Traditional Art-WPS Gp1&2-1

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Traditional Art; Is the art that is part of a culture of a certain group of people, with skills and knowledge

passed down through generations from ancestors. It's sometimes called Classical Art, since it existed
before MORDERN Art, before the MORDERN movement.

Who are the Nyamwezi; These are the one of the Bantu groups of East Africa, it's the second ethnic
group in Tanzania , their ancestral Homeland parts are Tabora, Shinyanga, katavi and singida. Mwanza .

The name Nyamwezi is a Swahili origin that translates the people of the moon , people of the West. The
Nyamwezi have close ties with the Sukuma and therefore the Nyamwezi started their forrays to the
coast for long distance trade. The. Sukuma would refer the Nyamwezi as the DAKAMA meaninig the
people of the south.

Homeland: Unyamwezi.

Language spoken: Kinyamwezi.

The Nyamwezi were once fishermen and Nomadic farmers due to the poor fertile quality of the soil in
the area. During the 1880s since they took the caravans to the coast to trade in Karanga copper , wax ,
salt, Ivory and slaves .By 1825, they started to acquire guns and establish regular enemies with intra
tribal wars and some conflicts with the Arabs on the coast throughout the 19 century.

The Nyamwezi royal stool; this was the stool like those with high backs were originally carved for chiefs
and are often referred to as chiefs chair, or Thrones and were used during judicial and initiation

The chair shows evidences of much use as the seat back in are smooth, showing dark patina and shiny
surface. They were meant to protray clan ancestors, linaeage heads or chiefs among the
Nyamwezi .examples Sukuma , zaramo and hehe.

Sculptured chairs were communal property and recognized as historical objects that identified the
village or clan . The chiefs sat on them when settling and hearing disputes and rendering judgments.

Stylistics characteristics of Nyamwezi royal stools

1.Nyamwezi hair styles

2.They were poors due to live in the mud houses

3.Bark clothes

4.Before European colonial occupation children were educated by elders they would learn from
their parents how to farm, hunt and cook.

5.The nyamwezi have rich cultural heritage.

Media used by the Nyamwezi .
The following are the media used by the Nyamwezi include
Royal stools are made of different materials: wood darkened by the blood of animals sacrificed during
commemorative ceremonies, wood with a gold or silver leaf overlay, precious stone or solid gold. The
legs and seat don’t change, but the base can vary with the region and type. The stools are round or
rectangular. The round stool is feminine; it is that of the queen mother, and is more powerful and
important than of the king, which is rectangular.
The body belted with cords, textile , decorated with beads and inlaid with cowries.

Patronage used by the Nyamwezi include;

Makonde, zaramo, Ngido, Zigua , kami , Gogo, Hehe and makua , Mwera.

The following are the Social functions of the Nyamwezi Royal stools.
1: They used them as a syombol of sacrifice for their gods in spiritual believes.
2:They used them in ritual ceremonies to abandon their children to their gods.
3: They used them in settling some of the disputes and mis understanding among members of the
4:They used them in marriage and burial heretics to commulate their ideas .
Abrahams, R. G. (1967). The Peoples of Greater Unyamwezi, Tanzania. International African
Bennett, Norman Robert (1971). Mirambo of Tanzania Ca. 1840-1884. Oxford University Press.
Iliffe, John (1979). A Modern History of Tanganyika. Cambridge University Press

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