________
summer.13) on football training.8)

14. She ______________ not in her bedroom 30 9. Judy ______________ on a dance lesson on Tuesday.9)
minutes ago.14)
10. Sunny ______________ at the hospital on Friday.10)
15. ______________ you afraid of dark last night?15)
11. Leo and Kyle ______________ on football training
last week.11)

12. Sunny ______________ in the library on Thursday.12)

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Lesson 4 | 과거 시제 1 동아(윤정미)

Part 4 Part 5

n Rewrite the following sentences into the Simple n Rewrite the following sentences into the Simple
Past Tense. Then write a negative sentence. Past Tense. Then write an interrogative sentence.
다음 문장들을 단순 과거시제로 다시 쓰시오. 그리고 부 다음 문장들을 단순 과거시제로 다시 쓰시오. 그리고 의
정문을 쓰시오. 문문을 쓰시오.

<보기> <보기>
He writes a letter. They go skiing.
→ He wrote a letter. → They went skiing.
→ He didn’t write a letter. → Did they go skiing?

1. She makes a cake.1) 1. The teacher writes on the blackboard.1)

2. The girls sing beautiful songs.2) 2. You wake up at 6 o’clock.2)

3. The boys swim in the sea.3) 3. Tom wins every game.3)

4. I tell you a story.4) 4. She sends you a letter.4)

5. Mary sees you at a library.5) 5. A boy steals some apples.5)

6. He wears blue shirt on Monday.6) 6. The children play basketball.6)

7. Susan teaches English.7) 7. Peter rides a bike in the afternoon.7)

8. Tim reads books after school.8) 8. Mr. Lee sells watermelons in summer.8)

9. The postman rings the bell.9) 9. Jenny lives in London.9)

10. We spend 10 days in Italy.10) 10. You drink a glass of milk.10)

11. Judy and Leo go to America.11) 11. The boys swim in the pool.11)

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Lesson 4 | 과거 시제 1 동아(윤정미)

Part 6 Part 7

n Change the following sentences into interrogative, n Ask questions about the underlined words.
then give short answers according to the sign. 밑줄 친 단어들에 대한 질문을 하시오.
다음 문장들을 의문문으로 바꾸고 기호에 따라 짧게 답
He missed the train yesterday.
→ When did he miss the train?
They ate a lot. (Y)
→ Did they eat a lot? Yes, they did.
1. They sang a song at school.1)

She knew the secret. (N)

→ Did she know the secret? No, she didn’t.
2. She woke him up at 6 o’clock.2)

1. You understood the lesson. (Y)1)

3. She threw a pen next to the bin.3)

2. We ran to the teacher. (N)2)

4. She rode a bike at 6 o’clock.4)

3. You threw a ball to me. (Y)3)

5. You went to Sweden.5)

4. We put the clothes into the room. (N)4)

6. You wrote a letter to me.6)

5. Kate sat next to Max. (N)5)

7. She paid for the lunch.7)

6. You swept the floor. (Y)6)

8. They sold books in this bookshop.8)

7. She stuck photos. (N)7)

9. They set the table before lunch.9)

8. She tore her skirt. (Y)8)

10. She swam in the swimming-pool.10)

9. You took my coat. (N)9)

11. She took my hat.11)

10. The sun set. (Y)10)

- 7 -
Lesson 4 | 과거 시제 1 동아(윤정미)

Part 8 14. ______________ chef Kyle cook the noodle?

→ No, ______________ but he ______________ (cook)
n Complete the sentences with past tense verbs:
the rice.14)
과거 시제 동사로 문장을 완성하시오.

1. ______________ Regina thirsty an hour ago? 15. ______________ the pillows soft?
→ Yes, ______________.1) → Yes, ______________.15)

2. ______________ your parents in Korea last Saturday? 16. What ______________ your pet last month?
→ Yes, ______________.2) → It ______________ a turtle.16)

3. ______________ they noisy two hours ago? 17. ______________ your car old?
→ Yes, ______________.3) → Yes, ______________.17)

4. ______________ her cat sick yesterday afternoon? 18. ______________ father eat my cookies in the
→ Yes, ______________.4) refrigerator?
→ No, ______________.18)
5. ______________ Leo study Math with Judy yesterday?
→ No, ______________ but they ______________ 19. Where ______________ you see my wallet?
(study) English.5)
→ I ______________ (see) it under the table.19)

6. ______________ children visit their uncle last holiday? 20. ______________ the students listen to music three
→ No, ______________ but they ______________(visit) hours ago?
their grandma.6) → No, ______________.20)

7. ______________ the shoes dirty yesterday? 21. What ______________ you do last Saturday night?
→ Yes, ______________.7)
→ I ______________ (watch) my favorite cartoon
8. ______________ Uncle Sammy work last Friday?
→ Yes, ______________.8) 22. Why ______________ Jennie angry?
→ Because someone ______________ (steal) her
9. ______________ people type quickly two days ago? pencil.22)
→ Yes, ______________.9)
23. ______________ the pigeons white?
10. Where ______________ you go last summer? → Yes, ______________.23)
→ I ______________ (go) to Singapore with my
24. ______________ he drive a car yesterday afternoon?
→ Yes, ______________.24)
11. What ______________ she do yesterday?
→ She ______________ (play) badminton with me.11)
25. When ______________ the policemen catch the
12. ______________ Danny strong? → They ______________ (catch) the thieves last
→ No, ______________.12) Tuesday.25)

13. ______________ your sisters thin?

→ No, ______________.13)

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Lesson 4 | 과거 시제 1 동아(윤정미)

Part 9 8. 두 사람이 정글로 들어왔어요.8)

n Translate the following sentences into English. come, into, the jungle
다음 문장을 영작하시오. _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________
_____________ _____________
1. 난 한 어린 소년을 봤어. 그는 정말 빠르게 달렸지.1)
see, young, really
_____________ _____________ _____________ _____________
9. 그는 캐나다에 있는 그의 친구들을 방문하지 않았
_____________. _____________ _____________ _____________
visit, in Canada
_____________ _____________ _____________ _____________
_____________ _____________ _____________
2. Mickey는 강하고 용감했나요?2)
_____________ _____________ _____________ _____________
10. 지난달에, 한 낯선 사람이 마을에 왔어.10)
a stranger, town
_____________ _____________, _____________ _____________
_____________ _____________ _____________
3. 우리는 산책하러 밖에 나갔어요.3)
go outside, for
_____________ _____________ _____________ _____________
11. 그녀는 그녀의 스테이크에 소금을 조금 뿌렸다.11)
_____________ _____________
put, some salt, on
_____________ _____________ _____________ _____________
_____________ _____________ _____________
4. 7학년 때 저는 학교의 회장이 되었습니다.4)
become, captain, of
In grade seven, _____________ _____________ _____________
12. Jenny는 정원에서 그녀의 아버지를 도왔나요?12)
_____________ _____________ _____________ _____________.
help, the garden
_____________ _____________ _____________ _____________
_____________ _____________ _____________ _____________
5. 우리는 점심으로 그 비빔밥과 김치를 먹었다.5)
have, the bibimbap, gimchi, for
_____________ _____________ _____________ _____________
13. Leo의 팀이 경기에서 이겼어요.13)
_____________ _____________ _____________ _____________
team, the game
_____________ _____________ _____________ _____________
6. 그 아이들은 개를 왜 쫓아갔나요?6)
the children, run after
_____________ _____________ _____________ _____________
_____________ _____________ _____________ _____________

7. 먼 옛날, 낙타는 야생 소와 함께 들판에 살았어요.7)

camels, fields, wild cows
Long ago, _____________ _____________ _____________
_____________ with _____________ _____________.

- 9 -
2 There is/are ~

Grammar Point

긍정문 There is[are]~

a table in the room. 방에 식탁이 하나 있다.
some water in the glass. 컵에 물이 좀 있다.
two apples in the box. 박스 안에 사과 두 개가 있다.
some books on the shelf. 선반 위에 책이 몇 권 있다.

*셀 수 없는 명사는 항상 단수 취급하므로 There is ~로만 쓴다.

*There is, There are는 There’s, There’re로 축약하여 쓸 수 있다.

부정문 There is[are] not ~

is not an eraser on the desk. 책상 위에 지우개가 없다.
= isn’t much money in the wallet. 지갑에 돈이 많지 않다.
are not many flowers in the park. 공원에는 꽃이 많지 않다.
= aren’t any fish in the pond. 연못에 물고기가 하나도 없다.

의문문 Is[Are] there ~?

a hotel on the hill? 언덕 위에 호텔이 있나요?
any ice cream in the refrigerator? 냉장고에 아이스크림이 있나요?
(-Yes, there is. / -No, there isn’t.)
two bathrooms in the house? 그 집에 두 개의 욕실이 있나요?
any stars in the sky? 하늘에 별이 있나요?
(-Yes, there are. / -No, there aren’t.)
*some은 ‘약간의, 몇 개의’라는 뜻으로 셀 수 없는 명사나 셀 수 있는 명사의 복수형과 함께 쓰인다.
*긍정문에서는 some을 쓰지만, 부정문, 의문문, 조건문에서는 any를 쓴다.
*과거를 나타낼 때는, is대신 was를 are대신 were를 쓴다.

Warm-up n Complete the sentences with There is or There are:

There is 또는 There are로 문장을 완성하시오.

n Answer to the following questions: 4. _________________ a lamp.4)

다음 질문에 답하시오. 5. _________________ three windows.5)
6. _________________ a bed.6)
7. _________________ a pillow.7)
1. How many notebooks are there?1) 8. _________________ four tables.8)
→ There is ____________ notebook. 9. _________________ a newspaper.9)
10. _________________ six books.10)
11. _________________ two sofas.11)
12. _________________ a flower.12)
13. _________________ three clocks.13)
2. How many books are there?2)
→ There _____________ _____________ books. n Re-arrange the words.
단어를 재배열하시오.

14. a / there is / garden14)

15. televisions / two / there are15)
3. How many erasers are there?3) 16. there is / ball / a16)
→ There _____________ _____________ erasers. 17. cats / two / there are 17)

- 10 -
Lesson 4 | There is/are ~ 2 동아(윤정미)

Pattern 2. There is/are~

18. There ___________ a little cat behind the tree.18)
Part 1

n Fill in is or are:
19. There ____________ lots of books in the library.19)
is 또는 are을 써넣으시오.
20. There ______________ some water in the lake.20)
1. There ______________ ten people in the bus.1)

21. There ______________ nobody at home.21)

2. There ______________ many animals in the zoo.2)

22. There ____________ some books on the table.22)

3. There ______________ an apple on the sofa.3)

23. There _____________ children in the classroom.23)

4. There ______________ four bananas on the bed.4)

24. There _______________ something wrong with my

5. There ______________ two watermelons on the ear.24)

25. There _______________ a frog near the lake.25)

6. There ______________ a banana on the table.6)

26. There _____________ some flowers in the vase.26)

7. There ______________ a snake in the window.7)

27. There _______________ some rice in the bowl.27)

8. There ______________ an orange on the table.8)

28. There ______________ no money in my pocket.28)

9. There ______________ three apples on the table.9)
29. There _______________ a blue dress in my
10. There ______________ a pear on the bed.10) wardrobe.29)

11. There ______________ many baby lions next to 30. There _______________ a new student in our
their parents.11) classroom.30)

12. There ______________ a bird next to the tree.12) 31. There _______________ some bananas on the
13. There ______________ many monkeys in the
trees.13) 32. There ______________ some milk in the fridge.32)

14. There ______________ an elephant in the zoo.14) 33. There _______________ some potatoes in the
15. There ______________ a rock under the tree.15)
34. There _______________ some bicycles in the
16. There ______________ many sharks in the basement.34)
35. There _______________ a lot of pens on the
17. There ____________ a lot of water for the fish.17) table.35)

- 11 -
Lesson 4 | There is/are ~ 2 동아(윤정미)

Part 2 Part 3

n Turn the following sentences into Negative n Convert from one form to another according
using short form. to the sign:
축약형을 사용하여 다음 문장들을 부정문으로 바꾸시오. 기호에 따라 형태를 다른 형태로 전환하시오.

1. There is a car in front of our house.1) <보기>

There is water in the cup. (-)
→ There isn’t water in the cup.

2. There are some dolls in the box.2) There are five apples in the basket. (?)
→ Are there five apples in the basket?
Is there a hippo in the zoo? (+)
→ There is a hippo in the zoo.
3. There is a blue hat on the sofa.3)
1. There is a chair near the table. (-)1)
→ _________________________________________________
4. There are six men at the door.4)
2. There aren’t dishes in the cupboard. (+)2)
→ _________________________________________________
5. There is a different car in the garage.5)
3. There is a vase on the floor. (?)3)
→ _________________________________________________

n Turn the following sentences into Question. 4. There is a big white cloud in the sky. (-)4)
다음 문장들을 의문문으로 바꾸시오. → _________________________________________________

6. There are new competitors at the race.6)

5. There are three families in that house. (-)5)
→ _________________________________________________

7. There is a dictionary in my bag.7)

6. Are there children in the classroom? (+)6)
→ _________________________________________________

8. There are some chalks in the box.8) 7. There isn’t a picture on the wall. (?)7)
→ _________________________________________________

9. There are three students in the library.9) 8. There are two supermarkets in this street. (?)8)
→ _________________________________________________

10. There is a cheap car in the gallery.10) 9. Is there a hotel near here? (+)9)
→ _________________________________________________

11. There are some cookies left on the table.11) 10. There are twenty students in the class. (?)10)
→ _________________________________________________

- 12 -
Lesson 4 | There is/are ~ 2 동아(윤정미)

Part 4

n Fill in Is there or Are there: 18. ______________________ a television in your

Is there 또는 Are there을 써넣으시오.

1. _______________________ a garage opposite your 19. ______________________ books in the bookshelf?19)


20. _______________________ a zoo in your town?20)

2. _______________________ many birds on the tree?2)

21. _______________________ two bathrooms in your

3. _______________________ a supermarket near your

22. _______________________ a cat in your grandparents’

4. _______________________ any cheese on the table?4)

5. _______________________ flowers in your room?5) 23. _______________________ friendly teachers at your

6. _______________________ three dogs in the yard?6)
24. ______________________ any juice in the bottle?24)
7. _____________________ a restaurant in this street?7)
25. _________________ some pencils in the drawer?25)
8. _______________________ a shoe shop opposite the
library?8) 26. _______________________ a TV in the room?26)

9. _______________________ five hotels in your city?9) 27. __________________ any money in that wallet?27)

10. _______________________ a theatre in your city?10) 28. ___________________ any apples in the basket?28)

11. _______________________ a swimming pool in this


12. _______________________ hospitals in your city?12)

13. _____________________ a bank near the school?13)

14. _______________________ a café at the bakery?14)

15. _____________________ any apples on that tree?15)

16. _______________________ 29 days in February this


17. _______________________ a big green blackboard

in your classroom?17)

- 13 -
Lesson 4 | There is/are ~ 2 동아(윤정미)

Part 5 Part 6

n Complete the sentences with is, are, isn’t or aren’t: n Give short answers to the questions:
is, are, isn’t 또는 aren’t로 문장을 완성하시오. 질문에 짧게 답하시오.

1. In my town there ____________ a hospital but <보기>

there ____________ a luxurious hotel.1) Is there a post office near your house? (+)
→ Yes, there is.
2. There ____________ a theatre and I go there
often.2) 1. Are there many cars on the road? (-)1)

3. My town isn’t near the coast so there

____________ a beach.3)
2. Is there a musical theatre in your city? (-)2)
4. There ____________ some interesting museums.4)

5. There ____________ a big open market on 3. Are there many boys in your classroom? (+)3)
Tuesday morning. My mother buys there.5)

6. In New York there ___________ important shops.6)

4. Is there a park opposite your school? (-)4)

7. There ____________ a beautiful park in the city

5. Are there a lot of shops in your city? (+)5)

8. It’s a pity because there ____________ a football

6. Is there a bus station in your city? (+)6)

9. There ____________ a good restaurant near my

7. Are there many cinemas in your city? (-)7)
10. There ____________ no books but there ____________
many DVDs.10)
8. Is there a restaurant opposite the bank? (+)8)
11. There ___________ a dog, but there ___________ a
9. Are there many sportsmen at the gym? (-)9)
12. There ____________ many British postcards in
my collection.12)

10. Is there a pet shop near your school? (+)10)

13. There ___________ two children crying outside.13)

14. There ____________ some books, but there 11. Are there many bookshops in your city? (-)11)
____________ any magazines.14)

15. There _________ any vegetables in the fridge.15) 12. Is there a drugstore in this street? (+)12)

16. There ____________ some eggs but there ____________

any sugar.16)

- 14 -
Lesson 4 | There is/are ~ 2 동아(윤정미)

Part 7

n Complete the sentences with There was, There 16. _______________________ any juice?16)
wasn’t, There were orThere weren’t:
There was, There wasn’t 또는 There were, There 17. _______________________ any cars three hundred
weren’t로 다음 문장들을 완성하시오. years ago?17)

There was a girl at the door. 18. _______________________ an apple on the table?18)
There wasn’t any gold in his house.
19. ______________________ any balloons in the ski?19)
1. _______________________ some cars here.1)
20. _______________________ any coffee?20)
2. _______________________ any eggs on the table.2)
21. _______________________ a tree in the park?21)
3. _______________________ any milk in the fridge.3)
22. _______________________ a cat in the roof?22)
4. _______________________ a supermarket near here.4)
23. ____________________ any buttons on my shirt?23)
5. _______________________ any tables in the kitchen.5)

6. ______________________ some water in the bottle.6)

7. ______________________ any people there.7)

8. ______________________ a TV set on the table.8)

n Complete the questions with Was there or

Were there:
9. _______________________ any boys with you?9)

10. _______________________ a book on the chair?10)

11. ____________________ any people in the shops?11)

12. _____________________ any food in your house?12)

13. _______________________ a girl waiting for you?13)

14. ________________ a computer in the bedroom?14)

15. _______________________ hundreds of people in

the concert?15)

- 15 -
Lesson 4 | There is/are ~ 2 동아(윤정미)

Part 8 Part 9

n Turn the following sentences into Negative n Choose the right answer:
using short form. 알맞은 답을 고르시오.
축약형을 사용하여 다음 문장들을 부정문으로 바꾸시오.
1. (There was / There is / There were) a terrible
1. There was a girl at the door.1) earthquake in Japan in 2005.1)

2. There was a cake on the table.2) 2. How many children (there were / was there /
were there) at the party?2)

3. There were many books on the shelf.3)

3. There (aren’t / isn’t / weren’t / wasn’t) any
students in the library at 3 o'clock yesterday.3)
4. There was an old bed in the room.4)

4. (Was / Is / Are / Were) there any water in the

5. There were ten eggs in the fridge.5)
fridge last night? - I don't think so.4)

6. There were five flowers in the vase. 6)

5. (Was there / Were there) any water in the
bottle? - No, (wasn’t there / there was / there
7. There was a cat in the kitchen.7) wasn’t / there weren’t) any!5)

8. There was a big table in the room.8) 6. (There was / Was there) a delicious birthday
cake and I ate a big piece.6)
9. There were many trees in the garden.9)
7. (Was there / There was / Were there / There
n Turn the following sentences into Question. were) a new student in your class last week?
Yes, (there were / was there / there wasn’t /
다음 문장들을 의문문으로 바꾸시오.
there was).7)
10. There were five children in the room.10)
8. (Are there / There are / Is there / Are there)
11. There were three kittens in the box.11) any people at the museum?8)

12. There was a telephone on the table.12) 9. Listen Tom, there (are / is) some biscuits for
you on the plate.9)

13. There were some birds in the tree.13)

10. There (is / are) a bottle of milk in the fridge
and (are / is) some pears, too.10)
14. There was a big lemon on the table.14)

11. Look! There (is / are / was / were) some

15. There was a fridge in the kitchen.15) snow in the mountains. It has snowed.11)

16. There were some boys in yard.16)

17. There was a toy bear on the sofa.17)

18. There were newspapers on the floor.18)

- 16 -
Lesson 4 | There is/are ~ 2 동아(윤정미)

Part 10 Part 11

n Change the sentences into questions using is n Write questions for the following answers:
there a(n)…? Was there a(n)…? Are there an 다음 답에 알맞은 의문문을 쓰시오.
y…? or Were there any…?:
문장들을 Is there a...? Was there a...? Are there any...?
1. __________________________________________________1)
또는 Were there any...?를 사용하여 의문문으로 바꾸시오. → Yes, there was a red bus.

2. __________________________________________________2)
There was a river near my house in 1995.
→ Yes, there are some children in the bus.
→ Was there a river near my house in 1995?

3. __________________________________________________3)
1. In the past there weren't any hospitals in the
→ No, there weren’t many people.
→ _________________________________________________
4. __________________________________________________4)
→ Yes, there is a yellow bus in front of the
2. Today there is electricity in Oman.2)
→ _________________________________________________

5. __________________________________________________5)
3. In 1970 there were lots of camels.3)
→ No, there aren’t any films on TV tonight.
→ _________________________________________________

6. __________________________________________________6)
4. In the old days there was a school beside the
→ No, there wasn’t an empty seat.
→ _________________________________________________
7. __________________________________________________7)
→ Yes, there were many cheap tickets.
5. There is a church in front of the school.5)
→ _________________________________________________
8. __________________________________________________8)
→ No, there weren’t a lot of policemen.
6. Today there are many cars on the road.6)
→ _________________________________________________
9. How many ______________________ in your class?9)
→ There are ten girls in my class.
7. Last Friday, there was a festival at the school.7)
→ _________________________________________________
10. ________________________________________________10)
→ There are three apples in the basket.
8. Recently, there was an event in the museum.8)
→ _________________________________________________

9. This year, there were two Olympic Games.9)

→ _________________________________________________

10. Yesterday there was a picture on the wall.10)

→ _________________________________________________

- 17 -
Lesson 4 | There is/are ~ 2 동아(윤정미)

Part 12 11. 탁자 위에 세 개의 동전이 있습니까?11)

(on the table / be / three coins / there)?
n Re-arrange the sentences (Write the appropriate
form of ‘be’:
문장을 재배열하시오. (be의 적절한 형태를 쓸 것.)
12. 세상에는 깨끗한 물이 충분하지 않다.12)
1. 터키에는 많은 축제들이 있어요.1) (be / clean water / not / in the world /
(many festivals / there / in Turkey / be) enough / there)

2. 파묵칼레에는 온천이 있습니다.2) 13. 옛날에 뉴질랜드에 큰 숲이 있었습니다.13)

(hot springs / be / in Pamukkale / there) Long ago, (there / New Zealand / a big forest
/ in / be).

3. 종이컵이 하나 있습니다. 그 안에는 물이 있습니다.3) 14. 갑자기 큰 소리가 들렸습니다.14)

You have a paper cup. (be / in / it / water / Suddenly, (there / a loud noise / be).

15. 마을에는 약 550채의 한옥이 있었어.15)

4. 재미있는 방법들이 많이 있어.4) (there / in the village / about / 550 hanoks /
(lots of / there / fun ways / be). be)

5. 이 어항 속에 예쁜 물고기들이 있네.5) 16. 한국의 동해에는 특별한 물고기가 있습니다.16)

(in this bowl / be / some / there / beautiful (in / the East Sea of Korea / be / a special
fish) fish / there)

6. 그곳에는 여전히 아무도 없었다.6) 17. 어느 큰 정글에 수천 그루의 나무가 있었다.17)

(no one / be / there / still / there) (be / trees / there / a big jungle / thousands
of / in)

7. 연못 한가운데에 건물이 있어.7)

(the pond / be / in the middle / there / a 18. 이 섬에는 물이 많지 않습니다.18)
building / of) (much water / be / there / on this island /

8. 사과 주스가 있네요.8)
(apple juice / be / some / there) 19. 너희 학교엔 많은 동아리들이 있니?19)
(be / in / your school / many clubs / there)?

9. 유리로 된 창문이 없었어요!9)

(glass windows / be / no / there)!
20. 브로드웨이에 가 보세요. 거리에 많은 극장들이
Go to Broadway. (on / many theaters / be /
10. 집에 누가 있나요?10) there / the street)
(anybody / there / at home / be)?

- 18 -
Lesson 4 | There is/are ~ 2 동아(윤정미)

21. 세상에는 다양한 종류의 빵이 있습니다.21) 31. 호수에 오리가 하나도 없다.31)
(be / in the world / many types of / there / (not / there / be / any / ducks / in / the /
bread) lake)

22. 옛날에는, 여러 종류의 공룡들이 있었습니다.22) 32. 고대 그리스에 한 노예가 있었습니다.32)

Long ago, (many kinds / there / dinosaurs / (be / in old Greece / a slave / there)

be / of).

33. 그녀의 가방 안에는 간식거리가 많이 들어 있습

23. 무대 위에 크고 작은 드럼이 있다.23) (lots of / there / her bag / snacks / in / be)?
(big and small / there / on the stage / be /

34. 공원에는 많은 사람들이 있습니다.34)

(be / in the park / many people / there)
24. 옛날에 터키에 강력한 술탄이 있었다.24)
Long ago, (be / Turkey / a powerful sultan /
there / in).
35. 밤하늘에는 밝은 별들이 많습니다.35)
(the night sky / bright stars / be / many /
there / in)
25. 식탁 위에 샌드위치가 있니?25)
(be / on the table / a sandwich / there)?

36. 전 세계의 동물에 관한 흥미로운 사실이 많습니다.36)

(interesting facts / be / many / in the world /
26. 전 세계에는 많은 종류의 축제들이 있습니다.26) about / there / animals)
(be / festivals / around the world / many
types / there / of)
37. 뉴욕은 번잡한 도시이다. 거의 모든 거리의 모퉁
이에는 패스트푸드가 있다.37)
New York is a busy city. (every street corner /
27. 한국, 보령에는 흥미로운 머드 축제가 있습니다.27) fast food / there / on / almost / be)
(be / Boryeong, Korea / an exciting mud
festival / there / in)

38. 찬장에 기름이 하나도 없다.38)

(oil / there / not / be / any / in / the
28. 그곳에는 걷기 위해 많은 코스가 있었나요?28) cupboard)
(many courses / be / walking / there / for)?

39. 식기 세척기 안에 더러운 접시가 있나요?39)

29. 그곳에는 많은 물과 풀이 있었습니다.29) (be / in / the dishwasher / any / there / dirty
(be / lots of / water and grass / there) plates)?

30. 이러한 상황에는 몇 가지 이유가 있을 거야.30) 40. 왜 여기에 물방울들이 있는 걸까?40)

(this / some reasons / there / be / may / for) (water drops / be / why / there / here)?

- 19 -
Lesson 4 | There is/are ~ 2 동아(윤정미)

Part 13 Part 14

n Correct the mistakes: n Write sentences in the affirmative, negative

오류를 고치시오. and interrogative forms.
1. There are a library around the corner.1) 문장들을 긍정문, 부정문, 의문문의 형태로 쓰시오.
________________ → ________________ <보기> Juice – glass
긍정문: There is some juice in the glass.

2. There is two cats under the tree.2) 부정문: There isn’t any juice in the glass.
________________ → ________________ 의문문: Is there any juice in the glass?
-Yes, there is.
3. There are a flower pot on the floor.3)
________________ → ________________ 1. Water – bottle1)
긍정문: _______________________________________________
4. There are many flower in the room.4) 부정문: _______________________________________________
________________ → ________________
의문문: ________________________________________________

No, ___________________.
5. There is three cars in the yard.5)
________________ → ________________

2. Cookie – the kitchen closet2)

6. There is two birds on the tree.6)
긍정문: _______________________________________________
________________ → ________________
부정문: _______________________________________________

7. There is a lot of students at the conference.7) 의문문: ________________________________________________

________________ → ________________ Yes, ___________________.

8. There are two portrait on the wall.8)

________________ → ________________ 3. Bread - plate3)
긍정문: _______________________________________________
9. There is three umbrellas in the corner.9) 부정문: _______________________________________________
________________ → ________________
의문문: ________________________________________________

No, ___________________.
10. There are some apple on the table.10)
________________ → ________________

11. There is two apples on the plate.11) 4. Banana - basket4)

________________ → ________________ 긍정문: _______________________________________________

부정문: _______________________________________________
12. There are many potato in the basket.12) 의문문: ________________________________________________
________________ → ________________ No, ___________________.

13. There is two tomatoes on the plate.13)

________________ → ________________

- 20 -
Lesson 4 | There is/are ~ 2 동아(윤정미)

Part 15

n Look at the picture and answer to the questions:

그림을 보고 다음 질문에 답하시오.

1. Is there a book under the bed?1)

→ __________________________________________________

2. Are there two balls on the table?2)

→ __________________________________________________

3. Where are the balls?3)

→ __________________________________________________

4. Is there a pencil on the chair?4)

→ __________________________________________________

5. Is there a closet in the room?5)

→ __________________________________________________

6. Are there any posters on the wall?6)

→ __________________________________________________

7. Are there three pens on the table?7)

→ __________________________________________________

8. How many pens are there on the table?8)

→ __________________________________________________

9. How many toy cars are there on the floor?9)

→ __________________________________________________

- 21 -
11) started
개정 중1 동아(윤정미) 4 12) ate

Grammar Build Up 워크북 13) did

14) were
15) take

본 콘텐츠는 해당 출판사로부터 교과서 라이센스를 획득하여

16) was
이그잼포유에서 제작하였습니다. 본 콘텐츠에 대한 저작권은 17) wasn’t
이그잼포유가 소유하고 있으며, 콘텐츠의 전부 또는 일부를 18) were
무단 전재하거나 배포하는 것은 저작권법에 의한 법적 책임
19) weren’t
을 물을 수 있습니다. 본 콘텐츠의 레이아웃 및 편집에 대한
저작권 침해 행위 또한 금지하고 있습니다. 20) were
21) was / is
Pattern 1. 동사의 과거형 22) did
23) wasn't
24) do
1) were
25) was / was
2) was
26) were
3) was
4) was
Pattern 1 Part 2
5) were
1) was
6) was
2) was
7) was
3) were
8) was
4) were
9) were
5) were
10) was
6) Were
11) came / broke
7) were
12) became / began
8) Was
13) bought / chose
9) were
14) fell / forgot
10) Were
15) went / grew
11) Were
16) had / lost
12) were
17) read / sold
13) were
18) spent / took
14) was
19) knew / drank
15) Were
20) rang / caught
21) found / held
Pattern 1 Part 3
1) was
Pattern 1 Part 1
2) wasn’t
1) wore
3) was
2) wrote
4) was
3) goes
5) was
4) moved
6) wasn’t
5) was / is
7) were
6) saw
8) wasn’t / was
7) washes
9) was
8) killed
10) wasn’t
9) stayed
11) were
10) was / is
12) wasn’t

- 22 -
4) Did we put the clothes into the room? No, we
Pattern 1 Part 4 didn’t.
1) She made a cake. She didn’t make a cake. 5) Did Kate sit next to Max? No, she didn’t.
2) The girls sang beautiful songs. The girls didn’t 6) Did you sweep the floor? Yes, I did.
sing beautiful songs. 7) Did she stick photos? No, she didn’t.
3) The boys swam in the sea. The boys didn’t swim 8) Did she tear her skirt? Yes, she did.
in the sea. 9) Did you take my coat? No, I didn’t.
4) I told you a story. I didn’t tell you a story. 10) Did the sun set? Yes, it did.
5) Mary saw you at a library. Mary didn’t see you
at a library. Pattern 1 Part 7
6) He wore blue shirt on Monday. He didn’t wear 1) Where did they sing a song?
blue shirt on Monday. 2) Who[Whom] did she wake up at 6 o’clock?
7) Susan taught English. Susan didn’t teach English. 3) Where did she throw a pen?
8) Tim read books after school. Tim didn’t read 4) When did she ride a bike?
books after school. 5) Where did you go?
9) The postman rang the bell. The postman didn’t 6) Who[Whom] did you write a letter?
ring the bell. 7) What did she pay for?
10) We spent 10 days in Italy. We didn't spend 10 8) Where did they sell books?
days in Italy. 9) When did they set the table?
11) Judy and Leo went to America. They didn't go 10) Where did she swim?
to America. 11) What did she take?

Pattern 1 Part 5 Pattern 1 Part 8

1) The teacher wrote on the blackboard. Did the 1) Was / she was
teacher write on the blackboard? 2) Were / they were
2) You woke up at 6 o’clock. Did you wake up at 3) Were / they were
6 o’clock? 4) Was / it was
3) Tom won every game. Did Tom win every game? 5) Did / he didn’t / studied
4) She sent you a letter. Did she send you a letter? 6) Did / they didn't / visited
5) A boy stole some apples. Did a boy steal some 7) Were / they were
apples? 8) Did / he did
6) The children played basketball. Did they play 9) Did / they did
10) did / went
7) Peter rode a bike in the afternoon. Did Peter
11) did / played
ride a bike in the afternoon?
12) Was / he wasn't
8) Mr. Lee sold watermelons in summer. Did Mr.
13) Were / they weren't
Lee sell watermelons in summer?
14) Did / he didn’t / cooked
9) Jenny lived in London. Did Jenny live in London?
15) Were / they were
10) You drank a glass of milk. Did you drink a
16) was / was
glass of milk?
17) Was / it was
11) The boys swam in the pool. Did the boys swim
18) Did / he didn’t
in the pool?
19) did / saw
20) Did / they didn’t
Pattern 1 Part 6 21) did / watched
1) Did you understand the lesson? Yes, I did. 22) was / stole
2) Did we/you run to the teacher? No, we didn’t. 23) Were / they were
3) Did you throw a ball to me? Yes, I did. 24) Did / he did

- 23 -
25) did / caught 9) are
10) is
Pattern 1 Part 9 11) are
1) I saw a young boy. He ran really fast. 12) is
2) Was Mickey strong and brave? 13) are
3) We went outside for a walk. 14) is
4) I became the captain of my school. 15) is
5) We had the bibimbap and gimchi for lunch. 16) are
6) Why did the children run after the dog? 17) is
7) camels lived in fields / wild cows 18) is
8) Two people came into the jungle. 19) are
9) He didn’t visit his friends in Canada. 20) is
10) Last month, a stranger came to town. 21) is
11) She put some salt on her steak. 22) are
12) Did Jenny help her father in the garden? 23) are
13) Leo’s team won the game. 24) is
25) is
Pattern 2. There is/are~ 26) are
27) is
28) is
1) one
29) is
2) are three
30) is
3) are two
31) are
4) There is
32) is
5) There are
33) are
6) There is
34) are
7) There is
35) are
8) There are
9) There is
Pattern 2 Part 2
10) There are
1) There isn’t a car in front of our house.
11) There are
2) There aren’t some dolls in the box.
12) There is
3) There isn’t a blue hat on the sofa.
13) There are
4) There aren’t six men at the door.
14) There is a garden.
5) There isn’t a different car in the garage.
15) There are two televisions.
6) Are there new competitors at the race?
16) There is a ball.
7) Is there a dictionary in my bag?
17) There are two cats.
8) Are there some chalks in the box?
9) Are there three students in the library?
Pattern 2 Part 1
10) Is there a cheap car in the gallery?
1) are
11) Are there some cookies left on the table?
2) are
3) is
Pattern 2 Part 3
4) are
1) There isn’t a chair near the table.
5) are
2) There are dishes in the cupboard.
6) is
3) Is there a vase on the floor?
7) is
4) There isn’t a big white cloud in the sky.
8) is
5) There aren’t three families in that house.

- 24 -
6) There are children in the classroom. 11) is, isn’t or isn’t, is
7) Is there a picture on the wall? 12) are
8) Are there two supermarkets in this street? 13) are
9) There is a hotel near here. 14) are, aren’t
10) Are there twenty students in the class? 15) aren’t
16) are, isn’t
Pattern 2 Part 4
1) Is there Pattern 2 Part 6
2) Are there 1) No, there aren’t.
3) Is there 2) No, there isn’t.
4) Is there 3) Yes, there are.
5) Are there 4) No, there isn’t.
6) Are there 5) Yes, there are.
7) Is there 6) Yes, there is.
8) Is there 7) No, there aren’t.
9) Are there 8) Yes, there is.
10) Is there 9) No, there aren’t.
11) Is there 10) Yes, there is.
12) Are there 11) No, there aren’t.
13) Is there 12) Yes, there is.
14) Is there
15) Are there Pattern 2 Part 7
16) Are there 1) There were
17) Is there 2) There weren’t
18) Is there 3) There wasn’t
19) Are there 4) There was
20) Is there 5) There weren’t
21) Are there 6) There was
22) Is there 7) There weren’t
23) Are there 8) There was
24) Is there 9) Were there
25) Are there 10) Was there
26) Is there 11) Were there
27) Is there 12) Was there
28) Are there 13) Was there
14) Was there
Pattern 2 Part 5 15) Were there
1) is, isn’t 16) Was there
2) is 17) Were there
3) isn’t 18) Was there
4) are 19) Were there
5) is 20) Was there
6) are 21) Was there
7) is 22) Was there
8) isn’t 23) Were there
9) is
10) are, are

- 25 -
Pattern 2 Part 8 Pattern 2 Part 11
1) There wasn’t a girl at the door. 1) Was there a red bus?
2) There wasn’t a cake on the table. 2) Are there any children in the bus?
3) There weren’t many books on the shelf. 3) Were there many people?
4) There wasn’t an old bed in the room. 4) Is there a yellow bus in front of the school?
5) There weren’t ten eggs in the fridge. 5) Are there any films on TV tonight?
6) There weren’t five flowers in the vase. 6) Was there an empty seat?
7) There wasn’t a cat in the kitchen. 7) Were there many cheap tickets?
8) There wasn’t a big table in the room. 8) Were there a lot of policemen?
9) There weren’t many trees in the garden. 9) girls are there
10) Were there five children in the room? 10) How many apples are there in the basket?
11) Were there three kittens in the box?
12) Was there a telephone on the table? Pattern 2 Part 12
13) Were there some birds in the tree? 1) There are many festivals in Turkey.
14) Was there a big lemon on the table? 2) There are hot springs in Pamukkale.
15) Was there a fridge in the kitchen? 3) There is water in it.
16) Were there some boys in yard? 4) There are lots of fun ways.
17) Was there a toy bear on the sofa? 5) There are some beautiful fish in this bowl.
18) Were there newspapers on the floor? 6) There was still no one there.
7) There is a building in the middle of the pond.
Pattern 2 Part 9 8) There is some apple juice.
1) There was 9) There were no glass windows!
2) were there 10) Is there anybody at home?
3) weren’t 11) Are there three coins on the table?
4) Was 12) There is not enough clean water in the world.
5) Was there, there wasn’t 13) there was a big forest in New Zealand
6) There was 14) there was a loud noise
7) Was there, there was 15) There were about 550 hanoks in the village.
8) Are there 16) There is a special fish in the East Sea of Korea.
9) are 17) There were thousands of trees in a big jungle.
10) is, are 18) There is not much water on this island.
11) is 19) Are there many clubs in your school?
20) There are many theaters on the street.
Pattern 2 Part 10 21) There are many types of bread in the world.
1) Were there any hospitals in the town in the past? 22) there were many kinds of dinosaurs.
2) Is there any electricity in Oman today? 23) There are big and small drums on the stage.
3) Were there any camels in 1970? 24) there was a powerful sultan in Turkey
4) Was there a school beside the river in the old 25) Is there a sandwich on the table?
days? 26) There are many types of festivals around the
5) Is there a church in front of the school? world.
6) Are there any cars on the road today? 27) There is an exciting mud festival in Boryeong,
7) Was there a festival at the school last Friday? Korea.
8) Was there an event in the museum recently? 28) Were there many courses for walking?
9) Were there any Olympic Games this year? 29) There was lots of water and grass.
10) Was there a picture on the wall yesterday? 30) There may be some reasons for this.
31) There are not any ducks in the lake.
32) There was a slave in old Greece.

- 26 -
33) Are there lots of snacks in her bag? 6) Yes, there are.
34) There are many people in the park. 7) No, there aren’t.
35) There are many bright stars in the night sky. 8) There are two pens on the table.
36) There are many interesting facts about animals 9) There are two toy cars on the floor.
in the world.
37) There is fast food on almost every street corner.
38) There is not any oil in the cupboard.
39) Are there any dirty plates in the dishwasher?
40) Why are there water drops here?

Pattern 2 Part 13
1) are → is
2) is → are
3) are → is
4) flower → flowers
5) is → are
6) is → are
7) is → are
8) portrait → portraits
9) is → are
10) apple → apples
11) is → are
12) potato → potatoes
13) is → are

Pattern 2 Part 14
1) There is some water in the bottle. / There isn’t
any water in the bottle. / Is there any water in
the bottle? / there isn’t
2) There are some cookies in the kitchen closet. /
There aren’t any cookies in the kitchen closet. /
Are there any cookies in the kitchen closet? /
there are
3) There is some bread on the plate. / There isn’t
any bread on the plate. / Is there any bread on
the plate? / there isn’t.
4) There are some bananas in the basket. / There
aren’t any bananas in the basket. / Are there
any bananas in the basket? / there aren’t

Pattern 2 Part 15
1) Yes, there is.
2) No, there aren’t.
3) They are next to the table. or They are beside
the table.
4) Yes, there is.
5) Yes, there is.

- 27 -

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