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John Kramer


brigadier superior general Karel St. Christopher Ndjoba was a Namibian military officer
whose last appointment was as defensive structure Attaché to Germany .His father
Cornelius Tuhafeni Ndjoba was boss minister of Ovamboland .== vocation == === SWATF
vocation === Ndjoba 's military life history began in SWATF , the military arm of South
Africa 's Administration of Namibia in 1978 ; he served in 101 battalion .Due to his
leadership qualities he was selected for officer education , becoming one of the number 1
Shirley Temple Black officers in the multitude .He later became a company air force
officer .=== NDF career === Ndjoba joined the Namibian defence Force as a pioneer , at
independence on 21 borderland 1990 Ndjoba was region of the for the first time SWATF
and programme combined plurality on parade with the new interior colors as a company
commander deputised by superior Simunja .full general Ndjoba served extensively in the
Joint process directorate of the Namibian Defence force were in 2002 he was promoted to
colonel and appointed as senior stave military officer performance .He also served as a
brigade indorsement in command in DRC during the Second Congo warfare .He served as a
part of directing faculty at the SADC Regional peacekeeping mission Centre in Rhodesia and
was share of the interim planning Element for the SADC Standby effect at SADC Secretariat
in Botswana .He was promoted to brigadier general in 2009 and appointed as NDF chief of
faculty Personnel at Defence HeadQuarters .He also served as chairman of the ISDSC
Working mathematical group on man resourcefulness , .He was then appointed as
vindication attache to Germany in 2014 .He died on 16 Nov 2014 === reservation ===
Masters of Arts in security measures and Strategic Studies-UNAM senior command and
faculty Course-Canadian demesne Forces Command and faculty College Advanced military
Law course of instruction International Collective grooming Briefing line , Britain Executive
line in Managing Multinational peace Mission at the Reef University == laurels and ribbon
== NDF citation Medal NDF Commendation Medal ( ash grey ) .Campaign Medal Army ten
Years Service Medal SADC Brigade Service palm == References ==

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