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The aim of the project is to manage the medical booking appointment for the patient.For that we
are using Django web framework.


The objective of the Patient Appointment System is to facilitate the management of information
on the Doctor, the Patient and the appointment. It is responsible for managing all of the
information pertaining to the Doctor, the Appointment, and the Patient. The entire project was
constructed on the administrative end, and as a result, only the administrator is guaranteed access


Data extracted from the medical records of patients and stored in the information management
systems of hospitals are now required to be sent to policymakers who seek information in a timely
manner. The presence of this patient's medical record has the potential to expose information
regarding their health profiles as well as their medical histories. On the basis of this foundation,
physicians and other medical professionals are able to deliver accurate diagnoses, suggestions for
actions to take, and determinations of the appropriate medication for patients to take. However,
since different officers were responsible for data collection and entry, the hospital notes in the
hospital's system were not grouped correctly, which led to inaccurate data conditions. This was a
result of the fact that the data collection and entry operations were carried out separately. Not just
the officers' ability to interact with the various modules of the information system, but also their
self-control, precision, and medical expertise, as well as their reading comprehension and ability
to re-enter information from manual papers into the system. This study discovered the existence of
data invalidity in the information system based on direct monitoring of the system that is used in
multiple hospitals. This data invalidity has the possibility to become a risk that could result in the
loss for patients, medical personnel, and hospital administration. A threat that comes from within
the facilities will be constituted by the utilisation of invalid data if it is allowed.

Company Profile

TechCiti is a huge far reaching data innovation administrations and arrangements

stage that carefully changes business tasks, improves client commitment and enlarges
operational proficiency for its clients everywhere throughout the world. TechCiti offers a
coordinated arrangement of items, arrangements and administrations. It serves in excess of
1500 clients extending from Fortune 500 organizations to developing new companies. TSC
gets quality form its solid initiative group concentrated on moving a domain of pioneering
society leaked in conveying outstanding incentive to the clients.

Through an all-around characterized advancement, backing and quality structure, TechCiti

counsels’ organizations on their innovation guide and actualizes, underpins and keeps up
business-basic applications and the basic foundation.

Our Vision

Our aim is to empower individuals and associations understand their latent capacity
rehashing their commitment in characterizing the more drawn out term utilizing - innovation.

Our Mission

Our central goal is to understand the main situation as a recognized and outright start to finish
data innovation framework and specialist organization.


In the current context, advanced technology is being used to efficiently store data. In the unlikely
event that the manual method is no longer useful, everything will be done online. The procedure
of manually replacing data in a patient management system is tough to manage. To do so, we're
employing an online model to replace all patient-related data. In today's world, developing patient
database functions in an online mode is extremely beneficial to hospital administration systems.
The data to monitor the patient details is not included in the hospital maintenance system. All
patient information, like as discharge, payment, and doctor specialisation, must be kept in these
records.We need to save data in a secure and precise way on the medical platform. If we make a
mistake, it will have an impact on the hospital management system.

We're also evaluating the patient's data history utilising medical record details. We can keep the
record to manage the patient and doctor information and store everything. Information about the
patient and the doctor, such as name, ID, age, email, and address.

We designed the Medical Booking Appointment System utilising the Django webframework
in an online mode procedure. In comparison to the manual procedure, the Medical Booking
Appointment system is highly handy for all patients and doctors to manage all the data and
avoid the complication. This management system will be beneficial to everyone, and we will
be able to protect the data. The patient's information, such as appointment, symptoms, and so
on, will be stored in the database. Doctors can also easily access all of the information on the
patient who made the appointment.

Using the Django framework, this medical booking appointment maintenance system is simple
to develop and provides a customizable approach to access all hospital records. We can create
a multi-specialty hospital that will allow us to handle all of the doctors and patients through
administrative personnel. We will be able to exchange several pieces of information with all of
the patients and doctors in the hospitals using this system, which will assist the patient in
maintaining their financial situation and the doctor in checking the patient's details in order to
treat them. This project is a software platform designed to improve the hospital system's
quality and performance in areas where patients are treated.

2.1 Existing and Proposed System:

Due to the lack of a patient profile and health history data, a big mistake will be made when the doctor
treats the patient using the incorrect diagnosis method. •If a doctor treats a patient with the wrong
diagnosis, they will prescribe the wrong drug; in certain cases, they will offer a high or low dose level,
and the patient will take the medicine incorrectly, putting the patient's life in jeopardy.

In this circumstance, the doctor will treat the patient for a misdiagnosis, putting the patient's life at
risk. And the data we can store in this manner will have an impact on the hospital's maintenance
system. As a result, people will have little faith in the doctors who are going to cure them. There will
be an increase in the number of complaints. These data will continue to be misused and will not be
used in the future. Complaints do not heal, and in some cases, they might even be fatal. And if the
patient is not given all of the specifics concerning their health, the doctor will have a difficult time
curing the ailment.
Proposed System:
We propose to create a medical booking system so that patients who require treatment can schedule
appointments before going to the hospital. They can save time and check the availability of doctors
this way. They can choose the specialist doctor who will treat them and allot the time while trying to
get an appointment based on the symptoms.
After scheduling an appointment, the patient's information is sent to the doctor's page, where they can
see who else is scheduled for that time slot and treat the patients accordingly.
We also developed a module to manage doctors and receptionists.
If the doctor is not available, they can add doctors using the admin module.They can also manage
patient information and appointment information.
It's also simple to follow prior health records booking details using this django web function.
Furthermore, information will be kept in a secure manner. We may access information about which
doctors treated the patient, the date, and the timing whenever we would like to track the data. It is the
quickest method of retrieving data.

1.The management of medical patient appointments in the UAE using an intelligent software

Booking an appointment appears to require you to go to the health clinic, ask about the suitable
doctor for your scenario, spend much time, or make phone calls, or take an appoinment with a
general physician, and then let him or her make a decision to which specialists you should go; the
procedure is very time consuming and tedious. Taking an appt requires you to go to medical
centre, ask about the suitable doctor for your scenario, spend a lot of time. The primary purpose of
this research is to offer support for the Cities Approach that is being implemented in the UAE.
This will be done by developing and deploying the system as well as smartphone app known as
"Mwa3edk," which will add new ideas to the process of appointment scheduling with physicians
in hospitals and health clinics by moving the process into the realm of online technology. This will
be accomplished by developing and launching the scheme and mobile application known as
"Mwa3edk." With the help of this system, it will be possible to link a sizable number of medical
facilities across the UAE, including hospitals and clinics. Individuals will also be able to look for
medical professionals in a number of locations and plan appointments at times that are convenient
for them as a result of this capability. In addition, users are able to describe their symptoms, and
the programme will make recommendations to them based on what they mentioned using an
artificial intelligence technology that is built within the application. Users will now be able to
arrange an appointment with a specialist immediately, rather than having to first consult with a
general practitioner as part of the procedure. This will enable them to skip one stage in the

2. Investigating a Scheduling Model for Appointments That Is Based on Medical Therapy

The difference between the money created by the system and the costs connected with the person's
waiting period, with idling, and with overtime is the objective utility. These costs include idle
time, overtime, and idle time. The integrated planning and scheduling model of the reservations
system is built in line with the preset amount of time that has been set aside for the diagnostic and
treatment processes. It offers a precise neighbourhood search approach that can help achieve
optimal scheduling of clients and schedules. According to the findings of several mathematical
research, the optimal schedule maximises the amount of time spent in the first interval. The
amount of appointments that are overbooked is significantly impacted by the number of scheduled
patients who do not show up for their scheduled appointments. Because it helps lessen the impact
of patients who don't show up for their appointments, a policy that requires patients to make
appointments in advance rather than one that enables walk-in patients is preferable.

3. Electronic Appointment System for EC Health Medical Clinics and Diagnostic Centers
At this point in time, online appointment systems are very ubiquitous, and those that still rely on
conventional queueing methods are steadily transitioning online. There are numerous businesses
out there, including hospitals, that make use of a variety of online appointment systems for their
patients. These solutions make the scheduling process more efficient, which in turn decreases the
length of time patients have to wait before they can be seen and increases the total amount of
patients who can be seen. This study presents the utilisation of a system for scheduling
appointments with patients online. Simply by establishing an internet connection, users of this
system, including patients, staff members, and physicians, can quickly and simply have access to
the system. The assessment of the prototype that was based on the ISO 9126 was contingent on
the responders being enumerated in a manner that was both comprehensive and exhaustive. In
order to showcase the procedures that were used to analyse the system's effectiveness and assess
whether or not it was acceptable, the data were compiled and categorised. This was done so that
they could be shown to the audience. The User Acceptance Test (UAT) received a score of 4.10
on its overall weighted mean, and the verbal interpretation of this score is "Agree." The medical
centre expresses satisfaction with the system that was built and indicates that it is ready and eager
to implement it.

4. A Model Derived from Machine Learning That Can Estimate Patient Attendance at
Scheduled Medical Appointments

One of the ongoing issues that are confronted in the field of public health is the huge percentage
of patient who do not show up for their regular schedule medical examinations and consultations.
This is one of the obstacles that must be overcome. Absenteeism from previously arranged
medical appointments weakens the efficacy of medical treatment and produces a variety of
challenges for the public health system. [Citation needed] It also results in a considerable financial
loss, as a result of the payment of a professional who will be idle owing to the absence of patients.
These problems include long wait lines for care, a lack of resources to satisfy demand, and a
significant loss of potential patients. As a result, the objective of this study is to evaluate several
different models of machine learning in order to contribute to the process of creating precise
forecasts regarding whether or not the patients will show up for the scheduled visit.

5. A web-based system for scheduling appointments using e-health

In this article, we will describe a technique for conducting video appointments by utilising web
technologies. Taking advantage of the capabilities provided by the internet to manage the
scheduling of the doctor's appointment is the proposed approach. A routine visit to the doctor's
office can be replaced by a video consult if both the patient and the doctor agree that this is the
best course of action. Appointments are scheduled in accordance with the time intervals that are
available throughout the day. The physician or a person who has been granted this responsibility
will determine how long each of these time periods will be. A web browser is used to schedule
video appointments, and users are not required to download any additional software.


The term "feasibility" refers to the process of deciding whether or not a project is feasible. The
feasibility study is one of the steps in this procedure. In other words, it is a mechanism for
analysing user functional requirements and resource consumption, as well as managing those
resources over time. This research is used to determine whether the system that has been designed
is practical.Based on the functional requirements we decided to implement project using Django
web framework and it is feasible because in python using library modules we can able to create
the project for patient booking appointment.

After the requirements document is completed, development will proceed to

the following stage, design. During the design phase, a variety of options will be
provided. However, the optimal solution will be picked from all of the options; this
is the developer's primary duty for future progress.

2.3.1Technical Feasibility

As the name implies, it considers software equipment and reports on technical

feasibility, such as whether the system meets the user's expectations by providing
desired and expected outputs, and whether the system is capable of operating in all
settings. It also displays the system's response time as well as the process's speed.
In this patient booking appointment system frontend we are using
html,css,javascript,bootstrap and jquery. And with Python Django web framework
to create web-based applications. And backend we are using python datatabse
sqlite3.Each of the technologies can be obtained at no cost, and the level of
technical expertise needed is not insurmountable. The constraints placed on
product development in terms of time are linked with the ease with which these
technologies can be put into practise. Therefore, it is possible in a practical sense

2.3.2 Economic. Feasibility.

When viewed from the perspective of the hospital, the system that is now being
created is cost-effective. Because there is no longer any need for paper work, it
results in significant savings of time and money. The results that were produced
have a relatively low error rate and a high degree of precision in accordance with
the prerequisite data.
2.3.3 Behavioral Feasibility

The intuitive and aesthetically pleasing user interface makes the workings of the system
very easy to use and understand.

2.3.4 Operational Feasibility

The intuitive and aesthetically pleasing user interface makes the workings of the system very easy
to use and understand. The purpose of this part of the study is to determine the extent to which the
user accepts the system. This involves the process of instructing the user on how to make effective
use of the technology. The user should never feel intimidated by the system; rather, they should
come to terms with it as a necessary evil. The tactics that are used to educate the user about the
system and to get him familiar with it are the only thing that will determine the level of acceptance
that the users will have for the system. His level of confidence needs to be boosted so that he is
also able to provide some constructive criticism, which is welcome because he is the end user of
the system. This criticism is welcome because it helps improve the system.

The Patient Appointment management system requires the following resources in order to
function properly: programming devices (laptops), hosting space (freely available), and
programming tools (free available)

The process of enculturating individuals


It has been found that a large number of individuals are required to wait for an extended period of
time in order to schedule an appointment with the doctors; however, this issue is also resolved by
our software. User scheduled an appointment to meet with the doctors; they can immediately
discuss their issue with the doctor in our online discussion forum, or they can send their questions.

2.3 Tools and Technologies Used:


3.1.1 HTML
The Hyper Text Markup Language, also known as HTML, is a tool that is utilised in the process
of constructing websites and online pages. We make use of Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) and
JavaScript in the process of developing websites and webpages. CSS is used to create style for
your webpages such as font, colour, and animation, while JavaScript is utilised for validation

Because the page of a website is produced from a Html document that is sent by a web server, that
page can be displayed by any kind of web browser. The architecture of web sites can be defined
by using HTML, which is a language that is built on tags. The Markup language is used to define
this structure.

Html tags that describes the format of the elements that make up a web page.

Elements are the fundamental components of an HTML page, serving in the capacity of building

In this language, the elements of an HTML document are represented by tags.

tags of the HTML variety, including header, styling, table, and form.

Browsers are not intended to display Html code; rather, they use these tags to produce the page
content. Browsers are not developed to demonstrate HTML tags.

You can think of tags, which are often referred to as elements, as the fundamental components of
every HTML page. These tags are also sometimes referred to as elements. They create a hierarchy
that divides the text into parts, paragraph, heading, and any other text boxes that may be
necessary. This organises the material.

The syntaxes tag and /tag are used to denote opening and closing tags for the vast majority of
HTML elements. An example of how HTML components might be arranged is seen in the code
sample that follows:

. <div> . <h1>

The Heading for the Primary Content and the Subheadings/h2>


A subtitle that is sure to attract people's attention /h2>

The initial paragraph/p> /p>

<imgsrc="/"alt="Image"> \s<p>

In the second paragraph, you'll find a link to the example website, which can be found at

</p> \s. </div>

You are able to label up larger content sections by utilising a straightforward split that is known as
the "outmost element." This division is signified by the tags "div" and "/div," and it is used to
mark up central aspect sections.

A header ('h1'), a subsection ('h2'), two paragraph ('p'), and a picture ('img') are all included in this

The destination URL is included in the href property of a link that can be found in the second
paragraph and is denoted by the letter a.

The image tag additionally consists of two attributes: src, which details the location of the image,
and alt, which offers a description of an image. Both of these attributes are optional.


When constructing a webpage, you can add style to it in the simplest and most straightforward
way possible by using CSS. Cascading Style Sheets is what "CSS" stands for when expanded.
Cascading Style Sheets, or CSS for short, is a simple style-based programming language that may
be used to make websites look more appealing.

The Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) language is a rule-based language, which means that you write
rules that identify groups of styles that should be applied to certain components or groups of
elements on your website. For instance, you might say something like, "I want the primary
heading on my page to appear as a bright red text."

The code that follows demonstrates a very basic CSS rule that might be used to create the styling
that was mentioned earlier:
The selector comes at the beginning of the rule. This will select the HTML element for us to style
in the next steps. In this particular instance, we will style level one heads (h1 tags).

Following that, we have a collection of curly braces . Declarations will be contained within these,
and they will take the form of property and value pairs. There may be more than one declaration
contained within these. Each pair identifies a particular attribute of the element (or elements) that
we are selecting, followed by a value that we would want to assign to that property.

We start with the property and move on to the value after the colon in the preceding sentence.
Depending on whatever property is being given, the allowed values for CSS properties can take on
a variety of forms. In this illustration, we have the colour property, which can have a variety of
different colour values assigned to it. In addition to it, there is the font-size property. The value of
this property can be one of several different size units.

3.1.2 Python
Python is a renowned language of programming that is noted for its variety,
practicality, and widespread use. It's fantastic as a first languages because it's short
and simple to understand, and it's also a high level language for any developer to
have in their toolkit as it can be used for everything from creation to programming
advancement and logical application. It's ideal as a first languages because it's brief
and straightforward to read. It's also useful as a first languages because it is so
•Instinct mode is required for improved testing, as well as to maintain a true testing
•It is always completely natural to the point where it is effective.
•The natural world has purposefully designed it as an item.
Powerful programmes, websites, programming for automated chores, and
applications related to artificial intelligence are some of the uses for it.


3.1.3 Django

To install Django

• First go to python command prompt

• Select path name

• Pip install Django

• Finish
Python is the programming language used to construct Django, which is an open-source web
framework. The Development and Security Fund (DSF) is the organization responsible for its
establishment and improvement (Django Software Foundation). The fact that Django comes with
a greater amount of built-in functionality has contributed to the platform's rising popularity over
the past few years. Django is being used for the development of websites by a number of well-
known companies and applications, like Google, Instagram, Discus, Spottily, You Tube, and
Pinterest to name just a few. These are just some of the instances of well-known companies and
applications. The following list of businesses and mobile applications is provided for your
reference. Python programmers make advantage of it when developing websites with the
programming language. It supports templates and static files, which means that you can easily
render HTML pages by placing all of the HTML files in the directory that is called "templates,"
and in a similar manner, you can set all of the data in the directory that is called "static files."

files that are associated with style, such as Stylesheet and JS, will be saved within the folder that is
referred to as "static." The Django platform is being utilised in order to accomplish the front-end
process of this project. In addition, in compared to other framework, Django has a bigger number
of features, a list of which can be found further down in this article.

1.In-house, community-based web hosting service

2. Administration building constructed on-site

3. A high level of safety

4.Rapid development

5.Excellent quality of the documentation

3.1.4 Bootstrap4

The development of responsive web applications or designs can be accomplished with the
help of the open-source framework known as Bootstrap. When an application is responsive, it
can successfully run even on devices with smaller screens, such as mobile phones and tablets.
When the page is downsized or shrunk, each individual element of the HTML document is
piled on top of one another. By default, Bootstrap will take up 12 columns across the width of
the page, with equal space between each column. This implies that the width of each column
will be the same. However, you have the ability to change the default settings and use the
span tag to create layouts and designs that are customised to your specifications.

Bootstrap offers a grid system that is adaptable to all sizes and types of devices, including
tiny, extra-small, medium, extra-large, and large, which makes it possible for an application to
function properly on any device. In addition to that, it offers some aesthetically pleasing
buttons, forms, tables, and so on. In comparison to earlier versions, the most recent release of
Bootstrap has a number of new and improved capabilities. In this project, the front-end
development is handled by Bootstrap 4, which works in tandem with the Django framework.

3.1.5Anaconda Navigator

Anaconda Navigator is a Integrated Development Environment to run the python code. And all
library packages are store in Anaconda cloud platform.
With the help of an Anaconda Navigation desktop graphical interface (GUI), which is included
in the Python® distribution, you are able to start programmes without having to use command-
line commands and rapidly manage Anaconda packages, environment, and channels. Using
Navigator, a search for packages may be carried out either on or in a local
Anaconda Repository. It is available as a download and can be used on computers that are
operating Windows, macOS, or Linux.

In order to work correctly, a great number of scientific packages are dependent on certain
iterations of other scientific products. Data scientists usually deal with numerous versions of a
large number of different packages, and they need many environments in order to keep track of
all of these different versions and keep their work organised.

The programme that is run from the command line serves double duty by acting as both an
environment manager and a package manager. The efforts that data scientists put in to ensure
that each release of each package contains all of the requirements that are required for it to
function correctly are facilitated by this.

Using a tool known as Navigator makes it possible to swiftly and simply deal with different
environments and packages without having to manually type commands into a terminal
window. This makes the process significantly more efficient. It is feasible to use it to find the
programs which you are searching for, install those in an environments, run the packages, and
update them without leaving the Navigation interface at any point in the process. Using it is
also feasible to update the packages.

3.1.6 NumPy

NumPy is a Python module that provides arrays and matrices for storing massive amounts of
data. It provides and supports a higher-level and more mathematical set of functions that deal
with NumPy arrays and matrices.

There is a module in Python known as NumPy. It is an abbreviation for the phrase "Numerical
Python." It is a library that contains multidimensional array objects as well as a collection of
methods for processing array data..

3.1.7 Pandas

Pandas is a collection of Python library modules that may be utilised for data manipulation and
analysis. It provides access some structures and operations that can be utilised for the purpose
of performing database operations and analysis.

Python is an open library that is primarily designed for working with relational or labelled data
in an easy and natural manner. Its primary purpose is to facilitate this type of work. It offers a
wide variety of datatypes and operations that can be used to manipulate numerical data and
consider this example. The NumPy library serves as the foundation for this library's
construction. Pandas is quick, and it provides users with great performance and productivity

The project is a real world and research-based project. This project idea is come to an account
after reading some research papers from the different source. More than 25 research papers
presented till now related to my project and all are looking to solve the same problem but the
platform they chosen are different from one person to the other person because some people
are looking to the solve problem using cryptographic algorithm concepts by using encryption
and decryption concepts to make a secure transaction for all the customers. The referred papers
are mentioned in bibliography chapter in references part.


The functional requirements of a system describe the functional element of the system, which
includes calculation, practical details, data processing and operations, and other functions that are
specific to the system. It provides an explanation of what the system is meant to accomplish. In
this section, we are able to observe how and what kind of outputs and results are being generated,
as well as what kind of services are being provided to the end-users by the system.
The functional requirements of the system provide information about the cost of the system. They
also provide information about the reliability of the system, which indicates whether or not the
services provided by the system are meeting the needs of the users. This means that the output that
is getting from the system will be analysed to determine whether or not it is the expected output.

A document of high-level statements will be preserved, and inside that document, all of the
aforementioned points will be totally and clearly defined in detail. Additionally, it provides the
full functionality of the subsystems that make up a system. It's possible that the document will
include certain important elements or functional criteria, such as safety and security, quality,
manufacturability, usability, performance, dependability, and environmental friendliness and soon.



 Design: Django Web Framework

 Database: Sqlite3

 Windows Operating System.
 Browser which used to support html and JS


Software used Description

Operating system Because it offers the highest level of support and is the most intuitive
use, we have decided to go with the Windows operating system..

Database We went with the sqlite3 database so that we could save the user data
well as the file metadata.
Visual Studio,Pycharm or any Because it provides a higher level of interactive support, we h
other decided to use Python IDE to implement the project..
Python IDE


This proposed system supports all web browsers. We are using django web framework to book an
appoinment for patient.

Performance Requirements

The system needs to be interactive, and there can be very little lag in response times. As
a direct consequence of this, there are no instantaneous delays in the action-response of
any system. When entering windows forms, popping error notices, or storing settings or
sessions, there is a delay of fewer than two seconds. The operation is finished in fewer
than two seconds for more than 95 percent of the files, and there are no pauses while
opening databases, sorting questions, or evaluating. Also, the delay that occurs when
connecting to the server is determined by the physical distance that separates the two
systems as well as the configuration that exists between them; nonetheless, there is a
good possibility that a good connection will be accomplished in less than twenty


The non-functional requirements of the system are nothing more than a description of the
standard that is utilised to reach a conclusion regarding the operations of the system. In other
words, the limitations, regulations, and guidelines that are applied to the functional needs are
referred to as non-functional requirements. Additionally, the process that is applied to the
functional requirements is also referred to as non-functional requirements. It presents the plan
for the architecture of the system, which implies that it describes how a system should be
present and how it should be present. It is also known as "quality qualities," and it can be
broken down into two different categories: the first category is execution, and the second
category is evolution.
The first category of non-functional criteria is known as execution, and it includes usability, as
well as security and safety, which are observable throughout the run time. The second form, on the
other hand, incorporates scalability, extensibility, maintenance, and testing into the system's fixed
structure. This sort of system is also more difficult to test. If you want to figure out certain non-
functional requirements for this project, you can do so, and some examples of those requirements
include connecting to the internet, launching the localhost server, creating a virtual environment
for the project, and so on.

The Safety Data should be transmitted to the server in a secure manner, without any modifications
to the data's original content.


Because the system offers the essential tools for discussion and finding solutions to problems, it is
essential to make certain that it is reliable in its operation and that sensitive information is kept


In the event that the connection to the internet is lost while data is being sent to the server, the data
can be resent and checked for accuracy at a later time.


The accounts of users are the most susceptible to being hacked; therefore, appropriate login
techniques need to be used to prevent this from happening. The registration for the tablet id is a
way to avoid spam and increase the security of the tablet. As a direct consequence of this,
protection is provided against the inappropriate utilisation of recognition software.

Because the interface is intuitive and the navigation flows in an expected manner with only a few
hiccups along the way. In such a scenario, the programmed response of the system is adequate,
and it can quickly transition between modes.


Documents stored on the web can be altered to accommodate a variety of conditions, including
differences in screen size, resolution, network speed, operating system, and so on.


Because the database connectivity has been completely specified, the entire set of accessible
resources has been given and recursively updated.


It is possible to make updates to the project that is now being worked on or that has already been

2.4Hardware and software requirements:

Hardware requirements:

1 RAM 4 GB/8 GB for quicker


2 Hard Disk 500 GB

3 Micro Processor 2.0 GHz

4 Microprocessor Middle i3/Middle i5

5 Any Desktop or Laptop systems with high level configuration

Software Requirements:

1 OS (Working gadget) Windows XP/7/10

2 Programming Python 3x

3 Front quit or Html 5, CSS, Bootstrap 4



4 Web Frameworks Django 2x

5 IDE (Integral PyCharm IDE Community Edition

Development 2018.3.3

8 Database SQLite


Software Requirement Specification (SRS) is a totally keep and saved catalogue

that's maintained with the aid of the developer. It offers targeted elucidation about
the software system that is evolved with its purposeful requirements and also non-
useful necessities. It can also include some use instances which tells
approximately the client interactions.

Software program Requirement Specification provide the base for the agreement
among client and providers for the way need to the software program gadget
functionally behave.

It also reduces the time of redesigning. And it also talks about the estimation of
product costs and gives statistics approximately dangers

3.1 Users:

 User Module

The user can able to register their own account and they can able to login the
application using their own credentials.

 Doctor Module

The doctor module can able to check the appointment schedule and after they can
check the patient details

 Patient Module

The patient module book the appointment based on doctor list

 Admin Module

The admin module add the doctor and patient and check the doctor maintenance and
patient list

Chapter 4
4.1 System Perspective:

System perspective as name indicates it is an view or attitude or ability of

thinking about the problems and conclusion with a strong reason without
amplifying them. Here every single behavior of the system consider as
whole. System behavior nothing actions performed by the system. In simple
and other words outputs provided by the system for the given inputs of the

4.2 Context Diagram:

4.2.1 ER Diagram




IN this user can do login and book the appointment based on doctor details and view appointment
and update details


Ones admin done login they can view patient appointment details and add doctor and add staff




Activity diagrams is the flow control chart of the process. They goes to check who all are
authenticate users and non-authenticate users. If user don’t have permission they can’t able
to access.




In this project we are implementing the effective web application, Our application will be
used to the end - patinet, we are including all the module implementation with the advance

All the Modules used in the projects are user, admin, data storing, and all the basic crud
application has been successfully implemented in our system, so the user can use the
application without any guidance.

Our application is user friendly every body can able to access, In the application we are
using Bootstrap to make the application more responsive as well as we are using Jquery it is
advanced Javascript Library which will make the validation of the application more
accurate, because the client has to acquire each data of the customer, so we need proper
validation for our application.

In this project we also implement using django webframework for booking appointment

6.1 Screen Shots:


Fig 6.1: Homepage about the hospital system

6.2.2: About

Fig 6.2 : Descripition About the project

6.2.3: Create Account

Fig 6.3: Creating user account

6.2.4: Login

Fig 6.4: Login page of user

6.2.5: Appointment

Fig 6.5: Appointment page of user

6.2.6: View Appointment

Fig 6.6:To View all Appointment

6.2.7: Admin login

Fig 6.7:Admin login page

6.2.8: Add Doctors

Fig 6.8: To add new doctors

6.2.9: View Doctors

Fig 6.9: view all doctors

6.2.10: Appointment details

Fig 6.10: To view all appointment details


6.1 Testing Methods:

Nothing is tested, yet something is checked, as the name implies. Here, software testing
consists solely of checking for mistakes, failures, and flaws. A defect is a condition that can
cause software to malfunction. And a mistake is something that causes a discrepancy
between the actual and intended outcomes. Failure is defined as a component of a system
that does not perform according to its functional specifications. Software testing will be
carried out through the creation or writing of test cases. Expected output, actual output, and
remarks are all included in these test cases.There are some well-known testing methods
which are given below:

1. Validation
2. Unit
3. Integration
4. GUI
5. Browser Compatibility
6. Performance
7. Regression

6.1.1 Validation Testing

Validation testing is performed to validate a system, as the name implies. Users

must register and login by filling out all of the required fields on the registration
and login pages; otherwise, the system will deny access to the web apps. Every

form will be filled out in accordance with the validation standards. Validation is
given to all of the fields in the project. If you use string values instead of numeric
values, for example, you will get an error.

6.1.2 Unit Testing

Unit testing is a technique for validating a tiny amount of code or a

section of a programme. In this section, the programmer will write a short
piece of code and test its functionality. If it is working well, there will be no
problems; if it is not working or is not producing the intended results, the unit
test will fail, the code will be modified, and the process will be repeated until
the programmer receives the desired results. The benefit of this testing is that
faults can be found and rectified quickly because it is easier for a
programmer to identify errors in little pieces of code than in huge
programmes, increasing the system's robustness.

6.1.3 Integration Testing

Integration testing is nothing more than integrating all the modules or components to see if
they perform properly when they are coupled together, as the name implies. The functions of
the unit tested modules or components will be checked when they have been merged. In this
project, we performed integration testing by developing three different components and then
putting them together at the conclusion of development to ensure that they work properly
and deliver the intended results.

6.1.4 Graphical. User Interface (GUI) Testing

Graphical. User. Interface testing is used to check the project's front end design by
looking at all of the html components and styles used on the website. The tester will
examine whether all of the pieces are properly aligned and whether the size, styles,
fonts, and other aspects are tailored to meet the user's needs. Because users are
drawn to beautiful and stylish designs, GUI design is very significant. because no
one likes it when giant buttons are used when little buttons are required.

6.1.5Browser Compatibility Testing

This testing is performed to determine whether the project is compatible with all browsers.
The benefit of this testing is that the tester will quickly learn which browser is best for the
project's correct operation, and he will be able to designate that browser the project's default
browser. In addition, the tester discovers whether the project's styles are supported by the
browser. This testing is carried out in this project, and the findings show that the "Mozilla
Firefox" browser will produce the best results, as Bootstrap 4 styles appear great in this
browser when compared to Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, and Internet Explorer.

6.1.6 Performance Testing

This testing is used to see if the application is meeting the requirements, as well as
to see if it is taking longer to load the pages and to test the speed of the
computations and results. Some automated tools will be utilised to conduct this test.

6.1.7 Regression Testing

This testing will be done on the entire application to see if any functionality is missing and if
any modifications are required for the application to meet any new criteria or demands from
the clients


6.2.1 Tests Reports for Admin Login

Test Case Test Case Input Expected Results Remark

No. Descriptions

1. Correct userid Userid and Login successful Pass

And password

2. Incorrect userid Userid and Login Unsuccessful Pass
And password

3. Blank userid Userid and Prompts message saying Pass

password required field
And password.


● Test Reports for Users with blank field

Test Case Test Case Input Expected Result Remark

No. Description

1. All fields filled Proper details New Item added Pass

2. Missing fields Blank input for some Prompt message Pass


3. To check String or Wrong input Asking for correct Pass

integer input



In comparison to the manual procedure, the Medical Booking Appointment system is highly handy
for all patients and doctors to manage all the data and avoid the complication. This administration
system will be beneficial to everyone, and we will be able to protect the data. The patient's
information, such as appointment, symptoms, and so on, will be stored in the database. Doctors can
also easily access all of the information on the patient who made the appointment.Using the Django
framework, this medical booking appointment maintenance system is simple to develop and
provides a customizable approach to access all hospital records. We can create a multi-specialty
hospital that will allow us to handle all of the doctors and patients through administrative personnel.
We will be able to exchange several pieces of information with all of the patients and doctors in the
hospitals using this system, which will assist the patient in maintaining their financial situation and
the doctor in checking the patient's details in order to treat them. Using this strategy, it improves the
quality of affected person care and patient safety over time. It guarantees that all patient information
data is kept up to date. It effortlessly simplifies the task of book preservation and, as a result,



The breadth and potential of hospitality control The hospitality business is currently one of
the sectors that is expanding at one of the highest rates in the globe. Hotels, events, travel
and tourism, luxury services, culinary offers, and other sectors related to hospitality are
included in the purview of hospitality management. The most significant contributors to the
economy of this sector come from the travel and tourist industry, which dominates the other

In the future, we will be able to handle data with the use of algorithm principles and
integrate machine learning algorithms to manage patient and doctor information..


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Appendix A



 /python/index.htm
 "Python Build bot". Python Developer’s Guide. Python Software
Foundation. Retrieved 24 September 2011
 "What's New in Python 3.9". Python. Retrieved 28 November 2019
 "Built-in Types". Retrieved 3 October 2019.

Appendix B


Step 1 – Open Anaconda application and lunch the PyCharm community.

Step 2 – Open Anaconda prompt and install the pycryptodomepython library packages.

Step 3 – Run the python run server command on the anaconda prompt, then this
command -------------provide the localhost address of the project.

Step 4 – Copy the localhost address and paste on chrome search bar.

Step 5 – Run the project localhost address and shows the home page of project.

Step 6 – Login the user through username and password.

Step 7 – User make appointmen through the user credentials

Step 8 – Logout from the website


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