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FLE 304 (02-03) ELT Methodology II – SPRING, 2024 Prof. Dr.

Perihan Savaş

Section: 3


Date: 06.03.2024
Micro-Teacher’s Name and Surname: Mustafa Bozkaya
Other group members’ Names and Mehmetcan Alataş, Mustafa Emircan Mersinli
Students’ Level of Proficiency: Advanced
Students’ Age: 17-18
Class Size: 20
Duration of Lesson: 45 min
Institution: Private High school

Lesson Topic/Theme: Technology
Lesson Focus (Teaching Point): Reading
Materials and Texts Used: An article about - titled Men or
Machines, handout with true/false and
vocabulary-definition matching

Kahoot! Quiz
References: More to Read II
Audio-visual Aids and Tech Tools PowerPoint Slides
Anticipated Problems: 1. There may be an electricity cut-off.
2. Some technical problems; computer,
audio files or the projector may not work.
3. Lesson pace may differ from as expected
4. Participation may be lower than expected.
5. Handouts may not be provided (lost,
unable to print etc.)
Solutions: 1. The teacher brings his/her own computer.
2. The teacher reads the transcription of the
video/audio recording.
3. The teacher uses his/her own notes of the
subject and the activities to write them
down onto the board.
4. According to the class’ pace, the teacher
slows down or increases the pace.
5. The teacher suggests brief games about
the subject to raise the class energy and
encourage students to engage.
Intelligence Addressed: Intrapersonal Intelligence
Interpersonal Intelligence
Auditory Intelligence
Linguistic Intelligence
Pre-requisite Knowledge: - Students are expected to know:
- B2-C1 Level Grammar Skills
- B2-C1 Level Vocabulary Skills
- B2-C1 Level English grammar
and vocabulary
Goal(s): 1. Students will actively participate in
discussions and accurately
answer comprehension questions
throughout the lesson to
demonstrate their understanding
of the reading text.
2. Students will develop critical thinking
skills by reflecting on the societal
impact and ethical considerations of
technology during post-reading
Objectives: 1. By answering the true-false
questions, the students will be
able to recognize specific points
about the facts related to the
position of robots in society and
human-robot interaction.

2. By reading the arguments

presented in the text, the students
will be able to infer the
advantages and disadvantages of
the advancements of robots in
society's workforce distribution
based on the arguments in the

3. By the end of the pre-reading

activity, students will be able to
define key vocabulary terms in the
handout in their own words.

4. By completing the reading activity,

students will be able to get
insights into the human and
machine power in the reading text
"Men or Machine."

5. By completing the contingency

plan/homework, students will be
able to express clear and concise
opinions about the role of
technology in society.

Rationale: In a developing and changing world,

robots are being involved in another
stage of life every day and are taking
more and more of the human labor share.
Since our field of interaction with robots is
therefore expanding, the main aim of this
course is to contribute to determining the
impact of robots on societies across the
world. The chosen text (Men or Machine)
is aimed to encourage students to think
critically and rationally about the
interaction of robots and humans during
and after the course and to contribute to
their vocabulary and intellectual
repertoire in this process.

Step Time Tasks (Teacher) Tasks (Students) Interaction Purpose

Lead-in 5 min - The teacher will begin the class - The students will actively W To give a warm and
by asking students about their participate in a class thought provoking
discussion, sharing their T ←→ Ss entrance about the
opinions on the role of technology
personal opinions on the main topic.
in society.
impact of technology in
- The teacher will guide a brief
class discussion on the
advantages and disadvantages of
- They will engage in a
relying on machines versus
brief conversation about
human capabilities. (Appendix A) the advantages and
disadvantages of relying
- The teacher will introduce the
on machines compared
topic of the reading text, "Men or to human capabilities.
Machine," highlighting the central
theme of comparing human and
machine power. (Appendix B) - Upon introduction of the
reading text, they will
express their initial
thoughts and predictions
about the content.
Step Time Tasks (Teacher) Tasks (Students) Interaction Purpose

Pre-Reading 10 min - The teacher will show  The students will T → Ss To teach unfamiliar
powerpoint slide (appendix see new vocabulary items and make sure
I that students can
A) containing key items and learn
understand the text.
vocabulary related to the them.
text and provide
explanations for any
unfamiliar terms.  The students will
- The teacher will read also see sentences
example sentences about about the
the new vocabulary and vocabulary and
see how they are used in learn their context.
- The teacher will present
 The students will
“Activity I” (appendix c )
match words with
and tell students they will
their definitions
match new words with
and make sure they
their definitions.
learned them.
Step Time Tasks (Teacher) Tasks (Students) Interaction Purpose

While- 20 min  Teacher distributes the text  Students will read T → Ss Draw uttermost
Reading ‘’ Men or Machine’’ and understand interest to the reading
I text.
(appendix B) to the the text ‘’ Men or
students. Machine’’ Ss
 Students do the
 Teacher tells the students true false activity.
to do the true false activity  Students raise
(appendix C). hands and give
 Teacher asks students for answers to the
their answers. In case one teacher.
of the students gives a
wrong answer
Step Time Tasks (Teacher) Tasks (Students) Interaction Purpose

Post 10 min - Teacher tells students to - Students are T → Ss To check if the

Reading participate in the interactive anticipated to students understood
quiz created via Kahoot answer each of 12 I the text correctly
(appendix d) questions within the
- Teacher open the time limit allocated.
presentations (appendix A) - Students use the
the discussion questions to information
the students. gathered from the
- Teacher leads the text and use their
discussion and provides interpretation skills
help to the students in case when necessary to
it’s needed. answer questions.
- Students are
expected to discuss
the questions
among themselves.
Step Time If Tasks (Students) Interaction Purpose

Contingency - min - The teacher will give a T → Ss To deepen students

writing homework of 300- thinking through
325 words about one of the Ss brainstorming and to
debate questions at the end encourage students to
of the presentation think deeper about the
(appendix A). If it’s not topic.
finished, it will be given as

Name: __________________________ Date: ___________
Activity I. Match the words with the definitions given on the left.
a. conveyor belt 1. a person believed to use magic
b. far-reaching 2. happening or continuing without change
c. sorcerer 3. only; just
d. constant 4. a continuous loop of material that transports objects
e. conform 5. to find out or decide something
f. merely 6. to act in accordance with expectations
g. determine 7. having a wide or significant impact

Activity II. Write True or False in the spaces provided.

_____ 1. The first industrial robot was used in the 18th century.
_____ 2. Most of the robots resemble human beings in appearance today.
_____ 3. The initial purpose of inventing robots was to replace humans in workforce.
_____ 4. Modern robots haven’t been able to adapt to unforeseen changes in their
_____ 5. Modern robots use sensors they are equipped with to gather information from their
_____ 6. The passage uses the phrase "sorcerer" to describe how some people perceived a
robot in the past. The closest synonym for that can be “monster”.
_____ 7. The author holds the belief that robots can prove to be a valuable asset for society if
they are responsibly developed and used.
_____ 8. The author is convinced that robots do not pose any threat to the well-being of
human society.
_____ 9. The use of robots in manufacturing has led to a decrease in the number of jobs
_____ 10. The author expresses concern about the potential impact of robots will have on the
future of jobs.
_____ 11. The author concludes by proposing a prescription for a solution to the challenges
that robots pose for society.
_____ 12. The tone of the author is objective and informative.
_____ 13. This passage has a strong use of emotional language to convey the challenges
posed by robots.
_____ 14. The author sounds very optimistic about the future of human-robot collaboration.
_____ 15. The text provokes open debate and fosters critical thinking about the relationship
between the robots and humans in society.

Activity I.
A 4 / B 7 / C1 / D 2 / E 6 / F 3 /G 5
Activity II.
1. False
2. False
3. False
4. False
5. True
6. False
7. True
8. False, the purpose of this text is raising concerns about the social and political
9. True
10. True
11. False, the author closes the text with open ended questions regarding the situation.
12. True
13. False
14. False, not “very”, but the author lists both the positive and negative consequences.
15. True

1. What sets apart the popular image of a robot in the society and the reality?
a. Robots are always human-like in appearance.
b. Robots are primarily used for entertainment.
c. Most robots are not designed to resemble humans.
d. Robots are incapable of performing complex tasks.

2. What is the purpose of the example of the wooden pigeon from ancient times?
a. To demonstrate the destructive power of robots.
b. To highlight the advancement of artificial intelligence.
c. To showcase the early development of robots for entertainment.
d. To prove that robots have existed throughout history.

3. What is the main disadvantage of first-generation robots?

a. They are expensive to manufacture.
b. They are slow and inefficient.
c. They are easily damaged.
d. They cannot adapt to unexpected changes.

4. How do modern robots differ from first-generation robots?

a. They can perform tasks without any programming.
b. They are more human-like in appearance.
c. They can use sensors to gather information from their surroundings.
d. They are primarily used in the service industry.

5. The first industrial robot was used in:

a. Japan
b. Switzerland
c. The United States
d. The United Kingdom
6. According to the text, what is a potential benefit of using robots in manufacturing?
a. Robots can perform tasks with greater accuracy and efficiency than humans.
b. Robots are less likely to get injured or make mistakes.
c. Robots can work for longer hours without needing breaks.
d. All of the above.
7. The passage mentions a historical example of people fearing robots. What was the
reason for this fear?
a. The robots were capable of harming humans.
b. The robots were used for military purposes.
c. People believed the robots were possessed by magical powers.
d. The robots were taking over people's jobs.

8. What is the MAIN theme explored in the passage?

a. The history and development of robots.
b. The technical details of robot engineering.
c. The impact of robots on society, including both benefits and challenges.
d. The future of AI and its potential to surpass human intelligence

9. The text compares and contrasts robots and humans in several ways. Which aspect does
it NOT explicitly compare?
a. Physical appearance
b. Task capabilities
c. Impact on society
d. Emotional intelligence

10. What's the implied message behind "answering questions about robots will determine
future stability"?
a. Robots require careful planning to avoid societal issues.
b. Robots are inherently dangerous and should be eliminated.
c. Humans and robots cannot coexist peacefully.
d. Robots will bring peace and prosperity.

11. Imagine that a robot malfunctions and injures a factory worker. Who would likely be
held responsible for it?
a. The factory owner
b. The programmer of the robot
c. The robot manufacturer
d. The injured worker

12. Which best summarizes the main idea of the passage?

a. Robots are taking over jobs, leading to social and economic problems.
b. Robots are complex machines with a long history and societal implications.
c. Robots are not as intelligent as humans.
d. Robots offer both benefits and challenges for the future.

1. C
2. C
3. D
4. C
5. C
6. A
7. C
8. C
9. D
10. A
11. A
12. B

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