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Arya Prajapati
AIR 345 (690/720) in NEET (UG) 2022 · Updated 2h

*Chemistry — NCERT Exercises — Theory Hidden Magically +

Complete Strategy*
After posting details on Physics NCERT exercises with almost everything covered with
explanation, I now came up with Chemistry regarding the same.

Firstly, you should understand that things are different for Physical Chemistry (PC),
Inorganic Chemistry (IOC) and Organic Chemistry (OC).

A few points are general and I am listing them below :

1. Priority for NCERT exercises : OC (12th) > OC (11th) > PC (12th) > IOC (11th +
12th) > PC (11th).

2. Solve everything — Internal solved examples + Intext questions + back exercises.

3. Try to extract “hidden” piece of information given in exercises. That is also

supposed to be treated as a theory content! You can't argue with NTA, since
NCERT is mentioning it — doesn't matter be it in main (inside) theory or in
exercise. Anyways, I am attaching all such information below, so you needn't
apply efforts to identify them ☺

4. Don't (obviously) pay attention to summative questions which ask you to write
theory in detail about a topic. Read such questions superficially and ensure that
you know the answer, imagine it in head and move on to next question. You
shouldn't waste your time, my friend!

5. Mark those questions which you get wrong or find difficult to answer. Revise
them whenever you next (in future) happen to revise that particular chapter

6. Sometimes the Summary given just before the exercises contains some
information which is not given in main (internal) theory. Don't worry at all — I
will post them too in a very short time. You needn't spend your time in
extracting it, I would do it for you 😊. Process would become simple for you

Let us now discuss something important in a brief according to specificity of subject.

*Physical Chemistry (PC)*

Class 11th PC :

Simply straightaway leave all NCERT back exercises. Don't hesitate even a little in doing
so. Some questions have irritating practical data and are unnecessarily lengthy, which is
nothing but a waste of time.

If you have enough time left after syllabus completion then you may proceed to solve
them (for personal satisfaction only).

A special mention of the chapter “Equilibrium” — yes, leave exercises of this chapter

Internal solved examples are still supposed to be solved.

Class 12th PC :

Solve everything in 1st reading itself. Questions put are descent and good. They won't
irritate you. Management of 11th syllabus is also a burden for you now and so you need to
solve everything in first shot only.

*Inorganic Chemistry (IOC)*

Nothing so specific to mention for 11th and 12th separately. You will find “give reasons”
type of questions more in exercises so you need to check upon yourself if you know the
reason or not. Solve (obviously) the few MCQs provided in exercises.

Take careful note of internal questions. Those are very liable to be dropped right away
as such in main examination.
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asked a question regarding interhalogens (I-I and I-Cl) which was Sign In
already there in internal questions of NCERT in p-block chapter (although proper
reason wasn’t given and so caused controversy).

Pay high attention on the chapters - “Chemical Bonding” and “Periodic Table” as they
form basics of IOC. “p - block” also has high potential of being targeted by the examiner.

*Organic Chemistry (OC)*

This is where you pay most attention on NCERT questions. Many a times, the reaction or
question is copy pasted exactly in NEET (UG) or only a small change is made in it.

Internal questions are extremely important even though they’re easy. Solve all back
exercise questions and especially the conversion reaction ones. You’re wise enough and I
hope there is no need of more explanation on this now.

I am now attaching the “hidden” information given in NCERT exercises of Chemistry which
I have extracted for you all. They’re also mentioned with elaboration of how a question can
be asked from it. I have not mentioned page numbers because question numbers are
visible so for example, you know that question 8.4 is 4th question from exercises of chapter

Here they are 👇🏻

#1 : Flourine reacts even with ice! Did you know that with confidence?

#2 : This is how the reaction of ozone with hydrogen peroxide actually takes place, with
two molecules of oxygen written separately on right hand side of the reaction.
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#3 : Some more information. Pure facts. Don’t focus on “Why/How” questions asked by
NCERT but concentrate on what piece of information they gave in the question
which is a fact to be memorized.

#4 : These reactions are not mentioned in main (internal) theory but given in questions.
Now, please don’t assume that these can’t be asked (See #7 point for proof of PYQ).
It’s upto you - whether to go for risk or not. I seriously don’t trust NTA anymore. My role
was to inform you about the “hidden” content, whether to consider paying attention on it
or not depends on you.

#5 : A few more reactions and content which you will overlook. Remove the question
asked at end and focus on information given in starting of the question.
#6 : Can you say it confidently that sodium is more useful than potassium? Sounds silly
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right? Can NTA ask that? YES!!

#7 : These ones are superb. [NEET (UG) 2017 had asked question similar to 11.16 one).
Take a note of all the tick marked ones.

#8 : As far as I know, this reaction is missing in NCERT theory.

#9 : Ignore the word “why” and read the fact written afterwards.

#10 : Kind of obvious and can be guessed but still needs to be mentioned as it is also not
given in main (internal) theory.

#11 : Cu2O is a p type semiconductor! Shocked?

#12 : Use of an extra drug. Can be asked in relation to the chapter - “Chemistry in
Everyday Life”. Nowhere mentioned there but given here in “Solutions” chapter.
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#13 : Can be dropped as a statement in A/R type question.

#14 - 16 : Pure facts. NTA might not give you hints about it in the main exam question.

#17 : It can be asked directly (in true/false) whether 2,2,6 - trimethylcyclohexanone forms
cyanohydrin or not. Steric hinderance might not click in your head at first thought
because you will approach the question straightforward (obviously).

#18 : Nothing so mentioned about Methylamine in main (internal) theory.

Also, take a look on some questions which might cause troubles for you :
#1 : Oxidation number of Boron here will be +3 and not -3.
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#2 : NCERT itself is demanding some extra information about Quartz from you.

#3 : “Functionality” terminology isn’t mentioned in main (internal) theory of chapter.

Here comes the end.

Honestly, it has taken lots of hard work to research, find out, take pictures, edit, type and
sum up everything for this post.

I would feel delighted to know if my efforts complimented you in your preparation.

All the best dear Aspirants ❤

May you touch great heights of success in future 💯

Thanks for reading ☺

~ Arya Prajapati
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About the Author

Arya Prajapati
AIR 345 (690/720) in NEET (UG) 2022
Former NEET (UG) 2022 Aspirant

Studied at Allen Career Institute

Lives in Anand, Gujarat, India 2004–present

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