2021년 중1 YBM(송미정) 5과 [13]Grammar Build Up 워크북 OK

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5 Grammar Build Up 워크북 YBM(송미정)

Pattern 1. 현재진행형 Pattern 2. 「감각동사+형용사」

⦁현재진행형은 「be동사의 현재형 + 동사원형-ing」 look, sound, feel, smell, taste 등은 오감을 나타내는
의 형태로 진행 중인 동작이나 사건을 나타낼 때 동사로 뒤에는 형용사가 온다.
사용한다. 현재시제와 마찬가지로 be동사는 주어의 ⦁look + 형용사: ~하게 보이다
인칭과 수에 따라 am/are/is로 변형된다. ⦁sound + 형용사: ~하게 들리다
⦁현재진행형의 부정문: 「be + not + -ing」 ⦁smell + 형용사: ~한 냄새가 나다
⦁의문문: 「Be + 주어 + -ing ~?」 ⦁taste + 형용사: ~한 맛이 나다
감각동사 뒤에 전치사 like가 올 경우, 뒤에는 명사가
1. A meerkat is standing straight up. 온다.
미어캣 한 마리가 똑바로 서 있다.
현재진행형은 현재 진행되고 있는 동작을 나타내는 표 1. They look relaxed.
현이며, ‘~하는 중이다’로 해석된다. 그들은 편안해 보인다.
look이 2형식 감각동사로 쓰일 경우 ‘~하게 보이다’라
고 해석하며, look 뒤에는 형용사를 쓴다. 이렇게 형용
사를 보어로 취하는 감각동사에는 feel(느낌이 들다),
2. They are holding their babies on their stomachs.
smell(냄새가 나다), taste(맛이 나다), sound(들리다) 등
그들은 배 위에 그들의 새끼들을 잡고 있다.
이 있다.
일반적으로 진행형은 동작을 나타내는 동사에 쓰이며,
like, love, want와 같은 감정, 생각, 존재, 상태, 소유를
나타내는 동사에는 잘 쓰이지 않는다.
2. The babies feel safe with their mother.
새끼들은 그들의 어미와 함께 있어 안전함을 느낀다.
feel 다음에 형용사(safe)가 와서 ‘~한 느낌이 들다’라는
뜻을 나타낸다.

- 1 -
1 Present Continuous Tense 현재 진행 시제

Grammar Point

현재형 현재진행형
I work I am working
You work You are working
She, He, It works She, He, It is working
We, They work We, They are working
I do not work I am not working
You do not work You are not working
She, He, It does not work She, He, It is not working
We, They do not work We, They are not working
Do I work Am I working
Do you work Are you working
의문문 Does she, he, it work Is working
he, it
Do we, they work Are working

Warm-up 17. Grandmother _____________ drinking tea.17)

n Write the third person singular of the verb
and present continuous forms: 18. Mary and Jane _______ wearing skirts today.18)
동사의 3인칭 단수형과 진행형을 쓰시오.

1. play plays _____________1) 19. My friends ________ eating a sandwich.19)

2. read _____________ _____________2)
20. I _______ having a bath.20)
3. listen _____________ _____________3)
4. drink _____________ _____________4)
21. Tom and John _______ playing football.21)
5. climb _____________ _____________5)
6. water _____________ _____________6)
22. My friends and I _______ playing computer
7. swim _____________ _____________7)
8. fly _____________ _____________8)
9. study _____________ _____________9)
10. match _____________ _____________10) n Fill in the blanks the correct form of the verb:
11. lie _____________ _____________11) 동사의 알맞은 형태를 빈칸에 쓰시오.

23. We are _____________ (play) football.23)

n Write am, is or are:
am 또는 is, are을 쓰시오.
24. She isn’t _____________ (run).24)
12. Mr. Green __________ reading the newspaper.12)

25. Are they _________(go) to the cinema?25)

13. Mike _____________ cleaning the windows.13)
26. He is ________(take) photographs.26)
14. The girls _____________ playing with the dolls.14)
27. The kangaroo is ________(jump) now.27)
15. The cat _____________ climbing the tree.15)

16. The ducks _____________ swimming.16)

- 2 -
1 Present Continuous Tense 현재 진행 시제

n Fill in the blanks using the Present Continuous n Make negative sentences with the verbs in
(am/is/are + ing) tense: brackets:
현재 진행형 시제를 사용하여 빈칸을 채우시오. 괄호 안의 동사를 사용하여 부정문을 만드시오.

28. I _____________ (wear) a skirt.28) 38. Tom _________________ (not write) now.38)

29. We _____________ (do) gymnastics.29) 39. He _________________ (not stand) now.39)

30. Sam and Judy ___________ (swim) in the pool.30) 40. He _________________ (not work) now.40)

31. Tina _____________ (take) a shower.31) 41. He _________________ (not read) now.41)

32. The cat _____________ (lie) by the fire.32) 42. Her friends _________________ (not sit) now.42)

33. They _____________ (play) chess.33) 43. Her friends _________________ (not cry) now.43)

34. Mark _____________ (run) in the park.34) 44. They _________________ (not read) now.44)

35. My mom _____________ (make) a cake in the 45. They _________________ (not go) to school.45)
46. She _______________ (not listen) to music now.46)
36. Sunny _____________ (decorate) the Christmas
47. She ________________ (not sing) now.47)

37. He’s at university. He ________ (study) French.37)

48. She ____________ (not dance) at the moment.48)

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Lesson 5 | 현재 진행 시제 1 YBM(송미정)

Pattern 1. 현재진행형 Part 2

n Turn the following sentences into negative and

Part 1 interrogative:
n Choose the correct answer: 다음 문장들을 부정문과 의문문으로 바꾸시오.

옳은 답을 고르시오. 1. The girls are dancing.1)

1. What time do you usually (gets / getting / get) → _________________________________________________
up?1) → _________________________________________________

2. Mary is (watching / watch / watches) TV in the 2. Mom is packing our clothes.2)

living room.2) → _________________________________________________
→ _________________________________________________

3. Tom always (doing / does / do) his homework

3. The pupils are talking.3)
before going to bed.3)
→ _________________________________________________
→ _________________________________________________
4. Tina never (take / taking / takes) the bus to
4. Kate is preparing dinner.4)
→ _________________________________________________
5. She is dancing and (sing / sings / singing).5) → _________________________________________________

6. I (walks / walk / walking) to school every day.6) 5. I’m making Easter eggs.5)
→ _________________________________________________
7. The birds are (flying / flies / fly) in the sky.7) → _________________________________________________

8. My father usually (goes / going) to bed late.8) 6. You are singing a nice song.6)
→ _________________________________________________
→ _________________________________________________
9. What book are you (read / reading / reads)?9)

7. The dog is chasing the cat.7)

10. My teacher usually (come / coming / comes) → _________________________________________________
early to class.10) → _________________________________________________

11. Tom is (washing / wash / washes) the dishes.11) 8. He is drinking coffee.8)

→ _________________________________________________
12. Whom are you (talk / talking / talks) to?12) → _________________________________________________

13. Is Sam (playing / play / plays) football?13) 9. The children are listening to their teacher.9)
→ _________________________________________________
→ _________________________________________________
14. My grandma (dances / is dancing) now.14)

10. The man is selling ice cream in the park.10)

15. Are (she / you) having trouble with your → _________________________________________________
friends?15) → _________________________________________________

16. What (you are / are you) talking about?16)

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Lesson 5 | 현재 진행 시제 1 YBM(송미정)

Part 3

n Put the verbs in brackets into the correct 15. ___________ Kyle’s sister ___________ (ride) his
horse on Saturdays?15)
present progressive or simple present form:
괄호 안의 동사를 알맞은 현재 진행형 또는 단순 현재형
으로 쓰시오. 16. ___________ he ______________ (play) the piano at
1. Dina is _________________ (clean) her room at the the moment?16)
17. _____________ they _____________ (know) the rules
2. Yossi _________________ (play) football with his of the game?
Yes, they _____________ (do).17)
friends right now.2)

3. Look! Andy ________________ (work) in the garden.3) 18. Mother always _____________ (say) it is important
to study and do your homework.18)

4. We ________________ (read) a book now. Please

don't make noise.4)
19. He _____________ (sit) next to Jonathan right

5. Dan ________________ (not listen) to CD's. He is

watching TV.5)
20. Anne _____________ (bake) bread in the kitchen
at the moment.20)

6. I _______________ (not swim) in the pool. I’m

resting on the grass.6)
21. _____________ Danny's friends _____________ (go)
to play football now?
No, they _____________ (not be). They _____________
7. I _______________ (make) breakfast in the kitchen. (go) to school.21)
Would you like something special to eat?7)

22. Listen! The baby ______________ (cry). Its tummy

8. ___________ he _____________ (speak) English at the hurts.22)
moment? I don't understand what he is saying.8)

23. The bus _____________ (drive) the pupils to

9. Look! They ________________ (smile) at us!9) school every morning.23)

10. She _______________ (not dance) now. She 24. What are you doing? I _______________ (write) a
______________ (study).10) letter at the moment.24)

11. _____________ you _____________ (like) apples?11) 25. Now Minsu and Sora _________________________
(talk) in the classroom.25)
12. Sara _______________ (plan) to go on a trip next
month with her family.12)

13. Dana ____________ (do) her homework every


14. It is cold outside. We ______________ (wear) our

new coats.14)

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Lesson 5 | 현재 진행 시제 1 YBM(송미정)

Part 4 Part 5

n Rewrite the correct sentences: n Match the questions and short answers.
정확한 문장을 다시 쓰시오. 질문과 짧은 답을 연결하시오.

1. I am watch a new film now.1) a. He is drawing an alien.

b. No, I’m not.
c. Yes, they do.
2. My father are working in the garden now.2) d. No, she isn’t.
e. I’m looking for my glasses.
f. Yes, she does.

3. My mom is cook in the kitchen now.3) g. Yes, I’m good at it.

h. She is reading Harry Potter.
i. Mom is.
j. Yes, he does.
4. Tom are swimming at the moment.4)

1. What is she reading? ( )1)

5. The boys is riding their bikes now.5)

2. Do they play basketball? ( )2)

6. Pam is dance in the club at present.6) 3. Who is cooking? ( )3)

4. Does Sam always play soccer after school?

7. Kate is translate the text at present.7) ( )4)

5. Are you going to the concert? ( )5)

8. Bob is play basketball now.8)
6. What is Jim drawing? ( )6)

9. They are jog at the moment.9) 7. Does Judy have a bike? ( )7)

8. What are you doing? ( )8)

10. I is working now.10)
9. Is she interested in art? ( )9)

11. We are talk at present.11) 10. Do you know how to dance? ( )10)

12. Nick is water the flowers in the garden.12)

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Lesson 5 | 현재 진행 시제 1 YBM(송미정)

Part 6 10. 나는 휴대 전화로 게임을 하고 있습니다.10)

n Put the words in the right order. If necessary, (cell phone / a game / be / with / I / play / my).
change the verb form:
단어들을 알맞은 순서로 배열하시오. 필요시 동사 형태를
변형하시오. 11. 아람이 가족은 한 목조 건물 앞에 서 있다.11)
1. 민재는 산책을 하고 있다.1) (in front of / Aram's family / a wooden building /
(is / Minjae / a / walk / taking). be / stand).

2. 한 남자가 의자를 옮기고 있다.2) 12. 그들은 연못 주위를 걷고 있다.12)

(carrying / a chair / a man / be). (be / the / pond / they / walk / around).

3. 그 영화는 지금 극장에서 상영 중이야.3) 13. 제 친구들은 기타와 피아노를 치고 있어요.13)

(be / that / movie / in / theaters / now / playing). (are / my friends / the guitar / playing / and / piano).

4. 너는 여기에서 즐겁게 보내고 있느냐?4) 14. 후식을 만드시는 중이세요?14)

(you / have / be / here / fun)? (be / dessert / you / make)?

5. 나뭇잎들은 노란색, 빨간색과 갈색으로 변하고 있어.5) 15. 그들은 학교 신문을 만들고 있어.15)
(be / brown / yellow, / turn / the / leaves / red / (making / they / the school newspaper / are).

16. 학생들이 선생님들과 축구 시합을 하고 있네. 16)

6. 그녀는 아이스크림을 먹으며 깡충깡충 뛰고 있다.6) (are / soccer / the teachers / playing / the
(up and down / she / eat / jump / be / ice cream students / against).
/ and).

17. 무슨 얘길 하는 거니?17)
7. 내 열쇠를 찾고 있는 중이야.7) (talk / what / be / about / you)?
(for / I'm / keys / look / my).

18. 손님들은 음악회를 즐기고 있습니다.18)

8. 나는 최선을 다하고 있습니다.8) (the concert / enjoying / the guests / be)
(doing / I / best / be / my).

19. 삼촌은 사진을 찍고 계세요.19)

9. 너는 점점 더 좋아지고 있어.9) (be / pictures / taking / my / uncle).
(getting / you / are / better).

20. 우리는 즐거운 시간을 보내고 있습니다.20)

(we / a / good / are / time / having).

- 7 -
2 Perception Verbs 감각동사

Grammar Point

look, smell, sound, taste, feel + 형용사

look (~하게 보이다) + delicious (맛있는) → 맛있어 보이다

These apples look delicious. (이 사과들은 먹음직스럽게 보인다.)

These apples look deliciously. (x)
taste (~한 맛이 나다) + sweet (달콤한) → 달콤한 맛이 나다
This ice cream tastes sweet. (이 아이스크림은 달콤한 맛이 난다.)
This ice cream tastes sweetly. (x)
smell (~한 냄새가 나다) + good (좋은) → 좋은 냄새가 나다
This bread smells good. (이 빵에서 좋은 냄새가 난다.)
This bread smells well. (x)
sound (~하게 들리다) + great (멋있는) → 멋있게 들리다
The music sounds great. (그 음악은 멋있게 들린다.)
The music sounds greatly. (x)
feel (~하게 느끼다) + happy (기분 좋은) → 기분 좋게 느끼다
She doesn’t feel happy. (그녀는 기분 좋게 느껴지지 않았다.)
She doesn’t feel happily. (x)

‘감각 동사 + like + 명사(구)’ ‘~처럼 …하다’

e.g. It sounds like a good idea. (그것은 좋은 생각처럼 들려.)

Warm-up n Choose the right answer:

알맞은 답을 고르시오.
n Write the proper form of adjectives or the
16. You (smile / look) happy.16)
형용사 또는 부사를 쓰시오.
17. The music (sounds / listens) lovely.17)
1. ________________ – politely1)
2. ________________ – terribly2) 18. Your idea (sounds / hears) great!18)
3. dangerous – ________________3)
4. beautiful – ________________4) 19. The movie (feels / sounds) too scary.19)
5. nice – ________________5)
6. soft – ________________6) 20. The socks (look / see) dirty.20)
7. easy – ________________7)
8. good – ________________8) 21. The students (look / hear) tired.21)
9. ________________ – noisily9)
10. cheap – ________________10) 22. The milk (tastes / sounds) sour.22)

11. ________________ – carefully11)

23. The cake (smells / sounds) really delicious.23)
12. safe – ________________12)
13. happy – ________________13)
14. ________________ – comfortably14)
15. awful – ________________15)

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Lesson 5 | 감각동사 2 YBM(송미정)

Pattern 2. 감각동사+형용사
12. The wedding cake _____________ beautiful. Let’s
take a picture of it.12)
Part 1

n Choose the best one from the list.

목록에서 가장 알맞은 것을 고르시오.
13. This scarf _____________ very soft. I think it’s
feel, look, smell, sound, taste made from wool.13)

<보기> The car looks expensive.

14. Yum! This soup _____________ good. Do you
1. Your perfume _____________ nice.1) want to try some?14)

2. That apple _____________ sour.2) 15. I need some face cream. My skin _____________

3. These grapes ________________ bitter.3)

16. This skirt is 6 years old. It _____________ old

4. The guitar _____________ good.4)

17. They have a new kitchen. It _____________

5. That song _____________ terrible.5)

18. This armchair is very comfortable. It ____________

6. That man _____________ aggressive.6) soft.18)

7. My new neighbor _____________ friendly.7) 19. I love this water melon. It ____________ sweet.19)

8. These biscuits _____________ delicious.8)

9. His voice _____________ loud.9)

10. Fireworks _____________ fantastic.10)

11. I worked a lot today. I _____________ tired.11)

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Lesson 5 | 감각동사 2 YBM(송미정)

Part 2

n Choose the right answer: 21. The soup tastes (delicious / deliciously).21)
알맞은 답을 고르시오.
22. Your massage sounds (strange / strangely).22)
1. You look (sad / sadly).1)

23. He sings (beautiful / beautifully).23)

2. The piano sounds (beautiful / beautifully).2)

24. The cookies smelled (good / well).24)

3. I feel a little lazy and (tired / tiredly).3)

25. The bird looks (angry / angrily).25)

4. She can solve the questions (easy / easily).4)

26. My teacher was very (angry / angrily).26)

5. He looks (nice / nicely).5)

27. This fabric feels so (good / well) on the skin.27)

6. I feel (happy / happily) on sunny days.6)

28. That music sounds (greatly / great).28)

7. That sounds (great / greatly)!7)

29. Sam plays football (good / well).29)

8. You will feel (great / greatly).8)

30. I listened (careful / carefully) to the music.30)

9. The test was very (easy / easily).9)

31. Those earrings look (expensive / expensively).31)

10. They all look (different / differently).10)

32. That drawing looks (great / greatly) on the

11. I feel so (happy / happily).11) wall.32)

12. She really felt (full / fully).12) 33. I think the milk is off. It tastes (horrible /
13. Yena looks (polite / politely).13)
34. The ugly duckling feels (lonely / lonelily).34)
14. This apple looks (delicious / deliciously)!14)
35. The apple pie smells (good / well).35)
15. It’s raining (heavy / heavily).15)
36. Mrs. Barnes works (good / well) with many
16. Your perfume smells (nice / nicely).16) people.36)

17. Susan is smiling (happy / happily).17) 37. Bill looks (tired, tiredly) after his work.37)

18. This sweater feels very (soft / softly).18) 38. The little girl looked (cautious / cautiously) to
the right and left.38)

19. This armchair looks (comfortable / comfortably).19)

39. Judy tasted the hot chili (careful, carefully).39)

20. The baby is sleeping (happy / happily).20)

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Lesson 5 | 감각동사 2 YBM(송미정)

Part 3 Part 4

n Complete the sentences with the correct form n Choose the right answer:
of given words. 알맞은 답을 고르시오.
주어진 단어의 알맞은 형태로 문장을 완성하시오.
1. Judy (looks / looks like) her sister Ann.1)
1. The cake smells ________________. (delicious)1)
2. Sam’s girlfriend (sounds / sounds like) an angel.2)
2. The dog is ________________. It barks
________________. (angry)2)
3. Your question (sounds / sounds like) difficult.3)

3. The woman is talking ________________ and she

4. These towels (feel / feel like) wet.4)
looks ________________. (loud, angry)3)

5. The fruit (looks / looks like) very fresh.5)

4. You look very ________________ and you always
wear ________________ dresses. (beautiful)4)
6. Sally's pet (feels / feels like) cool and dry.6)
5. The little boy looked ________________. He looked
at me ________________. (sad)5) 7. It (looks / looks like) an elephant's leg.7)

6. I tasted the soup ________________ but it tasted

________________. (careful, wonderful)6)
8. You (look / look like) cold.8)

7. Dogs can smell very ________________. If that is 9. The rooms (looked / looked like) small.9)
true, why does dog food smell so ________________?
(good, terrible)7)
10. The workers (look / look like) busy.10)

8. I don't like her pictures. She paints ________________

11. Mr. van Gogh (looked / looked like) sad.11)

12. Your dad (sounds / sounds like) a wise man.12)

9. She likes the dress. It looks ________________
13. This fruit (looks / looks like) a Kiwi bird.13)
10. Street food looks ________________ and tastes
________________. (good, delicious)10) 14. The opera (sounds / sounds like) boring.14)

11. Tom sounded ________________ when he spoke 15. Mom (looked / looked like) really upset.15)
to me. (angry)11)

12. The peach ice cream tasted ________________ on

that hot summer night. (good)12)

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Lesson 5 | 감각동사 2 YBM(송미정)

Part 5 10. 우리는 뿌듯했다.10)

n Translate the following Korean sentences using proud
given words and one from the example.
다음 우리말과 같은 뜻이 되도록 <보기>의 동사와 주어
진 단어를 활용하여 알맞게 영작하시오. 11. 그것은 작은 공처럼 생겼다.11)
<보기> feel, look, smell, sound, taste small, like

1. 그녀의 손은 참 따뜻하게 느껴져요.1)

hands, so 12. 나는 무척 걱정이 되었고, Spikey도 걱정하는 것
처럼 보였다.12)
so, worried, and, too
2. 그 왕은 당황한 듯 보였다.2)
13. 나는 내일 수학 시험이 있어서 긴장이 돼.13)
have, test, and, nervous
3. 저는 여러분과 다르게 생겼습니다.3)
different from
14. 그것은 매우 흥미진진하게 들리는 군요.14)
4. 그것은 우리 학교 같진 않았어.4)
like, my school

15. 그 즙은 혈액처럼 보입니다.15)

juice, look, blood
5. 우리는 서로를 더 가깝게 느꼈다.5)
closer to, each other

16. 그것은 코끼리의 다리처럼 생겼습니다.16)

an elephant's leg
6. 내 스스로가 나쁘게 느껴져.6)
bad, about myself

17. 이 과일은 키위 새처럼 생겼어.17)

7. 정말 냄새가 좋군요.7) a Kiwi bird
it, really

18. 낙타의 집은 아름다워 보였습니다.18)

8. 그것은 정말 맛있는 냄새가 나요.8) the camels, home
it, really, delicious

19. 그 혹들은 이상해 보입니다.19)

9. Amy는 매우 슬프고 외로웠다.9) the humps, strange
very, lonely

20. 냄새가 근사하네요.20)

that, great

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36) is decorating
개정 중1 YBM(송미정) 5 37) is studying

Grammar Build Up 워크북 38) isn’t writing

39) isn’t standing
40) isn’t working

본 콘텐츠는 해당 출판사로부터 교과서 라이센스를 획득하여

41) isn’t reading
이그잼포유에서 제작하였습니다. 본 콘텐츠에 대한 저작권은 42) aren’t sitting
이그잼포유가 소유하고 있으며, 콘텐츠의 전부 또는 일부를 43) aren’t crying
무단 전재하거나 배포하는 것은 저작권법에 의한 법적 책임
44) aren’t reading
을 물을 수 있습니다. 본 콘텐츠의 레이아웃 및 편집에 대한
저작권 침해 행위 또한 금지하고 있습니다. 45) aren’t going
46) isn’t listening
Warm-up 47) isn’t singing
1) playing 48) isn’t dancing
2) reads / reading
3) listens / listening Pattern 1
4) drinks / drinking Part 1
5) climbs / climbing 1) get
6) waters / watering 2) watching
7) swims / swimming 3) does
8) flies / flying 4) takes
9) studies / studying 5) singing
10) matches / matching 6) walk
11) lies / lying 7) flying
12) is 8) goes
13) is 9) reading
14) are 10) comes
15) is 11) washing
16) are 12) talking
17) is 13) playing
18) are 14) is dancing
19) are 15) you
20) am 16) are you
21) are
22) are Part 2
23) playing 1) The girls aren’t[are not] dancing. / Are the girls
24) running dancing?
25) going 2) Mom isn’t[is not] packing our clothes. / Is mom
26) taking packing our clothes?
27) jumping 3) The pupils aren’t[are not] talking. / Are the
28) am wearing pupils talking?
29) are doing 4) Kate isn’t[is not] preparing dinner. / Is Kate
30) are swimming preparing dinner?
31) is taking 5) I’m not making Easter eggs. / Am I making
32) is lying Eater eggs?
33) are playing 6) You aren’t[are not] singing a nice song. / Are
34) is running you singing a nice song?
35) is making 7) The dog isn’t[is not] chasing the cat. / Is the

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dog chasing the cat? 10) I am working now.
8) He isn’t[is not] drinking coffee. / Is he drinking 11) We are talking at present.
coffee? 12) Nick is watering the flowers in the garden.
9) The children aren’t[are not] listening to their
teacher. / Are the children listening to their Part 5
teacher? 1) h
10) The man isn’t[is not] selling ice cream in the 2) c
park. / Is the man selling ice cream in the 3) i
park? 4) j
5) b
Part 3 6) a
1) cleaning 7) f
2) is playing 8) e
3) is working 9) d
4) are reading 10) g
5) isn’t[is not] listening
6) am not swimming Part 6
7) am making 1) Minjae is taking a walk.
8) Is / speaking 2) A man is carrying a chair.
9) are smiling 3) That movie is now playing in theaters.[That movie
10) isn’t[is not] dancing / is studying is playing in theaters now.]
11) Do / like 4) Are you having fun here?
12) is planning 5) The leaves are turning yellow, red and brown.
13) does 6) She's eating ice cream and jumping up and down.
14) are wearing 7) I'm looking for my keys.
15) Does / ride 8) I am doing my best.
16) Is / playing 9) You are getting better.
17) Do / know / do 10) I am playing a game with my cell phone.
18) says 11) Aram's family is standing in front of a wooden
19) is sitting building.
20) is baking 12) They are walking around the pond.
21) Are / going / aren’t[are not] / are going 13) My friends are playing the guitar and piano.
22) is crying 14) Are you making dessert?
23) drives 15) They are making the school newspaper.
24) am writing 16) The students are playing soccer against the
25) are talking teachers.
17) What are you talking about?
Part 4 18) The guests are enjoying the concert.
1) I am watching a new film now. 19) My uncle is taking pictures.
2) My father is working in the garden now. 20) We are having a good time.
3) My mom is cooking in the kitchen now.
4) Tom is swimming at the moment. Warm-up
5) The boys are riding their bikes now. 1) polite
6) Pam is dancing in the club at present. 2) terrible
7) Kate is translating the text at present. 3) dangerously
8) Bob is playing basketball now. 4) beautifully
9) They are jogging at the moment. 5) nicely

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6) softly 6) happy
7) easily 7) great
8) well 8) great
9) noisy 9) easy
10) cheaply 10) different
11) careful 11) happy
12) safely 12) full
13) happily 13) polite
14) comfortable 14) delicious
15) awfully 15) heavily
16) look 16) nice
17) sounds 17) happily
18) sounds 18) soft
19) sounds 19) comfortable
20) look 20) happily
21) look 21) delicious
22) tastes 22) strange
23) smells 23) beautifully
24) good
Pattern 2 25) angry
Part 1 26) angry
1) smells 27) good
2) tastes 28) great
3) taste 29) well
4) sounds 30) carefully
5) sounds 31) expensive
6) looks 32) great
7) looks 33) horrible
8) taste 34) lonely
9) sounds 35) good
10) look 36) well
11) feel 37) tired
12) looks 38) cautious
13) feels 39) carefully
14) tastes
15) feels Part 3
16) looks 1) delicious
17) looks 2) angry, angrily
18) feels 3) loudly, angry
19) tastes 4) beautiful, beautiful
5) sad, sadly
Part 2 6) carefully, wonderful
1) sad 7) well, terrible
2) beautiful 8) terribly
3) tired 9) modern
4) easily 10) good, delicious
5) nice 11) angry

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12) good

Part 4
1) looks like
2) sounds like
3) sounds
4) feel
5) looks
6) feels
7) looks like
8) look
9) looked
10) look
11) looked
12) sounds like
13) looks like
14) sounds
15) looked

Part 5
1) Her hands feel so warm.
2) The king looked puzzled.
3) I look different from you.
4) It didn't look like my school.
5) We felt closer to each other.
6) I feel bad about myself.
7) It smells really good.
8) It smells really delicious.
9) Amy felt very sad and lonely.
10) We felt proud.
11) It looks like a small ball.
12) I was so worried, and Spikey looked worried, too.
13) I have a math test tomorrow, and I feel nervous.
14) It sounds very exciting.
15) The juice looks like blood.
16) It looks like an elephant's leg.
17) This fruit looks like a Kiwi bird.
18) The camels' home looked beautiful.
19) The humps look strange.
20) That smells great.

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